Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 784

What passes fastest?

Rumors, gossip, even faster than some major events.

In Shiluo Prefecture, Lin Feng\'s name, the rise of new recruits, itself has considerable influence. On that day, he was appointed by master Yanqing as the "heir" and admired others. Competing with the engravers in Anlu completely proved Lin Feng\'s strength.

fully deserve!

The master of engraving in the future.

Most importantly, Lin Feng\'s identity——

Wild warrior!

In Shiluo County, and even other counties in zhuquezhou, there are quite a large number of wild warriors in the whole nine continents.

Lin Feng\'s new rise undoubtedly makes them proud.

And now

Even the first beauty in Shiluo county?

inspire people!

"That\'s from the training of the Lin family. How can it be false!"

"That is to say, even the young master of the Li family, Li Hao, personally admitted it. In addition, the third miss of the Jing family is also there. They can\'t tell lies as they are?"

"Tut Tut, Lin Feng is really capable. She is the first beauty in Shiluo county. It\'s enviable to think about it."

"I heard that they held hands and kissed as if there were no one else!"

"Wow, it\'s so hot!"


spread from mouth to mouth.

The more it is spread, the more fierce it is. The power of rumors is huge.

In fact, among a group of apprentices of weapon refiners, the only thing that came out was that "they seem to have an affair.". But with the passage of time, the word "seems" has become affirmative, which has been constantly added.

Lin family.

"Impossible, how possible!!" Lin Fan blushed angrily.

"It\'s true, young master." Lin Langshi arched his hand.

"Yes, young master, not to mention that it is well known in qianluo District, but the whole Shiluo county is full of rumors." Lin langhu said positively, "the whole thing came from our apprenticeship workshop, and many weapon refiners and apprentices witnessed it with their own eyes."

"I have confirmed it, young master. Indeed, many people see Lin Feng and Lin Yumo winking and smiling, as if..." Lin langbao hesitated to look at Lin fan.

Lin Langshi, Lin langhu and Lin langbao grew up with Lin fan. They are the most trusted men of Lin fan.

At this time, Lin Fan\'s face was congested and his teeth were clucking.

His veins are exposed, just like an angry lion.

Lin Yumo, it\'s his!

How can the side of the couch allow others to sleep!

"I\'ll kill him!" he clenched his fists and Lin Fan\'s eyes spewed fire.

"Young master, there is no need for hot work. There is room for tact." his voice was sharp and delicate. He was a middle-aged man who gently shook the feather fan. His eyes were as cold as scorpions, and slowly stepped from the door.

Lin gouming is the chief think tank of Lin Feidi.

"Uncle Ming!" Lin Fan seemed to find a savior, and even ran over.

Lin gouming smiled faintly. The feather fan "snapped" open, covering half of his face and whispering gently beside Lin fan.

Lin Fan couldn\'t help nodding, his eyes and eyebrows glowing.

In an instant——

"Ah Shi, immediately send people to stop the rumor and say... Lin Yumo and I are already a couple." Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and gritted his teeth. "He said that we have been engaged for a long time. Stop the rumor by rumor. We must not let the matter spread any more!"

"Yes, young master." Lin Langshi arched his hand.

"Ah Hu, find out the details of Lin Feng for me. I want the most complete and detailed content!" Lin Fan showed a deep jealousy in his eyes.

"Yes, young master," said Lin langhu.

"Leopard, contact a group of weapon refiners apprentices for me and ask him to send a message to Lin Feng. If you want to live, stay away from Lin Yumo! Otherwise, after the apprenticeship training, I will let him stay in the Lin family. No, the whole Shiluo county can\'t stay!" Lin fan clenched his teeth.

"Yes, young master." Lin langbao\'s eyes were cold and bright.

The three men took orders and immediately withdrew.

Lin Fan was relieved and nodded to Lin gouming, "thanks for uncle Ming\'s help."

"It\'s a piece of work." Lin gouming smiled and flashed a bright light in his eyes. "But, young master, this method can cure the symptoms rather than the root cause. Even if there is no Lin Feng, men should marry and women should marry, Lin Yumo doesn\'t really eat human fireworks. Even a fairy will move her heart. If you want to get her, you must take action."

"Uncle Ming, you don\'t know something." Lin Fan frowned and sighed, "Yumo has always been friendly to me. It\'s really difficult to please her."

Shua! The feather fan waved lightly, and Lin gouming said with a faint smile, "young master, you are wrong. Women want to control, not please."

Lin Fan\'s eyes lit up, "Uncle Ming help me!"

"Simple, please." Lin gouming said faintly, "do you know what Lin Yumo\'s biggest wish is?"

Lin Fan shook his head slightly numbly.

