Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 763

"No, no way."

"How could this happen..."

Jing youyou\'s pretty face was pale and her hands were powerless.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng\'s "purple crystal strip" was more than half a meter.

Too fast!

Fast, no one can react.

With complete reproduction and simulation, Lin Feng showed Lin Lengmo\'s skill perfectly again. However, what Lin Lengmo showed in his hands was only admiration; But it was a real shock to show it in Lin Feng\'s hands!

Great shock!


"I\'m kidding."

"I... seem to be right."


People\'s heads roared like clay sculptures and wood carvings, and they wouldn\'t move.

Just now, those weapon refiners and apprentices who were still mocking Lin Feng had a burning pain on their face, but they lost all their face.

Lin Feng, with the most direct performance, slapped them in the face.

The heaviest fan is Liu Yikai.

Ridiculed Lin Feng\'s ranking and determined that he came in through the back door by relationship. Liu Yikai despised Lin Feng in every way. In fact, he does have the qualification. But now, the test he could not complete, even from the beginning, was a complete failure; Lin Feng did it effortlessly, and——

Completely exceed the predetermined goal!

One meter.

One and a half meters.

Two meters!


Still growing!

Like a demonstration, showing off.

Three months later, the goal everyone needs to achieve is one meter; The passing line for Lin\'s apprentice is two meters!

But Lin Feng, more than two meters in an instant!

It didn\'t stop.

"That\'s the feeling."

"More than that, although it\'s the same as the tutor\'s technique, my rebirth fire..."


Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

As like as two peas, the intensity of the flame is exactly the same.

Their own rebirth fire is more \'gentle\', softer and stronger.

"Wow!" "pa Da ~" the control of the flame is extremely accurate.

Lin Feng\'s eyes had already recovered their brightness, and the scene in his mind had completely disappeared. You don\'t need to rely on the process of reproduction. Your body is already familiar with this feeling. Compared with the array of engraving patterns, your "familiarity" with the refining tool makes you experience it personally and master the essence better.

That is a kind of \'understanding\'.

It\'s not hard.

Because this is the basic category of tool refiners.

In the first round of training, what we need to master is actually very simple, which is the foundation.

The difference is that the "foundation" of the Lin family may have higher requirements for "fire control", but it requires little knowledge.

Even a layman like himself can master it.

"Can continue!"

"Not to the limit."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. At this time, the "purple crystal strip" in his hand was three meters long.

However, the "vitality" of violet crystal has not yet reached the verge of final collapse.

It can be extended again!

Practice is the best way to learn and understand.

Just like fighting, it is the most direct means to improve strength.

In particular, a personal experience, perfect practice, is the most accurate grasp and the fastest understanding!

Lin Feng, that\'s it now!

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

"I didn\'t expect master Yan to be so eager."


Close the Star Crystal Watch, Lin Yumo\'s beautiful face is as beautiful as a scroll with a faint smile.

His eyes were light and bright, and Lin Yumo thought, "there are too many secrets and unknowns on this wild born \'Lin Feng\'. I must finish the task given to me by the patriarch. If this matter is handled well, I will restore my father\'s prestige in the past."

This is the most important thing for Lin Yumo.

She carried a heavy burden on her thin shoulders.

In the light screen, the faint bright light reflects Lin Yumo\'s picturesque white skin, which is suffocating. Those crystal clear eyes have wisdom and maturity that their peers don\'t have. With a clear smile, Lin Yu\'s eyes moved to the big screen, "I forgot him when I talked."

In an instant——

"Ah!" cried out in disbelief.

For Lin Yumo, who has always been calm, it is a rare gaffe.

In that flawless appearance, there was incredible surprise and beautiful eyes.

"Pa!" Lin Feng finally stopped.

The faint purple light twined on the purple crystal bar in the hand, which shocked everyone.

Including Jing Youyou, Liu Yikai, every tool smelter apprentice present, and

Lin Lengmo.

Four meters long!

Incredible length.

The spine was cold for a while, and Lin Lengmo hasn\'t calmed down yet. His high chest fluctuated continuously, and his face was filled with amazement. Even if she has been immersed in the refining master for many years, the foundation is to reach the level of real no pickiness, but the purple crystal bar can only be condensed into three and a half meters at most, which is the limit.

