Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 774

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Lin Feng entered a very deep state.

The Carver\'s drawing is a depiction of "Tao", supplemented by skills.

At this time, the refining of the eight star Lingbao "storm snow region" is a pure skill. It has not reached the star master level, and there is no "Tao". What is simple is the superposition, refining and change of materials, as well as the application of the basic technology of the smelter.

In fact, Lin Feng already has the ability to refine eight star Lingbao.

It\'s just that the eight star Lingbao\'s "tool refining guide book" won\'t be released. Although it\'s not as confidential as the "unique secret skill", it\'s not accessible to ordinary tool refiners and apprentices. Therefore, during this period of time, Lin Feng has been refining Seven Star Lingbao.

"In terms of fire stop and degree, this should be \'welding Spirit Crystal\'."

"Melt first and then dissolve, and then integrate with \'welding Lingjing\'. This fire stop and degree, um... There are several possibilities."

"And this step. Why is it like this?"


Lin Feng was completely immersed in it and thought deeply.

Compared with the engraving array at that time, because we deeply understand the "Tao" of the engraving array, the whole process of refining is easy to enter the heart. But it\'s just a "copy". For example, why does the source draw like this? Can the rhythm of drawing change?

I don\'t know these.

Therefore, even if you can easily draw the ten fold "time engraving array", you can\'t draw the simpler five fold, three fold, or even two fold "time engraving array". If it is known by others, it is undoubtedly extremely strange.

But at present, I have already had a lot of "experience" in refining utensils.

Perhaps the whole process is not clear, just feel the "Fire Gear" and every step, rhythm and so on.

However, there is a full opportunity to consider it!

Perfect step by step!

An hour.

two hours.

Four hours.


Lin Feng kept simulating in his mind.

One possibility after another is constantly inferred and rejected, and the most troublesome one is "material".

It can only be estimated and pondered according to the fire gear and feeling.

"This is the lack of experience."

"If I have enough experience as a smelter and am familiar with the application of various materials, these will not be a problem at all."

"But for now, we can only try one by one."

Lin Feng knew his weakness very well.

Like fighting, the more times you fight, the more experience you have.

And I, let alone a tool refiner, just became an apprentice of a tool refiner for less than a month.

A complete novice.

For six hours.

"Wow!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and brought a brilliant light.

In front of his eyes, he is a perfect face like crystal jade. Lin Yumo is looking back at himself with a little curiosity. On the refining platform, there are various materials, and Yu Mo has unfinished Lingbao in his hand, or

Failed Lingbao.

Obviously, Yumo is trying something.

"What do you think?" Lin Yumo smiled slightly.

"Well." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not speak in detail.

"Can you prepare some materials for me?" Lin Feng said gently.

"OK." Lin Yumo nodded without a second sentence.

"Thank you." Lin Feng said softly.

Ten sets of materials.

Set by set in front of him, Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Although many possibilities have been excluded and simulated countless times in my mind, there are still 18 possibilities that I can\'t distinguish.

Need practice!

However, there are not so many materials on Yumo.

After all, the materials used to refine many utensils are very precious.

"My refining experience is still much worse."

"If you change to feather ink, these 18 possibilities will rule out the vast majority."

Lin Feng closed his eyes in a twinkling.

The first set of refining scheme is put into my mind and deeply simulated again.

Materials, not much.

There\'s not much chance of failure.

A set of eight star Lingbao materials is worth ten million doling coins.

Feather ink naturally does not have so much inventory.

"This should not be the Seven Star treasure \'Qiang ice region\'." Lin Yumo\'s eyes were bright and moved, thinking slightly in her heart. At first glance, you can see that it is the material of eight star Lingbao, and it is also the material for refining \'domain\' Lingbao, which is more valuable than other eight star Lingbao materials.

"What does Lin Feng want to do? Reset the \'Qiang ice area\' and change its core?" Lin Yumo\'s heart trembled fiercely.

Shaking his head, Lin Yumo immediately decided.

Even Lin Yan, such a "master of refining utensils", can\'t do this technique.

No matter how good Lin Feng\'s basic technology and fire control ability are, it is impossible to do such incredible things.


"If not, what is it?"

"Is it possible to refine a new eight star treasure?"

Lin Yumo smiled suddenly, but this possibility is more absurd.

That\'s thousands of times more difficult than resetting the "Qiang ice area". Looking at the whole zhuquezhou, no tool refiner can do it.

At this time——

Lin Feng, finally moved.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" deep breathing drives Lin Feng\'s body rhythm.

