Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 779

Lin Feng is practicing madly at this time.

It\'s really easy to upgrade from the second level to the third level.

Less than ten days.

For the rest of the time, Lin Feng was immersed in the understanding of star technology. From the triple star repair to the quadruple star repair, you need to accumulate the star power value to \'10 points\', which is undoubtedly a higher difficulty than before. However, that is for other star master level warriors.

If you find a hundred master level warriors in Jiuzhou, what is the most difficult for the master level is the absorption of the power of constellations or the understanding of Star Technology?

I\'m afraid... Ninety nine martial artists will answer, which is the understanding of star technology.

This is the pursuit of a \'Tao\'.

It\'s hard!

Lin Feng doesn\'t know how important it is for him to have the Phoenix reborn from Nirvana and open the chart of Yang life. You know, the Yang life chart is one of the two heavenly life charts. It is not easy for the divine beast Phoenix to open.

Open one of the two celestial charts, and the Phoenix will be at the holy King level.

Both are open, and you will become a strong star!

This is the "Tao" of the divine beast Phoenix.

At present, Lin Feng opens the chart of Yang life, and his understanding of the "Tao" of the Phoenix constellation is naturally amazing. It\'s like someone else has a pair of eyes, but Lin Feng has three eyes. The third eye exists for the "heavenly eye".

Moreover, Lin Feng\'s own understanding is not bad.

Attack system: the first layer of Garo fireball, medium level one heavy star skill.

On that day, Lin Feng encountered a fireball with the artistic conception of stars guided by the power of constellations, which is completely different from the fireball of Xinghai level. The power of the two is not the same level at all, and Lin Feng is practicing again in this attack system.

All kinds of fireball skills are the most common attack skills of tianlingshi.

The same is true for Xinghai level and the same is true for Xingzhu level.

Defense system: the first layer of Garo shield, medium level one heavy star skill.

Among the countless star skills in the starry sky, Lin Feng has his own deep meaning by choosing galo shield.

Whether it\'s the galo fireball or the galo shield, it seems to have a special feeling with itself, like a silk thread.

"Feeling, especially kind."

"Understanding is also extremely profound, which should be closely related to the \'Gallo inflammatory body technique\' I understand."

"It\'s the same Phoenix constellation. You can ask Yumo if you have the opportunity."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

If you don\'t understand, ask. Yumo, a good teacher and friend, is very helpful to you.

The cultivation of star skills can avoid many detours.

"Of the seven main stars, now six have reached the double, leaving only the last \'summoning system\'." outside the body, a faint light flashes, and in a dense red starlight, a ferocious figure that seems real and virtual is as clear as a ghost.

It\'s the astrology of practicing \'Jialuo inflammatory body technique\'.

Whenever you practice the star skills of the \'galo\' series, it will always appear.

Including the Star Technology of today\'s summoning system——

Soldier Garro.

"But it\'s also strange that other star technologies have \'level 1\', but this garrison soldier doesn\'t."


He thought lightly in his heart, and Lin Feng didn\'t think much.

Anyway, whether there is the first level of power or not is the same, depending on the "star power value".

Galas like as two peas, galo, galo, and Galois are all middle class stars, and the stars are exactly the same.

"For medium-level star technology, the lowest star force value is\' 2 \'points, and the four are\' 8 \'points."

"Plus the \'Phoenix attracting skill\' and fire wall skill close to the medium-level star technology."

"The sum of all star force values must exceed 10 points!"

Lin Feng concentrated and immediately entered a state of deep understanding.

As long as you understand the last "galo soldier", the star cultivation of more than seven main stars will reach the double, and the total star cultivation will reach the double——


The understanding of star technology is not easy.

Even Lin Feng\'s amazing understanding and opening the Yang life chart still took a lot of time.

After all, Garo fireball, Garo shield and Garo soldiers are all medium-level star skills. Even with the help of the "star dome pupil", they can clearly see the "form", but it is still not a simple matter to understand the "meaning" and the "Tao" of the constellation.

There are too many medium-level star skills that are better than low-level star skills.

Even the star force value of 1.99 and star force value of 2 are a level leap.

Garo fireball, the fastest to understand, also takes nearly ten days; Gallo shield, directly beyond ten days; The slowest way to understand is to summon the astrological skill "Garro soldier", because Lin Feng has never been exposed to this kind of skill, so it takes a lot of time.

But, in the end, it is all understood.

It just takes time.

"Hoo ~" Lin Feng stepped out of the "array of time engraving patterns" at a hundred times.

At this time, nearly a month has passed since the second round of apprenticeship training.

When Lin Feng appeared, everyone\'s eyes were focused.

Jing Youyou, Liu Yikai, Jia Xiang

They looked with surprise and admiration, as well as a lot of admiration and worship. As an apprentice of a tool smelter, they naturally have a heart of admiration for a real tool smelter. Now, everyone knows that Lin Feng, the "monster" who broke the apprenticeship record, exists.

