Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 780

I said hello and goodbye to everyone.

Lin Feng didn\'t stay on the second floor, so he left with Lin Lengmo.

To enter the third floor, only two mentors are qualified to open the door.

"I forgot to congratulate you on becoming a member of the Lin family last time." Lin Lengmo said slowly.

"Please give me more advice later, elder martial sister." Lin Feng smiled.

In the apprenticeship workshop, Lin Lengmo was the mentor, but now he is the same family in the inner city.

Identity is different.

"If you need my help in the inner city, just say it." Lin Lengmo nodded, but he was cold and kind-hearted. Although she is strict with a group of people, she is not a ruthless person, not to mention Lin Feng, who has a nominal teacher apprentice relationship.

"Well, you\'re welcome." Lin Feng smiled.

Exchange the communication information of the star crystal table. Lin Feng opens it and can\'t help laughing.

It was not long before I entered the fighting spirit world. Now there are four people on the communication information on the star crystal table——

Wan Mochou, Li Hao, Lin Yumo, Lin Lengmo.

"By the way, Lin Feng, are you and Yu Mo......" Lin Lengmo hesitated slightly and looked at Lin Feng, his eyes flashing a different brilliance, "what happened?"

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was also stunned and shook his head, "I don\'t understand."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are clear and don\'t look like lying. Lin Lengmo said softly, "I trained the child Yumo. He is calm, careful and persistent, but he seems a little unusual recently. He will be confused when he has time. I don\'t know why."

"When she entered the apprenticeship workshop, she had no contact with anyone except you and me." Lin Lengmo looked at Lin Feng.

i see!

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"To be honest, elder martial sister, I haven\'t seen Yu Mo for nearly two months." Lin Feng said frankly.

After officially joining the Lin family, he entered the "array of time engraving patterns" to practice hard, and his contact with Yu Mo was interrupted.

"Maybe I\'m careless." Lin Lengmo shook his head gently. "I\'ve always regarded Yumo as my sister. Seeing her is a little abnormal recently, and caring is chaotic. Yumo seems as sonorous and tough as a rose, but in fact, his heart is very soft and fragile."

"Really?" Lin Feng said lightly.

With the feather ink I know, I often smile confidently. I should

Not so fragile?

"It\'s true." Lin Lengmo nodded lightly and said, "Yumo was under great pressure when he was a child, and after her father\'s death, Yumo was even more..."


Lin Feng felt his head explode.

When I heard the word "Lin Jing", my heart beat violently.

The latter words could no longer be heard. Only these two words came to mind. Lin Feng was only shocked at this time. I have been searching for the "answer" I want to know, but it takes no effort to get it.

Lin Jing, his uncle Lin Jing is dead?

How could this happen!

Lin Feng\'s complexion changed rapidly, and he had an endless mixture of feelings in his heart.

Uncle Lin Jing is dead. Who should he take refuge in?

For a time, Lin Feng only felt a disorder.

"Lin Feng?" Lin Lengmo shouted suspiciously.

Seeing Lin Feng in a trance, he contacted Yu Mo and felt puzzled.

"Yes." Lin Feng returned to his senses, looked at Lin Lengmo with deep eyes, and pressed the mood in his heart, "elder martial sister, does Yu Mo still have relatives now?"

"It\'s long gone." Lin Lengmo shook his head, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Lin Feng\'s face changed.

It\'s shocking.

A big secret!

"No wonder I always feel that Yumo has a very familiar feeling. It turns out that she is really my relative."

"It\'s my sister..."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, but it was hard to recover for a moment.

After all, this "answer" is really amazing.

"No, not 100% sure."

"In the Lin family, I\'m afraid there are many names of Lin whale."

"Maybe it\'s just a coincidence. Another person in Lin Jing said not necessarily. I want to find a chance to verify it."

Lin Feng nodded, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

You can\'t make a hasty decision yourself!

"Lin Feng." Lin Lengmo\'s voice suddenly became cold.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Lengmo and saw the sparkling chill in her eyes.

"There\'s something I have to remind you." Lin Lengmo, with a frosty face, said positively, "Yumo is very fragile and careful about her feelings because her marriage has been greatly hurt. If you don\'t really treat her, I advise you not to touch her scar, otherwise -"

"Whoever you are, I will never spare you."

In his voice, Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning with a dark threat.

This is a sister\'s concern for her sister.

Warning yourself is just a form of expression.

"You misunderstood, elder martial sister, the relationship between me and Yumo is not what you think." Lin Feng shook his head gently. Not to mention that he really has no intention of Yumo, but now Yumo\'s identity is a "mystery". How can he do that?

What if Yumo is really his sister?

It\'s against ethics!


"Unexpectedly, Yumo is not old, but he has been married and hurt." Lin Feng sighed lightly.

