Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 758

The four deputies are not competitors.

If you are a master of refining utensils, you may have a strong sense of competition, but

The weapon refiners, engravers, star charmers and star elixirs complement each other, and most of them have cooperative relations, unless they fall out for other reasons, but there is no conflict of interest in their deputy positions. Lin family, as the third smelter family in Shiluo County, has maintained good relations with many Deputy masters.

The relationship between Yanqing and the Lin family is quite good.

"Ha ha, master Yan, what brings you here?" Lin Zhen and Lin Yan greeted with a smile.

For the transcendent existence of Yan Qing and other seniority, if it is welcomed by ordinary martial artists, it is undoubtedly a kind of disrespect.

"It\'s natural to climb the three treasures hall without anything." Yanqing carried her hands, behaved gracefully and smiled calmly.

Behind them, Anlu and Qin Xiaoyu followed from left to right, looking different.

"Oh?" Lin Zhen was surprised with a twinkle in her eyes. "Please come inside, master Yan."

"HMM." Yanqing nodded and entered the lobby.

After half a incense burning time.

"What?!" Lin Zhen and Lin Yan stared.

"Ha ha, master Yan loves to joke." Lin Zhen said with a smile, "if the Lin family had such a genius, wouldn\'t I know?"

"That is to say, Xiao Yan, don\'t make fun of me, a bad old man." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "come on, what can I do for my old bone? Can I refine Xingbao for your apprentice or order a \'engraving pen\'?"

Yanqing shook her head slightly. "Patriarch, Lao Yan, I also know your difficulties. Who is willing to let go of such talents?"

With a slight sigh, Yan Qing\'s eyes were bright for a moment. "I hope you can accommodate our friendship once. As long as you are willing to release people, the conditions are open, and as long as I Yan Qing do it, I will never frown."

Tone, quite euphemistic.


With a little request, it\'s really easy for Yanqing to get the world\'s wealth, and it\'s rare to have a real one——


Completely stunned.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan stood staring at each other, a little numb.

Just now they were still joking. Now it has inexplicably become a reality, but they are a little overwhelmed. With their understanding of Yanqing, they can make a proud engraving master say these words. How can it be false!

"Clan leader, Lao Yan, I don\'t beat around the Bush and speak frankly." staring at the two people, Yan Qing said, "you Lin family are proficient in refining tools, but carving patterns is not strong. Even if you keep Lin Feng, your achievements will not be too high in the future."

"It\'s better to give this son to me. Everyone takes what they need." Yan Qing\'s eyes are bright. "Moreover, Yan is single and has no family concern. I can let him retain the identity of the Lin family. It should have all advantages and no disadvantages for you."

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked very dignified.

Yan Qing has already laid out her cards naked and made constant concessions.

If this is the case, it will indeed have all the advantages but no disadvantages for the Lin family.


"HMM." after a long meditation, Lin Zhen looked at Yan Qing and said solemnly, "I hope master Yan will forgive me. I really don\'t know about it. Well, master, wait here for a moment, and I\'ll send a message to all the children named" Lin Feng "to come right away. How about it?"

"There\'s no need to work hard." Yan Qing smiled. "This\' Lin Feng \'is a branch of your family, born in a wilderness."

"What?!" Lin Zhen was shocked.

Apprenticeship workshop.

Walking into this huge space, Lin Feng was very curious.

Looking around, you can see huge and precise instruments and many light screens hanging above. The terrain is hot and much hotter than the outside. The air here is filled with rich fire elements, which is much more active and abundant than the outside.

"Here is the first floor of the apprenticeship workshop." Lin Lengmo said faintly, "it is also the outermost floor."

"Our first round of training will be held here for three months."

"Totally closed training!"

The voice was indifferent, and everyone looked forward to it.

Only Lin Feng\'s eyebrows clustered gently.

"Question?" Lin Lengmo\'s voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and Lin Feng\'s heart was pounded.

Even a little change of expression could not escape Lin Lengmo\'s eyes, such as two flashes of lightning shining directly into his eyes, and his spine was cold for a moment.

The cold and gorgeous woman in front of me is not easy to provoke.

"No," Lin Feng replied.

Forget it, three months is three months.

Looking around at the crowd, Lin Lengmo\'s expression was like frost. He said coldly, "you are single-minded and refined. This opportunity is not available at will. I can tell you that this year\'s training is definitely more useful than you have studied outside for a thousand years and ten thousand years!"

"As long as you successfully complete this year\'s training, you can get rid of your \'apprenticeship\' status."

"Become a real tool refiner!"


They took a breath of air-conditioning, and their eyes were as bright as stars.

A real smelter!

Among the four deputy positions, it is the first and the most difficult tool refiner!

As long as they can successfully complete this year\'s training, they can become famous tool smelters!

