Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 753

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed slightly.

When everyone didn\'t react, only she noticed.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared in his hand, Lin Yumo flicked his hand, and a round medicine pill flew away in an instant. The galloping force penetrated the barrier set by Yan Qing, who had recovered from his amazement at this time, and his eyebrows wrinkled, which was very unhappy.

As a judge, this move is undoubtedly provocating his authority.

Don\'t say it\'s a competition. Lin Feng\'s perfect performance alone, how can he allow others to destroy it!

Waiting to intercept, suddenly——

There was a clear voice in her ear. Yanqing looked at her eyes and was surprised to see Lin Yumo. Immediately remembered what Yumo had just said to him, and even glanced at Lin Feng.

"Ah!" Yan Qing was surprised.

Only pay attention to Lin Feng\'s action, but don\'t notice the change of Lin Feng\'s star power.

Fortunately, this\' star pill \'came in time. Otherwise, it will destroy this perfect competition for the lack of a little star power

That\'s a pity.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Primary rapid star elixir, take it." a pleasant voice sounded in my ear.

Lin Feng suddenly saw a small round medicine pill with a faint light flashing, flying towards him quickly. Now the star power is on the verge of exhaustion and can not finish smoothly. The drawing of the big array is about to fail. I have nothing to do, but I am a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


"Wow!" he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and he suddenly felt a sudden rise of star power in his body, as if the lost energy had returned quickly.

Restore vitality and strength!

Although the added star power is not much, it is like a long drought meeting manna.

Enough already!

"Yes!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The spirit is fully concentrated again, and the drawing moment of the stream engraving pen in your hand has reached the final stage.

At the end, a strong stellar force burst is needed, which is like a flood rushing in. If there is no strong force burst, it will never stop the huge stellar force in the ten fold "time engraving array". Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled in an instant——

"Peng!" starpower suddenly blooms.

The strong breath, overwhelming and perfect control make the Star Force explode in an instant.

It\'s like building a dam to resist the surging flood.

At the end of the game, I worked miraculously and gave full play to the word "Gang" again! It is completely different from the two engravers when they first drew the source. That gesture, that domineering, has its own unique style.

The whole engraving array seems to be endowed with vitality and completely changed!

The red starlight has disappeared. In an instant, the flow of starpower turns into silver luster, which is very bright and beautiful.

The light energy converges to make the final "finishing touch" of the array of engraving patterns——

It\'s done!

Looking at the engraving array, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, holding the engraving pen of stream water, but he sighed in his heart.

After all, I was a little worse.

"The instant burst of star power is much worse."

"We can only rely on the continuous gathering of star power, but the effect is solidly poor."

"My physical condition is not as good as that engraver after all."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold, but he didn\'t know how frightened the engraver was at this time!

Yan Qing\'s eyes widened and her expression was numb.

The painting of the array is perfect and beautiful!

At the end, it\'s similar!

"Who is this\' barbarian \'and why does he know all my unique skills?"

"The finishing technique is slightly different, but it\'s also like 80% of mine!"

"What\'s his origin?"

The shock in her heart is unparalleled. Yan Qing is really hard to calm down when she looks at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s technology is too similar to him, too many coincidences

It feels like it comes down in one continuous line.

"Isn\'t it......" Yan Qing stared. "Is it another disciple of the master?"

"But as like as two peas, I have never heard of the master, and my drawing techniques are different from those of my master. That is the" stream painting method "when drawing the source. It is my original creation. Even if other refiner is similar, it is not exactly the same.

"Is it my own apprentice, I forgot?"

Yan Qing showed a ridiculous idea that even she thought about it, and shook her head.

But now, the facts are in front of us!

"Yeah, that\'s great! Take the lead in completing it. I\'m not angry with Anlu!" Lin Meiyu said excitedly, holding her fist.

"Don\'t be happy before the results are announced." Lin Yumo smiled. Although he was confident in the array of engraving patterns drawn by Lin Feng, like refining tools, it was not good to be fast. No matter whether the engraving array can be opened or not, it is very particular about the quality.

Fast can only represent \'proficiency\' in drawing.

At this time, people around also talked about it one after another.

However, when Lin Feng finished, Anlu had just finished drawing more than half.

Although his speed was faster than Lin Feng when drawing the source, his progress was thrown out of the sky.

Efficiency, too poor!

"What a perfect ten fold \'array of time engraved patterns\'." Qin Xiaoyu gently covered his mouth and his eyes sparkled.

