Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 764

"Meet again." Lin Feng smiled.

Seeing that familiar face, you will not be surprised with psychological preparation.

"Hello, Lin Feng." Lin Yumo didn\'t change at all. Gu Bo was not surprised and said calmly, "from today on, I will be your exclusive mentor."

"Good." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Since Lin Yumo did not mention yesterday, he would not mention it.

When nothing happens, Quan is a tutor and she is a student. This relationship is very good.

"In three months, you can freely allocate two sets of time. One will enter the hundred fold \'time engraving array\', and the other will accept my guidance. I will guide you for three hours every day." Lin Yumo looked calm, but the essence in his eyes flashed away.

Lin Feng nodded.

Each set takes one and a half months. Lin Lengmo told himself just now.

Cultivation is not urgent.

It\'s rare to have an "exclusive mentor". Wouldn\'t it be a pity if we didn\'t make good use of it?

Moreover, from her brief understanding of Lin Yumo, although she is mentally mature, she is not as old as Lin Lengmo.

Moreover, Lin Yumo should be more talkative than Lin Lengmo.

Thinking of it, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

Mentor Lin Lengmo is like an iceberg.

"If you have a good relationship at the right time, maybe you can find something from her mouth." Lin Feng thought in his heart. Although he didn\'t know Lin Yumo\'s identity, she could enter the first group and become an assistant tutor just because of her age.

And even master Yanqing recognized her that day!

According to Wan Mochou, she is one of the two rising stars of the Lin family.

Identity is certainly not simple.

"She may not know about her father."

"But she may know uncle Lin Jing."

"My father didn\'t mention anyone of the Lin family. He only believed in my uncle Lin Jing. Obviously, my uncle Lin Jing should be my only relative in the Lin family."

Many thoughts flashed in Lin Feng\'s heart, but he was silent.

As far as I am concerned, this year is certainly to hide my identity and slowly infiltrate the Lin family.

But if you really have a chance to find uncle Lin Jing in advance, you can\'t miss it.

"Have you thought about it?" seeing the change of Lin Feng\'s look, Lin Yumo was not suspicious.

After receiving the clan leader\'s order, she wanted to explore Lin Feng, not only his origin, but also his secrets, but also step by step. She couldn\'t worry.

They each have an abacus in their hearts.

"Assistant tutor, are you also a phoenix?" Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

"Yes, as long as it is the pure blood of the Lin family, it is Phoenix." Lin Yumo doesn\'t hesitate, and it\'s no secret. In order to ensure the continuity of inheritance and the formation of system, any family has its own blood.

Lin Feng nodded and thought deeply.

However, for the time being, it is better to "follow the rules".

"In three months, if I can make good use of it, not only my weapon smelter\'s strength can be greatly increased, but also my strength..."

"It can also be greatly improved."

Thinking lightly in his heart, Lin Feng immediately looked at Lin Yumo and said with a smile, "you can start, tutor. I want to learn the basic course of tool refiner first."

"Basic courses?" Lin Yu\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "I want to start from the most enlightening place and learn the most basic content. Mentor, you can treat me as a Lin family child who can\'t do anything and wants to become an apprentice of a tool smelter, and teach from the beginning."

Since you want to learn, learn thoroughly!

There is an exclusive tutor, who has different classes.

"With my \'fire control\' ability and what Duoduo said, the reborn fire is very suitable for refining utensils..."

"I also have a way out as a tool refiner."

"Many skills don\'t weigh on the body."

Lin Feng smiled. Just now he condensed the "purple complex crystal strip" and not only made himself the first to pass the test.

Let oneself understand clearly that what flows on oneself is indeed the blood of the Lin family. For one thing, but for the other, I can understand the expansion only when I refine the "purple complex crystal bar" for the first time. Unlike the rigid pattern engraver, I can deeply master the skills of the tool refiner!

Master, not copy.

"OK." Lin Yumo nodded. Although he felt confused, he didn\'t care.

In her opinion, Lin Feng really has the heart to learn the "way of refining tools", and this is a very clever way.

The foundation of a craftsman is the most important!

The same basic knowledge, learned outside, is completely different from the Lin family.

The one-on-one counseling will begin soon.

The road of the Lin family\'s tool refiners has already had a complete system.

Lin Yumo naturally has a few brushes, and she also came out of the apprenticeship workshop, and she has graduated with full marks in less than half a year! At that time, it also caused a sensation in the family.

One of the two new stars, is it a general generation?

"The refining of a tool refiner can be divided into three categories: one hand, two hands and furnace Ding."

"It\'s not like what the outside world says. Real refiners use \'two hands\' to refine utensils. In fact, one hand and furnace tripod are used respectively."

"But two handed refining is indeed the mainstream refining method of tool refiners at present."


Lin Yumo introduced slowly and meticulously.

The pleasant sound fell on Lin Feng\'s ears and his eyes were bright.

