Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 757

Valley mouth.

"Ha ha, Lin Feng, you\'re coming!" Li Hao greeted with a smile.

With Li Hao\'s voice, the eyes of many martial artists gathered at the mouth of the valley at this time all looked forward to it. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly and flashed a trace of doubt. However, everyone\'s eyes passed lightly and did not linger too much. Instead, they continued to whisper and didn\'t know what they were discussing.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded gently and walked to Li Hao\'s side.

Looking around, most of the people had gathered, whispered and talked constantly, and danced from time to time.

"What\'s the matter with them?" Lin Feng thought of what had happened just now and seemed to understand something.

"It\'s not the \'supernova\' of the engraver yesterday. That man is also called Lin Feng." Li Hao shrugged and smiled. "This is definitely the most sensational event this year. Now it\'s not only boiling in qianluo District, but also in Shiluo county."

As expected!

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, but he understood.

In Shiluo County, the position of the four deputies is quite high, even better than Wu.

Five grade engravers are nothing, and there are not a few who can draw a ten fold "array of time engraved patterns". But what he won was master Yan Qing\'s apprentice, Anlu, who won the third place in the "star of cutting edge engravers" competition in Shiluo county.

That\'s a completely different story.

"That\'s right." Li Hao looked up and down at Lin Feng and said in surprise, "it\'s said that Lin Feng is also wearing black clothes, short hair and in his early twenties. Well... The description is similar to you." he clapped his hands and Li Hao said in surprise, "by the way, Lin Feng, you just went out yesterday, shouldn\'t you..."

"It\'s not me." he shook his head and Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Think about it too." Li Hao said with a smile, "brother Ruolin Feng, you really have such strong attainments as a pattern engraver. What kind of apprentice are you doing here? It\'s said that master Yanqing, the third ranked master in Shiluo County, indicated yesterday that he would accept Lin Feng as his successor."

"Heir, tut tut." Li Hao shook his head and his eyes lit up.

Lin Feng was calm and calm. His eyes flashed away.

I didn\'t deliberately hide it, but now is not the best time. Exposure is beneficial, but it has greater disadvantages.

"The Lin family must know about it."

"If I take the initiative to reveal my identity, I can join the Lin family, but this move..."

"It will not only lose its value, but also make people suspicious."

Lin Feng thought carefully and decided in his heart.

I do so many things to "infiltrate" the Lin family, but I don\'t take the initiative to infiltrate, but——

"Being infiltrated." Lin Feng\'s eyes glowed.

Time passes slowly.

At this time, a group of 100 people are gathering.

Lin Feng stood quietly. From time to time, the voices of people talking came from his ears. He listened to all kinds of his own "news", and was also amused. But one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and the pass is more and more exaggerated. It\'s almost that master Yanqing knelt down and begged himself

"Rumors are really terrible sometimes." Lin Feng thought.

At this time, two figures came from walking slowly in the distance, and Lin Feng immediately gathered between his eyebrows.

Liu Yikai, Jing youyou!

A light yellow leather dress, glittering earrings, light makeup and pleasant appearance, Jingyou Youmei looked at himself, and his enchanting body seemed to have a faint anger.

"Did I offend her?" Lin Feng was puzzled.

"That\'s enough." behind him, Li Hao squeezed up and attached it to his ear. "Did you forget what I told you yesterday? A group of 100 people went except you. Miss Jing San said that everyone naturally didn\'t refuse, and even \'Wu Yong\' gave some thin noodles."

Wu Yong is the only star level strong man.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered, but he resolutely refused.

But even if you don\'t have to worry, you won\'t waste time trying to please Miss Jing.

"Ask for more, brother." Li Hao winked and ran away.

At this time, Jing youyou had arrived and hummed, "Hey, Lin Feng, why didn\'t you come yesterday!"

"Something." Lin Feng replied faintly.

"What\'s more important than I invite you!" Jing youyou\'s unruly strength was exposed and fell in Lin Feng\'s eyes. He couldn\'t help sighing gently in his heart.

What I fear most is such a unruly woman. She is really reasonable and can\'t say clearly. It\'s very troublesome.

Moreover, at the sight of Jing Youyou, it is extremely arrogant.

"See friends." Lin Feng said truthfully.

Like the big tree in the thunder and rainstorm.

"You!" Jing youyou said angrily, "you know who I am! How many people want to take a step into my Jing family..."

"I\'m not interested." Lin Feng interrupted without waiting for Jing youyou to finish.

Besides, it\'s also a waste of time. Besides, if you don\'t offend her, you\'ll offend her. Whatever the third miss of the Jing family. Now in the Lin family, everyone is an apprentice of a tool smelter. Why should they sell her face. Just waiting to turn around and leave, Lin Feng\'s eyes are a Jiong, and a white light slowly blooms in the distance.

Jing Youqi\'s face turned red and his Earrings tinkled gently.

She is so big that she has never been provoked like this, but now

"Here comes the tutor. Gather." Lin Feng looked at Jing youyou and opened his mouth.

