Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 785

Outside the intermediate fire control space.

"Should I remind him?" Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed lightly.

She had found before that Lin Feng was forcibly remembering all one billion fire stalls, which was very difficult.

According to the normal steps, it is much easier to familiarize yourself with the "constellation power" as a shortcut to memorize the fire gear. However, when refining the weapon, it was slightly discounted. It was like only doing three things, but now it has to do six things, which is twice as complicated.

In fact, Lin Feng\'s doing this is the right way. In fact, even Lin Yumo himself learns from this way.

However, this is generally the way that the earth level smelter will choose.

Lin Feng will undoubtedly greatly advance the progress.

"I thought he would soon retreat."

"Unexpectedly, his toughness was so strong."

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo felt admiration.

Such hard work is like walking on a road with no end in sight. Not many people can stick to it.

Lin Feng, for more than two months, didn\'t even stop.

"Forget it, I\'m his mentor anyway..."

"Remind him."

Lin Yumo can\'t bear it. Although he doesn\'t want to have a relationship with Lin Feng, is it ruthless that people are not plants?

After spending so long with Lin Feng, she has regarded Lin Feng as a friend in her heart.

Maybe she doesn\'t want to admit it, but that\'s the truth.

Thinking in my heart——

"Hmm?" suddenly, Lin Yumo said softly.

At present, the picture changes suddenly.

Lin Feng stopped unexpectedly. His eyes were bright and his expression was calm.

"Finally ready to give up?" Lin Yumo smiled calmly, and a sense of disappointment flashed in his heart.

Somehow, she wanted Lin Feng to continue. Even if the road is long and arduous, she believes that since she has gone, she must stick to it to the end. This is the quality that a warrior and a man must have.


Firm will.

Don\'t give up easily, give up halfway!

Shaking his head, his heart hurt a little, but I don\'t know why. Lin Yumo moved his eyelashes and turned away immediately.

"Yu Mo!" Lin Feng said in surprise.

But I didn\'t expect to be so lucky this time.

I had just finished the last "course" of a tool refiner, and I was able to bump into Yu mo.

But he didn\'t care about anything else. He even pushed the door out.

It seems that Lin Yumo stops when he hears his voice.

"Don\'t go without seeing me?" Lin Feng smiled.

"You think too much." Lin Yumo looked back and smiled, but there was loneliness and pride in his smile, refusing people thousands of miles away.

Looking at Yu Mo, Lin Feng thought, "she really didn\'t want to recognize my brother. It seems that something 20 years ago really hurt her."

Not discouraged, Lin Feng knows very well that it is not a matter of time to change Yu Mo\'s deep-rooted thought.

Like melting icebergs, it takes a little accumulation.

"I\'m just doing my mentor\'s duty to remind you." although Lin Yumo was disappointed that Lin Feng gave up easily, she didn\'t get excited about what she should do and what she should say. "It\'s not easy for star master level warriors to forcibly remember the \'three degrees\' of thousands of flames. Generally speaking, we will take two steps..."

"Ho." Lin Feng was slightly surprised and said with a bitter smile, "Yumo, you should have told me earlier."

Myself, now I have all remembered.

"It\'s not too late now." Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed, "and your efforts won\'t be in vain. At least I see that you are much more skilled in the application of the power of constellations."

"Indeed." Lin Feng nodded.

His weakness is indeed advancing by leaps and bounds.

"Well, let\'s get down to business." Lin Yumo was about to continue, but Lin Feng raised his hand, smiled and shook his head. "Without Yumo, I have remembered all 1000 kinds of flames\' three degrees\'."


Lin Yumo choked when he just wanted to export.

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo\'s crisp chest fluctuates constantly, and his eyes are full of disbelief.

Remember all?

Is it possible?

"Don\'t you believe it?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing when he saw the change of Yu Mo\'s expression. "Just now I was preparing for the test. When I saw you coming, I immediately stopped everything and came to find you." the voice was very soft, transmitting a strong warmth and care, which made Lin Yu Mo move in his heart.

He really made no secret of it!

OK, direct.

His pretty face is slightly red, and Yu Mo\'s mind is entangled with thoughts.

What to do, what should she do!

Lin Feng really pursues her with the help of his "finger belly for marriage"!!

How can she refuse

"Come on, Yumo." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care about the change of Yumo\'s expression, even entering the "intermediate fire control space". To make Yumo adapt to his "sister" identity, he must first adapt to his new identity. Only in this way can he subtly melt the iceberg.

Pop! Pop! Pop~

When operating the equipment, Lin Feng quickly switched to the test mode.

Over the past two months, the \'intermediate fire control space\' is less difficult than itself.


"When, when, when!" the clear countdown sounded.

With the flashing of the left and right light screens, the bright light lights up. In a moment, the test begins!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" two clusters of flames rose.

