Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 776

Lin family, in the hall.

Patriarch Lin Zhen, the three giants, the existence of the top of the ten pyramids, and 14 people gathered together.

This is the power at the top of the Lin family. All affairs are decided by 14 people. In this regular meeting, the name Lin Feng was mentioned several times. They were divided into two groups to express their views and discuss constantly.

"Patriarch, this rule must not be opened." the second elder Lin Chunzheng said.

"I also object." Lin Mo said coldly. As the executor of the family rules, Lin Mo\'s character is one, two is two, and there is no gray area in the middle.

"I agree. Lin Feng has great potential, and it\'s worth making an exception." Lin Zhong supported Lin Feng.

At the beginning, it was he who dug up Lin Feng and sent him to the apprenticeship workshop.

Now Lin Feng is famous, and he stands up to the end.

Moreover, in his opinion, Lin Feng is indeed a rare talent.

take the matter on its merits!

All the people talked and discussed, and there was a lot of noise. On the contrary, the three giants are silent and don\'t know their attitude. Lin Zhen held her chin in her hand and frowned slightly. It seemed that she was hesitant and inconclusive.

Lin Feng is a talent. There is no objection to this.

But is it worth making an exception for him?

Take or give?

"I don\'t think there\'s any problem." Lin Zhong\'s sincere voice was very firm. "Didn\'t he also decide that the foreign martial arts were the highest to the \'third class\', but Chen Zhenyun changed his surname to Lin, married the daughter of the former patriarch, and joined our Lin family. Didn\'t he also break the rule and become the second class of the\' sub straight \'Martial Arts in the family?"

"How can we compare it? Lin Zhenyun\'s strength can rank among the top five among the Lin family." the elder Lin Shi shook his head and said, "even compared with me, it\'s only inferior." in terms of strength, the elder Lin Shi ranks among the top three among the Lin family and believes in strength very much.

"Indeed, the two contributions to the family can\'t be compared at all." Lin Chun shook his head. "And in my opinion, the origin of Lin Feng is really a little suspicious."

"The details of this person are still unclear, clan leader, please think twice." Lin Mo said solemnly.


Everyone you say, I say.

However, most of them oppose it and few support it.

Although Lin Feng is gifted and has excellent quality as a tool smelter, this is a family, not a sect. The family forces are cronyist, just like the Yanling wanzu in Yanling mansion. The development of any family is based on the belief of "blood"——

Own people.

"Well, the old rule, vote." Lin Zhen waved and said helplessly.

Even if he supports Lin Feng, the Lin family does not speak in a word, and he can\'t act recklessly.

Whenever something cannot be decided, a vote will be initiated. Ten people, including Lin Shi, Lin Mo and Lin Zhong, voted for 1 point; The voting value of the three giants, Lin Dadi, Lin Yan and Lin Zhongxian, is 2 points; As a patriarch, Lin Zhen\'s voting value is as high as 5 points.

The total score is 21 points. Once the voting system reaches 11 points, the resolution is passed.

"Those who oppose the exceptional solicitation of Lin Feng, please raise your hand." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were burning and said in a deep voice.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

For a moment, eight pairs of arms were raised.

Eight of the top ten leaders, including Lin Mo, Lin Chun and Lin Shi, objected in unison, scoring 8 points!

"It\'s you." Lin Zhen looked at Lin Peidi, Lin Yan and Lin Zhongxian nearby. Their attitude was very important.

"Shua!" Lin Zhongxian raised his hand first.

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and looked calm, obviously supporting Lin Feng.

As the chief smelter, he knows what Lin Feng\'s qualifications as a smelter mean and represent. As long as we can train well and make an exception for him, the Lin family will even have a chance to beat the Ponzi family in the future! However, the risk is also great.

After all, no one can guarantee that Lin Feng will be loyal to the Lin family.

This saying has been circulating among the family forces for a long time.

Lin Zhen\'s eyes finally fell on the Deputy patriarch Lin Zhe. The latter had no expression, but his right hand was raised slowly. Lin Zhen\'s face flashed a deep disappointment.

The dust settled.

Total score, 12 points.

It means that the motion is rejected.

"Hoo ~ ~" heaved a deep breath, and Lin Zhen sighed and shook her head.

"OK, I\'ll announce..." just waiting to speak, suddenly the left star crystal table vibrated slightly, Lin Zhen\'s eyebrows twisted, and her look changed slightly. When I opened it, I saw the familiar name and a message, and my face suddenly changed.

Everyone looked at Lin Zhen curiously. The latter\'s expression was very dignified at this time.

Slowly looking around the crowd, Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll show you a video mapping first."

The video was shot by Lin Yumo.

Record the whole process of Lin Feng refining the eight star Lingbao "storm snow region".

Including materials, every action, detail and the change of rhythm. The eight ground level weapon refiners of the Lin family all stared at it and were very surprised. It\'s not Lin Feng\'s refining technology, but Lin Feng\'s final refining——

Peng!! The heart of wood spirit is integrated with Lingbao!

