Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 750

A engraver, no engraver???

For example, the alchemist\'s "furnace" and the alchemist\'s "tripod" are very important.

Just as Lin Feng\'s marksmanship has now reached the level of "entering the gun", it is based on familiar weapons, such as ember magic gun and Amethyst gun. What if you change another gun? Whether it can adapt is a problem, and how much strength it can play is another problem.

Generally speaking, the engraver\'s "engraving pen" is "custom-made".

According to the height, strength, palm size and strength of the engraver, the customization of various places is very subtle.

Because the engraving array itself pays attention to "subtlety" and perfection. In fact, as like as two peas, the four major Deputy posts are exactly the same.

How can a engraver not have his own "engraving pen".

"Wow!" the surrounding crowd was noisy.

All kinds of voices came out, some were puzzled, and some speculated whether Lin Feng deliberately said so, but more of them were sarcastic voices. Pointing, everyone\'s face was full of contempt. As Anlu said, a barbarian, does he know "the array of carved patterns"?

I don\'t know!

"Hum." Anlu put his hands around his chest and despised it.

For him, it was an insult to "compete" with such an opponent.

Looking at Lin Feng, the girl in Chinese clothes became more and more curious. At this time, Wan Mochou was already dripping cold sweat on his forehead, frightened and scared. At this time, he finally determined——

Lin Feng really can\'t draw the "array of carved patterns".

There\'s no engraver without a engraver\'s pen!

It\'s like tianwu has no weapons.

Yan Qing\'s braid behind his head moved slightly, and his eyes became more and more curious when he looked at Lin Feng, but this "barbarian" made him even more unable to see through. If Lin Feng is really mischievous, but he reads countless people, the confidence and calm look on Lin Feng\'s face are not pretending!

But there are really a few brushes.

"Interesting." Yan Qing lightly scratched at the corner of her mouth, "is to tell me that even without her own engraving pen, she can win my apprentice?"

"Then try to see if you are really so confident..."

Suddenly Yan Qing\'s light flashed in her hand.

"Light rain." Yan Qing called softly.

"Yes, master." the girl in Chinese clothes\' Qin Xiaoyu \'responded gently. When she saw a Amethyst sandalwood box in the master\'s hand, her eyes lit up and took it respectfully. When it was gently opened, a faint light burst out, and a "engraving pen" with a length of 1.5 meters appeared in front of us.

"Stream?!" Qin Xiaoyu said in surprise.

Each engraver usually carries two or three engraving pens to draw different engraving arrays.

In particular, a master like Yan Qing has nearly ten engraving pens. His persistence and pickiness in drawing the "engraving array" is one of the main reasons why he can become the top three engravers in Shiluo county. This "stream" is one of Yanqing\'s engraving pens. It is light, flexible and easy to control. For new engravers——

It\'s priceless!

"This\' stream \'I got when I first started, and now it\'s rarely useful." Yan Qing said gently. "Compared with the engraving pen used by my apprentice\' Anlu \', it has its own advantages, regardless of up and down. This is a fair competition."

Lin Feng reaches out his hand to take over the "stream" carefully handed by Qin Xiaoyu, and his eyes are slightly bright.

The tentacle is light, but it has a great sense of texture. When you hold it in your hand, it has an arbitrary feeling. The line of the pen holder is smooth and perfect, which is very comfortable.

"Thank you very much." Lin Feng nodded and held this "stream" engraving pen, which was inexplicably touched in his heart.

A picture appeared in my mind. The pen in my hand was very similar to this "stream" engraving pen.

An inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

And now——

"Wow!" Anlu also took out his engraving pen.

The pen tip is condensed, the pen body is thick and clang, and there is a golden dragon winding, emerging with sparkling domineering spirit!

"Golden Dragon." Anlu raised his head and held the engraving pen with great confidence.

With this "Golden Dragon" engraving pen, he won the third place in the last "star of cutting edge engravers" competition. With his control ability, "stream" is so easy to control the star power and release the ordinary engraving pen, which is far inferior to his "Golden Dragon".

"Peng!" "Peng!"

Yan Qing\'s eyes were bright, his hands were strong, and his two Qi forces spewed out in an instant.

The flash of the aperture cut off the two cube barriers and immediately "pushed" the surrounding people 100 meters away, forming a huge empty window range. At this time, the number of people around is still increasing, but you can not only see Master Yanqing, but also see the excitement.

Next to Xiaoxiang building.

"Elder martial sister, do you hear me? It\'s master Yanqing!" a beautiful woman blushed and was overjoyed.

"HMM." she answered softly. It was a woman of double ten years. Her facial features were exquisite and small. She had the posture of sinking fish and falling geese. She stood out from the crowd on this busy street full of beautiful women. In particular, the skin that can be broken by blowing bombs is like jade grease, like snowflakes.

Lin Yumo is one of the two rising stars of the Lin family in Wan Mochou\'s mouth.

"It\'s said that his apprentice competed with others!" the beautiful woman \'Lin Meiyu\' covered her mouth and smiled, "it\'s Anlu, elder martial sister, who wants to chase you beyond her power."

