Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 777

In front of us are the familiar stars.

It seems to enter a new space, which is very beautiful.

Consciousness stays here, and the power of constellations is constantly consumed. It\'s a big problem for other martial artists, but for Lin Feng, the Yang life chart is replenishing all the time, forming a cycle. There\'s no need to worry about the big problem of "consumption".

"It\'s important to understand star technology."

"In the fighting spirit world, many martial artists must rely on the \'star pill\' to supplement the power of constellations in order to maintain long-term understanding."

"Those ordinary martial arts can only understand the star skills one by one, and the effect is not good."

Lin Feng smiled.

In this regard, I undoubtedly have a great advantage.

"Look for it and see which little star\'s understanding of \'Tao\' can enhance the sensitivity of the constellation." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Immediately concentrate and look for it carefully.

All Star Technologies in the eukaryotic system belong to the "passive type".

In other words, there is no need for conscious action in combat, like the "wall of fire", but it will automatically be attached to the body. In many ways, passive star technology is far better than active star technology.

"So many, so miscellaneous, so comprehensive." Lin Feng exclaimed.

I thought the so-called "eukaryotic system" was an improvement in cultivation, but now I deeply realize that it is completely different.

The "Tao" of marksmanship, the "Tao" of sword and the "Tao" of knife are different.

Flame manipulation, application, change, condensation, etc.

Physical regulation, physical cultivation

Here, everything!

"Originally, the so-called eukaryotic system."

"In fact, it is the existence of various\' cores\'."

"It\'s really useful."

Lin Feng thought, but it is more useful than the "Star Technology" he sensed in the control system, and it is more suitable for himself today.

However, the understanding of star technology is not overnight.


"There are many star technologies for constellation sensitivity."

"Difficult and simple, the star force values are different, but they are all the constellation sensitivity specific to the main star."

Lin Feng felt a headache.

It may not matter to be another warrior.

When the level of strength is still low, it is quite amazing to light up two main stars. Just find a specific main star to enhance the sensitivity of the constellation.

But seven stars are as like as two peas!

"There is no star technology that directly enhances the sensitivity of all constellations when the level of strength is improved."

"What a pity."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart, but his action was not slow.

The search for the main stars did not give up, suddenly——

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

In front of us, pictures are displayed instantaneously. A faint light and shadow shrouded in a huge Phoenix wing package, with dense and abundant red stars. With the movement of the hand, the symmetrical breathing changes, the starlight continues to converge and accelerate

"This is..."

"The absorption of the power of constellations!"

Lin Feng immediately reacted and was pleasantly surprised.

This small star is a relatively large one, and the star force value should be between 1.5-2, close to the limit of low-order star technology.

"Attracting Phoenix, the first layer."

"That\'s it."

Lin Feng made a decision without hesitation.

For yourself, everything is empty at present. Improve your strength as soon as possible——

That\'s the most important!

Time passes slowly.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng was completely immersed in cultivation.

This time, there is no "star dome pupil" shining like the fire wall technique, which can benefit from it. Real understanding, feeling the artistic conception of stars, feeling the mystery and magic of every action, but simple action breeds the truth.

Even if the actions are exactly the same, the feeling is different.

Because the way of constellations is very different in nuances and depths.

It\'s hard!

Fire wall technique is driven by the power of constellations. The whole process is flowing, and its own star dome pupil can be copied. However, this "Phoenix attracting technique" is only a simple expression, a kind of heart connection, and the action is more like a random change.

"Attracting Phoenix should be the connection between the heart and the Phoenix."

"Deeply feel the touch of the body, the mystery of every action and the changes of breath."

"This should be the right way to understand."


Lin Feng, immersed in the world of understanding.

Day after day.

Compared with the understanding of the wall of fire on that day, it is more than ten times more difficult!

However, the role is irreplaceable.

Once you understand the "Phoenix attracting technique", although it is only the first level, it can increase the speed of absorbing the power of constellations by as much as half! In other words, it can save one third of the time, and it can be used forever!

But it\'s really hard.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has been the past 13 days.

You know, this is in the "time engraving array" of hundredfold.

It only took me ten days to practice the fire wall technique that day in the "array of time engraving patterns" at a ten fold rate.

"I seem to be in the wrong direction."

"If you go the wrong way, you will know what the right way is."

"Originally, it is not to understand the mystery from the action, not the change from the outside to the inside, but the existence from the inside to the outside."


"I forgot that all eukaryotic star technologies are \'passive\' star technologies."

"Therefore, there is no need to exert it deliberately, which is completely different from the mental skills I have practiced before."

Lin Feng woke up with a smile, but he was guided by the inertia in his mind.

Go the wrong way and drill into the tip of the ox horn.

