Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 755

"No, is Lin Feng too stupid?"

"That is, he didn\'t want to be the successor of master Yanqing!"

"Stupid, didn\'t you hear what miss Yumo said just now? He is a member of the Lin family. If he wants to become the successor of master Yanqing, he must betray his family!"


There was an endless stream of voices around, and everyone scrambled to discuss it.

The mockery of Lin Feng is gone. At this age and strength, it is enough to make people respect.

Wupin engraver, who is still so young, has been affirmed by master Yanqing. His future must be unlimited!

Lin Feng\'s sudden departure caught Yan Qing and Lin Yumo a little unprepared.

However, compared with Yanqing\'s heart, Lin Yumo is very happy.

"I\'m sorry, master Yan. If you offend me, I hope Haihan." Lin Yumo gently arched his hand. "Yu Mo said goodbye first." after that, he smiled at Anlu and Xiaoyu. Lin Yumo and Lin Meiyu immediately withdrew.

The three teachers and disciples of Yanqing were left with different faces.

"Damn!" Anlu clenched his fist and looked very ugly, but he didn\'t know whether losing to Lin Feng made him angry, or Yan Qing embarrassed him by taking Lin Feng as his successor, or lost his face in front of Lin Yu\'s ink face, which made him feel a deep shame

Yan Qing did not look at Anlu. What a real strong man needs is not comfort.

Setbacks and failures are a good opportunity for people to grow and learn. If Anlu has been depressed and decadent since then, he is not worthy to be his apprentice at all.

On the contrary, it is this "forest wind"

"I was rejected?" Yan Qing smiled, feeling unspeakably funny.

Many martial artists lined up to want him to be Yanqing\'s disciple. Many of them are star domain level, and he declined.

Lin Feng not only accepted him as an apprentice, but also trained him as an heir. With such superior and impeccable conditions, he refused even if he wanted to?

Fame and wealth are right in front of you!

Lin Feng, who was born a barbarian, despised it!

"It\'s interesting." Yan Qing laughed instead.

"Master, you?" Qin Xiaoyu bit her lips and looked at Yanqing.

"What do you think of this\' Lin Feng \', Xiao Yu?" Yan Qing asked softly.

Hesitated for a moment and looked at Anlu again. Qin Xiaoyu nodded, "very powerful, no, very powerful, master, and, and..."

"And what, but it doesn\'t hurt to say." Yanqing smiled.

Qin Xiaoyu whispered, "master, I think Lin Feng\'s weapon refining technique is very similar to that of you. I\'m afraid its potential is higher than that of me and my senior brother. It\'s very suitable to be your successor and teach skills."

"Younger martial sister!" Anlu\'s face was even more ugly.

"Shut up!" Yanqing turned back and shouted coldly, "how can a man become a great thing in the future?"

In a word, Anlu\'s face was like soil, and he couldn\'t say a word.

As like as two peas, he looked at the small head like nature itself, and looked at the direction of Lin Feng\'s departure. Yan Qing\'s eyes were light and bright. "You\'re right," said Xiao Yu. "I\'m afraid master will never find him more suitable successor than this."

Most importantly, the potential is infinite!

He can\'t find such an apprentice even with a lantern.

If you miss it, you will regret it all your life!

"But master, he seems to be a member of the Lin family..." Qin Xiaoyu hesitated.

"So what?" Yan Qing smiled calmly.

"Ha ha, how happy!" Wan Mochou said happily.

"It\'s a pity for this meal." Lin Feng smiled, but it was so big that it was impossible to drink safely.

"What\'s there? There are opportunities." Wan Mochou waved his hand, didn\'t care at all, and sighed lightly, "since entering Jiuzhou, Yanling mansion has indeed prospered thousands of times, but people here despise the barbarian warriors and are treated coldly..."

"I\'m not afraid of brother Lin. you\'ll laugh at me. I really felt a little inferior before." Wan Mo Chou smiled at himself.

Suddenly, he patted his chest fiercely and said, "but thanks to brother Lin, I finally understand that I am a wild warrior, so what!"

Looking at Wan Mo Chou, Lin Feng also understood in his heart.

In fact, it is very simple. The great gap between identity and strength has produced negative emotions.

In Yanling mansion, don\'t worry about calling the wind and rain. You can do whatever you want. He is not only the first strongman of Yanling mansion, but also the patriarch of Yanling wanzu, who integrates strength and power, just like the supreme emperor. But then he was shot down into the clouds by himself and found that

He\'s nothing here.

The existence of Xinghai level is too humble here. It is the star master level. Looking at the street, there are countless.

But in fact, Wan Mochou\'s qualification is excellent, and the achievements of Yanling Zunfu can be seen in general. Yanling Zunfu has the highest score in 10000 years!

Less than 30 years old, he has become a star master.

Moreover, I step up this ladder step by step.

