Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 775

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"Put away the rest of the materials, Yumo." Lin Feng smiled.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised. "Lin Feng, are you going to give up?"

"No, just the opposite." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. "I think... I already know how to refine the eight star Lingbao \'storm snow region\'."

Gently covering his small mouth, Lin Yumo was surprised, "seriously?"

"90 percent." Lin Feng smiled calmly, "but I need your help. At present, I still lack one of the most important materials, a wood spirit heart of level 8 \'snow lotus flower\'."

"The wood spirit\'s heart of the eighth order \'Snow Lotus\'?" Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed and immediately responded, "do you want to use the wood spirit\'s heart to replace the alien crystal? But the consciousness energy in the wood spirit\'s heart is less than the alien crystal, maybe..."

Slightly hesitant, but it is the mainstream Lingbao refining, all using exotic crystals.

Although the wood spirit heart will also be used, it is specific, and the use proportion of the two is very different.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded, "this\' storm snow region \'has excellent overall material, and the composition of the device is extremely precise and ingenious, which is better than other eight star Lingbao. It just needs a\' gentle \'soul to assist and balance, and the strange animal crystal is too violent. Although it can enhance the quality of Lingbao, it is not applicable."

Lin Yumo nodded thoughtfully, "must \'Snow Lotus\'?"

"I don\'t know. There are many choices, but..." Lin Feng whispered softly. "I feel that the characteristics of \'Snow Lotus\' best match the storm snow area."

"I don\'t have the wood spirit heart of the eighth order \'Snow Lotus\'." Lin Yumo lamented. The weapon refiner doesn\'t lack\' exotic animal crystals\'. Although the wood spirit heart also exists, it\'s not as comprehensive as exotic animal crystals. Moreover, Lin Yumo is not too rich.

"So." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered.

"Don\'t worry." Lin Yumo smiled clearly. "I think elder martial sister Lengmo should have it. I can go to the first floor."

Lin Feng apologized, "that\'s troublesome, Yumo."

"Raise your hand." Lin Yumo smiled. "By the way, Lin Feng, the patriarch and elders want to see you. They just have some spare time now. What do you think?"

Patriarch, elder?

Can\'t they help it at last?

Lin Feng suddenly smiled, "OK."

Confined crystal space.

The extreme five-color light converged, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed into a strange space.

This is a unique virtual and real world. Last time, I met patriarch Lin Zhen here for the first time.

But this time, it seems different.

"Four?" Lin Feng thought lightly.

It was Lin Zhen, the patriarch, who took the lead; The other three are obviously of high status.

This battle is really different.

"Yu Mo said that there are three giants under the power of the Lin family, namely the elder Lin Zhongxian and the chief tool refiner Lin Yan..." Lin Feng glanced at them and saw two old men, one with white hair and face and the other with pale temples. It was obvious that he had a good age.

"There is another one, the second leader of the Lin family, the deputy chief of the Lin family," Lin Feng looked at him.

Suddenly I saw a man with a firm face with bright eyes and a pangran momentum without anger.

"Peng!" as soon as his head exploded, Lin Feng was completely stunned.

He was not frightened by Lin\'s momentum, but stunned by his appearance.

Eighty percent, no, ninety percent!

"Dad..." Lin Feng shouted wildly in his heart, his eyes changing constantly.

The man in front of him is very similar to his father, almost regardless of his eyes, forehead and expression

But he is not his father.

Even if 90% are similar, 10% are different.

The most important thing is that his breath is not the same as his father\'s.

"Is he the vice patriarch \'Lin Fudi\'?" Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly and he felt uneasy in his heart.

According to my own inference, I have only one relative, and uncle Lin Jing should be my father\'s brother. The young man seemed as like as two peas in his face. The 90% body of a man would not believe him if he had no blood relationship with his father.


He is not a forest whale!

"Hmm? Maybe he\'s Lin Jing. The vice patriarch didn\'t come today?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and felt hope.

But soon, Lin Zhen\'s introduction turned this possibility into nothing.

Everything is as you infer.

This time, it is the patriarch Lin Zhen and the three giants of the Lin family.


"I\'ve seen you, senior." Lin Feng saluted.

He looked respectful, neither humble nor arrogant. The four people in front of him were the four most powerful members of the Lin family.

"The younger generation can be feared." Lin Zhongxian looked kind and smiled.

"Very good, little guy." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and nodded with a smile.

Only the forest ground color ancient waves are uncertain, just looking at the forest wind.

