Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 759


"To the patriarch, Lin Yumo, as an assistant tutor, entered the apprentice\'s workshop." the children of the Lin family knelt on one knee and bowed their hands.

"What?!" Lin Zhen and Lin Yan were stunned.

"What did the little girl do in the apprenticeship workshop?" Lin yanleng said.

Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered, her look changed slightly, and she fell into meditation, as if thinking about something.

"Apprentice\'s workshop?" Yan Qing frowned slightly, "but where did I draw the array of \'winding fire\'?"

"That\'s right." Lin Zhen nodded and said positively, "today is just the beginning of the one-year training for the apprentice of the tool refiner. Once the" winding fire "carving array stops, it can\'t be opened again in a short time. It\'s... It\'s a little difficult to do."

Lin Yan looked at Lin Zhen and tried to speak, but he held back.

"Hmm..." Yan Qing\'s pigtail fretted and seemed calm.

After a long time, he nodded, "well, anyway, I\'m not in a hurry. I\'ll visit again in a year. I hope the patriarch and yanlao take more trouble and don\'t have to send more." after that, Yan Qing\'s face flashed a look of disappointment and led the two disciples back.

Until Yan Qing\'s figure completely disappeared, Lin Zhen\'s face slowly relaxed.

"Patriarch, you......" Lin Yan asked hesitantly.

"Wait a minute." Lin Zhen nodded. "Yumo is very clever. Maybe..."

"This time, she will give us a surprise."

Lin yanruo thought, but he was a little absent-minded.

"By the way, Lao Yan, check the list of all the weapon refining masters and apprentices who have entered the apprenticeship workshop for me this time." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed and ordered, but Lin Yan didn\'t respond at all. His eyebrows were high and his eyes were low, and he fell into deep thinking.

"Lao Yan, Lao Yan?" Lin Zhen shouted suspiciously.

"Don\'t check it, clan leader." Lin Yan\'s face was slowly and solemnly. "Among the apprentices of the tool smelter, there was indeed one called \'Lin Feng\'."

Lin Yan finally remembered.

During the test, he had seen the Lin Feng with his own eyes.

"Oh? That\'s true..." Lin Zhen nodded thoughtfully and suddenly burst into an uproar. "We didn\'t want to plant flowers and flowers, but we didn\'t want to plant willows. Unexpectedly, we just wanted to train some middle and low-grade weapon refiners, but we mixed in a new star of a top engraver. It\'s interesting."

"But there\'s a strange place. With his test score, it\'s unreasonable to enter the apprenticeship workshop." Lin Yan didn\'t understand.

Lin Zhen said with an indifferent smile, "just call ah Zhong and ask him."

Lin Yan made a light "um" sound and nodded.

In the apprenticeship workshop.

After a short opening speech, Lin Lengmo soon got to the point.

"Foundation, very important."

"Every tool refiner family pays most attention to the foundation."

"Just like building, the base is not stable, and the future achievements are limited."

Lin Lengmo looked around the crowd calmly, "do you know why the pangs, Lin and Meng can stand in Shiluo county and have always been among the top three in the tool refiner family? What are they relying on?"

"I know!" said a bald man, his eyes flashing, "because he has a unique secret skill."

"And family blood and talent," replied a woman in white.

Lin Lengmo nodded.

"This is one of the factors."

"Including the geographical environment, including all kinds of weapon smelting records, and all kinds of experiences left by ancestors of all dynasties are one of the factors."

"But the most fundamental point is because of the \'system\'!"

His eyes were burning, and Lin Lengmo slowly opened his mouth.

All of a sudden, it provoked a heated debate, but I didn\'t know what the "system" meant.

"What\'s that, Lin Feng, do you know?" Li Hao turned back and asked casually.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "it should be the \'road\'."

The voice was not loud, but Lin Lengmo\'s eyes glanced, with a little bright, "there is a way of cultivation. The correct way of cultivation can greatly improve the speed of cultivation and the strength of martial artists; the same is true of weapon refiners. The system is the way of cultivation of weapon refiners."

The crowd suddenly realized and nodded.

"Awesome." Li Hao gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t speak.

These are the information I learned from reading books in the library on my first day.

But now learn and sell.

Lin Lengmo continued: "the foundation is the first step of the system. If the foundation is not laid well, the road of the tool refiner will be more and more deviated, just like a straight road. The foundation is the direction you walk. Once the beginning is crooked, if you want to correct it later, I\'m afraid it will take a hundred times a thousand times, even deep-rooted, and it\'s difficult to advance inch by inch."

Lin Feng nodded.

Like cultivation, one step is wrong, one step is wrong.

Indeed, not half a point.

Looking around at the crowd, Lin Lengmo said slowly, "the first round of cultivation is the foundation. It includes every action, every simple process and every flame control of the smelter. I will teach you again carefully from beginning to end."

For a moment, there was a whisper below.

Those who can enter the first group are undoubtedly the elite, and almost everyone has a solid foundation.

