Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 783

Once, the father had a high status in the family.

Those who belong to the second level of "sub direct line" are even more large in the sub direct line, almost comparable to those of the direct line.

As soon as she was born, the stars were shining.


Who would have thought that a "finger belly marriage" would harm her family.

Suffering from the crime of involvement, the great change of her "husband\'s family" implicated her father in losing everything overnight. Fame, status, money, even life! It took only one night from the second level of "sub direct" martial arts to the fifth level of "sub system" martial arts.

My father was killed!

Why doesn\'t she know the "signature" of the craftsman!!!

His father is the brother of Jinlan, a partner in life and death. He was once the premier earth level tool refiner in the family, and is now the brother of the Deputy patriarch "Lin Peidi"——

Lin Xiaotian!

Looking at Lin Yumo, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"It\'s true."

"It\'s true."

"Yumo, she... Is really my sister."

The heart is filled with endless sadness. Lin Feng only feels that his heart is like a knife.

As Lin Lengmo said, Yumo\'s father and his uncle Lin Jing are dead, and Yumo is the only one left in this vein.

I\'m afraid she is the only relative in Jiuzhou.

It\'s not difficult to recognize the signature of the weapon smelter.

But my father has left the Lin family for 20 years.

When Lin Yumo was still ignorant, how could he know his father\'s signature?

The answer is just around the corner.

"In his father\'s letter, he only mentioned the name of his uncle \'Lin Jing\'. In the Lin family, he believed only his uncle, but..." Lin Feng sighed in his heart, "fortune makes people. My father never thought that uncle Lin Jing would also encounter great changes and fall in his family."


Is there any connection between the two?

With a strong heart shock, Lin Feng immediately looked at Lin Yumo and saw that her face was constantly changing.

"No!" the forest wind was dark.

His guess is true. Yumo\'s family is in decline and has no relatives. It seems that——

It really has something to do with your father!

Close your eyes gently.

Lin Yumo calms his mood and shortens his chest.

Forgotten for 20 years, pain for 20 years, but did not expect that one day this memory will reappear.

"Lin Feng."

"No wonder the name is so familiar."

Lin Yumo smiled slightly, but there was sadness in his smile.

At that time, his father and Lin Xiaotian married Jinlan like brothers. They even decided to marry their children.

But I didn\'t think

"Everything has passed." Lin Yumo opened his eyes and looked calm.

She doesn\'t blame anyone and doesn\'t want to hate anyone.

After all, it is not Lin Xiaotian or Lin Feng who is wrong.

It\'s strange. It\'s just luck.

Raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Yumo\'s eyes twinkled, his face was calm and spoke slowly:

"Lin Feng, your father Lin Xiaotian and my father Lin Jing are brothers, but..."

"Twenty years ago, fate was over."

"And we..."

Gently bit the cherry lip. Lin Yumo looked at the young man who was married. He said, "it doesn\'t matter anymore."

After talking, Lin Yumo floated away.

Personal recognition.

The word "brother" vibrates like thunder.

Lin Feng held his hands tightly, his chest fluctuated and his heart beat violently.

Lin Yumo, really, is his sister!

without doubt!

"Sure enough, uncle Lin Jing\'s family is in decline, which is really related to his father." Lin Feng thought in his heart and shook his head.

"Yumo has no relatives since childhood. No wonder she will say these words."

For Yu Mo, there is only pity and sympathy.

Even if she hates herself, it doesn\'t matter. The father owes the son, and the father did wrong——

I should have made up for it.

"What happened that year?" Lin Feng frowned.

"Yu Mo may not know. Otherwise, his expression will not be so calm, as if he had forgotten everything."

"Yes, she was just as old as me."

Lin Feng\'s heart is like a knife.

I still have parents to take care of, younger brothers and sisters, and a family.

But Yumo

When she was a lonely child, living alone and carrying the whole burden alone, she was a hundred times more difficult than herself!

All this has a direct or indirect relationship with my father.

"Sorry, Yumo." Lin Feng closed his eyes.

My heart is full of sadness and apology.

Clenching his fist tightly, Lin Feng pursed his lips and sighed, feeling depressed and difficult to cry.

"In the future, I will be your relative. I will take care of you, Yumo."

"Even if you don\'t recognize my brother, it doesn\'t matter."

"You will always be my sister."

Heart, very firm.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and the essence was shining.

There seems to be more responsibility and burden on the shoulders, but there is a little more warmth in the heart.

In this land of nine continents, I still have a relative.

Sister Yumo.

Apprenticeship workshop, 4th floor.

"I have taught you all the basic and advanced skills of a tool smelter."

"The rest is the mastery of the \'three degrees\' of flame."

"Practice yourself."

