Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 765

Lin family.

"You\'re back, sir." a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper bowed.

"HMM." it was a nasal hum. A strong man lay on the luxurious dragon chair and rubbed his finger with his left hand. The resolute face has a look of no anger and self prestige. It looks cold and hard to approach.

The second leader of the Lin family, the deputy head of the Lin family, is Lin Peidi.

If Lin Feng sees it, he will be very surprised, but Lin Dadi\'s appearance is 80% similar to Lin Xiaotian!

The nose, the face, the ears, and even the look

It\'s like carving out of a mold.


"Where\'s fan\'er?" Lin zhe asked casually with his eyes still closed.

"The young master is practicing hard in seclusion to prepare for the game in a year." the housekeeper \'Lin Lao\' respectfully said.

"Shua!" Lin Zhe\'s eyes suddenly opened and brought up a shining light, "he doesn\'t participate in the new star war, but wants to participate in the challenge?"

"It should be so, yes, sir." Lin Lao bowed his head.

"Hmm..." Lin Zhen\'s mouth began to draw a plausible smile. His eyes cracked and pulled a small scar. "This little rabbit is like his father. He is very ambitious." with a deep smile, Lin Zhen\'s mood seems to be much better. "Very good. He doesn\'t want to be a general\'s soldier. He\'s not a good soldier."

"Lin Lao!" Lin zhe shouted.

"What can I tell you?" Lin Lao stepped forward.

Lin Zhen played with his left finger, and his eyes showed a dark light. "Since you want to do it, do it thoroughly. Go to prepare the stars, Fu Xingdan and cultivate the equipment immediately. In a year, I will give this little rabbit a good special training."

"Yes, sir." Lin Lao bowed down and left.

Apprenticeship workshop.

On the first floor, everyone tried their best.

Lin Feng and other "role models" have inspired people to work hard. In particular, Liu Yikai has turned grief and anger into strength and clenched his teeth.

"I won\'t lose again, Lin Feng!"

"In the first round, I will be the second to pass the test."

"In the second round, I will catch up with and surpass you and never let you ride on my head!"

The blow is great. Some people will be decadent and never recover, but some people will go up against the waves. Obviously, Liu Yikai is the latter.

However, his competitors are very many. Although he won the high score of "284" and ranked first in the initial assessment, you should know that these are the elites among the elites, not counting Jing youyou\'s "283" score. In the first group, the worst score is "272".

Everyone is almost on the same starting line.

Want to get rid of it?

easier said than done.

What\'s more, Liu Yi\'s strongest skill is "refining skill", and the one with the highest score is the third level.

It doesn\'t work here.

There are not a few people with better qualifications than him.

The competition is so fierce that everyone wants to be the best.

Whether there is a reward or not, the three-month time limit alone is like a dagger on your back!

Losing one round is equal to losing all four rounds!

"It seems that the fighting spirit is aroused by Lin Feng." Lin Lengmo\'s eyes are bright.

These elites, who is willing to admit that they are weaker than others, since Lin Feng can do it, they can do it too!

"The past seven days, I don\'t know how he learned." Lin lengmoruo thought.

"There should be considerable progress."

It\'s more than progress.

It\'s not enough to describe it as flying in.

Before, I knew nothing about Lin Feng, but now my knowledge is as good as that of Lin Yumo.

Pretty scary!

Every day, three hours of teaching, and the remaining nine hours, Lin Feng basically spent in the "time engraving array" at 100 times. Sometimes he would chat with Lin Yumo for a while. Anyway, the total time was fixed, but the distribution was random, and Lin Feng was not in a hurry.

Lin Yumo has finished explaining all the "theoretical knowledge" in the past seven days.

In fact, I\'m afraid I\'ll finish the real weapon refining knowledge in three or four days, but Lin Feng is too good at asking why, so he just doubled the time.

"Starting today, learn the basic movements again." Lin Yumo looked indifferent and looked at Lin Feng.

"Don\'t underestimate these \'basic actions\'. Each action has a perfect\' standard scale \', which is different from those outside."

"All you have to do is forget all you have learned before, learn again and understand again."


Just like practicing martial arts, what you think is always different from what your master taught.

Although the teaching methods of Lin Yumo and Lin Lengmo are different, their purposes are the same.

If you master the foundation, the more solid, accurate and standard, you can master more complex refining skills in the future.

Like practicing guns, the basic moves of the eighteen moves are the most important. If you can\'t even practice basic gun moves well and don\'t practice standard, how can you practice more difficult and complex gun moves? The more solid the foundation is, the better the future will be and the greater the achievements will be!

"OK." Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate.