It\'s like learning a very advanced gun move and then learning the basic gun technique from scratch. Although they don\'t complain, they are inevitably unhappy.

Except Lin Feng.

"Like the gun move, the most complex shooting method is composed of 18 basic gun moves."

"The way of refining tools is the same. No matter how complex the tool refining is, it must be formed by the combination and evolution of various basic actions. Even the so-called unique secret skills are also created and changed on the basis of basic actions. It\'s better to learn the most authentic basic actions of a tool refiner."

Lin Feng smiled and was quite satisfied.

Compared with various complex refining techniques, I prefer the foundation.

It\'s like drawing a "carved pattern array". Maybe outsiders look great, but they themselves——

I can only draw gourds.

That\'s not what you \'master\', but just a kind of imitation and reproduction.

It is like a wing, absorbing Wu\'s soul. It follows a path Wu has gone through, without any "self".

Look forward to!

Expectations of new things.

For a \'unknown\' challenge and learning.


Other weapon refining apprentices obviously don\'t think so, and the voice of whispering is getting louder and louder. Although these weapon refining apprentices are only apprentices, they are all enthusiasts of weapon refining and study all kinds of weapon refining techniques. Most of them can easily refine six stars, seven stars and other spiritual treasures, which is much stronger than Sima Feng.

"Seems to have a lot of opinions?" Lin Lengmo opened his mouth with cold eyes.

All of a sudden, the crowd suddenly stopped breathing and dared not say a word more.

Looking around at the crowd, Lin Lengmo\'s eyes immediately fell, "Liu Yikai, come up."

Liu Yi got up straight. His face suddenly turned green, but he didn\'t dare to disobey. He came up and said respectfully, "mentor."

"Say it." Lin Lengmo said faintly.

Liu Yi opened her lips, hesitated slightly, and immediately said in a loud voice, "yes, tutor, others don\'t know, but I\'ve been practicing the foundation of a tool maker for ten years, and I think I\'m impeccable. I don\'t want to waste any more time to practice the foundation of a tool maker."

Confident and unyielding.

Lin Feng looked at the stage with bright eyes.

This "genius" who ranks first in the test and assessment has a solid foundation.

Especially in the assessment of the third level, the sword embryo was successfully refined in only 6 seconds, and the result was much higher than that of others.

"Very good, I appreciate frank people." Lin Lengmo was surprisingly not angry.


"Wow!" a purple light burst out.

There is a small piece of purple metal, about the size of a fingernail.

Liu Yi opened her eyebrows, reached out to take it and weighed it.

"What kind of metal have I never seen?" Li Hao scratched his head and said in surprise. There was also the sound of people talking around, but looking at such a small metal, I was a little confused, including Liu Yikai.

"Ziluojing." Lin Feng said softly.

"Ah?" Li Hao turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

"This is an associated crystal ore with a small output and low value except for beauty." Lin Feng smiled. "Because it breaks when touched, it is as small and narrow as the vein of the human body, so it is called \'ziluojing\'."

With the ability of never forgetting, Lin Feng naturally remembers every kind of ore and crystal in the ore atlas.

"Really?" Li Hao looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"Yes, it\'s ziluo crystal and bapin crystal stone." Lin Lengmo glanced at Lin Feng and immediately looked at Liu Yikai. He said faintly, "as a tool refiner, you must be familiar with every kind of ore, crystal and metal. This is the basis of your so-called \'impeccable\'? I don\'t know how you ranked first in your assessment, not even the one ranked 100th."

Liu Yikai blushed, but he was ridiculed face to face in front of the people.

"Tutor, eight grade crystal stones and other materials, not to mention star soldiers and star treasures, but also spirit soldiers and spirit treasures, can\'t be made. What\'s the use of knowing these?" Liu Yi opened her lips and fought back reluctantly. "She only knows these useless knowledge and doesn\'t know how to master the basic skills of a tool smelter. Don\'t mention the 100th place in the assessment, but the first thousand can\'t be ranked!"

In an instant——

"Ha ha!" "ha ha ~ ~" a laugh.

Everyone glanced at Lin Feng with a smile.

Liu Yikai is obviously a mockery, which means that Lin Feng\'s ranking should not even be 1000, but he just relies on his relationship to go through the back door.

"Ho? Ignite the upper body." Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

I didn\'t expect myself to say a casual word, but it became the fuse, which was a disaster.

However, Liu Yi was right. His ranking was indeed less than 1000. Ranked 100th and entered the first group, I was confused.

"One point of strength, one point of pride."

"Liu Yi\'s self-esteem is quite strong."

Lin Feng looked indifferent, but he didn\'t care about the ridicule of everyone.

I\'m the weakest one in terms of the standard of my own weapon smelter.


"The fire element here is very manic and fierce. Although it is good, it also has disadvantages."

"And this\' purple complex crystal \'..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and he immediately understood Lin Lengmo\'s intention.

Liu Yikai, I\'m afraid he\'s going to make a fool of himself.

(third shift ~ ~)