Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 751

"When!" the crisp bell rang.

It was like a burst of Sanskrit, and the surrounding voices were silent.

Yanqing\'s eyes are sparkling, including Wan Mochou and Lin Yumo. Everyone\'s eyes are all focused on the center of the competition, and even the atmosphere dare not breathe.

The duel between engravers has begun!

Holding the "Golden Dragon" engraving pen, Anlu\'s spirit is condensed, and the stars are shining all over her. She has long forgotten everything. The faint starlight flashes on the source. The biggest key to the time engraving array is to draw the "source" and the end.

The "source" of the engraving array is like the heart of man and the root of plants.

The crazy star power instills in, and the source is bright. Anlu\'s Golden Dragon engraving pen keeps waving. In a narrow space, it draws the most critical "source" engraving with frequencies and subtle changes that are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, every minute and every mile.

Although proud and arrogant, Anlu does have this strength and capital!

The third place of the star of cutting-edge engravers is not a false reputation.

"Yes." Yanqing nodded with a smile.

Others may not understand it, but as a master of engraving, he can clearly see through any small detail of the engraving array.

"Emotional excitement, concentration, ah Lu is in good shape today."

"The source drawing of the ten times time engraving array is 80% perfect."

Nodded happily, and Yanqing was very satisfied.

According to Anlu\'s usual level, the fine source drawing is not what he is good at, and the Golden Dragon carving pen also emphasizes hardness rather than softness. It is good that the source drawing can be 70% perfect. Today, it is obviously extraordinary. He knew in his heart that Anlu was best at drawing a huge array and was good at handling and balancing in a wide range of directions.

"After all, it\'s not as careful as a woman. The drawing of the source, ah Lu, is extraordinary. It\'s only 80% perfect."

"If it\'s light rain, it\'s 90% perfect under normal circumstances. Unfortunately..."

Yanqing shook her head. Xiaoyu\'s star power and processing ability are far worse than ALU.

Not to mention the ten fold "time engraving array", that is, the five fold "time engraving array" has failed to pass the examination so far.

The two disciples have their own advantages and disadvantages.

And this\' barbarian \'

"What is he doing?" Yan Qing frowned.

The competition has begun, and even Anlu has finished drawing half of the "source", but Lin Feng still stands with his pen, his eyes closed and does not move.

Like a sculpture.

"What happened to that barbarian?"

"I can\'t draw. It\'s needless to say. I want to know with my ass."

"Ha ha, these savage warriors are really shameful. If you don\'t have the ability, don\'t come here to make a fool of yourself!"

"I\'m also stupid. I\'m looking forward to it. I\'m looking forward to it. If he\'s really a pattern engraver, how can he not even have a pattern engraver! Shit, this boasting skill is so good that he doesn\'t change his face and heart. Even I was cheated by him!"


Everyone said a word to me, but they kept sneering.

As soon as you do it, you know if you have it.

Over there, Anlu writes like flying, and over here, Lin Feng is still, like a fool. How can anyone compare like this.

People will tell which is better and which is worse.

"Come on, brother Lin!" Wan Mochou clenched his fist and looked at the gravel.

Anyway, he will stand on Lin Feng\'s side and lose face together. What\'s to be afraid of!

Anyway, he\'s ready.

"What a shame!" Lin Meiyu covered her face and dared not look.

Lin Feng\'s waist is indeed the identity token of the Lin family. There is no doubt that it is embarrassing to lose face at the moment.

"Barbarian?" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and sang softly. The sunken fish and wild goose\'s face, coupled with her skin better than snow, has already attracted the attention of the people around her. I\'m kidding. The two new stars of the Lin family, the first beauty in qianluo District, who doesn\'t know?

Staring at Lin Feng and this unknown young man, Lin Yumo looked curious.

In the family, nine times out of ten she knows martial artists above the level of mortal Lord, but the young man in front of her

It\'s mysterious!

Can he really draw "the array of carved patterns"?

Lin Yumo\'s mind, just emerged the idea, suddenly——

Lin Feng is moving!

"Wow!" the eyes are bright, like lightning.

The vague figure in my mind is completely clear. The bright pupil of the star dome has been clearly simulated by Lin Feng once in my mind! This time, it is a real simulation and an unforgettable display! Holding a "stream" engraving pen in his hand, he completely coincided with the floating light and shadow.

"Peng!" the red stars are shining.

The chart of destiny emits energy extremely, and the power of constellations is constantly consumed and supplemented.

To draw such a huge "carved array", it must be supported by strong constellations. Otherwise, it is difficult to draw!

"Zizi ~ Zizi ~!" the stars gather.

It was passed from the hand to the engraving pen, and then the engraving pattern was constructed with the engraving pen.