"That\'s right, brother Wan." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, looking at Wan Mochou to revitalize his power, but he was also happy for him. After entering Shiluo county and seeing Wan Mochou, I found that Wan Mochou was more free and easy, but less domineering in the past, as if the water chestnut had been ground flat.

For the warrior, the fighting spirit and pursuit in his heart have disappeared.

But now, the momentum of the first strong man in Yanling mansion in the past——

Finally back!

"It\'s just like the first strong man in Yanling mansion who beat me and fled in confusion." Lin Feng said with a smile.

On that day, he was beaten by Wan Mochou miserably. He exhausted all his strength and even used the magnetic explosion, but he still couldn\'t defeat Wan Mochou. Finally, he managed to escape from the sky by using Feng dun.

That battle was one of the most dangerous battles he had ever experienced and the closest to death.

"Ha ha, I\'m afraid I\'ve been beaten and run away by you now." Wan Mochou said happily, suddenly surprised and whispered, "by the way, brother Lin, where did you learn your carving skills? How come I never heard you mention it?"

Lin Feng smiled and was about to open his mouth——

A familiar fragrance came.

"It\'s her?" Lin Feng suddenly saw the beautiful figure in his mind, with the posture of sinking fish and falling geese.

Lin\'s family, Lin Yumo.

"Elder martial brother, please stay." a soft voice came.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. Lin Yumo stood in front of him and blocked the way.

The strength is unpredictable!

Beside her, there was an equally beautiful girl, who was throwing her eyes and flashing at herself. She thought she was also a member of the Lin family. Lin Feng\'s heart suddenly darkened. In front of him, the woman named "Yumo" once "competed with master Yanqing, and her position in the family was obviously not low.

"Yumo girl misunderstood. I\'m not a member of the Lin family." Lin Feng said slowly.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng curiously, but he didn\'t understand.

I thought Lin Feng refused master Yanqing because of his ethnic identity, but now

"Impossible!" cried Lin Meiyu, pointing to the token around Lin Feng\'s waist. "If you are not a member of my Lin family, how can you have the surname Lin and this token!"

Lin Feng smiled, took down the token and immediately threw it away.

Lin Yumo reached out and took it. Mei Mou looked at the token with curiosity and was suddenly surprised.

"I\'m the apprentice of the weapon smelter just recruited by the Lin family, not your people." Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and said with a smile. Although they are both identity tokens with a large "Lin" engraved on the back of the token, they have several levels of rank and are different.

Just like the identity token of zhuquezhou, there are bluestone level, coarse iron level, refined steel level and so on.

The token of the Lin family is the same.

"As for my surname Lin..." Lin Feng looked at Lin Meiyu and whispered, "there are as many martial artists with the surname of \'Lin\' in zhuquezhou as cattle hair. It can\'t be all of your Lin family?"

In a word, Lin Meiyu blushed, but she also saw the token in Lin Yumo\'s hand.

Indeed, although it is the token of the Lin family, it is not the token of the real Lin family

"I see." Lin Yumo nodded gently and immediately handed back the order card to Lin Feng. "It was so offensive just now. Don\'t be surprised." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flickered slightly, "take the liberty to ask, Lin Feng, you are not a member of my Lin family. Why didn\'t you agree to master Yanqing just now?"

"It\'s very simple, because I like to be a tool refiner, but I don\'t like a pattern engraver." Lin fengran smiled slightly, looked at the two women\'s expressions, and said slowly, "if you\'re all right, I\'ll leave and see you later."

After saying that, he put away his identity token and left with Wan Mochou.

Leaving Lin Yumo and Lin Meiyu, they looked at each other.

"What a freak." Lin Meiyu tooted her mouth.

"Let\'s go back, younger martial sister." looking at the back of Lin Feng leaving, Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed and thought in his heart.

Since he is in the family, there will be opportunities in the future.

The Lin family is not short of tool refiners, but these qualified engravers can\'t ask for anything!

"Lin Feng..." Lin Yu murmured softly.

"Let\'s leave now, brother Lin." Wan Mochou said with a smile.

"Well, brother Wan, what are you going to do next?" Lin Feng said.

"Originally, I was still deciding whether to go to the \'equator alliance\' or \'Eagle roaring nine days\', but now I fully understand." don\'t worry about the bright eyes. "The loose and freehand life is not suitable for me. I need to compete and fight. If I don\'t want to be despised, I have to become stronger!"

"I don\'t worry. I\'m not a weak one." I\'m full of fighting spirit. "I\'ll try my best to enter the \'eagle king\' and hone myself!"

"This is the patriarch I know." Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his right hand.

The momentum and fighting spirit of never worry have been restored.

"Pa!" clasped his palms tightly.

"See you in a year, brother Wan." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Be careful to be caught up by me." Wan Mo Chou scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"I\'d love to." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

(second change ~ ~)