Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 762

The crowd immediately calmed down and opened their eyes.

Concentrate slowly, listen to Lin Lengmo word by word, dare not make jokes.

After all, Lin Lengmo has only half an hour in class every day, and what he said will not be repeated, and the "demonstration action" he has done will not be done again. If you miss it, you can only learn the content of "teaching" from the video. Although it is equally effective, it is one notch worse than on-site teaching.

Just like such a popular class, it is also one file worse than one-on-one training.

"Wait a minute!" a calm voice suddenly sounded.

But he broke the atmosphere that had just condensed. Lin Lengmo frowned slightly and was a little unhappy.

"It\'s your crane tail again." Jing youyou turned his head and glanced lightly.

"There are so many things." Liu Yi snorted. He was in a bad mood at the moment.

Everyone whispered, and when they saw Lin Feng, who had just become a "deserter", they despised him.

Regardless of other people\'s eyes, Lin Feng stood up and looked at Lin Lengmo with bright eyes, "I want to ask, if you can tutor one-on-one with your assistant tutor, is there a time limit?"

"Ha ha!"

"Ha, it\'s killing me."

"Just like him, he also wants to tutor one-on-one with his assistant tutor."


All the people burst into laughter. Even Jing youyou also covered his mouth with a "puff" smile, which was charming and attracted everyone\'s eyes.

Only the top three have one-on-one coaching "rewards", which are not so easy to get.

"Yes, at least three hours a day." Lin Lengmo said slowly.

Six times the time!

In other words, six times the efficiency!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flash slightly. Just now Lin Lengmo said that the ability of the assistant tutor is not worse than her.

One-on-one counseling is naturally more efficient!

"So confident that he can get the top three places?" Lin Lengmo smiled calmly, but he didn\'t know whether it was appreciation or ridicule. Looking around the people, he didn\'t forget to inspire them. "Everyone is excited. It\'s not easy to get the top three."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a light: "I want to try."

After talking, he stepped onto the stage slowly.

No hesitation, no hesitation.

It\'s like doing a very ordinary thing, leaving everyone in a daze.

Is it true that he came?

Everyone has only three chances!

"Put on airs." Liu Yi said disdainfully.

"Yes, be brave, see how you make a fool of yourself later!" Jing youyou played with her earrings and tilted her charming mouth.

Lin Feng looked back at Jing Youyou, but his unruly and willful appearance was very much like seeing thousands for the first time. He thought of her cunning eyes and teasing just now. Her eyes flashed brightly and smiled, "what if I do it?"

"It\'s impossible!" Jing youyou\'s small mouth with light lip gloss tilted slightly and half his head.

"So confident?" Lin Feng smiled at Jing youyou.

"Of course." Jing youyou proudly straightened up her chest, towering like her confidence, and hummed, "if you can do it, I, I......" she bit her lips. Jing youyou suddenly didn\'t know what to say, and said casually, "even if I marry you!"

Boom~ Everyone\'s eyes are tongue tied.

Even Lin Lengmo was startled. Even Lin Feng was stunned and lost his smile.

Li Hao even opened his eyes and couldn\'t believe it. The third miss of the Jing family was bold and dared to say anything.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Originally, I just wanted to tease Jing Youyou, but I didn\'t expect it to be like this.

Even if she wants to marry, she doesn\'t want to marry.

"Start, mentor." Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and ignored Jing youyou.

The little girl is crazy and unruly. She has to argue with her. It\'s really a headache. It\'s better to ignore it.

Lin Lengmo\'s eyes flickered, looking at Lin Feng\'s determined appearance, but he was also curious in his heart. Long before taking over the first group, she was very curious about the "Lin Feng" at the end of the crane. Such a low score was promoted to the 100th place. What\'s his secret?

Asked the master, but there was no answer.

Just wanted to try him, but he didn\'t succeed.

Don\'t want to come to the door by himself now!

"Here." the light in Lin Lengmo\'s hand flashed, and a piece of "purple crystal" the size of a fingernail was immediately placed in Lin Feng\'s hand, with sparkling eyes. "The rules are the same as just now, no time limit, but if you want to solidify the purple crystal into a" long strip ", half a meter is enough to pass."

Unlimited time?

Lin Feng smiles.

Others may not know, but they know it.

The faster the formation of purple complex crystal, the better. It is too fragile. The longer the time is dragged, the more difficult the formation of purple complex crystal will be. Because of continuous calcination, even if it is very weak calcination, the "heat" still exists, damaging the "life" of purple complex crystal.

This is balance.

On the one hand, to control the fire and reduce the loss of "life" of purple complex crystal as much as possible, on the other hand——

Coagulate the purple crystal bar longer and longer, damaging its life.

