Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 752

"Wow!" Anlu took the lead in painting the source.

The corners of the mouth were quite satisfied and extremely excited.

Lin Yumo watched. In order to perform well in front of the beauty, he played a unique good this time!

The least skilled sources are 80% perfect!

"Very good!" Anlu\'s Golden Dragon carving pen seemed to roar, driving his blood to boil. Writing like flying, Anlu is in a very comfortable state of mind at this time, entering a sub excited state. Drawing in this state is absolutely rare and valuable.

This time, the ten fold "array of time engraving patterns" will be the best one he has drawn!

The most perfect play!

"Ho! ~" "ho! ~"

Big array painting, start.

Paying attention to balance and drawing is very important for the demand of star power.

If the painting of the source pays attention to "softness", then the painting of the large array pays attention to "rigidity". This is what Anlu is best at and the biggest feature of Jinlong engraving pen. A good engraving pen should be able to give full play to the best aspects of the engraver!

Fundamentally, improve the perfection of the engraving array!

"Oh! ~" the stars are shining.

Anlu\'s large array drawing has begun.

"Tut Tut, I didn\'t expect that the barbarian could really draw the carving array."

"Cut, who knows whether he painted it or not. Maybe it\'s just to make up for numbers."

"That is to say, even if he can draw, he can\'t catch up with the waste of time ahead. Look, master Yanqing\'s apprentice has begun to draw a big array. The famous children are different. They draw with vitality and vitality! They are not like this barbarian. You see, they are as feminine as a woman."

"Ha ha, ha ha, yes, it\'s really similar!"


Indeed, the prejudice of the warriors of Jiuzhou against the barbarian warriors is not one day or two.

You can pick a bone in an egg, not to mention drawing an array of engraving patterns. In fact, laymen can\'t understand good or bad at all.

Even, they don\'t know how the engravers compete.

Are the four deputies so easy to see through?

Quite profound!

"I can\'t catch up with you, fool. I wasted so much time at first." Lin Meiyu said.

As a member of the Lin family, although she did not know where Lin Feng\'s title of "barbarian" came from, it was true that Lin Feng was of the same family. Lin Meiyu naturally regarded him as "his own man". Moreover, Lin Meiyu doesn\'t like Anlu very much. She wants Anlu to lose and frustrate his spirit.

"Before the end, everything is possible." Lin Yumo smiled faintly. He put down his doubts and watched the competition carefully. It\'s no use thinking so much. When the competition is over, ask Lin Feng, and everything will come out naturally.

However, even standing in the crowd, Lin Yumo is so dazzling, just like pearls mixed in the sand.

The appearance of sunken fish and wild geese and the skin that can be broken by blowing bullets made all the men around me glance and gulp their saliva.

It\'s so beautiful!

Time goes by.

Lin Feng left the last stroke, but he completed the drawing of the source.

"Very good."

"As like as two peas."

The corners of his mouth smiled, and Lin Feng was very satisfied.

Complex source drawing was the most worrying thing at first. The incomparable fineness is like shaping a work of art. The slightest difference can make the whole array of engraving patterns fall short. But perfectly copy the action of the figure in your mind. Everything is like water to canal. There are no difficulties and obstacles at all.

It\'s like

Copying is general, all you need is concentration!

The body seems to be dominated by an inexplicable force. Practice makes perfect.

It\'s not as difficult as it looks.

"I\'m afraid I can\'t even tell the engraver himself." Lin Feng smiled.

But I didn\'t know that I was Yan Qing, the master of engraving patterns in front of me!

What he copied and learned was Yan Qing\'s masterpiece.

Yan Qing has an excellent relationship with the Lin family.

The source of the flash looks no different from Anlu, but the real expert can see the way completely, such as Yanqing and Qin Xiaoyu. Although the little girl is not as shocked as Yan Qing, she is also staring at her big eyes and opening her mouth in surprise. She can\'t close it at all.

"OK, what a perfect source drawing!"

"It\'s not bad. It\'s too similar to the master\'s painting!"

"He\'s really good!!"

Qin Xiaoyu stared at Lin Feng blankly, with incomparable admiration in her eyes.

Following the master to learn art, she is best at the fine processing of the source. She has great attainments and is better than Anlu in this regard. Now, I look at Lin Feng\'s exquisite source drawing, which is far better than her senior brother. It\'s like two stone carvings, one with rough surface and the other with soft lines!

Though far from as like as two peas, the gap is now rising.

The engraver\'s "soft" control.

It\'s not just soft.

But the combination of hardness and softness!

As a engraver, many times the painting techniques are fixed.

