Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 773

Chinese official account: PS: look at the exclusive story behind the fire star sky, listen to your suggestions for the novel, and pay attention to the starting point of the Chinese net public number (WeChat add friends add the official account - enter qdread), quietly tell me!

Lin family, in the hall.

Lin Zhen, the patriarch, Lin Dadi, the Deputy patriarch, Lin Yan, the chief tool refiner, Lin Zhongxian, the elder, Lin Shi, the elder, and Lin Zhong, in charge, all came to Qi.

Emergency meeting!

"I believe everyone knows that Lin Feng is a tool refiner." Lin Zhen\'s eyes are bright.

"It\'s the one Lao Yan said. The talent is better than the Pang Yan\'s" Pang Yan\'s "weapon refiner genius?" Lin Zhongxian said slowly with a smile.

"It\'s really a rare sight in ten thousand years." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and nodded. "He\'s a natural tool refiner."

Lin Fudi played with the wrench in his hand and slowly opened his mouth, "the patriarch wants to attract this Lin Feng?"

Everyone immediately whispered and expressed their views.

As the top power of the Lin family, it is composed of lineal blood, but they are a little resistant to foreign fighters. Lin Yan and Lin Zhong are naturally supportive. The elder Lin Zhongxian and the elder Lin Shi keep discussing, but Lin Dadi is silent.

"There\'s no need to discuss. I didn\'t wait for me to speak just now..." Lin Zhen shook her head with a bitter smile.

"He asked to leave the Lin family."

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

"Are you serious?" Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"Well, I came here to learn to refine utensils. Now I have my own skills, and it\'s meaningless to stay." Lin Feng smiled.

"This......" Lin Yumo gently sipped his cherry lips and said, "but in the Lin family, you can learn the \'advanced\' refining skills that are not available outside, there are more refining equipment to use, and even the \'unique secret skills\' of the Lin family."

"But as Yumo said, all the \'advanced\' weapon refining skills are just the basic skills to be coherent, integrated and evolved." Lin fengsa smiled, "as for the \'unique secret skills\', I\'m afraid it\'s hard for you to learn, let alone me?"

He was speechless and looked at his apprentice. Lin Yumo wanted to laugh, but he couldn\'t laugh.


"As for the refining equipment, materials, refining guide books and so on, you can buy them with money." Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and smiled, "Yumo, you told me that to become a real refining master, you should find your own \'refining way\' and go your own way, didn\'t you?"

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed, making the face of sunken fish and wild geese more beautiful.

Indeed, she learned from Lin Feng. Now what Lin Feng said is right in her heart.

"Anyway, Yumo, in my heart, you will always be my mentor." Lin Feng said positively, "I remember your kindness. If you need help in the future, as long as I can do it..." with a smile, Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo, "go through fire and water."

Thank you, Yumo.

Not only the guilt for her, but also her "teaching".

It can be said that her ability as a tool refiner comes entirely from her. From a novice who doesn\'t know anything to now, she can even innovate eight star Lingbao

Yu Mo, took a lot of credit.

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo suddenly opened up and smiled.

She naturally heard the sincerity of Lin Feng\'s words and said with a smile, "this is what you said. Don\'t break your promise at that time."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, knowing that Yu Mo\'s heart was open.

However, he will eventually "return" to the Lin family.

Keep adding weight!

Lin Feng did not return to the "array of time engraving patterns" to practice, but he was not in a hurry.

With such a good helper as Yu Mo, isn\'t it a pity to waste?

Moreover, innovative refiners are really interesting.

It\'s like opening up a new road.

Simplify and change the refining of all kinds of Seven Star Lingbao, apply each material to the extreme, and deeply reduce the material and even time. Lin Feng and Yu Mo soon immersed themselves in the research of forgetting to eat and sleep. They both like refining utensils, have a common goal, and cooperate more and more skillfully.

However, there are many good things.

Three consecutive "improvements" have failed, which seems to prove that

For the first time, it was just \'luck\'.

"This one can\'t do either. The improvement range has reached the extreme, and all our steps have been done to the end, so we can\'t go any further." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled. Although he was disappointed, he had to give up. There is a bottom line in the refining of every Lingbao. Exceeding this bottom line will destroy the existence of the "instrument".

It\'s like breaking the balance. It\'s not innovation, but destruction.

It should be on the basis of maintaining balance to make its "core" change, which is the real "innovation" on the original basis.

"No way." Lin Yumo also shook his head.

"This\' fire shuttle \'has been studied for three days, but it still can\'t pass."

It\'s a pity, but Lin Yumo\'s tolerance for failure is also very strong.

But like Lin Feng, he suffered a lot from childhood.

"Although he failed, he also learned a lot and made great progress." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t mind too much.

