Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 754

At this time, everyone\'s eyes looked at Yanqing.

No one here is more qualified to make the final announcement than Yan Qing, and he——

It is also the "judgment" of this competition.

"Hoo ~ ~" took a long breath.

Yan Qing looked at Lin Feng and took her eyes away from him for a long time.

Glancing at Anlu again, I saw the dull look of my apprentice, and sighed in my heart. Although Anlu is impatient, extreme and has all kinds of shortcomings, he is also first-class in his persistence and talent for the engraver. As a engraver, can Anlu not understand the array of engraved patterns?

As a result, it is already obvious.

Glancing at Lin Feng again, Yan Qing thought, "he also knows he won."

If we share the benefits equally, we really need a "judgment", but now the gap between them is so large that even the naked eye can already know the results. However, Yan Qing overestimated Lin Feng this time. In fact, Lin Feng really didn\'t know whether he could win or not.

Confidence is because it has been drawn perfectly enough.

Try your best!

It doesn\'t matter whether you lose or win.

Although it was still a little worse, Lin Feng was satisfied enough.

After all, this is my first drawing.

The venue was silent.

Everyone is waiting, including Lin Meiyu and WAN Mochou.

Feeling the eyes of many people who are looking forward to it, Yan Qing is not a person who protects her weaknesses. If she makes a judgment, she should be impartial. What\'s more, it\'s normal for engravers to win or lose. Even he himself is not a victorious general.

Losing is not shameful.

If you lose, you will never recover. You can only say the loser——

It\'s a waste.

"Little brother, what\'s your name?" Yan Qing looked at Lin Feng and said softly.

The voice is very smooth and polite. He has no condescending attitude. Lin Feng\'s strength performance has won the respect of Yanqing. As a master of engraving, Yan Qing clearly knows how shocking and amazing Lin Feng\'s performance just now!

Although there are too many puzzles, too many puzzles.

However, the strength of Lin Feng\'s engraver is genuine.

The best proof is that it can draw a perfect ten fold "time engraving array" of nearly 99%.

Yanqing herself asked herself that it was only a little better than Lin Feng\'s completion, and the speed was just a little faster. These gaps, with the improvement of Lin Feng\'s strength, are not gaps at all. Whether it is the last flaw of the array or the perfection of the ending part, it is only because——

The power of constellations is just insufficient.

Non war crimes.

"Wow!" there was a voice of hot discussion around, that is, Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are also bright.

At this moment, she knew the result.

She couldn\'t be clearer about Yan Qing\'s character.

Proud and confident, and Yanqing does have this capital. The top three engraving masters in Shiluo county are respected everywhere in Shiluo county. Even if the star level strong see it, they should also shout "master" with respect.

But now the master talks to a younger generation as if to his peers

What does that mean?

"I\'m afraid it\'s more than winning." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng, with a wise God in his eyes.

In my heart, I am more and more curious!

Looking at Yanqing, Lin Feng said slowly, "wild warrior, Lin Feng."

Don\'t worry about the bright tiger eyes around you. You feel Lin Feng\'s huge self-confidence and overwhelming momentum, but you are also infected and hold your right fist tightly.

Yes, we are wild warriors!

So what?!

No matter what origin or status, in the fighting spirit world——

Strength first!

Yan Qing\'s eyes were light and bright, and he nodded gently, "I remember the name."

A faint sentence is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of Lin Feng. It can make a star domain strong man and one of the three famous engravers in Shiluo County say this sentence. What strength and potential it needs!

Many things, needless to say, already know the results.

"I announce." Yan Qing looked around at the crowd with bright eyes. "Lin Fengsheng is in this competition!"

Sonorous and just, there is a sound on the ground.

In a word, let everyone\'s heart jump wildly.

Looking at each other, the venue was quiet and could not say a word.

Barbarian, you really won!

It was not others who defeated, but the existence of master Yanqing\'s apprentice, Wupin engraver!

My God?

The sound of pumping air shocked his expression.

Everyone was staring at Lin Feng, shocked.

This seemingly ordinary young man, so young, could be a hidden engraver!


"Elder martial sister, did you hear that we really won!" Lin Meiyu\'s expression was very surprised.

"Yes." Lin Yumo smiled and immediately shook his head, "but it\'s not us, it\'s him, Lin Feng."

"Hey, hey, it\'s all the same." Lin Meiyu said with a smile, "isn\'t this\' Lin Feng \'a member of our Lin family? You see, he has the identity token of our Lin family, also surnamed Lin, but..." Lin Meiyu tooted her mouth and wondered, "why haven\'t I heard of such a powerful engraver?"

Anlu, who can beat the third place of the "star of cutting-edge engravers", is what a great new engraver!

Will it be unknown?

"It\'s really strange." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed, looking at Lin Feng as if thinking.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Meiyu said with a smile, "when he has finished talking with master Yanqing, we\'ll ask him."

"Yes." Lin Yumo nodded.

This side.

Yan Qing, with two disciples, came to Lin Feng.