Perhaps, Lin Feng has not yet become a real tool refiner.

But everyone knows that it\'s only a matter of time.


His constellation sensitivity is really a mess.

But is it possible?

Eyes, completely different.

Lin Feng smiled. He still remembered that when he entered the first group, everyone looked at his eyes, which was completely different from now. That day, I was looked down upon and despised by others, because what? Now, respected, admired and envied by others, why?

It\'s actually very simple.


"A man\'s dignity is strength."

"Fighting spirit world, the superior wins the inferior, especially human beings."

"Only the strong can stand proudly."

Lin Feng knew very well.

In the world of fighting spirits, the position of a tool refiner is quite high.

A ground level weapon refiner has a much higher status than a star level warrior!

However, this is not all.

Some things are not affected by strength.

Such as friendship.

"Ha ha, long time no see, Lin Feng." Li Hao came over laughing. Everyone looked at Li Hao with envy. Everyone knew that Li Hao and Lin Feng were friends. Since Lin Feng entered the first group, their relationship has been very good.

"Ah Hao." Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

The feeling is still, there is a faint warm feeling.

Li Hao is his only friend in the first group. At the beginning, everyone looked down on him, but he didn\'t care at all. When he gambled with Jia Fei, Li Hao directly took out a gold card to support himself with practical actions.

How can I forget this feeling.

Smile at each other, everything is silent.

"By the way, Lin Feng, do you really like Jing youyou?" Li Hao blinked.

"Why do you ask?" Lin Feng smiled and looked not far away. Jing youyou saw that he even blushed. Don\'t turn your head.

"I hope you can answer me sincerely." Li Hao\'s face is dignified and his eyes are bright.

Seeing Li Hao\'s expression and what he saw just now, Lin Feng suddenly understood something in his heart.

Then he looked at Jing Youyou, who didn\'t dare to look at himself at this time.

Obviously, there is a guilty conscience.

"Jing youyou asked you to be a lobbyist?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Eh?" Li Hao was stunned.

But I didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so direct. Li haogang nodded and shook his head suddenly.

"No, it\'s not like that." Li Haolian denied, "Jing youyou and I were childhood sweethearts..."

Pop~ Tap Li Hao on the shoulder. Lin Feng interrupted with a smile, "well, stop talking. Go and tell Jing youyou that my bet with her is a joke. Don\'t care. What\'s more, I never thought of marrying her." I\'m worried about how to solve Jing youyou\'s big trouble. It\'s convenient to have Li Hao as an intermediary at present.

"Seriously?" Li Hao said in surprise.

"A man\'s promise is golden." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Li Hao blinked, "Lin Feng, Jing youyou is the third miss of the Jing family. You are going to marry her and enjoy endless wealth. Besides, although she is so unruly, in fact, Jing youyou is very kind-hearted, beautiful and has a first-class body..."

"OK." Lin Feng interrupted with a smile, but Li Haoyue said more and more outrageous, "do you want me to marry her or don\'t you want me to marry her?"

"Ho ~ ~" Li Hao was embarrassed and said happily, "I\'ll tell her now and talk to her later."

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng nodded and looked at Jing youyou with a sigh in his heart.

You can solve a big problem yourself.

Such an ending, everyone is happy.

"He really said that?" Jing you\'s beautiful eyes twinkled and doubted.

"Yes, youyou. Don\'t worry now." Li Hao smiled and patted his chest.

Jing youyou pursed her lips and suddenly stared at Li Hao, "did you say something bad about me, mouse!"

"There\'s no!" Li Hao\'s conditioned reflex hid and said, "my little aunt, I told you all your advantages. I said that although you are unruly, you are kind-hearted, beautiful and have a first-class body!" Li Hao\'s eyes unconsciously glanced at a towering existence somewhere, but it\'s hard to see it.

"Really?" Jing youyou seems a little distracted.

The five flavors in my heart are mixed, and I can\'t say what taste. Looking at Lin Feng\'s back, my heart seems a little tingling.

Why is that?

Am I

Jing youyou blushed and stroked her earrings.

"Hey, Youyou, when Lin Feng heard that you and I were childhood sweethearts, he immediately......" Li Hao held his head high and showed off.

"What are you talking about!" Jing youyou suddenly turned back, stared at Li Hao and bit his small mouth, "who was your childhood sweetheart! You stinky mouse, dead mouse, angry aunt! Who made you talk nonsense, who made you talk to Lin Feng about me!"

Jingyou\'s heart is like thousands of silk threads, which can\'t be straightened out.

But Li Hao was sad. He couldn\'t understand what he did wrong and offended his aunt.

But a woman\'s heart, a submarine needle.

(third shift ~ ~)