"Action is just a form of expression."

"As long as I really understand the secret of \'attracting Phoenix\', the connection between heart and constellation will change."

"At that time, it will be the real \'passive\' Star Technology."

In the twinkling of an eye, another two days passed.

However, these two days are completely different from the previous 13 days.

Because this time, Lin Feng has a complete goal and purpose to understand and understand the "Tao" and the artistic conception of the star technology. Deep understanding, with Lin Feng\'s understanding, as long as you find the right direction, a heavy star is not difficult at all.

"Wow!" the array of 100 times time engraving patterns shines.

Xiao Yi\'s figure, with an indifferent smile, Lin Feng stepped out slowly.


The understanding of the first level of the art of inducing Phoenix not only increases the absorption of the power of constellations by 50%, but also lights up the star cultivation of the eukaryotic system, which also reaches the second level. At this time, the total number of star force values exceeds 2 points, which is the third largest distance from star repair——

Just a short distance!

"Understand?" outside the array, Lin Yumo smiled clearly, like a spring breeze.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded, feeling calm in his heart.

Lin Yumo opened his lips and smiled, "let\'s go. The patriarch has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and said with a smile, "OK."

In crystal space.

This time, stand face to face, with and only one person.

Patriarch Lin Zhen.

"The third time, Lin Feng?" Lin Zhen smiled, but she didn\'t mind.

As a patriarch, he has his own mind and atmosphere. He definitely won\'t care about small things.

Especially for rare talents such as Lin Feng.

"Yes, clan leader." Lin Feng smiled.

"I think you can guess why I came here." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "This time, I bring enough sincerity and sincerely invite you to join our Lin family, become the fourth \'sub branch\' warrior and enter our Lin family\'s\' inner city \'."

The essence in Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed away.

From Yu Mo\'s mouth, I learned the basic information of the Lin family.

Three regions.

Central area, inner city area and outer city area.

Among them, the outer city area is inhabited by the sixth level of "foreign martial arts" and the fifth level of "sub martial arts". There are the largest number of people here, and it is also the area with the weakest power status. To put it simply, the martial artists here are just "affiliated" to the Lin family.

The inner city is different. That is the real foundation of the Lin family.

The fourth level of sub branch martial arts, the third level of sub branch martial arts and the second level of sub direct martial arts all live in the inner city.

As for the central area, it is the "royal family" of the Lin family, also known as the "land of blood". Only the real lineal blood can live in it. For example, Lin fan, one of the two new stars of the Lin family, is the lineal blood.

To some extent, the fourth level of sub branch martial arts is not much different from branch martial arts and sub direct martial arts.

The difference is that the three have different status, rights and obligations.

But at least live together in the inner city.

With a smile, Lin Feng didn\'t answer.

Because I know very well that these are not the only things I can get.

Sure enough——

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright and continued, "nominally, Lin Feng, you are a sub branch warrior, but we won\'t make any restrictions on you. You can guarantee your freedom, enjoy the rights of the sub branch warrior of the Lin family, and don\'t have to pay any obligations."

The biggest concession.

Lin Feng quickly reacted.

Obviously, the Lin family secretly "particularized" themselves, not blatantly.

In addition to being unknown, it has all advantages and no disadvantages for yourself.

Pretty good.

"What am I going to do?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Zhen.

"One condition." Lin Zhen smiled brightly and was satisfied with Lin Feng\'s answer.

"Become a tool refiner of the Lin family, just like the local level tool refiners in the family. The \'star treasure, star weapon, Star Soldier and star armor\' you refined and the \'tool refining guide book\' you wrote, but everything about tool refining..." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were burning. "The family has a preemptive right."

Just a right of first refusal.

Status, equal to the rank of a tool refiner!

It can be seen that the Lin family attaches much importance to Lin Feng.

"If there is no problem, sign this contract and you can officially join the Lin family." Lin Zhen moved her hand.

Suddenly, a contract appeared in front of Lin Feng.

What Lin Zhen said just now is all in it. For the Lin family, this is almost an "unequal contract.". However, special talents are treated with special treatment. In Lin Zhen\'s opinion, Lin Feng has the ability to obtain this "privilege".

Looking at the contract in front of him, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I know very well that this is the last card of the Lin family.

Conditions, very cost-effective!

Enough to impress all the craftsmen in Shiluo county.

"Pa!" Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate too much and immediately pressed his handprint.

Contract, yes!

Time limit, 10000 years.

"Wow! ~" the light was bright for a moment.

Lin Zhen smiled happily and stretched out her right hand: "welcome to the Lin family, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng also stretched out his right hand, clasped his hands and smiled, "please give me more advice, patriarch."

(fourth change ~ ~)