"The tool refiner has a high position in the fighting spirit world." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, looked at the excited people and smiled.

It doesn\'t seem like a bad thing to be a tool smelter.

"If you can become a top craftsman, you may have more power and influence."

"Maybe you can save your father earlier."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he didn\'t take it too seriously.

This is just "if".

In my opinion, the most important thing is always my own strength. As for the tool refiner, it can only be called "a possibility" at most.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Lin Lengmo still maintained his iceberg like expression and said coldly, "the first round of training is three months. Only those who pass the test can enter the second round of training. Those who fail continue to hone in this layer. The test is once every three months, and I won\'t stop waiting for you."

There was an uproar and everyone\'s face changed.

Quite cruel elimination mechanism!

"Test every three months."

"In other words, failure once is actually equal to the whole failure."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he soon understood the meaning of Lin Lengmo\'s words.

She teaches only the real elite.

"Is there a problem?" Lin Lengmo looked around at the crowd, cold to the bone.

"No problem, then we\'ll start."

"Why can the tool refiner be the first of the four deputies?"

"Why does the tool refiner have a unique high position in the fighting spirit world?"

"It\'s actually very simple because of \'demand\'."

"Whether it is a star soldier, star treasure, star armor or star weapon, it is not only a favorable arm, but also an indispensable existence for human warriors. The two Lich wars ended in defeat. Why can\'t the Lich race capture such a huge sea area?"

"It is because of our human existence, the existence of our tool refiner!"


The opening remarks are very vivid.

Lin Feng listened carefully and felt the palpitation of his heart.

Occupying thousands of islands and vast waters, the biggest force in the fighting spirit world is not the witch family, let alone human beings, but the demon family with countless types of Warcraft. Although the individual strength is less than that of the witch family, the number is more than that of the witch family.

The two Lich wars caused a great sensation.

Lin Feng has also seen it in the library in the valley, but it is more realistic from Lin Lengmo\'s mouth.

In front of me, it seems that there is a grand scene of war. There are countless witch families and demon families fighting all over the sky. The ancient family supports the witch family, and human warriors rush to the demon family one after another, which is a war far beyond their imagination.

The witch race is one of the three major human races.

Born with strong physique, they have the highest god of war qualification.

When the witch clan is promoted to the star master level, the essence is condensed and stable, and the thought and wisdom are mature, the strength can be improved thousands of miles a day.

Compared with human beings, they have stronger natural ability, stronger cultivation qualification, longer life span and physique, and the upper limit of strength that human beings can\'t reach. The more later, the greater the gap between human and witch power.

In particular, after the integration of the "soul weapon" of the witch clan.

Strength is doubled and doubled, which can be called terror!

Moreover, although the witch family does not like to use star soldiers, they can wear star armor, which is even more icing on the cake for them who were originally strong in defense.

Two Lich wars, the reason why the three human races can survive so far

The craftsman took great credit.

Lin Feng glanced around, and a group of people listened attentively. Perhaps they have heard these "old histories" countless times, but they are like the glory of soldiers. This is the glory of the weapon refiner and the self-esteem and pride of the weapon refiner!

Is to listen to a hundred times a thousand times, is still so blood boiling!


"Star soldiers, star treasures, star armor and star instruments almost cover all human weapons."

"Really irreplaceable."

Lin Feng nodded gently and existed as the first of the four deputies.

Naturally, there are inevitable factors for a tool refiner.

this moment.

The Lin family, it is a big shock.

All the branches of Lin Feng, who came from the wild, are assembled. I have to say that the name Lin Feng

Too ordinary.

There are hundreds of Lin Feng, each of whom is a young man of about 20, and they are all at the star master level!

It is hard to imagine how many figures the entire Lin family will have.

Yanqing was carrying her hands, her braids shaking, looking at them one by one. From head to foot, and then from foot to head, but the eyebrows are frowning deeper and deeper. I looked back and forth three times and carefully felt the breath of each "forest wind".

But still nothing.

"It\'s all here?" Yan Qing looked at Lin Zhen.

"It\'s all here." Lin Zhen nodded, slightly disappointed.

But to be honest, Lin Zhen never thought that Lin Feng, the five grade engraver, would be in the family.

However, if you have hope, you must try. Moreover, there is no need to offend Yanqing for such a small matter. If you can help, you can help.

"Xiao Yan, did you hear wrong?" Lin Yan said.

"Yes, we are not the only Lin family." Lin Zhen smiled brightly.

Yanqing shook his head, "no, it\'s what Yumo said."

"Yumo? Lin Yumo?" Lin Zhen and Lin yanleng said.

Yan Qing nodded, "yes."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were deep and she said in a deep voice, "I\'ll send someone to call her right away and make things clear."

(second change ~ ~)