As a novice, success is gratifying in every refining, but in fact, failure can make you learn more than success. In particular, as a deep refiner like Yu Mo, he has experienced countless complex refining, which is the experience he has.

Just like a fledgling martial artist, he has to go through a bloody storm and fight.

Can we really give full play to our combat strength and grow.

"Still try?" Lin Yumo smiled.

I\'m very happy to study refining utensils with Lin Feng. She also gains a lot.

The application of these basic tools seems to review the old and know the new. Lin Feng has many wonderful ideas, which makes her gain a lot. This is not a waste of time. In fact, it is only a drop in the bucket for the time of star technology understanding.

She believes that the experience gained from failure here will be of great use to her to understand the star skills of weapon refiners in the near future!

In case of success, the harvest is more difficult to predict.

However, some things are doomed.

It\'s not so simple to improve the Seven Star treasure into an eight star treasure.

How complicated the refining device is.

Lingbao\'s innovation and change has moved the whole body.

Lin Feng\'s knowledge, coupled with Yu Mo\'s experience and ability, does have the power to turn corruption into magic, but sometimes this power also depends on "heaven". At least, they still need some luck when their weapon refining technology is not yet fully mature.

At present, luck is obviously not very good.

Half a month passed in a hurry.

"Well, I failed again." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

Lin Yumo smiled slightly and calmly faced failure with a cheerful attitude. For her, she could do everything she could.

Success or failure depends on God\'s will.

"It\'s strange. I always think that this\' Qiang ice area \'should be able to be upgraded. What\'s the difference?" Lin Feng said quietly. But he picked up the "sample" and looked at it for a while and touched it for a while. He immediately put it down and fell into deep thinking.

Lin Yumo smiled and was about to speak. Suddenly, the star crystal table on his left hand lit up.

"Patriarch?" there was no news for half a month, and Lin Yumo felt curious. Now suddenly, a message came and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Yumo gently retreated to the other side.

But Lin Feng didn\'t notice.

Immersed in refining utensils, he has long left the "solicitation" behind.

Focus on everything you do!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"No wonder I feel familiar, but this\' Qiang ice region \'is similar to the\' storm snow region \'I have."

"Maybe we can learn from it."

When he thought of it, Lin Fengxuan even took out the "Snowstorm area".

It\'s a kind of Lingbao in the eight star region. I used it several times in Yanling mansion.

"Qiang ice region" is a seven star treasure. If you want to upgrade it, you can compare it with "storm snow region" to see what\'s different. With one hand caressing the "Stormy snow area", Lin Feng smiled and felt a sense of familiarity.

Although I haven\'t used it for a long time, this feeling of heart to heart still exists.

Holding it in his hand, he had a very special feeling. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shining. He gently touched the appearance of the fine lines, and his heart was as quiet as dust.

In an instant——

"Wow!" his head shook slightly.

Lin Feng was stunned, as if he had entered a unique area, a magical situation.

In front of me, there is a light and shadow flashing. The action is unusually skilled and compact, and the rhythm is fast and bright. The picture is purely composed of light, but the flame falls deeply in my heart. I feel every degree, every change process and detail as much as I can!

"This is a refiner!"

"Is it refining..."

Lin Feng was shocked in his heart, which had never happened before.

However, it is very similar to the engraving array I saw last time. The difference is that now——

It\'s eight star Lingbao!

"Melting, shaping..."

"Step by step, it seems vague, but clear."

"I feel so deep!"

Lin Feng was surprised. Although he couldn\'t see the material, he could vaguely distinguish a lot from the degree of the fire stall. Before, even if you let yourself see this picture, it was useless, but now, with solid refining technology, the picture in front of you is for yourself

It is undoubtedly an oasis in the desert!

The whole refining process is at a glance!

Unusually clear.

"That\'s right."

"Then do it again."


Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and his hands stroked quickly.

All this was simulated in my mind, again and again, as if I had entered a magical fantasy.


Deep understanding, plus inference.

He soon mastered many essentials.

"Wow!" Lin Feng closed his eyes, and the illusion in front of him had completely disappeared. Instead of the whole refining process just now, the light and shadow have been integrated with their own figure, clearly refining the eight star Lingbao——


"Hmm?" after a while, Lin Yumo came back.

But seeing Lin Feng like this, it seems like an epiphany. It feels like

When I first saw him in Xiaoxiang building.

What\'s up?

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flickered, inexplicably puzzled.

Chinese official account is mobile phone official account. (third to more ~ magic, written with a headache, no pain, sweat, hope not a sign of cold) (a good event in the sky, a cool pie, etc.) take care of it! Watch the Chinese public address (WeChat add friends add public number - enter qdread), join in immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!