After speaking, he did not wait for Jing youyou to open his mouth, so he went to the crowd.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s back, Jing youyou stroked the earrings and twisted his nose, "hum, wait and see, Lin Feng!"

Lin Lengmo, come.

The tall figure is as cold and beautiful as an ice rose.

Years did not leave any trace on her face, but added a woman\'s mature charm. Compared with her femininity, Jing youyou\'s charm is undoubtedly green and astringent. In particular, the towering murder weapon can not be compared with Jing youyou.

"Gather." the voice was cold and emotionless.

They dared not delay, even if they were close.

Lin Feng stood behind the crowd and drifted with the tide. If you come here, you will be at ease. If you become an apprentice of a tool smelter, you naturally have to learn to refine tools.

"Just as his father said, as a member of the Lin family, how can he not refine tools?" Lin Feng thought in his heart that his father also climbed up from the apprentice of the tool smelter bit by bit. Now he has also embarked on this road. It has to be said that he has his own arrangement.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly chilly.

When Lin Lengmo swept the crowd, he seemed to stop on himself.

"Is it an illusion?" Lin Feng read slightly, raised his head and saw that Lin Lengmo was looking at the star crystal table at this time.

"It should be." Lin Feng secretly said that he was careless.

His eyes immediately fell on the star crystal table. At this time, there were ten seconds left from Chenshi.

A little, a little.

Soon exhausted.

"Pa!" Lin Lengmo closed the Star Crystal Watch and looked coldly, "it\'s time."

As soon as the voice fell, a man in gray flew in the distance, panicked, "sorry, mentor, I forgot to pay attention to the time when I practiced..."

In an instant——

"Peng!" the figure of the man in Gray was bounced away by a strong atmosphere.

The identity token pinned to Lin Lengmo\'s waist suddenly came into Lin Lengmo\'s hand and broke into pieces.

The man in gray turned pale for a moment, "mentor!"

"A tool refiner who doesn\'t even have a basic concept of time is not qualified to be my student." Lin Lengmo said calmly, "pack up your things and leave the Lin family immediately. Go away!" the last word, like the outbreak of thunder, made the gray man silent and dare not say a word.

a promise is weightier than one thousand bars of gold!

Since you open your mouth, it is absolutely impossible to recover.

The venue was quiet, Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and his heart was light.

Without any sympathy, they even followed Lin Lengmo and went to the middle of the valley.

It\'s a huge fortress.

The bright luster flickered like a giant egg, unable to see the edge.

The largest building in the valley occupies half of the valley, which is quite shocking.

"Apprentice workshop." Lin Lengmo said with his fingers in front, "you are the 100 most qualified apprentices of this batch of weapon refiners, and the worst has reached the star master level, so the training given to you is also different from the other 99 groups."

Everyone was surprised at the speech.

Lin Feng also glanced and nodded secretly.

"No wonder there are no star level warriors here..." Lin Feng thought.

Ten thousand weapon refiners and apprentices were enrolled. There were many Xinghai level martial artists, but I didn\'t see one in the group.

"Your training methods are no different from those of the Lin family." Lin Lengmo\'s hands flashed, a black magnetic card gave a long beep, and the huge "apprenticeship workshop" moved with a roar, and a gate opened slowly.

"Come in." Lin Lengmo entered first.

At this time, everyone\'s face was full of joy and couldn\'t wait to enter.

When they joined, they were still worried, but now they are relieved and secretly say that their choice is right.

"Great!" Li Hao clenched his fist. "Brother Lin Feng, let\'s go in. Hey, my blood is boiling."

"HMM." nodded slightly, and Lin Feng stepped in with a smile.

Lin family.

"Oh, even you have heard, clan leader?" Lin Yan smiled with mist and stroked his long beard.

"It\'s hard for me to know such a sensational news, ha ha." the laughter was bright and generous. It was a middle-aged man in a brown coat. His eyes were bright and bright. He sat on the big chair and kept smiling, but it gave people a majestic momentum.

The Lin clan, the patriarch of Lin Zhen!

Star level strongman, earth level weapon refiner!

In qianluo District, he is a big man who can shake an earthquake by stamping his feet.

"It\'s said that he\'s just a young man in his early twenties. Tut Tut, he\'s already a five grade engraver at a young age. It\'s really not simple." Lin Yan\'s eyes showed deep appreciation.

"Not only that, but even our master Yan is optimistic about him. He not only wants to be an apprentice, but also regards him as an heir." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed. "We can imagine how much potential this son has. I\'m afraid it can be compared with Lu qianer, the champion of the last" star of cutting-edge engravers "competition."

Lin Yan nodded approvingly and said with a smile, "coincidentally, the child\'s surname is\' Lin \'. How good would it be if he were our Lin children?"

"Ha ha!" Lin Zhen laughed happily. "Lao Yan, I say you really dare to think that there are so many people whose surname is Lin in Shiluo county. Are they all of my Lin family?"

They smiled at each other and chatted casually.

At this time——

Outside the door, a child of the Lin family knelt on one knee and arched his hands, "clan leader, master Yan Qingyan is visiting."

"Oh?" Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other, but they were surprised.

(first change ~ ~)