With a clear smile, Lin Yumo\'s eyes were light and bright. "Come on, yu\'er, master Yanqing is a VIP of the Lin family. Since you see us, as future generations, you should say hello."

"Great, elder martial sister!" the beautiful woman "Lin Meiyu" said happily.

"Is there any problem with the rules?" Yan Qing looked at them.

"No," Lin Feng and Anlu said in the same voice.

"Very good." Yan Qing nodded. "The \'time engraving array\' of exactly ten times is an advanced examination question for engravers. All items have standards. First, it is qualified only when the area reaches 50 * 50; second, the time magnification should be impartial and just reach the ten times; finally, it can run completely."

"If any of the three standards is unqualified, it will be regarded as failure, and if all of them are qualified..."

"It is determined by the quality and drawing speed."

Yan Qing said slowly, looking at Lin Feng and Anlu, "is there anything else to add?"

"No." Lin Feng shook his head and looked calm.

For myself, this is the most "suitable" rule.

"Hum, it\'s just a waste of time. Can only a barbarian draw the ten fold \'time engraving array\'?" Anlu glanced at Lin Feng with disdain in his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, but he saw two beautiful figures not far behind Lin Feng.

One of them is

"Elder martial sister, it\'s Yanqing and Anlu!" Lin Meiyu said excitedly, "light rain is also there!"

"I see." Lin Yumo\'s voice is crisp and flexible.

"Then Anlu is really arrogant and domineering." Lin Meiyu just heard what Anlu said, glanced her lips and snorted.

Lin Yumo smiled lightly: "after all, he is the third place of the star of cutting-edge engravers. Under the cultivation of master Yanqing, it is certain that he will become a ground level engraver in the future. He really has a proud capital."

"Oh," Lin Meiyu spat, "he is not obedient in front of the elder martial sister, just like a mangy dog."

Lin Yumo frowned: "don\'t talk disorderly, yu\'er."

"Yes, elder martial sister." Lin Meiyu spits out her tongue and glances at Lin Feng. Her eyes flash with curiosity. "Eh, who is this young man in black? Is he also a pattern engraver? Why have I never seen him? HMM... he is so bold to draw a pattern carving array compared with Anlu."

Although she doesn\'t like Anlu, Lin Meiyu is also honest. Anlu is really powerful in drawing the carving array.

According to elder martial sister, that is——

He does have arrogant capital.

"I haven\'t seen it either." Lin Yumo said softly with bright eyes.

She has seen more or less the younger generation of martial artists in and around qianluo District, but Lin Feng is very green.

But Shiluo county is so big that it\'s normal to have never seen it.

"Ah!" Lin Meiyu looked at Lin Feng, her face changing, "elder martial sister, look!"

Looking in the direction of Lin Meiyu\'s fingers, Lin Yu Morton saw a small "token" on Lin Feng\'s waist. He was also surprised. "The family token! He... Is a member of our Lin family?" he whispered softly, but Lin Yumo\'s doubts were deeper.

In the family, she has never seen Lin Feng!

What\'s more, the Lin family is proficient in refining tools. How can they draw the carving array!

It\'s like a family handed down by sword from generation to generation. It\'s strange that his descendants ran to practice broadsword.

"Wow, you\'re so young. You\'re about the same age as elder martial sister." Lin Meiyu finally caught a glimpse of Lin Feng\'s face and said in a surprised voice. At this time, Lin Feng and Anlu are fully in place, ready to compete and ready to start at any time.

Lin Yumo looked at her gently, and her beautiful eyes were shining.

"Hum, I\'ll see how I make you lose face later." Anlu was very proud.

He always wanted to show his skills in front of Lin Yumo, so that the goddess in his dream could have a good impression on him. He suffered from no chance, but now he finally waited for this great opportunity. Originally, he disdained to compete with Lin Feng, but now——

Instead, I thank Lin Feng very much!

Let him have this opportunity to be a hero.

As Lin Yumo watched, Anlu felt his blood boiling. He held the "Golden Dragon" engraving pen in his hand and felt very excited.

Soon, he will show everyone the strength of Anlu!

"Really no problem?" don\'t worry.

"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng smiled, felt Wan Mochou\'s sincere concern, and raised his left thumb, "it should be no problem."

Indeed, we can only say \'should\'.

Although I have successfully copied sword embryo refining.

However, it is only the first time to draw the "engraving array". If it is 100% possible, it is really not sure.

But there is a 90% chance!

Glancing at the proud Anlu, Lin Feng closed his eyes.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" take a deep breath, and the mood calms down slowly. Lin Feng \'Shua\' opens his eyes, flashes his body and comes to the center. The faint starlight condenses in the hand, all the surrounding sounds disappear immediately, and the spirit is perfectly concentrated.

Holding the "stream water" engraving pen lightly, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Competition, official start!

(the first watch ~ ~ today\'s fourth watch is over, and the next watch is 19:30 ~)