Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 756

Lin Feng, return to the valley.

Although the identity token on his body is the "lowest", it is also a member of the Lin family.

Compared with the patriarchal clan, the family model is more complex and the distribution of power is more centralized. General families can be divided into direct families and branches. Here we have to mention a word - blood. In the fighting spirit world, blood is very important, because it represents the glory and foundation of the family.

The inheritance of the position of family head and deputy head must be the lineal blood!

In the blood, the direct line is the first level, the sub direct line is the second level, the branch is the third level, the sub branch is the fourth level, and the fifth level is the branch.

What Lin Yumo said to Yanqing is not empty. Many of the tens of thousands of "houses" around zhuquezhou do have branches of the Lin family. But many history is too long, many have long been destroyed, and many have lost contact

The sixth gear is the external system.

The so-called external system refers to those who are loyal to the Lin family and belong to the Lin family.

Of course, this is just the most common blood division. There are many changes in this status according to different situations. Many members of the Lin family have worked for the Lin family all their lives. They have made great contributions. Eventually, they can reach the third level, and even reach the second level.

The external martial arts, according to their strength, contribution and loyalty, have reached the fourth and fifth level.

Some even reached the third level, and finally married the daughter of the patriarch, rising to the second level.

"It\'s a blessing in disguise. Originally, I wanted to join the Lin family and wait for the opportunity to inquire about the whereabouts of my uncle \'Lin Jing\'."

"But now that we win this competition, the Lin family should know before long."

"For me, this is a good chip and opportunity."

In the valley, Lin Feng lived alone in the mushroom house and thought secretly.

Although he has become an apprentice of a tool refiner, his purpose is not to learn to refine tools.

It\'s very important to join the Lin family!

"Indeed, people are not as good as heaven." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I didn\'t expect to meet a master of engraving like Yan Qing. As for the competition, it was a temporary intention.

Anlu provoked himself, but he didn\'t know that he had completely fallen into his trap.

"If the topic of the competition is not me, it will make a fool of myself."

"But the ten fold \'array of time engraving patterns\' is really not easy to draw. It almost failed. Fortunately, I took one at last..."

"Should it be the \'star pill\' brother Wan said? I don\'t know who secretly helped me?"

Lin Feng was puzzled when he thought in his heart.

Immediately sprinkled a smile, but also with it, if the person who helped him wants to appear, I\'m afraid he has already appeared.

Not to mention Shiluo County, there are too many capable and different people in this "qianluo district" alone.

Master level?

What is that

"Uncle Lin Jing wants to find out, as well as what happened to his father that day, but the most important thing is cultivation."

"Although my father\'s body was temporarily frozen and delayed death, it only lasted 10000 years. If I want my father to live, I must become strong enough!"

"In the fighting spirit world, the stronger the strength, the more you get!"

Nodding, Lin Feng knew very well.

Their goals have never changed.

"Breathe, breathe ~" with a deep breath, Lin Feng soon sank into the world of cultivation.

There are still eight hours before the agreed time of gathering. The road of cultivation is slow and long. We must persevere and go step by step.

"Now my Xingxiu has reached the second level, and the door to the second level has been opened."

"Don\'t think about it. Cultivate the power of constellations and sprint to the second level."

Lin Feng thought, the goal is firm.

work steadily!

Perhaps the power of constellations required to upgrade from level 1 to level 2 is 100 times that of those at the same level. But their initial constellation induction is more than a hundred times! In addition, the seven main stars are bright, which is equivalent to the cultivation of seven times the efficiency.

Cultivation speed is not slow but fast!

Lin family.

"Younger martial sister, where have you been? I\'m anxious to find it." a young man with short hair came in with a smile. He was very handsome with bronze skin, thin face and slightly pointed chin. Those bright eyes are shining. You can see their strength at a glance.

Lin fan, one of the two rising stars of the Lin family.

"Go out for a walk." Lin Yumo smiled faintly, "have something to do with me, senior brother fan?"

The smile seems kind, but there is a faint resistance, like a thin film in the middle.

"Look at your stupidity, younger martial sister." Lin Fan pretended to sigh, raised his eyebrows and looked very rich. "Did you forget to sign up for the new star conference in Shiluo County in a few days? In the last session, you and I entered the top 100 together to win glory for the family, known as the two new stars, this session..."

"I don\'t want to attend this session, senior brother fan." Lin Yumo interrupted Lin fan.

"Ah?!" Lin Fan was stunned and said, "why, younger martial sister? Our strength is much stronger than that of the last one. This time, we can not only enter the top 100, but even further! By then, your position in the family will be promoted again!"

"I\'m not interested." Lin Yumo shook his head. "The opponent of the new star conference is too weak. I don\'t want to waste time."

"But..." Lin Fan was still unwilling to persuade, but was directly interrupted by Lin Yumo. "Elder martial brother fan, I have made up my mind. There is only one year left. Wasting precious cultivation time to attend the new star conference again is not what I want."