"Don\'t be shy, Lin Feng." Lin Zhen smiled brightly and said roundly, "we discussed your last request carefully, but it\'s a pity that it can\'t be passed. If this example is opened, those rich children can go in and out at will to learn the weapon refining technology of our Lin family, which will damage the reputation of the family."

"Well." Lin Feng nodded, "what the patriarch said is really reasonable. It\'s the younger generation\'s abruptness."

The truth is reasonable, and he knows that Lin Zhen will not let himself leave so easily.

Even in the next hundred years, they will have no restrictions on themselves, but they will be greatly helped by hanging the hat of the "Lin family" on their heads. At least, I can\'t join other tool refiners\' families, which has all advantages and no disadvantages.

"It\'s just a small matter." Lin Zhen smiled and his eyes twinkled. "I don\'t beat around the Bush, Lin Feng, said straight to the point. Since you have become an apprentice of our Lin family, would you like to officially join our Lin family and become a foreign martial artist?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

External martial arts refers to those who are loyal to the Lin family and belong to the Lin family, which is the existence of the "sixth gear".

With the passage of time, according to their strength, contribution and loyalty, many foreign fighters can finally reach the fifth and even the fourth level, accounting for a considerable proportion of the Lin family. However, the apprentice of the tool refiner is only the seventh grade, and has the lowest status among the Lin family.

"The kindness of the patriarch is appreciated by the younger generation." Lin Feng refused without thinking.

The sixth gear is far from what you want.

Lin Zhen saran smiled. It didn\'t seem unexpected. Then he said, "no, Lin Feng, this is just the first step according to the rules. Because your contribution to the family is enough in that \'tool refining guide book\', we can directly promote you to the fifth level \'sub martial artist\' after discussion."

One floor, one floor after another.

Lin Feng smiled in his heart.

He knew Lin Zhen\'s intention and opened his cards little by little. His method was quite old.

The division of martial arts refers to the existence of a branch of the Lin family in the tens of thousands of "houses" around zhuquezhou. If you talk about "blood", it may be very thin, but you do have the blood of the "Lin family" and are loyal to the Lin family.

Many branch warriors can finally reach the fourth and third levels in the family, which is comparable to the branch blood.

"I also hope the patriarch Haihan. The younger generation just wants to be free and doesn\'t want to be bound by the family." Lin Feng shook his head and refused without hesitation. No matter the sixth or fifth gear, they have no position in the Lin family.

If you want to achieve your goals, slowly infiltrate the Lin family.

At least, we have to reach fourth gear!


Refuse again!

The faces of the four were a little ugly.

Lin Zhen, in particular, was rejected twice in a row, but she could only smile awkwardly. After waiting for half a month, Lin Feng didn\'t move at all. He began to try to act, but he didn\'t think he still closed the door. Lin Feng seemed to yearn for freedom and relaxation as he said for the first time

He has no interest in joining the Lin family.

However, not to mention the external and sub martial arts, even the branch martial arts and even the direct martial arts should also obey the orders of the family.

How can we make an exception because Lin Feng is alone?

Gain, lose.

Freedom has never been associated with the family.

"Lin Feng, you might as well think about it again." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered, unwilling to persuade, "When you become an external martial artist, the family can give you many benefits, including cultivation environment, training facilities, refining materials, etc., and a more stable life. Moreover, the family can also protect you and become your backing. You don\'t need to worry about zhuquezhou\'s identity token, because the family will help you pay for it."

Lin Feng smiled.

Indeed, it\'s tempting, especially the last one.

Zhuquezhou\'s identity token, including bluestone, coarse iron and bronze, enjoys different rights and interests. At the same time, it needs to pay a lot of money every year. In order to survive, many martial artists have to join forces such as major sects and families.

Is it so easy to stay in Jiuzhou?

The greatest advantage of the smelter family is that they are rich. They are quite rich. The Lin family is not short of money.

It\'s too easy to pay for maintaining your identity token.

"OK, I will." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He did not explicitly refuse, but the expression, expression and tone told the four that it was impossible to join.

I didn\'t refuse. I just don\'t want to make everyone\'s relationship tense and embarrassing.

"Then goodbye, four elders." after that, Lin Feng bowed his head and left directly.

But it made the four of them frown, showing their disappointment.

Solicitation failed.

Out of the crystal space, Lin Feng soon saw Lin Yumo.

The latter seemed to have just returned, smiling and holding up the "heart of wood spirit" in his hand, Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

Everything is going well.


"As long as you refine the eight star Lingbao \'storm snow region\', I believe..."

"Everything will be settled."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining, and the corners of his mouth are indifferent and drawn.

Under your control.

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