Lin Feng, control the fire with both hands!

The test has begun.

Lin Yumo looked at all this in front of him, and he had not returned to God.

But Lin Feng really started the test!

There is nothing false.

"No way."

"Does he really remember all the billions of stalls?"

Lin Yumo was stunned and gently covered his small mouth. Until now, it is incredible.

That silly look, with a natural lovely, more obvious at the moment she is beautiful and moving. Looking at Lin Feng, the flames in his hands kept rising, and the left and right light screens kept flashing. Lin Feng was slowly adapting, and the speed was accelerating, which was very dazzling.

It\'s true!

Seeing is believing.

"If you press the shortcut double memory method, it can never be so fast."

"He really forced to remember!"

"It\'s incredible..."

Lin Yumo was completely shocked at this time.

Time passes slowly.

The test of intermediate fire control space is much more time-consuming than that of primary fire control space.

At that time, Lin Feng\'s performance was close to an hour.

But the fastest records here are three days and three nights, and only a part of the fire gear is taken as a test. This alone shows how difficult it is to test the intermediate fire control space! It is not only a test of technology, but also a test of patience.

In terms of cultivation, not to mention three days and three nights, it is thirty days, and three hundred days are nothing strange.

However, this is the test of fire control!

It\'s like fighting. You can\'t be distracted every moment.

Once you start, you are fully committed.

A little distraction will fail!

Three hours.

Six hours.

Day and night!

Lin Yumo accompanied Lin Feng, but unconsciously.

Originally, she thought that Lin Feng would soon fail, but that was not the case, even——

Lin Feng\'s speed, faster!


"He really has it all."

At this moment, Lin Yumo had no doubt.

Relying solely on temporary memory or luck, it is impossible to make mistakes day and night.

This achievement has exceeded 99% of the human level weapon refiners!

All that remains is a test of patience.

"It\'s hard."

"Not many people have survived the test."

Lin Yumo is very clear in his heart.

At this time, in the intermediate fire control space, the power of constellations is continuously released to supplement the power consumed by Lin Feng. Such a test must ensure that the power of the weapon refiner\'s constellation is saturated. Otherwise, not to mention three days and three nights, it is three hours and three quarters of an hour. It is impossible to sustain it.

Apprenticeship workshop, the gate on the fourth floor, open.

Another three months later, we reached the last round of training and the final sprint.

There are only ten saplings left!

Liu Yikai, Jing Youyou, Wu Yong, Jia Xiang, Li Hao... Everyone came in, talking and laughing. They have become the only remaining ten single seedlings and stand out among the 100 apprentices. They are undoubtedly proud and proud. Even the Lin family\'s weapon refiners can break into the last round.

"In the fourth round, be careful to be caught up by me, Yi Kai." Wu Yong smiled.

As the only star level strong player, although his foundation is slightly weak, Wu Yong catches up with everyone with his strength.

"Try?" Liu Yi smiled confidently.

"Don\'t forget me!" Jia thought with confidence.

Everyone laughed happily, but it seemed that they had forgotten, in a group

There is also the most abnormal existence.

"Eh, assistant tutor Yumo?" just turning the corner, Jing youyou was the first to see Lin Yumo.

"What is the assistant tutor doing standing?" Li Hao didn\'t understand.

Lin Lengmo followed the crowd. At this time, he also saw Lin Yumo, but also in front of her

"Intermediate fire control space." Wu Yong\'s eyes lit up.

Among the people, he has the strongest strength and the best eyesight. Wu Yong nodded, "someone is practicing in the \'intermediate fire control space\', as if..."

"Lin Feng." Lin Lengmo said.

For a moment, everyone looked different.

What does it mean to practice in the intermediate fire control space?

Today\'s Lin Feng is actually the existence of a real tool refiner!

Leave them far away!

"Shua!" everyone blushed.

Liu Yikai, in particular, was just full of confidence, but suddenly found that compared with Lin Feng, he was not closer, but farther and farther! Now, even Lin Feng\'s back can\'t be seen. It\'s funny that he is still elated here.

"How awesome!" Lin Hao\'s eyes lit up.

"Well, let\'s go and have a look." Jing youyou said happily.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s name and seeing that he has become so excellent, Jing youyou was inexplicably happy.

Lin Lengmo nodded and walked forward with the crowd.

At this time, Lin Yumo also found everyone.

"Elder martial sister." Lin Yumo nodded slightly.

"Yumo, are you guiding Lin Feng\'s training?" Lin Lengmo slowly approached and looked at Lin Yumo. Liu Yikai and others behind him also approached and looked curiously at the \'intermediate fire control space\'.

"No, elder martial sister." Lin Yumo shook his head.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Yumo.

"Lin Feng, he is testing." Lin Yumo\'s voice is very light and calm.

However, everyone is dull.

(second change ~ ~)