And when you\'re in great shape!

But this "fledgling" forest wind is only refined for the first time——

It has reached a length of four meters!

No kidding.

Real refiners know that after reaching three meters, even 0.1 meters later is a great test and burden. The whole Lin family can coagulate the purple complex crystal bar to four meters, and there will be no more than two hands.

Besides, they are all earth level refiners!

But right now

But there is a "monster" who can condense the purple crystal bar to four meters!

It\'s terrible!

There was silence.

The shock was more than Lin Lengmo.

Everyone was stunned. Looking at such a \'miracle\', he was stunned and couldn\'t say a word. In their eyes, the existence of that coward, that coward, the son of a rich family and the tail of a crane suddenly changed into an unreachable existence.

This "fire control" realm is beyond imagination.

Who can do it?

In an instant——

"Ah!" a crisp scream.

Like a frightened bird, everyone looked at it.

Seeing Jing Youyou, who shrunk his body like an ostrich and buried his head deep in his chest, blushed like a big apple, as if he was dripping juice. For a moment, the people were shocked and unparalleled, especially Li Hao, whose eyes were bigger than lanterns.

Only Liu Yikai, pale to the extreme.

He lost. He lost miserably.

Lin family.

"Yumo is really good." Lin Zhen nodded happily.

"Well, Lin Feng handled it well." Lin Yan stroked her long beard and said with satisfaction, "compared with her peers, her mind is very mature."

Lin Zhen brightened her eyes gently, shook her head and sighed, "but it\'s no wonder that she was down in the family because of that thing. The original good \'finger belly for marriage\' hurt her. The little girl stubbornly thought that the whole thing was caused by her, but in fact..."

"Alas." with a long sigh, Lin Zhen felt helpless.

"Well, patriarch, it\'s not your fault. Sometimes you can\'t help yourself in his position." Lin Yan smiled faintly, "don\'t mention the past. How are you going to deal with Lin Feng?"

"Walking and watching." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright. "One year is enough."

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly——

"Didi ~" the star crystal table lit up, and Lin Zhen looked at it and blinked.

"It\'s Yumo. There\'s a video mapping." Lin Zhen looks at Lin Yan, who looks calm and nods heavily.

Lin Zhen nodded and clicked several buttons for a moment. He operated quickly.

Suddenly, the light of "Wow!" bloomed, and several brilliant lights were emitted from the star crystal table and mapped on the huge light screen. In the picture, a young man in black suddenly appears. It is the flames in both hands that are burning "purple complex crystal strips", and his movements are quite skilled.

Lin Feng!

"Ah!" Lin Yan\'s old eyes suddenly brightened.

"What is this?" Lin Zhen was also shocked.

Apprenticeship workshop.

"This way." Lin Lengmo led the way.

Behind him, Lin Feng followed slowly.

What Lin Lengmo said naturally counts.

What\'s more, in her opinion, Lin Feng\'s weapon refining foundation really no longer needs to practice basic abilities.

It was a sheer waste of time.

"You really can\'t refine utensils?" Lin Lengmo asked.

"Yes." Lin Feng didn\'t hide it.

"I\'ve seen all the three levels you assessed." Lin Lengmo didn\'t look back and said slowly, "with your results, I can\'t enter the first group at all. I\'ve been very confused all the time, but now I\'m sure that the master\'s decision is not wrong."

Master\'s decision?

Lin Feng\'s eyes moved gently and thought deeply.

"You are indeed a piece of jade." Lin Lengmo nodded. "Just this ability of \'controlling fire\' stands out from the crowd. With this talent, it is more than enough to enter a group."

"That\'s all." Lin Feng answered modestly.

"Step." Lin Lengmo stopped. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he felt confused. Suddenly, Lin Lengmo turned his head with a positive look in his eyes, "your advantages are very prominent, and your disadvantages are also obvious. In my opinion, if you become a \'engraver\' and \'alchemist\', your achievements will be higher in the future."

"A tool refiner needs to master too many things, not just \'fire control\'."

Lin Feng looked at Lin Lengmo and saw \'care\' from his cold look.

Although his tone was cold, he thought of himself.