Mumbling at this huge array of carved patterns of time, what glitters after the completion of this time is silver. Although Lin Feng\'s star power is red, if it is really drawn into the array of carved patterns, the color in the array will be changed, just like fusion, such as the cultivation of martial artists, turning the Qi of heaven and earth into their own energy.

This is the process of "closing".

Balance the engraving array and change the energy of the engraving array.

The gift of vitality!

Those who know the "engraving array" clearly know that as long as the color changes, it means that the engraving array is completed!

"Good!" Wan Mochou clenched his fist and his eyes were bright.

Although he is a layman, he is the head of a family in Yanling mansion after all.

Although we have never been in contact with the complex engraving array, the simple engraving array understands that there are many similarities between them. Now the color turns to bright silver. Don\'t worry. It\'s clear in your heart that Lin Feng has successfully drawn the carving array!

"It\'s really bottomless, brother Lin Feng." Wan Mochou stared at Lin Feng and was shocked.

Lin Feng, who came to zhuquezhou with him, has too many secrets to see through.

This is the case from Yanling mansion, even more so now!

"That\'s great."

"I don\'t know if I can win..."

Don\'t worry. Your eyes are bright and your heart is light.

Compared with before, confidence has increased a lot now!

Eyes look at Anlu. As time goes by, Anlu is gradually coming to an end.

After all, he is a five grade engraver, but Anlu has several brushes, and this time, he has completed the drawing of the engraved array perfectly!

"Peng!" starpower blooms rapidly.

Anlu\'s eyes flashed with incomparably bright luster and was elated.

"Very good!" Anlu nodded heavily and smiled happily.

From the drawing of the source to the final conclusion, every step is perfect, which is better than the competition of the "star of new engravers" on that day. If he could give full play to his strength that day, he would not only be third! Men, in front of their favorite dream lover, always like to show. Anlu really gives full play to his strength.

His heart is very clear.

80% perfect source drawing, 90% semi perfect array drawing and 90% perfect head and tail!

Comprehensive score, nearly 90% perfect!

Never before!

"This time, Yumo will look at me differently. Maybe..."

"Will also be passionate and admire me."

Anlu thought happily, smiling on his face.

Although his strength can\'t compare with Yumo, the four deputies have a high position in Jiuzhou. In Anlu\'s opinion, as long as Yumo is willing, he can "match up" to marry her. After all, his master is the famous Yanqing master in Shiluo county.

However, first of all, you have to move Yumo.

It\'s not easy.

"Hum, that hick wants to compare with me to draw the \'carving array\'."

"It\'s still 100000 years ago!"

Anlu raised his head and looked at the color of the engraved pattern array changing into silver. He was very proud.

Ten times\' time engraving array \', perfect!

This is the strength of his five grade engraver.


The venue was quiet.

The sound was very slight, only a few whispers.

"What\'s the matter?" Anlu was a little stunned. According to the normal situation, there should be a thunder sensation at present, and everyone cheered and clapped again and again. In particular, his "carving array" is so perfect that there is no reason to react like this.

The first one looked at the younger martial sister and the master, but they didn\'t look at him at all.

It\'s like taking him as air. I don\'t even know that he finished the drawing of the engraving array.

Where their eyes converge, it turns out that

"That barbarian!" Anlu suddenly turned his head with a thump.

However, Lin Feng was looking at him at this time, and his calm look was obviously completed with a faint expression.

Like a demonstration!


"How could he finish it before me!"

Anlu\'s face changed greatly, and she raised her eyebrows in an instant.

"I know, he must have failed." Anlu sneered in his heart, but secretly said that he couldn\'t hold his breath. When he saw the eyes of the master and younger martial sister just now, he took the barbarian as his opponent for a moment. He glanced casually at the "array of carved patterns" drawn by Lin Feng, and Anlu didn\'t care at all.

Just him, deserve to be his opponent?

You\'re kidding!

But in an instant——

"Boom!" Anlu was completely stunned.

The faint silver light flickered, with a strange energy fluctuation.

The whole "engraving array" has smooth lines and looks very beautiful, just like a work of art.

"This..." Anlu glared, unbelievable.

Staring at Lin Feng, Anlu opened his mouth and murmured, "how is it possible? How can this barbarian refine the carving array? It\'s impossible. It can\'t be a ten fold \'time carving array\'."

"There must be a mistake!" Anlu limped his legs and staggered back.

One hundred don\'t believe, one thousand don\'t believe, ten thousand don\'t believe!

This is definitely not refined by that barbarian!

Absolutely impossible!!!

(plus shift, fourth shift ~ ~)