Oneself, have never learned, forget what?

But Lin Yumo, like Lin Lengmo, has seen the video of Lin Feng\'s assessment at the third level and completely "positioned" Lin Feng wrong. At that time, Lin Feng only "copied" the baldheaded man\'s weapon refining skills. Naturally, there were many mistakes and omissions, and it was a mess.

"Really understand?" Lin Yumo asked again.

Lin Feng smiled, "you can start, mentor."

"Start with basic \'fire control\'."

"Remember the three degrees of fire I told you?"

Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and said slowly.

"Well, strength, temperature and density," Lin Feng replied without hesitation.

"The materials of the refiners we use are generally divided into three categories: ore, crystal and metal. The corresponding strength, temperature and density are different."

"To refine a vessel, you must first be familiar with flame and materials."

These basic knowledge has long been a deep-rooted memory.

The "ore atlas" I read that day made me fully familiar with the materials.

Lin Yumo nodded and said, "yes, our Lin\'s Apprentice must remember 100 kinds of strength, temperature and density. Only by deeply remembering the feeling, can the smelter be more arbitrary and change instantly."

"For simple refiners, it may take more than a hundred times to change the \'Gear\' of the flame, while for complex refiners..."

"In an instant, it may be necessary to change the flame \'Gear\' a hundred times."

Lin Feng\'s heart was chilly and his eyes twinkled.

One hundred "grades" of strength, temperature and density refer to a single!

In other words, each of the "three degrees" of flame has a "100 gears", and a cluster of flame includes the existence of these "three degrees" at the same time.

There are a million kinds of flames in total, which need \'memory\'!

Quite difficult!

"Of course, even if you can\'t remember, you can also refine weapons, but..."

"This is the difference between the tool refiner family and ordinary tool refiners. Just this one, the gap is huge."

"For example, when refining the same \'one product star treasure\', they can only refine \'inferior\' quality, while we can refine \'superior\' quality."

Lin Feng made a soft "um" sound and agreed.

The details are very important, just as I have just condensed the "purple complex crystal strip".

Even if the control of the flame deviates a little, it will be a completely different outcome. Lin Lengmo relies on the "memory" of the number of flame stalls, while he relies on replication, but he takes tricks.

In fact, the "stall" of the flame has indeed changed a lot in the refining just now.

This is only the most basic "refining".

"Don\'t think it\'s very difficult. When you become a human level tool refiner, it\'s even more difficult." Lin Yumo said gently, "human level tool refiners need to control not only the flame, but also the power of constellations. You need to remember that 1000 to 10000 kinds of strength, temperature and density are far better than tool refiner apprentices."

Lin fengqingming nodded.

When the flame is multiplied by the star force, the upper limit of the "three degrees" of the flame will naturally be greatly increased, which is difficult to thousands of times. It is normal


Fire control is my strong point!

Regardless of the star power, if you only control the rebirth fire, you absolutely have no problem.

For other martial artists, this threshold is not simple, but for themselves, it is definitely not a big problem!

"Go in."

"There are special instruments for testing."

Lin Yumo stepped gently into it, "I\'ll introduce the use method and demonstrate it first."

"Good." Lin Feng replied.

Equipment, not complicated.

It is mainly the function of some buttons and the operation of the interface.

Lin Yumo just introduced it once, and Lin Feng remembered it and could operate it skillfully.

Soon, I was immersed in it.

Focus on cultivation.

"He must have been busy for a while." Lin Yumo smiled.

"If you want to remember a million kinds of flames, even if the qualification is good, I\'m afraid it will take about a year."

She also went through this stage, which took a full three months.

Among the children of the Lin family, this achievement is definitely a "top-notch" qualification.

No one can match the apprentices of the same age.

Looking at Lin Feng, who is getting better in the energy equipment, he is concentrating on remembering the "degree" of each flame. He is very attentive, and Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flash.

Although the contact time is not long, the forest wind

"It\'s not like those with ulterior motives."

"He is really keen on the way of refining tools and has not mentioned the carving array."

Lin Yumo thought in his heart, but he saw it in his eyes.

From her intelligence, it can be seen that Lin Feng really wants to learn to refine utensils, not to become a engraver.

A person, no matter how deep he hides, the details between his actions will always show something, or

Show clues.

"Unless he is really too wily and turns me around." Lin Yumo smiled lightly, just like a flower in bloom. Coupled with the exquisite facial features, exquisite and flawless skin like snow, it has an extreme beauty, which makes the surrounding all pale.

She is not only one of the "double stars" of the Lin family.

It is also the most beautiful "flower" of the Lin family, the first beauty in Shiluo county.

(second change ~ ~)