The second apprentice Qin Xiaoyu looked at Lin Feng closely with bright eyes, with curiosity and more admiration; The big apprentice Anlu\'s face was iron green, and his eyes looked changeable and very ugly. Losing to Lin Feng is a great disgrace to him!

So far, he doesn\'t know how Lin Feng drew such an accurate and perfect ten fold "array of time engraving patterns"!

It\'s really weird!


Shifu and younger martial sister saw it with their own eyes, but there will be no fake.

"Little brother, I want to ask you a question. I wonder if I can solve my doubts?" Yan Qing\'s eyes were bright and looked straight at Lin Feng.

He looked calm. Lin Feng looked at Yan Qing and knew what Yan Qing wanted to ask, but he really couldn\'t answer this question.

"You should know that some questions are inconvenient to answer." Lin Feng smiled calmly, neither humble nor arrogant. At present, the star level strong man is not only kind to himself, but also polite to himself.

"Hey, I\'ll give you some color. You\'ve opened the dyeing workshop!" Anlu glared and said angrily, "do you know my master is..."

"Cough!" Yan Qing\'s face was unhappy and coughed softly. Anlu\'s face shriveled and dared not speak again. Looking at Lin Feng, Yan Qing\'s eyes flashed a little unhappy, but he had not been treated like this in his identity for a long time, but what Lin Feng said was really the truth.

If others ask him the secret of the engraver, he will not answer.

This is not only personal privacy, but also the unique skill of the engraver. How can you tell others at will.

"Well, I didn\'t say it." Yan Qing smiled lightly, moved her braid behind her head, and looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes. "Yan said frankly, little brother, your engraver has great potential. I don\'t know if you want to join me. You don\'t become my apprentice, but -"

Yan Qing said positively, "it\'s my heir!"


Everyone around was wide eyed.

Even the two disciples behind Yan Qing were startled and tongue tied.

Not far away, Lin Yumo covered his small mouth in surprise, and his beautiful face flashed incredible surprise.

Heir, equivalent to the next leader of a sect!

The four deputies and many senior division level figures will not only give their unique skills to each other, but also leave everything to their "successors". This is not only an affirmation of strength, but also a great honor and a real opportunity to leap the dragon\'s gate!

"Silk ~ ~"

"Wow! WOW!! ~"

There was a sound of breathing around, and the people were numb.

However, I did not expect that the development of the situation would be so unexpected. Yan Qing, the third-largest engraving master in Shiluo County, would openly accept disciples and entrust him with the position of "heir"!

What a shock!

The barbarian in front of me is so lucky.

As long as he accepted it, he immediately became a famous figure in Shiluo county and had a great reputation!

"Are you kidding..." Lin Meiyu murmured foolishly.

Lin Yumo\'s light and bright eyes sparkled, but he made a quick decision. His figure moved forward quickly and suddenly appeared beside Lin Feng. "Lin family, Yu Mo paid a visit to master Yan."

A gust of fragrance came.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved fiercely, but a beautiful suffocating woman suddenly appeared beside him.

"What a terrible body method."

"The breath is moving and deep. The Lin family? Who is she?"

Shocked in his heart, Lin Feng\'s look changed. The woman beside him is not older than himself, but her strength

Far beyond yourself!

"HMM." Yanqing frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy about Lin Yumo\'s appearance.

Lin Feng has such talent qualification, not to mention ten thousand years, that is, one hundred thousand years, and even in his life, he may not meet a real successor who is enough to inherit his mantle!

Now, it\'s interrupted.


Lin Feng?

His last name is Lin?

Could it be that

"But he clearly said he was a wild warrior." Yan Qing\'s eyes changed.

"To tell you the truth, Lin Feng is a member of our Lin family. I\'m afraid it\'s not convenient to become the only \'heir\' of our predecessors." Lin Yumo gently bows his hand, even if he slightly offends her, he can\'t worry about it. At present, there are losses and gains in this situation, so we must make a decision.

"Really?" Yan Qing\'s face remained unchanged. "This little brother can say he is a wild warrior. He has never mentioned the \'Lin family\'."

Lin Yumo smiled clearly and was as beautiful as a blooming flower. "Elder, I\'m laughing. The Lin family has branches in all the surrounding \'houses\', and Lin Feng is a wild warrior. It\'s normal." after talking, Lin Yumo pointed to Lin Feng\'s waist, "his waist identity token is evidence."

The situation is changing rapidly.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn\'t expect that he had become a "sweet cake".

The "master Yanqing" here wants to accept himself as his successor, and the Lin family there even accuses him of being a "branch".

It\'s also interesting.


I never wanted to be a engraver, let alone the successor of master Yanqing.

"The kindness of the elder and the kindness of the younger generation." Lin Feng came from the station, interrupted the dialogue between Yanqing and Lin Yumo, nodded slightly, "I have no intention of becoming a pattern engraver, so I have a competition..." he looked at Anlu, and Lin Feng was sonorous, "just to prove that what Jiuzhou warriors can do, we wild warriors can do the same!"

"Elder, farewell." after saying that, Lin Feng bowed his hand slightly and left.

Leaving a crowd waiting, all looked shocked and stunned.

Anlu\'s face is even more pale.

(first change ~ ~)