"It\'s to restore her father\'s prosperity in the past." Lin gouming\'s eyes are bright. "As long as you promise her that once you marry her and become the main room, you can help her regain the prosperity of the family and restore the status of the second-class\' sub direct line \'. For this, her greatest wish since childhood, I think she will be very excited."

"Seriously?" Lin Fan was surprised and wanted to slap himself. He didn\'t expect such a simple thing.

Blindly flattering Lin Yumo, but he was dazzled by love.

Lin gouming shook his head. "It\'s not difficult to marry Lin Yumo. What\'s really difficult is your father\'s pass." looking at Lin fan, who doesn\'t understand, Lin gouming waved a fan and said, "how can your father let you marry a fourth level \'sub branch\' warrior as your direct \'royal family\'? Besides, Lin Yumo\'s pulse happened more 20 years ago..."

"Persuading your father is the most difficult thing," sighed Lin gouming.

Clenching his lips, Lin Fan looked firm and nodded, "thank you, uncle Ming. Don\'t worry, I will convince my father!"

After speaking, as if determined, Lin Fan rushed away.

Apprenticeship workshop, fourth floor.

No matter how hot the rumors are outside, Lin Feng doesn\'t know.

Even if you know, what can you do?

In order to become a real tool refiner, Lin Feng is working hard. All advanced weapon refiners have mastered the technology, and all kinds of basic refining are also handy. Now, basically speaking, they have completely stepped into the category of human weapon refiners.

What is missing is only one.

The most difficult and complex technology is the control of thousands of flame "three degrees".

In fact, this is not necessary.

However, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Lin Feng clearly knows how important the foundation of refining tools is.

Either don\'t do it, do it well!

Ten days.

twenty days.

Thirty days.


Completely immersed in the memory of thousands of flames\' three degrees\', Lin Feng has high requirements for himself.

Even Yumo has stood outside the "intermediate fire control space" several times without knowing it.

Beautiful eyes are shining, and Lin Yumo stands far away, looking at Lin Feng.

In my heart, I have mixed feelings.

According to reason, she should hate Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng and her "finger belly marriage" have forcibly harmed her family and lost almost everything of the original prosperous family overnight. The death of her father and mother left an indelible mark in her heart.

She hates, very much!

Because of this hatred, she has been precocious, strong and resilient than her peers since childhood.

When she became a blockbuster, emerged in the new star conference and became one of the two new stars of the Lin family, the status of the family finally improved. From the original fifth level "sub branch" to the fourth level "sub branch" and return to inner city.

But right now

"Really, there is no hatred." Lin Yumo doesn\'t want to deceive herself and others. Her heart is really calm.

"Is it because I have grown up, or have I forgotten the past? Or..."

Looking at Lin Feng\'s dedicated expression, Lin Yumo\'s eyes flickered and blurred.

It\'s like going back to the time of refining utensils with Lin Feng half a year ago.

Very simple, very happy, very relaxed.

It was a happy time she had never had in her life, as if she had removed all the burdens, responsibilities and burdens and returned to the most ignorant age.

"Forget it. Many things are doomed, not to mention that he is not really wrong."

"But what does it mean that he came to me with his uncle\'s signature?"

"Is it..."

Staring at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo\'s picturesque face flushed.

Naturally, she knew that she and Lin Feng were engaged.

However, she will never marry Lin Feng.

"I hope he can understand what I said that day." Lin Yumo looked faint and turned away.

For her, the relationship between the two families broke up 20 years ago.

Now she is just alone.

Time passes day by day.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright day by day.

Cheer up!

Every day, my control over the power of the constellation increases by one point.

Perhaps his strength has not improved in essence during this period of time, but the star master\'s "fire control" technology has greatly improved. Below the star master level, the attack power is driven by the power of fire; Above the star master level, the flame is affected by the power of constellations.

The two are not the same feeling at all.

Power is also far away!

"烀!" 烀! "The flame flared.

The red light condenses, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash the ultimate luster.

"In fact, the power of constellations is related to fire. Everything has something in common."

"Grasping that point is like fusing different materials when refining a vessel."

"It is undoubtedly much simpler to control."

Lin Feng\'s mouth was slightly scratched, and the flame in his hand kept changing colors.

The strong power of the constellation is shining with dazzling luster. Now it is more and more perfect in combination with the rebirth fire.

The credit of cultivation!

Although it is not as comfortable as the control of the fire of rebirth alone, it is much better than the beginning. The most significant change is that the control of fire stops is becoming more and more arbitrary, and the memory speed of "three degrees" of 1000 kinds of flames is accelerating.

In the first month, I double memorized tens of millions of fire stalls by relying on accurate memory and fuzzy memory.

In the second month, it broke out completely, and the fire level of memory exceeded ten times!

Efficiency, big difference!

In the third month, not more than half of it, there will be a full billion fire stalls——

Almost all memory!

(first change ~ ~)