Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 781

Apprenticeship workshop

"Yu Mo?" Lin Feng came over with a smile.

Sure enough, this time I finally saw Yu mo.

As soon as he came out of the engraving array, Yu Mo seemed to be confused and thinking about something.

"Lin Feng." Lin Yumo said hello with a smile.

Although I haven\'t seen each other for two months, the relationship between them is not cold.

It\'s like a reunion of friends.

"Congratulations, your strength has improved again?" looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes, Lin Yumo smiled faintly. Eyes are the window of soul. The improvement of life soul means the improvement of strength. Although everyone\'s life soul intensity is different, Lin Yumo and Lin Fengchang were together after all two months ago.

Now there are changes, naturally.

"Aren\'t you too?" Lin Feng looked at the materials on the refining platform, his eyes flashing.

Rubidium gold, calligraphy, iron essence, bee seed, iodine jade... There are all star grade ore crystals, which are very expensive in both quality and price.

There is no doubt that these are materials used to refine \'Xingbao starware\'.

Refining \'star\' level utensils is the real refiner!

Myself, not yet.

"Well, the triple star technology of the control system is too difficult to understand. After understanding it for a long time, it still failed." Lin Yumo nodded gently with sparkling eyes.

"So I\'m going to start to understand the Star Skill of weapon refining again. I think..."

"This should be the right way for me."

Triple star technology.

Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

Yumo\'s strength is indeed far better than himself. Even if he has not reached the star domain level, he is quite close.

Indeed, it deserves to be one of the two rising stars of the Lin family.

And I am still understanding a heavy star.

Very different.

"Yu Mo, teach me how to refine utensils again." Lin Feng opened his mouth.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "don\'t forget, you\'re an assistant tutor. You have to teach me for half a year. Do you want to default?"

But he smiled and Lin Yumo moved his eyelashes. "Of course not, but Lin Feng, you have completed all the training courses now. I have nothing to teach you again."

"No." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, "I want to be a real tool refiner."

A real smelter!

Not a tool refining apprentice.

In fact, in the Lin family, as long as they successfully pass the training of the apprenticeship workshop, they can be regarded as tool refiners. After all, the foundation is there. Becoming a tool refiner is only natural. Even if it\'s not good enough, it takes a little time to refine Xingbao star ware, but there\'s always no problem refining the worst Jiupin star armor.

However, it is not easy to refine star armor, star soldiers, star treasures and even star instruments.

The difficulty increases one by one.

"Well, it\'s you," Lin Yumo said with a smile. "Originally, this was not within the scope of training."

"After completing the apprenticeship training in the Lin family, the master of weapon refining at the ground level will assign places, accept them as disciples and teach skills." Lin Yumo\'s eyes sparkled. "Because the training is not over yet, Lin Feng, you don\'t have a real teacher yet."

"Oh?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

But I didn\'t know there was this rule.

"With your achievements, 100% of them are accepted as disciples by master Lin Yan, the chief tool refiner of the family." Lin Yumo smiled. "Of course, you can also choose your own teachers. After all, it depends on what kind of tool refiner you choose to develop into."

"What kind of weapon refiner?" Lin Feng was stunned. "Are there any subdivisions of weapon refiners?"

"Naturally," Lin Yumo said with a smile.

"The weapon refiner has four branches in total - Star Soldier, star treasure, star armor and star weapon."

"In all directions, including teaching, content, and according to the personality and qualification of each smelter, the policy and emphasis will be different at that time."


Lin Yumo took the trouble to explain and taught Lin Feng some basic knowledge of the smelter.

In fact, this knowledge is very common in the fighting spirit world, but Lin Feng is a little "poor" in knowledge.

Soon, Lin Feng understood.

Just like the twelve constellations in the south, Phoenix, cupola and Corona Australis belong to the "fire" constellation, but they are very different. There are many heavenly masters in tianluzhou. Most of the flames have good patience and defense. They are most suitable for refining star armor; There are many martial gods in the southern corona. Most of the flames have amazing explosive power and good attack power. It is very suitable for refining star soldiers.

As for Phoenix, it is a two-phase balance, involving all aspects, and the abilities of all aspects are also balanced.

Star smelter, the same is true.

Although star soldiers, star treasures, star armor and star implements have many similarities, they really need to pay attention to details, but they are very different.

For example, star soldiers and star armor, one for weapons and the other for armor.

The materials required are different. One is hard and the other is soft. How can refining be the same?

