Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 778

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

With a faint smile, Lin Feng slowly stepped out of the crystal space.

Very satisfied!

Since then, I have settled down in zhuquezhou, Shiluo county and the Lin family. Like other Jiuzhou warriors, they don\'t have to work hard to pay the cost of identity token, or even do something they don\'t want to do.

Now I am completely free.

While enjoying the rights and interests of the fourth level "sub branch" fighters, there is no need to pay any price.

Time limit, 10000 years!

The only condition is only for the tool refiner.

In other words, as long as you don\'t touch the weapon smelter, this condition actually exists in vain.

"That\'s not necessary."

"It\'s a bad thing to be a real tool refiner and occasionally refine some star treasures and star tools."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and whispered in his heart.

At least, the tool refiner is also one of the "ways" of the Phoenix constellation.

Since I am in the Lin family, no matter what my status, my relationship with the Lin family is not stiff.

Besides, I\'m not that kind of white eyed wolf.

Walking forward, in that spacious space, a beautiful figure seems like a beautiful scenery. The slim figure, with an extreme sense of beauty and the face of sunken fish and fallen geese, gives people a sacred and inviolable nobility and beauty

"Always feel deja vu."

"Have I seen Yu Mo somewhere?"

Lin Feng had this idea in his mind and couldn\'t help laughing.

It is impossible that he is in tianwu mainland and Yumo is in Jiuzhou.

"Talk close?" Lin Yumo looked back with wisdom in his clear eyes.

"I can\'t hide it from you." Lin Feng smiled. "In the future, I\'ll call you elder martial sister Yumo."

"It\'s just a title." Lin Yumo smiled calmly. "If I\'m not wrong, younger martial brother, you should have become a \'sub branch\' martial artist and can enter the inner city. I think the clan leader must have promised you many benefits, otherwise you can\'t stay."

"A little." Lin Feng nodded. "I just like freedom and don\'t like being bound."

"Well." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng, smiled and didn\'t ask, "when are you going to leave and officially enter the inner city?"

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out a finger.

"A month later?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised.

"No." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "it\'s a year later. I don\'t intend to leave in advance."

"Why?" Lin Yumo didn\'t understand.

Looking at Yu Mo, Lin Feng whispered with a smile, "because you are here."

Lin Yumo was surprised and blushed for a moment.

Heart beat, inexplicably accelerated, even she didn\'t know why.

"Don\'t get me wrong, Yumo." Lin Feng secretly scolded himself for being unscrupulous and explained with a bitter smile, "I mean, it\'s very beneficial for me to have you as a good teacher and friend. Moreover, the refining environment and cultivation environment here are good, so there\'s no need to leave in a hurry."

Yes, it\'s true.

As an "associate tutor", Yu Mo is bound to stay here for a full year.

For myself, instead of entering a strange "inner city" to explore again, it\'s better to be here with Yumo. First, you can learn more from her; Second, indeed, Yumo is really a good teacher and friend, not only in refining tools, but also in terms of combat strength——

Go a few steps further than yourself.

"Well," answered the voice as light as a mosquito.

Lin Yumo also said, "what\'s the matter with me?"

In the family, countless people showed their kindness to her. Lin Fan alone has been obsessed with her and expressed his love for her countless times.

But she never felt like this.

Could it be that

"Impossible." Lin Yumo momentarily rejected, "neither."

"Now I shouldn\'t think about anything else, and I\'m not qualified to think about it. Instead, I should concentrate on revitalizing my father."

"A year later, the Centennial rosefinch challenge will begin."

"This is my best chance!"

Laughing at each other, Lin Feng and Lin Yumo have ideas in their hearts.

But everything is in silence.

Hundredfold\'s "array of time engraving patterns.".

The cultivation of the weapon refiner will be put aside for the time being.

The promotion of strength is an urgent matter.

"Hoo, suck ~ ~" Lin Feng closed his eyes and looked calm. Outside the body, different from the usual red starlight, it has a layer of light brown light, which integrates into the starlight, showing a ferocious look, real and virtual, hazy.

Galea inflammations, first floor!

Lin Feng is concentrating on his cultivation at this time.

Strengthen a heavy star!

"Instead of strengthening a part of the body, it\'s better to focus on strengthening."

"Comprehensive development is the right way."

Lin Feng thought very clearly.

In the strengthening system, all kinds of strengthening include hand strength, flexibility, meridian expansion, leg speed, flexibility, change, body strength, softness, structure, etc. There are all kinds of stars in the strengthening system.

Including the familiarity with various weapons and the ability to play, including sensing ability and visual ability

Too much, too much.

The "Gallo inflammatory body technique" is one of the ways to comprehensively improve physical qualifications.