"I have to avoid mentioning it in front of her."

Lin Lengmo\'s face was still cold, "misunderstanding or really, I hope you remember what I just said."

Lin Feng nodded, "I will, elder martial sister."

Soon, Lin Feng entered the third floor.

The smell here is more intense, the flame is particularly irritable and disorderly, and the smell is disordered.

However, it is undeniable that this is a good place for smelters to practice. At the very least, being able to successfully control the surrounding flames will have all the advantages and no disadvantages in improving the "fire control" technology. Lin Feng knew in his heart that his outstanding "fire control" was more due to the solid foundation of the "fire of rebirth".

Once the power of constellations is integrated, it is no longer simple to want to control fire perfectly.

"Yu Mo doesn\'t seem to be there." Lin Feng looked around and didn\'t see any figure.

Lin Lengmo looked at Lin Feng\'s expression and affirmed his thoughts. Between Lin Feng and Yu mo——

There must be something inside!

However, it is difficult for honest officials to stop housework.

It is difficult for outsiders to interfere in the trivial affairs between two people. As a sister, she can only do this.

"Take care of yourself, Lin Feng." Lin Lengmo threw down a sentence and left coldly.

But it was warm for a while and cold for a while.

Lin Feng felt helpless, but he couldn\'t help it.

Anyway, Lin Lengmo is also in a good intention.

To protect feather ink.

It\'s just that I\'m really "wronged".

"Practice first, wait until you have a chance to see Yumo, and then test the deficiency and reality." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

As Lin Lengmo left, he entered the "array of time engraved patterns" at a hundredfold rate.

There is no end to cultivation.

Total star repair, fourth weight.

The star repair level of the seven main stars is double.

Regardless of the level of strength, the enhancement of constellation sensitivity is twice that of the original. The constellations\' sensitivity will double with each level of strength. Now Lin Feng\'s cultivation speed is eight times that of the first level of the star master.

The existence of Phoenix attracting technique is to enhance the efficiency of 50%.

In other words, a twelve fold increase!

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng\'s body is surrounded by strong red light.

The stars are bright. Lin Feng looks calm and cultivates. He controls with the vice life soul. The main life soul enters the extreme Phoenix world.

do two things at one time!

The most direct strength improvement.

"According to Yu Mo, the promotion of the first four levels of the star master level is the easiest."

"At my current absorption rate, it only takes more than a month to complete the breakthrough and reach the fourth order of the master level!"

"However, from the fourth level to the fifth level, it will be a \'threshold\', and the difficulty will be greatly improved."


No matter how difficult it is, there will be a way.

At least for now, the road is very flat.

Lin Feng\'s heart is as calm as dust. He recalls his uneasiness when he first entered Jiuzhou. Now he finally lands on his heels. As long as you are promoted to the fourth level of the master level, the master star in the soul is equal to the sixth level of the master level, coupled with a continuous supply of star power and a body comparable to the peak of the master level

In the land of Jiuzhou, we should have the ability to inhabit.

However, there are too many strong people here!

"There are countless strong stars in Shiluo County alone."

"How many will there be in zhuquezhou, and how many will there be in the whole southern region?"

"I\'m afraid only by becoming a \'Saint\' level can we really get a foothold here."

Lin Feng was afraid to be careless.

be prepared for danger in times of peace!

Their goal is not to survive, let alone survive.

But to stand on the top of everyone, have power and strength. Only in this way can you save your father, save Duoduo and find ziyao!

Even revenge for my father!

"Strength and power are indispensable."

"Fight and count, step by step, now..."

"Improve your strength first!"

The forest wind is dark.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

The life is calm, but Lin Feng lashes himself all the time.

A real warrior has no rest time.

"Wow!" the stars are shining.

Lin Feng opened his eyes. His flashing eyes were full of pure light, but they were a whole level higher than before.

Master level Four!

There are no bottlenecks.

Lin Feng entered the fighting spirit world in less than half a year.

It will be promoted from the first level to the fourth level. If people know this speed, it must be tongue tied. It is not easy for an ordinary star master level warrior to upgrade from the first level to the second level, let alone jump three levels.

This is the gap!

Qualification decision gap!

Just as when Lin Feng was at Xinghai level that day, the strength of the God of war was difficult to improve, but once the strength of the heavenly spirit division broke through, it went down like a waterfall. It didn\'t take much effort at all, so it followed the strength of the God of war to reach the peak of Xinghai level!

Now, the same unstoppable!

"Xu ~ ~" slowly stood up and Lin Feng gently scratched at the corner of his mouth.

"I wonder if yu Mo is there."

Gently and softly, the forest wind swirls, even stepping out.

(come on, first send the first watch ~ ~ if there is no accident today, the rhythm of the fourth watch.)