Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 782

The second training, started.

This time, it\'s not the same order as before.

One is like walking on the ground, while the other is already flying in the sky!

The difficulty increases too much and the difference is great.

Far different!

"Wrong, Lin Feng. It should be collected here."

"When burning together, the power of constellations is not released in this way."


Lin Yumo patiently taught.

This time, she finally found the authority of the "associate tutor".

Lin Feng corrected many of his mistakes. During this teaching, Lin Yumo suddenly found that Lin Feng seemed to have become "stupid" overnight. Lin Yu Mo suddenly smiled, but he also understood that it was not Lin Feng who became stupid, but that his performance in the first training was too amazing, so he was a lot "stupid" now.

But Lin Feng\'s learning speed is faster than her own learning advanced weapon refining skills at that time——

Far better!

He still has amazing understanding and strong practical ability.

Many things will not change much in essence. However, it is really not easy to become a human level tool refiner.

Especially to refine Xingbao starware.

But Lin Feng is very persistent.

Since you start, you won\'t go back.

Lin Feng knew clearly that he could achieve his goal faster than he could improve his strength, reach the Holy Level and become a ground level weapon refiner! And if you become a tool refiner, you will become very rich. It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t have money in Yanling mansion, but you can do a lot of things in the fighting spirit world.

Xingbao and Xingjia need to be purchased. Xingfu plays a lot of roles.

Xingdan also has great benefits, including many top-grade Xingdan, which can directly improve physical fitness.

For example, if Lin Yu Mo\'s star pill had not been used to help, he would have already failed.

If you have money, you can buy a better residence and a better cultivation environment.

Not to mention anything else, at present, what I use in my cultivation is the "array of time engraving patterns", but this is not the limit.

Two hundred times, three hundred times, or even five hundred times, the "array of time engraving patterns" exists.

It can directly improve the cultivation efficiency several times!

In the fighting spirit world, money is very important.

With a clear goal, Lin Feng continued to move forward.

Under the guidance of Lin Yumo, the refining technology has improved very fast. All kinds of people have mastered the basic knowledge of refining masters and the advanced technology of Xingbao star refining. After all, these are only the existence of "forms". Basically, as long as they do not involve the power of constellations, they can quickly understand them.

Star dome pupil, quite against the sky.

But even so, it took more than a month.

At this time, the apprentice of the smelter who was originally trained at the second level has reached the third level.

Originally, there were only 49 people, but only 22 people who successfully passed the test and reached the third floor.

Eliminate half and half!

"Hao." Lin Feng said hello with a smile.

Beside Li Hao was Jing Youyou, who was playing with his earrings. When he saw himself, he seemed to "deliberately" turn his side over half his head and ignored him.

"Lin Feng!" after a long separation, Li Hao waved his hands happily.

"Yu Mo, wait for me." Lin Feng nodded to Lin Yu Mo beside him.

"Good." Lin Yumo smiled lightly.

The relationship between them was very harmonious, which surprised Li Hao and Jing youyou not far away. The only one who frowned was Lin Lengmo.

"Hey, Lin Feng, you\'re so powerful." Li Hao arched his elbow and picked his eyebrows freehand.

"Ah?" Lin Feng looked puzzled.

"To be honest, when did you catch the first beautiful woman in Shiluo county?" Li Hao\'s eyes lit up. "No wonder you\'re not interested in youyou. You caught Lin Yumo. Tut Tut, it\'s amazing to be known. That\'s everyone\'s dream lover ~ ~"

In fact, in terms of appearance, Jing youyou is beautiful enough, and her figure is even more popular to the extreme.

But Lin Yumo is undoubtedly better, especially the skin like snow muscle, which is shiny, like a jar of clear lake water.

However, in terms of appearance and figure, the distance between them is not large. At best, one is 9.99 points and the other is 10 points.

The real difference lies in temperament.

Although she is a lady from a rich family, there is no doubt that the beauty of Jing youyou is more "vulgar"; Lin Yu Mo\'s beauty, on the other hand, is like a fairy who doesn\'t eat human fireworks. At this point, the two are very different.

This is why Jing youyou is only one of the top ten beauties in Shiluo County, while Lin Yumo is——

The first beauty worthy of the name.

"Misunderstanding." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

How did he become a couple with Yumo.

At present, even the life is not clear. You know, Yumo is likely to be his sister.

"Don\'t come to you, but it\'s too unkind to sell off!" Li Hao said.

"It\'s not like that." Lin Feng felt helpless.

The more you explain, the more you cover up.

Obviously, no one will believe it.

Seeing two people out of pairs, they looked like a pair.

Especially now, Lin Yu has a shallow smile on his face, as if he were a wife waiting for her husband. The picturesque temperament makes people excited. Everyone envies Lin Feng\'s good skills and can catch up with these goddesses.

Envy many, but envy many.

And a pair of unyielding eyes.

Jing youyou.