"Thank you, mentor." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "but I like refining tools."

I like refiners.

Four words, everything.

Lin Lengmo\'s rare indifferent smile is her own. Isn\'t it so?

If she becomes a "star talisman", her achievement will only be higher than that of a tool refiner, but she still chooses a tool refiner. Therefore, seeing Lin Feng so qualified, he thought of himself and advised him inexplicably. But she also guessed that it wouldn\'t make much difference.

"Let\'s go, the second floor is in front." Lin Lengmo\'s tone was much more gentle.

On the first floor.

At this time, the flowers exploded.

The discussion about Lin Feng was endless and the atmosphere was very high.

"Shit, this guy can really hide. He ranks 100th in such strength."

"Have you seen the \'fire control\' technology just now? NIMA, she is better than her mentor!"

"Not necessarily. I don\'t think the tutor did his best."


The people discussed warmly, but they seemed to forget that they still looked down on Lin Feng not long ago.

The wall fell and everyone pushed. Naturally, there are not a few people who act according to the wind. What\'s more, fighting spirit is the world of the jungle. The weak respect and admire the strong. It\'s not a year and a half, but a deep-rooted idea. Lin Feng conquered a group of people with his strength.

"Hello, youyou?" Li Hao touched Jing youyou with his elbow.

"Don\'t touch me, mouse, people are bothered!" Jing youyou pursed her small mouth and frowned, very sad.

Li Hao said with a wry smile, "how many times have you said, don\'t call me a mouse. At least we grew up together. Save some face for me?"

"Hum, save face for you, who will save face for me." Jing youyou remembered what he said to Lin Feng, but now he wanted to find a hole in the ground. When I think of myself, I\'m in a dilemma, but I regret it.

Li Hao\'s eyes flashed slightly and touched Jing youyou lightly. "Are you really going to marry him, youyou?"

"You\'re stupid, I\'ve only seen him a few times!" Jing youyou said angrily. "Besides, can he climb up in my Jing family? Besides, who doesn\'t say anything wrong. Also, I don\'t like him at all! I hate him!" he said, stamping his feet angrily, Jing youyou bit his lips and whispered, "I, I really don\'t know, mouse..."

The last sentence was very quiet, but Li Hao listened in his ear.

How could he not know Jing youyou\'s character?

Although she has a little temper and is unruly and willful, she is forthright and promises. Otherwise, she won\'t be so bored.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll help you with this." Li Hao patted Jing youyou on the shoulder.

"Go away, don\'t take the opportunity to wipe me off." Jing youyou shrugged his shoulders and looked at Li Hao with big eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Well, who made me your brother?" Li Hao smiled. "And don\'t call me a mouse in the future."

"Let\'s see." Jing youyou snorted, and his mood recovered a lot. He gently pursed his lips and hesitated, "do you have a big grasp?"

Li Hao nodded with a smile and didn\'t say much.

Although he and Lin Feng have just met, it is not difficult based on his understanding of Lin Feng.

Because he knows that Lin Feng is a real man.

Li Hao made a mistake.

That\'s why Lin Feng forgot all about it long ago.

Marry Jing youyou? Don\'t be kidding

It\'s just that Jing youyou thinks too much.

"Here we are." Lin Lengmo took out a black magnetic card and gently touched it.

Just like the opening of the first floor, the light shines for a moment, and the door to the second floor opens slowly.

"Go in, I have informed Yumo that she will wait for you inside." Lin Lengmo nodded.

"Feather ink?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

I seem to have heard the name somewhere.

Very familiar.

"Yumo? Yumo..." Lin Feng whispered softly, and suddenly his eyes brightened. "Isn\'t adding his surname \'Lin Yumo\'?!"

Lin Yumo!

Is that her?

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed with great surprise. In his mind, he came up with a flawless, suffocating face, snow muscle like skin and perfect body. Isn\'t it the "Lin Yumo" he met in the Xiaoxiang building yesterday!

For a moment, I remembered everything.

"Is she an assistant tutor?" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered, but he was surprised.

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Lengmo doubted.

"Nothing." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled calmly.

If you come, you will be at ease, but where do you not meet.

The eyes are sparkling and whirling, even stepping in.

(third shift ~ ~)