The truth is very simple.

I have seen the whole process and even simulated it thousands of times.

But after all, it was the first time.

"No problem." Lin Feng closed his eyes and concentrated.

After all, there is more than one chance.

Even if you fail the first time, there are still the second and third times.

Don\'t worry.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" take a deep breath, Lin Feng quickly enters his own world, and a scene seems to be playing back in his mind. That was the whole process of Lin Lengmo\'s just refining the "ziluo crystal strip". From the fire to the end, every moment was a perfect presentation.

"That\'s it..." Lin Feng\'s heart completely entered the state.

In the induction, the light and shadow of himself and Lin Lengmo seemed to coincide, holding the purple complex crystal in his hand, entering a wonderful state.

It\'s like deja vu.

Apprenticeship workshop, second floor.

"Hmm?" looking at the huge light screen in front, Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

The sunken fish and fallen geese face is full of brilliance, and the bullet breaking snow muscle reveals the ultimate softness of women, which makes me feel pity.

"This picture is so familiar." Lin Yumo thought lightly and suddenly remembered.

In the competition with Anlu, Lin Feng also looked like this.

"Is he really sure?"

"The requirements for fire control are not generally high."

Lin Yumo thought in his heart, feeling confused.


"Didi ~ ~" on his left hand, the star crystal table suddenly sounded.

Looking at the star crystal table and the familiar digital signal, Lin Yumo smiled clearly.

"What\'s going on?"


"Yes, don\'t waste our time!"


All the people were chattering, but they were a little impatient.

On the contrary, Jing youyou stopped talking and his face flushed. He was excited by Lin Feng just now and didn\'t pay attention to say those words. Now he regrets it.

"It doesn\'t matter. He won\'t succeed."

"Yes, I have nothing to be afraid of!"

"It\'s all right, Jing youyou."

He held his chin in the palm of his hand, gently pursed his lips, and played with two earrings with his fingers.

Jing youyou comforted herself constantly. Her appearance was both charming and lovely, which made everyone around her stunned.

Lin Lengmo put his hands around his chest and watched quietly. He neither opened his mouth nor stopped the crowd. For a real craftsman, it is the same no matter how noisy the environment is. Once he starts "refining tools", even if it is only the simplest "embryo", he must concentrate on everything.

External interference is not just a kind of obstruction, but a kind of training.

A real tool refiner has a strong "heart".

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds.


Just as the voices of the people were getting louder and louder, they were about to lose their patience.

"Shua!" Lin Feng\'s eyes opened in an instant, just like two lightning rays, flashing extremely bright light from left to right. As if two bright stars were shining, Lin Lengmo opened his mouth and was very surprised.

In an instant——

"Jiong!" the fire bloomed.

There is no star power, only a pure rebirth fire.

Control, more freehand!

One left, one right, the flame between hands, directly forms a perfect balance.

In terms of "controlling fire", Lin Feng itself is the existence of perfection. Before, the decline in the power of controlling fire was only due to the existence of star power and the addition of constellation power. The stronger the energy, the more difficult it is to control. Although Lin Feng is no stranger to the power of the constellation, he should control the power of the constellation as he can control the fire of rebirth.

At this stage, it is undoubtedly unrealistic.


Today, you don\'t need the power of constellations!


"The key is balance."

Lin Feng was so focused that only these two words came out of his mind.

In the air, the flame was extremely fierce, like a surging tide, attacking one wave after another. But for Lin Feng, all the flames come from the "body". The reborn fire does not need to borrow external aura at all. The most important thing is——

The external flame can not affect the fire of rebirth!

Itself is the highest level of defensive flame.

Even the slightest bit of power is inviolable!

"Wow!" the flame burns, and the purple complex crystal changes shape instantaneously.

The first flame combustion is very important. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It is very important to determine the \'melting point\' of purple complex crystal and the temperature force it can withstand. After all, this is a very fragile metal. Compared with other metals, the response to the change of flame may be only 1%, 1 / 1000, or even 1 / 10000!

"That\'s the point!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The perfect simulation successfully replicates the intensity of forest cold foam flame.

In an instant, Lin Feng\'s hands moved quickly.


Very fast.

Lin Lengmo\'s action is very slow.

But for Lin Feng, it is already very fast.

"Wow!" Wow! "In Lin Feng\'s mind, the light and shadow kept moving, and the action of his hands was almost to the extreme. The body moved autonomously, and Lin Feng\'s eyes fell into the thick bright light, but he completely copied Lin Lengmo\'s action without half deviation.

Feeling, very clear.

The body seems to have adapted to this feeling of energy.

It\'s quiet!

Looking at Lin Feng\'s action, everyone was stunned.

Including Jing youyou.

(second change ~ ~)