"Wow! ~" the stars are clearly visible.

High quality, accompanied by the eight star Lingbao \'storm snow region\' hot out.

"Really... Succeeded?" Lin Huo, the ground level smelter, said in horror.

"How could he know the refining method of \'storm snow region\'?" another ground level Smelter \'Lin Yu\' was shocked, "is it the Roche family..."

Lin Yan\'s dark eyes lit up for a moment. "What do you think of the Roche family and show you your own signboard?" Lin Yan scolded relentlessly when he looked at Lin Yu with a red face. All the eight ground level refiners present witnessed the whole refining process of Lin Feng.

With their strength, it is not difficult to refine it again.

Everyone looked at Lin Zhen immediately.

"According to Yu Mo, the storm snow region is the result of Lin Feng\'s deliberation based on the Seven Star Lingbao \'Qiang ice region\' and the finished product \'storm snow region\'." Lin Zhen\'s eyes are burning and nodded, "this forest wind is making progress every day. Over time, he will become one of the strongest weapon refiners in Shiluo county. No, the whole zhuquezhou!"

The air is quiet and suffocating.

Lin Zhen\'s voice was sonorous, lingering and lingering.

No one spoke and no one questioned. Everyone was completely conquered by Lin Feng\'s shocking weapon refining skills!

He does have the qualification and privilege.

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

Lin Feng, enter the hundred fold "array of time engraving patterns".

"The \'tool refining guide book\' in the snowstorm area has been made. I believe the Lin family will take action soon."

"Right now, there is no need to meet them. It will only be more beneficial to drag on."

With a smile, Lin Feng was confident.

It\'s not urgent at the moment. At least for the moment, I still have more than a month to use the 100 fold "time engraving array".

Isn\'t it a pity to waste?

"But the \'star dome pupil\' is also strange. Why can\'t I see through the array of patterns carved with 100 times the time?"

"Is it a weak relationship?"

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and felt puzzled.

No matter how focused you are, the hundred fold "time carving array" is the same as the double fold "star gathering carving array" in the mushroom house. I originally planned to "copy" how to draw, but it obviously backfired.

"The four deputies are not that simple after all."

"Maybe I didn\'t meet the \'requirements\'."

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng didn\'t care.

There are too many mysteries in this "star dome pupil". I have not fully understood the item of "reproduction" alone until now. For example, why can the "Snowstorm region" be copied, but you can\'t "copy" yourself with other seven star Lingbao?

It\'s weird.

But it doesn\'t matter.

Because the eight star Lingbao "storm snow region" will be the last Lingbao he has studied and refined.

"According to Yu Mo, with my current refining technology, I have fully met the standard of a tool smelter. I can start -"

"The real \'way of a craftsman\'."

Lin Feng is confident.

Phoenix constellation, seven main stars are incomparably bright.

Special system, eukaryotic system, attack system, defense system, control system, summoning system and strengthening system. The seven main stars have different mysteries.

Among them, the brightest is the main star of special system and control system.

"According to Yumo, the eukaryotic system and enhancement system of the passive star technology series are the best promotion of the foundation." Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

"The eukaryotic system is very important for the cultivation of martial arts, while the strengthening system is very important for the improvement of martial arts."

"At present, it is the most suitable way for me to practice the Star Technology of eukaryotic system first."

Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate.

Although I really want to enter the "special department" at this time, I\'ll take a look at the magic of the "way of tool refiner" at the real star master level. But now it\'s still the triple sprint to Xingxiu, which is the most suitable. To reach the triple of star cultivation, the accumulated star power value of all understood star skills should reach 3 points.

And now I only understand a \'wall of fire\', 0.8 points, 2.2 points short.

"The higher the constellation sensitivity, the more star skills you can sense, and the higher the star power value." Lin Feng said.

Can sense, can understand, this is the key.

Understanding is a very subtle existence because of different degrees of sensitivity. Constellation sensitivity is just a key. It can open the door of "understanding". Whether you can understand or not depends on your personal qualifications, which is not related to constellation sensitivity.

For example, a martial artist who learns a gun can understand the shooting star skill with star power value of 3 points, but he can\'t understand the sword star skill with star power value of less than 1 point.

However, the higher the star power value, the more difficult it is to understand the star technology. This is the truth.

"First understand the \'one star technology\' of a eukaryotic system and improve constellation sensitivity."

"First, accumulate the star power value; second, prepare for the sprint of the power of the constellation after the star cultivation reaches the triple."

Lin Feng thought.

Constellation sensitivity, although it has nothing to do with understanding.

However, it is closely related to the absorption of the power of constellations!

"Wow!" Lin Feng suddenly entered.

Eukaryotic host star.

(third watch ~ ~ and fourth watch, brothers and sisters.)