Lin Feng waved his pen like the wind. Under the bright package of stars, the patterns at the source were clearly drawn bit by bit.

Control freely!

"That\'s the feeling!"

"So this is the array of engraving patterns!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and completely immersed in his own world.

Although it has been simulated once, the real hand drawing is now——

For the first time!

The fountain pen is as smooth as a snake, and the drawing of forest wind is light and flexible, which is a perfect combination. There is almost no movement of the body, only the shaking of the wrist and the movement of the elbow form a sharp contrast with Anlu\'s drawing.

It\'s like two different styles of sword moves.

One is picturesque, the other is open and close.

Soft and hard!

"Really can draw!" Wan Mochou\'s tense fists are exposed.

"Hahaha, brother Lin is really hidden." Wan Mo Chou\'s face is sad, and the color of excitement is on the lips. Although he is a layman and can\'t understand the quality of the engraved pattern array, Lin Feng\'s actions are so skilled and decisive that he looks at them one point faster than an Lu\'s painting.

It looks like a trainer!

Winning or losing is not a big problem.

At least it has proved that Lin Feng can draw the \'array of carved patterns\'!

Lose, lose glory!

In fact, Wan Mochou never thought that Lin Feng could win Anlu. After all, he is a five grade engraver. I\'m kidding. How many engravers in the whole qianluo district can reach the "grade", and how many five grades exist among the engravers who reach the grade?

"Yeah? Really can draw, elder martial sister!" Lin Meiyu was surprised.

"Well." Lin Yumo nodded gently and looked at Lin Feng more curious. Although she is not a pattern engraver, she is a tool refiner. The four deputies share many things in common with each other, such as "the control of star power". Lin Yumo has deep attainments in this regard.

In front of Lin Feng, the star power control ability is very strong!


"What a profound engraving master\'s attainments are no worse than Anlu." Lin Yumo thought lightly in his heart, and his beautiful eyes flashed.

"We Lin\'s family are \'Engravers\' with such amazing potential?"

Lin Yumo became more curious.

At this time, the shock of all people can\'t compare with that of one person.

Yan Qing.


There are not many things that can shock Yan Qing. His mood has not fluctuated so much in hundreds of years. Even if you take part in the engraver competition and win the award, even if you successfully draw a very difficult engraver array, it is far less shocking than now.

Laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway!

"Perfect, really perfect!"

"100% perfect drawing..."

"How is this possible?"

Muttering, Yan Qing is a little silly.

He only accepted two apprentices. He has picked all over Shiluo County, and his qualifications are quite good. Take Anlu for example. At his age, the "engravers" who have more potential than him in Shiluo county will not exceed the palm of his hand. Even the less qualified second apprentice "Qin Xiaoyu", the future will also be the existence of ground level engravers.

But now he found out

Compared with Lin Feng, his two disciples are like two stones, with no characteristics!

This piece in front of you is the real jade!!

"No, it\'s not jade."

"But a fully formed jade pendant!"

Yan Qing was completely shocked and her hands were shaking.

Looking at Lin Feng holding a "stream" engraving pen, his pen looked like the wind, and his heart beat very fast.

That concentration, that control, that fine drawing, how many days and nights of continuous training and drawing can we reach this realm! Even Yan Qing asked himself that he could only draw faster, but at the "technical" level, he could no longer be picky.

Because being picky is beyond his ability.


Yan Qing was stunned.

He didn\'t find it just now, but now he can see clearly the action of this\' barbarian \'


"How could this happen!"

"It should be a coincidence. No, it must be!"

Clenching her teeth tightly, Yan Qing was watching Lin Feng\'s movements, but her expression was in a trance.

As like as two peas!

It\'s like looking at yourself drawing a \'carved pattern array\'.

No matter how you feel, how you act, or even how you hold a pen, there is no difference in the drawing action, just like looking at the mirror. Yan Qing\'s head was completely confused, and her heart stopped.

Each tool refiner has his own unique pen holding technique.

It\'s not the same as the disciples in the same line. Yan Qing asked herself that holding a pen is not an orthodox technique, but the barbarian in front of her

There is also the action of the drawing source. Normally, all the body muscles should move, or the shaking of arms and wrists should cooperate with the drawing. But Lin Feng only had his wrist moving and formed a vein under the control of his elbow, like a winding stream.

This action was created by him and combined with the "stream" engraving pen to bring the "soft" side into full play and bring the delicacy of the painting source to the extreme!

Not to mention his two disciples, all the engravers in Shiluo County, none of them can do this!

As like as two peas of the "unique secret trick" of the mixer, it is exactly the same!

Shock Hubei to the extreme!

Yan Qing is completely confused.

(second change ~ ~)