Lin Yumo\'s voice is very calm.

Falling in Lin Feng\'s ears, his heart is shaking gently.

It feels like when I first met, the feather ink at that time is like a calm lake.

Relationship, back to the original time.

No, worse.

At present, I can fully feel the inadvertent resistance and rejection of Yumo.

It seems that he deliberately alienated himself.

"Yumo, are we still friends?" Lin Feng looked at Yumo, his eyes shining. Looking at her clear eyes, she didn\'t look at herself. With a calm smile, Yumo turned and left. He didn\'t even say a word. He looked like a passer-by.

Take silent actions instead of answers.


The corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth are slightly scratched.

"It seems that getting along these months is still a little useful." Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction.

Yumo\'s departure is not unexpected.

She knows a lot about her character.

But just now she seemed to get rid of the relationship

Eyes, but did not look at themselves.

It shows that in her heart, she still has her own position and this "family affection" exists, even if it is only a little. But a single spark can start a prairie fire. How can the kinship with blood relationship fade away? As long as you don\'t give up and treat her sincerely, one day she will recognize herself.


"Because she is not a heartless person."

"As elder martial sister Lengmo said, Yumo\'s heart is very fragile and afraid of being hurt."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and could fully understand Yu Mo\'s state of mind.

"Give her some time and calm down. It\'s not a bad thing."

"And I, first cultivate the \'three degrees\' of fire."

Lin Feng nodded and immediately entered it.

Whether it\'s for her father, ziyao or Xinduo\'s sister Yumo.

You should work harder!

Only have enough strength——

To protect your family!

Intermediate fire control space.

Here, it\'s specially for real weapon refiners to practice.

The "three degrees" of a thousand kinds of flames - density, temperature and intensity.

It\'s hard!

Quite difficult!

As an apprentice, a tool smelter only needed to master 100 kinds of flame "three degrees", but now it is ten times as much. In terms of the number of fire stalls, that\'s a thousand times the number of fire stalls! I\'m afraid it\'s hard for an ordinary tool refiner to master all of them. It\'s really not a simple thing.

This is only the fire shield that the first-order master refiner can use.

As the power of the constellations increases, the number of fire stalls will be directly increased from 1000 to 2000, which is even more terrible!

After all, you can\'t use the time engraving array when refining tools.

The time spent in practice is real.

It\'s really not easy, smelter.

"My \'fire control\' has no problem."

"When I was an apprentice, although there were only 100 kinds of flames\' three degrees\', I could be accurate to 1000 kinds without error."

"Now, there are also a thousand, and I can do it naturally."

Lin Feng nodded, not frightened by the difficulty.

Why can\'t others do it?

As long as you first divide these 1000 kinds of fire stalls into ten layers, you can remember them carefully.

Then, ten fire stalls on each floor can be realized by fuzzy memory alone.

If it\'s just a simple "fire of rebirth", it\'s no problem.

But the trouble right now is——

The power of constellations.

"In fact, it\'s good to exercise the combination of the power of the constellation and the fire of rebirth, which will also be of great help to my combat strength."

"However, this time may not be as easy as the last time."

Lin Feng smiled. The last time he spent less than seven days, he remembered all the fire stalls.

This time, I don\'t know how long it will take.

"Let\'s start." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

As long as possible, move forward step by step.

The more stable the foundation is, the more handy it will be!

Lin Feng doesn\'t know that memory is skilled.

Although it is the "degree" of 1000 kinds of flames, it is actually just an extension of basic fire control. It is much easier to master by distinguishing the power of constellations from the power of flames. In other words, what you master is not the "degree" of 1000 kinds of flames, but the "degree" of 100 kinds of basic flames, plus the power of ten grades of constellations.

When you reach the second level of the star master level, you actually increase the power of ten levels of constellations.

This is the key for the apprentice workshop to master basic fire control.

Because everything is based on this.


After all, it took a shortcut.

Although people, as a tool refiner, will use this to remember the fire gear, they will "complicate" refining again.

Generally, if you become a strong star level player and control the flame more deeply, the ground level weapon refiner will begin to have the most primitive "memory". The memory of this fire stall is the same as that of Lin Feng now. Although it is troublesome and more difficult, it is more convenient and efficient to refine the weapon!

In particular, the refining of star treasure and star ware is racing against time.

Every moment is crucial.

Time, little by little.

Being in the apprentice\'s workshop, many weapon refiners and apprentices are not idle.

In addition to seizing the time to learn the refining technology, he also spread an extremely hot news——

Lin Yumo, the first beauty in Shiluo County, has a lover!

The whole Shiloh county is a complete sensation!

That man is called Lin Feng.

(plus watch, the fourth watch is sent ~ ~)