"Hum, what\'s the first beauty? Obviously I\'m more beautiful." Jing youyou tooted her mouth, but her beautiful eyes couldn\'t help glancing at Lin Yumo. Her fairy dust like temperament was like clouds, which made her feel a little ashamed in her heart, but she brushed her earrings and raised her chest proudly.

"At least better than you." Jing youyou finally found one better than Lin Yumo, but

But he found that Lin Feng didn\'t even look at her from the corners of his eyes.

Didn\'t notice her at all.

Heart, inexplicably, there is a tingling feeling. Jing youyou looks back and no longer looks at Lin Yumo.

Since she was a beautiful girl of heaven, she had a sad taste for the first time, but suddenly found that she was most proud of losing to others. The heart is very sour. Jing youyou even wants to cry. However, at this time, a strange and familiar voice sounded behind her.

"Hello, Jing youyou." Jing youyou turned her head and was surprised to see Lin Feng standing in front of her.

The heart "pouted" and "pouted" jumped very fast, and the pretty face turned red, but I didn\'t know why.

"Er..." Lin Feng was speechless when he saw Jing youyou like this.

But Li haogang just said that Jing youyou didn\'t believe him and wanted to say it himself. Then he came over.

Anyway, it\'s about the innocence of other girls\' families. You can\'t escape this kind of thing.

"Hello, you." light as a mosquito, Jing youyou bowed down and brushed the earrings.

The face as if it were ripe was full of charm everywhere, which was very provocative.

"That\'s right." Lin Feng smiled and said frankly, "we had a little misunderstanding before. I hope we can clear up the past. Don\'t care too much about the past, just erase it." as a man, I\'m not so stingy and haggle with a girl.

Besides, if Jing youyou always remembers this and treats himself

It doesn\'t seem to do any good.

"Hmm?" Jing youyou raised his head and was surprised.

"Well... Goodbye, come on." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. He didn\'t dare to stay any longer. He turned and left.

At least, it\'s a worry.

Looking at the left figure, Jing youyou felt empty and lost in her heart, but she was a little happy when she thought of Lin Feng talking to her just now. At least, he didn\'t have himself in his heart. Thinking of this, Jing youyou\'s confidence seemed to come back.

"Hum, I won\'t lose to you." Jing youyou looked at Lin Yumo, but he already regarded her as an opponent.

Say goodbye to the crowd, and Lin Fengxuan leaves.

Keep company with Yu Mo and go straight to the fourth layer.

"Lin Feng, Jing youyou seems to like you a little?" Lin Yumo smiled mischievously.

"Don\'t joke." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. It\'s estimated that it\'s too late for her to hate herself and like herself. It\'s impossible. Suddenly, Lin Feng remembered that Lin Lengmo looked at his eyes just now. Sen Han was incomparable. He couldn\'t help wondering, "by the way, elder martial sister Lengmo won\'t misunderstand us?"

Lin Yumo smiled and didn\'t answer.

A noncommittal look.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

forget it.

Even if he explained, Lin Lengmo probably wouldn\'t believe it.

There is nothing to distinguish between those who are clear and those who are clear.


"Yumo, is it my sister?"

"Her father \'Lin Jing\', did his father ask me to find my uncle \'Lin Jing\'?"

His eyes were shining slightly, and Lin Feng thought about it in his heart.

This great question has been in my heart for a long time.

Over the past month, the relationship between himself and Yu Mo has gone deeper. Now

You should have a try!

"Almost there." Lin Yumo looked ahead and smiled.

"Feather ink, can I ask you a question?" Lin Feng opened his mouth suddenly, his face dignified.

"Hmm?" turned his head and saw Lin Feng\'s expression. Lin Yumo\'s eyes also flickered gently, "what do you want to know?"

Step! Lin Feng stopped and stared at Lin Yumo\'s eyes. "Is your father called Lin Jing?"

Lin Yumo was stunned. He also stopped. His smile slowly disappeared. His face darkened and nodded, "yes." this is not a secret. There are too many people in the Lin family who know, and the things in those years were quite a sensation.

"Does your father have a big brother?" Lin Feng suddenly clenched his fist with his right hand and felt nervous.

"Yes." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng puzzled. "Uncle is dead."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heart beat violently.

Lin Feng felt a little nervous.

He took a deep breath and immediately took out a gray black book from his arms.

Soul secret!

This is what my father gave me that day.

At that time, with his own strength, he was still unable to read the whole book of soul secret, but now he can. On the last page of soul secret, there is a strange circular pattern, which is very mysterious. If it only appears alone, it will be nothing strange, but

This strange pattern is as like as two peas in the last place the father left to himself.

Two identical \'weird\' patterns!

At that time, I didn\'t know what it was.

But just a few days ago, I finally knew.

This is the "signature" of the craftsman!

Unique signature!

"Peng!" Lin Yumo was completely shocked.

Seeing the last page of the soul secret, Lin Yumo seemed stunned when he saw the familiar craftsman\'s "signature". The body trembled slightly, and the face of the sinking fish and falling geese flashed an unbelievable look. He looked up at the forest wind for a moment——

In my mind, the dusty memory is completely open!

(third shift ~ ~)