Lin Feng clearly accepted every word. Lin Yumo\'s teaching didn\'t have a word of nonsense. It was straightforward, easy to understand and very efficient. Originally I was a little worried. After all, Lin Yumo\'s age is not much different from his own, but now

Worry away.

"What\'s the difference?"

"Also, how to apply two hand refining and the other two?"


Lin Feng asked carefully, every detail, every puzzle.

I want to master it all!

Since you want to do it, you must do your best.

Compared with the large class, this one-to-one teaching is more suitable for rapid progress and learning. If there is no such random stage in the large class. Unlike now, you can ask any question, even the most basic and stupid question.

"How to distinguish between Lingbao and Xingbao?"

"Also, how to divide the order of star soldiers and star armor?"


Lin Feng worked tirelessly and asked questions one by one.

Lin Yumo stared at Lin Feng, but answered meticulously.

Whatever Lin Feng asks, she answers.

Even if it was the answer that every tool refiner in Shiluo County might know, she told Lin Feng positively with the clearest and most correct answer. There is no emotion, let alone any resistance, because this is her "associate mentor" job.

In his position, seek his affairs.


Three hours is the past.

"The weapon refiners are divided into apprentices, human level weapon refiners, earth level weapon refiners and heaven level weapon refiners." Lin Yumo\'s eyes are bright. "Among them, the weapon refiners have no grade, while the human level weapon refiners are divided into one to nine grades, and the earth level weapon refiners are divided into one to nine grades. The human level assessment is tested in the minor league of weapon refiners; the earth level assessment must be tested in the major league of weapon refiners."

"Oh." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

He asked again, "what are the minor leagues and major leagues of the weapon refiners? And the heavenly level weapon refiners..."

"Stop." Lin Yumo held out his right index finger against the palm of his left palm and gestured, "three hours have come."

"Ah, so fast?" Lin Feng was surprised.

But he was very interested in the smelter himself. In just three hours, he was inexplicably consumed in a question and answer.

Lin Yu saw Lin Feng\'s disappointment and smiled faintly. "The tool refiner alliance is an alliance organization composed of tool refiners, a very powerful team. In every continent, there is a tool refiner alliance; in every county, there is a tool refiner alliance."

"In fact, the four deputies have similar alliance organizations. One is to gather the elites and strong people of their deputies and expand and promote them; the other is to gather a great force to seek benefits for their deputies; although the management of this alliance organization is loose, its strength can not be underestimated."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and nodded.

Indeed, weapon refiners have a high status in the world of fighting spirits, and how powerful will the alliance of weapon refiners, which gathers almost 90% of weapon refiners?

I\'m afraid it\'s hard to imagine!

"Well, this is the last question I\'ll answer you. Don\'t ask any more." Lin Yumo also has a headache. Lin Fengzheng is a curious baby. Every question is thorough. Many martial artists in the fighting spirit world know the knowledge, but he knows nothing.

It seems that he is indeed asking for advice with an open mind.

"Sure enough, he is a savage warrior. There will be no mistake." Lin Yumo thought in his heart, and he was more sure.

Seeing Lin Yumo\'s expression, Lin Feng was dumb and smiled.

However, there is a free tutor who should make good use of it. Isn\'t it a pity to miss it?

Although only three hours, but they learned a considerable amount of knowledge. Many of them were due to the extended problems of the tool refiner, and Lin Yumo didn\'t refuse. He answered himself very carefully.

"Mentor, what\'s the difference between you?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and said curiously.

When teaching, Lin Yumo was very serious and upright, but now it was like a tight string loosened, his face slowed down completely, and even showed a faint smile, feeling completely different.

Lin Yumo shook his head slightly, "usually just call me Yumo."

"Oh?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

With a smile, Lin Yumo said, "I\'m not elder martial sister Lengmo. I\'m very uncomfortable with a straight face all day."

"Also." Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

Indeed, the Lin Yumo in front of me is like the real her.

As I saw yesterday.

Lin Yumo smiled and immediately they chatted. They all want to get to know each other and explore the truth, but they hit it off immediately. There is no estrangement. In addition, the two people are not only close in age, but also similar in childhood experiences. They talk very speculatively.

However, both sides have "deliberately" avoided sensitive issues.

After all, it\'s not time to meet for the first time.

Indeed, they have their own ghosts.

(moved, there are monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. I believe this is an encouragement for Xiaoxiao to update desperately last month. Hehe ~ ~ sincerely, I can\'t stick to it for several times, but I still survived. This month is a fantasy month. I should have been in the top 15 by pulling monthly tickets, but Xiaoxiao doesn\'t plan to pull them. Ha ha, because there is no hope after pulling them. I hope you can subscribe more, which is the best for Xiaoxiao Support, um, send it to the first watch. This nonsense is not included in the number of words. Continue to code ~ ~)