Xingbao and Xingqi, one focuses on practicality and emphasizes power; The other is integration, emphasizing the whole, and the difference is also obvious.

Another example is star soldiers and star armor, which take a long time to cast and need to be tempered constantly and again; However, Xingbao and Xingqi pay attention to details and perfection. The more they are refined in a short time, the better the effect.

Although a real master of refining utensils may be good at all four branches. For example, master Lin Yan, whether star soldiers, star treasures, star armor or star tools, refining is easy and effortless. But he also focused on the refining of star treasure and star ware.

In the clan, master Lin Yan is not the best at refining star soldiers, but clan leader Lin Zhen.

The best technology for refining star armor is vice patriarch Lin Yudi.

Sometimes, it has something to do with personal character.

Those who like to refine star soldiers are generally forthright and generous, and most of them are men; Those who like refining star armor are generally soft and delicate, and most of them are women. As for refining Xingbao and Xingqi, it is purely based on the skill of the craftsman. It is the most difficult to refine Xingbao and Xingqi.

Especially StarCraft!

"Decide which way to take?" Lin Yumo asked with a smile.

"I don\'t know." Lin Feng shook his head. He really didn\'t know which way was suitable for him.

Looking at Lin Yumo, Lin Feng asked, "Yumo, which way do you think I\'m suitable for?"

Thinking a little, Lin Yumo said softly, "with your qualifications, you can go any way. It\'s not impossible to concurrently study four kinds of refining, but after all, it takes too much time." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed, "other things aside, the understanding of star technology alone is extremely time-consuming. Ordinary teachers will ask us to major and minor all the way. If we follow my suggestions..."

"Lin Feng, you might as well major in star treasure and vice star fixer."

"First, the two refining are the closest and pay the most attention to the refining technology."

"Second, Xingbao\'s refining market is huge, even bigger than Xingbing and Xingjia combined. Although the star market is the smallest, the price in the high-end market is the most expensive!"

"The combination of the two is very harmonious, and it is also the most common choice for the tool refiner in our family. The only disadvantage is that this road is not easy to go. It requires the tool refiner\'s own ability, but you still need to make your own choice."

Lin Yumo was detailed and said that all kinds of advantages and disadvantages were introduced very clearly.

Lin Feng nodded. Yu Mo has just mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of Xingjia, Xingbing, Xingbao and Xingqi.

Refining difficulty increases in turn!

"Star armour, a set of star master level warriors, and a set of star soldiers."

"However, Xingbao often has good intentions. The refining market is naturally larger than that of Xingbing and Xingjia. As for Xingqi, although it is divided into two categories: soul and soul, but..."

"The market is the smallest, and it is a very high-end market."

Lin Feng knew this very well.

For example, I haven\'t integrated soul weapons in Yanling mansion. Why?

Because there is only one chance!

To integrate, we should naturally help ourselves and improve the greatest.

Not much hesitation.

Soon, Lin Feng made a decision.

"That\'s settled." Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and smiled.

The only drawback is that it is very difficult to refine and requires very high refining skills——

Have absolute confidence!

Moreover, it takes too much time to refine star soldiers and star armor. Star soldiers should be tempered slowly and tempered into steel; Star armor is like sewing clothes, layer by layer, piece by piece. The refining time is even more than that of star soldiers.

At the same time, refining a set of star soldiers and star armor, I\'m afraid I can refine dozens of star treasures!

Efficiency is the most important.

"OK." Lin Yumo smiled and was quite happy.

Although she only suggested Lin Feng, whether she adopted it or not had nothing to do with her.

But seeing Lin Fengcai accept her suggestion, I was still inexplicably happy.

That\'s an affirmation.

"I\'ll teach you some basic things first, which is the advanced technology that a person should master." Lin Yumo whispered, "then, Lin Feng, you can get twice the result with half the effort if you master the Star Technology of the weapon refining system, and the more complex advanced technology will be taught by master Lin Yan in the future."

"I believe what he taught must be much better than my mentor." Lin Yumo smiled.

With a smile, Lin Feng didn\'t speak.

In fact, I don\'t want to worship master Lin Yan as a teacher.

As an apprentice, I have more rights and obligations. The most important thing is that I don\'t want to have too many relationships with the Lin family at present, so I won\'t get entangled when I get it.

Father\'s blood feud, his blurred life experience, and uncle Lin Jing\'s death

All this seems to be related to the Lin family!

(second change ~ ~)