For example, in Anlu, the drawing is open and closed; Another example is Qin Xiaoyu, whose painting is delicate and smooth; The drawing of engraving array has a lot to do with one\'s own character. But a real engraver, such as Yan Qing, who has reached the peak of carving, has a completely different technique!

When it is soft, it is naturally soft, and when it is delicate, it is naturally delicate.

Drawing a large array pays attention to the balance of all directions, the atmosphere and boldness!

Yan Qing\'s character itself is a little delicate. Therefore, in order to overcome this aspect, she has made a lot of efforts to draw a large array. Although it is not the most domineering, it also has the same effect, just like the way of attack. Some martial artists pay attention to the strengthening of strength, while Yanqing pays attention to it——

It\'s speed!

With speed, make up for the lack of force!

But as a result, it leads to the rapid consumption of star power, and it is more difficult to control the star power by tens of times!

It\'s hard!

Very difficult!

Yan Qing himself has experienced countless sweat exercises to achieve this achievement. It is not easy to overcome her weaknesses, but it is because of this that Yanqing can perfect her skills and achieve the name of "master".

But Lin Feng

The first time, it was a perfect play!

"Boom!" "boom! ~ ~" "boom!!! ~" form a star rainbow.

The speed of Lin Feng is very fast.

No, it should be said to be very fast!

Compared with Anlu, it is five times faster!

The big array is drawn madly. Lin Feng is like an illusion. The control of star power bursts out bright light, and the red starlight completely covers the starlight of Anlu. Like two stars in the sky, one is bright, and the other is now extremely dark.

"Silk ~ ~" everyone around took a breath of air conditioning.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s drawing, those who just said that Lin Feng\'s drawing was slow are now tongue tied.

Including Lin Meiyu, her eyes are wide and full of surprises!

"Catch up, catch up!" Lin Meiyu dared not set the channel.

"HMM." Lin Yumo nodded gently, his eyes shining brightly and his chest undulating slightly.

She didn\'t understand other skills, but she knew the control of star power and such amazing power fluctuations. Lin Feng\'s control ability is far inferior to her, not to mention Anlu? Waving the figure galloping like the wind, the big array is half completed in an instant.

At this time, Anlu completed only one third!

What amazing efficiency!

The other side.


"That\'s great!"

Don\'t worry, be overjoyed and clench your fist tightly.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s great power, this time he finally put his heart down.

Although I can\'t understand it, Lin Feng is much stronger than Anlu in any way. Anlu can\'t reach the posture and domineering momentum. One is like a slow turtle, the other is as frivolous and reckless as a hurricane!

It\'s a pure feeling!

Of course, don\'t worry. The ruler in your heart is biased towards Lin Feng.

In fact, just like the people watching the excitement around, no matter how perfect Lin Feng\'s performance is, the Libra in their hearts still prefers Anlu.

"Oh, I don\'t know what I\'m painting. Ghost graffiti."

"That is to say, look at the disciples of other masters. What they draw is good. It\'s useless!"

"Hum, he must be cutting corners and piling up. The barbarian still wants to win by surprise and surpass others with speed. He doesn\'t know that the \'carving array\' drawn by himself in the club is a remnant. I think he will end up in time!"


Everyone makes a mockery of you and me.

At this time, with the public\'s evaluation, the drawing of Lin Feng array is three-quarters of the past.

It\'s not far from the end.


"That\'s it!"

"However, the consumption of star power is very large."

Lin Feng felt uneasy in his heart. If he hadn\'t supplemented his star power quickly, I\'m afraid the drawing of the big array would fail at this time.

Although I completely copied the drawing skills of the engraving array, my strength foundation is still too weak.

At the end of the drawing, I feel the heavy pressure.

"Fortunately, although I am at the first level of the star master, the power of the constellation is comparable to that of the third level of the star master." Lin Feng secretly said that fortunately, the recovery of the power of the constellation is not linked to the level of strength, but to the only master star in the \'little star sky\' of his soul.

The red stars flicker constantly, sometimes a little darker, but sometimes a little higher.

Form a delicate balance.


After all, it is in constant decline.

With the drawing of Lin Feng and the passage of time, the prototype of the large array has gradually appeared. Unfortunately, Lin Feng is already unable to support himself. After all, it is only the first level of the star master level. It is still too reluctantly to draw the ten fold "time engraving array" that can only be drawn by a five grade weapon refiner.

Taking all into account, Lin Feng takes his own resilience into account.

But I still haven\'t thought that my star power is still a little worse.



"It\'s going to fail."

Although there are thousands of unwilling in his heart, Lin Feng has nothing to do.

Even if I have perfect drawing and impeccable simulation in my mind, the reality is reality and there are too many changes.

Man is not as good as God!

(the third watch ~ ~ at 23:00)