On a single effect, although it is not as good as the enhanced Star Technology of other monomers, it is the improvement of all the qualifications of the whole body. Although the first layer only increases the physical quality by 10%, you should know that this is only the first layer, and the strengthening of the whole body does not need to be adapted again.

The structure of the body can be kept very perfect and balanced.

"The overall strengthened star technology is too few."

"This\' Gallo inflammatory body technique \'is almost the\' worst \'existence."

"But the volume of the stars is bigger than the first layer of the \'attracting Phoenix technique\'. The star power value exceeds 2 points. It is a medium-level heavy star technique."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The higher the astral force value, the better the signifying effect.

And I, for the first time, understood the "medium level" of a heavy star technology.

It\'s hard!

Lin Feng has experienced StarCraft understanding twice.

Especially for the second time, when understanding eukaryotic star technology, Lin Feng knew a lot about "passive" Star Technology. However, after all, it is a medium-level star technology, which is indeed different from the low-level. It is quite difficult to understand, and the "Tao" of star technology is extremely profound.

Understanding is naturally difficult.

Time passes day by day.

The understanding of "galo inflammatory body surgery" is also getting deeper and deeper.

Until one day

"Wow!" flames burst out outside the body.

The starlight is accompanied by the flame, reflecting a ferocious ghost and God, which is extremely ferocious!

Compared with the original hazy, it is now completely visible. A pair of lantern like eyes are full of anger and rage, and the flame is like a fiery lion. At this time, Lin Feng\'s body said, "Pa, PA!" The sound of continued.

With a pure constellation flame, the whole person seems to take on a new look in an instant.

Although it is only a 10% increase, it has a solid effect on the whole body, is the basic improvement, and makes your body feel a new layer of change.

"Very good!" Lin Fengxin was overjoyed.

The biggest advantage of passive satellite technology is direct enhancement.

No more effort is needed.

"Wow!" it\'s not just the body that changes.

The star awn of the strengthening system also lights up and reaches the second level of star cultivation.

At this time, in the majestic "initial star sky" in the soul of life, the light around the budding main star is bright, and the strong power of constellations bursts out, forming a huge star ring. Powerful power, full of the most original energy of the constellation, makes the whole main star look new and feel completely different.

The fire wall technique, the Phoenix attracting technique, and the last galactic inflammatory body technique are Lin Feng\'s total star cultivation——

Reach the third level!

"Shua!" Lin Feng opened his eyes, shining brightly.

The feeling was completely different. Lin Feng drew a faint smile at the corners of his mouth.

The progress of strength is obvious. The road to the third level of the star master level is open and unimpeded.

"For other martial artists, the most difficult thing is to improve the star cultivation, but it seems to me that it is just the opposite." Lin fengsa smiled. He didn\'t have too many bottlenecks in his understanding of star technology, whether active star technology or passive star technology.

"Maybe it\'s just a \'heavy star\'. According to Yu Mo, it\'s more difficult to understand later."

"I can\'t belittle the carelessness."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Hmm? Yumo doesn\'t seem to be there." Lin Feng looked around.

Think about how many days you\'ve been practicing, but it\'s also true. Yumo naturally needs to practice.

The surrounding area was empty, the flame density was quite high, and the equipment of all kinds of weapon refiners was quite complete. Compared with the "backwardness" of Yanling mansion, the science and technology here is obviously much more advanced. Using Xingjing as energy, it has produced many incredible masterpieces.

This is the embodiment of human wisdom.

"However, no matter how strong the technology is, it still can\'t resist the power."

"Moreover, only strength is really in their own hands."

Lin Feng thought.

Equipment is just the existence of "assistance".

In the world of fighting spirits, the status of human beings is quite "humble". Let alone compared with the two ruling classes of demon and witch, it is an ancient race, which is much inferior.

"I\'m afraid that only Saint level and even Saint King level human beings can have a foothold in the fighting spirit world."

"But it\'s not easy."

Lin Feng shook his head.

In the nine continents of mankind, there are as many warriors at the star master level as cattle hair, and there are also star domain levels everywhere.

However, it is often very fast to ascend in the early stage, but the slower to ascend in the later stage. It is extremely difficult for human beings to become holy level. Lin Feng has been with Yu Mo for a long time, but he knows a lot about human beings.

There are few holy level human warriors.

"However, Yu Mo is really lonely when he is away." Lin Feng smiled.

Before I think of it, I studied the refining tools together, explored various possibilities together, and worked together, full of laughter and laughter.

Now, there is also some nostalgia.

It\'s in my mind——

"Ba Da! ~" a violent vibration.

Lin Feng looked at him, his eyes were slightly bright, and he gave a light sigh.

Someone, coming.

(first change ~ ~)