Shua!! His eyes opened, and Lin Feng\'s momentum was completely different.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the flames of both hands rose almost instantly, with a clank breath. Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of flashing light. One left and one right seemed to be the combination of devil and angel. He felt very strange and strange, but Lin Yumo was stunned for a moment.

"Boom!!" the flame soared, and Lin Feng\'s hand was different from the refining of the Seven Star Lingbao.

The fire is burning!

According to the "number of stages" of the flame, it is already quite high.

In terms of refining materials, the eight star Lingbao is naturally better than the Seven Star Lingbao. The power of the "melting" flame is also added. Lin Feng soon began refining. His movements were quite skillful without half a pause. He divided his hands into "welding Lingjing" and quickly entered the melting state.

The day is meritorious.

Today\'s Lin Feng can skillfully apply the basic technology of the refiner.

Even compared with Lin Yumo, it is no less impressive.

Time, minute by minute.

Soon, Lin Feng entered the shaping stage.

This time, however, it has suffered a big "landslide", and the shaping process has failed at the beginning.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised.

In her opinion, there should be no problem with the refining technique and process.

In fact, in Lin Feng\'s mind simulation, there were no mistakes in the whole refining, but

The actual operation is different from the simulation after all.

"The crystal of welding spirit and mingkuang fine is not compatible with guangvanadium." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and looked at Lin Yumo. The latter nodded gently and wrote it down in his heart. However, different crystals have different characteristics. For example, there is no problem with the combination of welding Ling crystal and bright ore concentrate with "guangvanadium".

But crystallization is to extract the essence and discard the dross.

Sometimes, these "dregs" seem useless, but they are actually a kind of adhesive, a kind of neutralization and balance.

There are so many materials for refining utensils that the master of refining utensils dare not say that he has mastered all the materials, not to mention Lin Feng, a novice?

Some things are known only after trying!

"This set of materials is useless." Lin Feng glanced at the refining table and directly excluded the third set of materials.

At present, there are only eight sets of hopes left.

"Continue." Lin Feng looked calm.

Failure is nothing.

In the previous half month, I had failed countless times.


Fail again!

Or fail!!

Waiting for Lin Feng is failure after failure.

Ten sets of materials soon left only the last two sets. At this time, Lin Yumo also understood what Lin Feng was doing.

"Snowstorm." Lin Yumo said softly, his eyes bright.

This set of eight star domain Lingbao is the main sign of the Roche family and has a great market.

Among the three major counties in Shiluo County, the strongest Ponzi family does not have a tool refining guide book for the "Snowstorm region". But at present, Lin Feng is groping for refining, which is quite incredible! If before, Lin Yumo really couldn\'t believe it, because it\'s more difficult than resetting the Qiang ice field and changing its core balance!

And now

"Maybe, he can really refine it." Lin Yumo gently pursed his cherry lips, and his beautiful eyes burst into light.

In the application of the eighth set of materials just now, Lin Feng was almost ready to refine the "Snowstorm area". Only the last step was short of the combination of the "exotic crystal", and there were deviations and mistakes, which made the whole refining fall short of success.

Just one last step!

"There is no need to try the remaining two sets of materials." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"As like as two peas, the eighth set of materials should be the most complete material of the refining material. The whole process is completely the same as the simulation in the mind."

Lin Feng nodded gently and immediately closed his eyes.

Simulation again and again, the whole process is perfect.

He and the light and shadow of the refining instrument perfectly coincide, as if he had been refined by himself.


In the simulation, the combination of Lingbao and exotic crystal is perfect.

And I failed.

"What\'s the difference?" Lin Feng had a big question mark in his heart.

"Incompatible?" Lin Feng shook his head momentarily. "It\'s still the details of the refining device. Where\'s the deviation?"

"Or the technique..."

After careful thinking, Lin Feng was indecisive.

Lin Yumo smiled beside him, but he looked at his engrossed appearance and inexplicably didn\'t want to disturb him. Although the patriarch has something important to find Lin Feng, she believes that this is not a good time. It\'s like an epiphany. Lin Feng is far from success——

Already close at hand.

Failure and success are just a line.

Lin Feng recalled the failure again and again and kept thinking about each step carefully.

Until the end

"There is absolutely no problem with my refining technique and technology." today Lin Feng has great confidence in his refining technology.

"The only possible deviation is the material, but where can the material of these refiners change?"

"If you change it, I\'m afraid the whole balance will be broken."

Pull a hair and move the whole body.

Lin Feng was quite clear and hesitated.


"Back to Ben Shuoyuan, I\'ve been looking for the problem of Lingbao. Why don\'t you think about it..."

"This may be a \'monster crystal\' problem!"

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng immediately scratched at the corners of his mouth.

In the heart, instant insight.

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