"There is only one year left?" Lin Fan was stunned and suddenly changed his face. "Younger martial sister, do you want..."

Lin Yumo smiled with a faint coldness and closed his eyes slightly.

The meaning is clear.

"Well, I know, younger martial sister." Lin Fan looked at Lin Yumo, looked at the beautiful face, beautiful skin like snow, and his heart kept beating. They have known each other for a long time and are recognized as a couple in the family, but Lin Yumo is indifferent to him.

With a slight sigh, Lin Fan pursed his mouth and couldn\'t give up in his eyes, "that won\'t disturb your cultivation, younger martial sister."

Then he shook his head and left with a little disappointment.

Not for a while.

"Ah, elder martial sister, what\'s the matter with elder martial brother fan?" Lin Meiyu stepped on the door and said in surprise.

"Nothing." Lin Yumo smiled.

"Alas, I must have been shut down by elder martial sister again. It\'s terrible." Lin Meiyu shook her head and sighed lightly, "look at him venting madly again. I\'m sorry for those younger martial brothers."

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes glanced lightly, "don\'t talk nonsense. When will I not let him in?"

"This door is not the other door." Lin Meiyu, with frivolous eyelashes, pointed to her chest and blinked, "I\'m talking about the door here."

Lin Yumo shook his head gently. "Now I\'m only focused on cultivating and refining tools, and I don\'t want to talk about men and women."

"Cheat!" Lin Meiyu\'s eyes turned cunningly. "Elder martial sister, you obviously don\'t like elder martial brother fan!" after talking, Lin Meiyu pretended to cry, "it\'s so sad, elder martial sister. You even cheat your favorite younger martial sister."

"Little girl." Lin Yumo was angry and smiled helplessly. "You know, you still ask."

"What a curiosity!" Lin Meiyu changed his face very fast. He had his chin on his hands and two big eyes. He turned his head in a big way. "Fan is so excellent and handsome. He is more of a master of your elder sister. Why do you love him?"

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are light and bright. "People are separated from the belly. The appearance and strength are superficial Kung Fu. Meiyu will know when you grow up."

"Oh..." Lin Meiyu nodded vaguely and said again, "what\'s your favorite, senior sister?"

Lin Yumo gently raised his head, and his face was a little hazy, as if he remembered something.

"I see!" Lin Meiyu clapped her hands. "They said that elder martial sister, you made a baby kiss when you were a child, as if..."

"Well, younger martial sister, don\'t mention it again." Lin Yumo\'s eyes twinkled with a clear light, "it\'s all over, and I won\'t marry someone I don\'t like." after a meal, Lin Yumo sipped his lips, the exquisite show nose gently urged, and slowly opened his mouth, "not to mention now, I\'m afraid he\'s already dead."

"Sorry, elder martial sister." Lin Meiyu seemed like a child who had done something wrong.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Yumo smiled faintly. "It\'s no secret, because their family, even their father\'s pulse, was tragically implicated..." he sighed gently and deeply, and Lin Yumo whispered, "I don\'t want to think about anything else now. I just hope to help my father revive his branch\'s reputation in the past."

"Well, you can do it, elder martial sister!" Lin Meiyu\'s eyes twinkled and gave two thumbs up. What she admired most was Lin Yumo. She grew up in adversity and reached her present position step by step, pulling the whole branch from the bottom of the valley.

Lin Yumo smiled lightly, "thank you, younger martial sister."

For Lin Meiyu, Yumo is also very grateful and treats her as her own sister.

"By the way, elder martial sister!" Lin Meiyu suddenly thought of something and said, "well... Lin Feng, what are you going to do? Do you want to tell the elders of the clan about it?"

Lin Yumo gently shook his head, "it\'s unusual. Let\'s take a look at it for the moment, and we don\'t know the origin of Lin Feng. Anyway, from tomorrow on, he will receive a one-year training, and there is plenty of time..."

The eyes flashed lightly, reflected on the face of the sinking fish and falling geese, with a wise color.

Obviously, Lin Yumo already had a plan in his heart.

Valley, mushroom house.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng gently breathed.

The light of the power of the constellation twines around the body to form a red mist.

In the ten fold "time engraving array", the power of constellations has increased a lot in one night\'s practice, but there is still a long way to go before the second level. Even though Lin Feng\'s qualification is superb, the cultivation requirements that are 100 times higher than those of other martial artists are really harsh.

Get a point and naturally lose a point.

"Pa!" he opened his eyes, shining brightly.

"Hoo ~ ~" gently spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, and Lin Feng slowly stood up.

Looking out of the window, it was dawn.

On the left-hand star crystal table, there is an accurate time, which is very convenient.

"From today on, I will officially become an apprentice of a tool smelter. It seems that... I\'m following the road my father used to go through." Lin Feng smiled calmly and was inexplicably touched in his heart.

"One year\'s training." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright.

"Here we go."

(third shift ~ ~)