Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 749

"What are you talking about!" don\'t worry about the tiger\'s eyes.

"Deaf, or did I say you were wrong?" the faint voice came out again. It was a man with luxurious clothes, a braid and a very strange dress. However, when he raised his hands and feet, he had a considerable charm. He put down his glass and stood up.

WOW! Bright and bright, looking straight.

Don\'t worry, the heart is fierce, and the forest wind is also cold.

"What a powerful force."

"What a terrible spirit of the heavenly soul master."

"It\'s a star domain strong man!"

Lin Feng suddenly took a step forward.

In front of me, this man in Chinese clothes with braids is very powerful!

Look at each other and stand in front of Wan Mochou. Wan Mochou will not be able to bear it if he is again intimidated by the spirit of this gorgeous man. Although killing is prohibited here, men in Chinese clothes are just spiritual coercion. They just look at it with their eyes. Naturally, it doesn\'t count.

Once you can\'t bear it and kneel to the ground, then——

This time, we will lose face.

Not only that, but also shame all the wild warriors!

Never give in!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he looked straight at the man in Chinese clothes and clenched his teeth.

The body trembled slightly. Even if his soul was strong enough, he couldn\'t stand it, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept dripping.


"Pa!" Lin Feng clenched his fists.

Their strongest, is willpower, is stubborn!

"Don\'t think I\'ll kneel down to you."

"Even death is impossible!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and he uses all his strength to resist.

I will never shrink back!

"I don\'t know."

"Hum, it\'s stupid to fight master."

A man and a woman behind the man in Chinese clothes despised him.

Hands around the chest, a proud face.

"Oh?" the man in Chinese clothes looked at Lin Feng with deep meaning.

A first-class warrior of star master level, who can stand under his spiritual authority?

Very interesting!

And now——

"Wow, it\'s the master!"

"Really, it\'s master Yanqing!!"

"Wow, it\'s a real person. I see a real person!"


There was a roar of cheers around.

A lot of women are flirting and admiring.

The name of "master" refers to the existence of the four deputies, such as the earth level tool refiner, the earth level star Rune master... What does the existence of the earth level mean? No matter what else, the first one is that the strength reaches above the star domain level. If not, how to make the star Rune and star pill of the earth level?

In front of him, this man in Chinese clothes is the ground level engraver, Yan Qing, who has long been famous.

In Shiluo County, the number one engraver!

At this time, behind him, all the young men and girls in Chinese clothes raised their heads high and proudly.

As Yan Qing\'s disciples, they are also very proud.

Instantaneous time——

"Pa!" the pressure on him disappeared.

Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly, and his face looked a little ugly.

Rao has a double life soul, of which the main life soul is integrated with the heavenly astrolabe, but it is almost irresistible. The man in gorgeous clothes with a whip in front of him is not simple at all. He is definitely the most terrible heavenly soul master he has ever seen.

If he really wants to take his own life, it\'s easy!

Star domain strong!

"Hey, little fellow, are you really a wild warrior?" Yan Qing slowly opened his mouth, but stunned the two disciples behind him.

"Yes." Lin Feng\'s voice was calm, neither humble nor high.

In a short time, the breath has recovered.

After all, it\'s just a spiritual threat, not an attack by the heavenly soul master.

Although the strong man named "Yanqing" spoke arrogantly, he obviously obeyed the rules.

At this time, Wan Mochou also stepped forward with a calm face. He couldn\'t move under the pressure just now, but now he resumed his action. He naturally advanced and retreated together with Lin Feng. Standing beside Lin Feng like steel, don\'t worry about expressing your attitude with action.

"Two barbarians, it\'s also interesting." Yan Qing smiled quickly.

Glancing at Lin Feng, Yan Qing narrowed her eyes, "little guy, are you interested in learning with me?"

The voice is flat, but it makes the surroundings quiet for a moment.

Everyone stayed.

In an instant——

"Shifu!" "Shifu!!" behind him, the young man in Chinese clothes and the young girl in Chinese clothes hurried.

There was a roar around, and people talked about it one after another. They looked at Lin Feng with envy and envy. What could master Yanqing say? Even if you are not an apprentice, you are one of the disciples. What an honor!

You know, how many talented young martial artists want to join Yanqing gate and are rejected.

Now, Yan Qing has taken the initiative to accept disciples!


"No interest." Lin Feng didn\'t want to, so he refused.

For a moment, there was more silence around, but the development of the situation was far from everyone.

Wave after wave!

It can\'t be true?

When the pie fell from the sky and others couldn\'t ask for it, the young barbarian turned it down?

Is he all right!

Yan Qing also smiled, "it\'s interesting. Do you know who I am, little guy?"

"Ground level engraver." Lin Feng replied faintly.

It\'s so sensational around that it\'s hard for me to know.

"Hum, my master is the top three engraver in Shiluo County, master Yanqing!" the girl in Chinese dress behind her raised her head proudly.

"Tell him what to do, younger martial sister." the young man in Chinese clothes glanced. "Those barbarians don\'t know so much. They only know how to fight and kill. The whole uncivilized barbarian tribe doesn\'t know the existence of the engraver and the mystery and nobility of the engraved array."

"Really?" Lin Feng said faintly.

Looking at Yanqing, he immediately fell on the young man in Chinese clothes and smiled, "in that case, do you dare to compete?"


There was a sound of surprise around.

The young man in Chinese clothes suddenly smiled, "barbarians are barbarians. They only know to fight around. Well, I tell you in Anlu, even if you barbarians are best at and most proud of things, we Jiuzhou warriors can do the same and do better than you!"

"Go, see you in the virtual and real space!" Anlu, a young man in Chinese clothes, raised his head with pride.

After talking, he turned and was about to leave. However, Lin Feng\'s voice sounded neither humble nor arrogant at this time.

"What I want to compare with you is the array of carved patterns." Lin Feng said faintly.


All of us have eyes wide open, including young people in Chinese clothes, including Anlu and Yan Qing.

Did they hear you right?

Than the array of carved patterns?!

Wan Mochou also stared at Lin Feng incredulously, but he didn\'t know what medicine Lin Feng sold in his gourd. Others don\'t know. He knows the details of Lin Feng best. When did Lin Feng draw the "array of carved patterns"?

You\'re kidding!


"Ha ha! It\'s so funny."

"Compare the carving array with master Yanqing\'s apprentice!"

"This barbarian really doesn\'t know what to say. Do they think it\'s so easy to be a engraver?"

A roar of laughter, back to God, the people all burst into laughter.

It was like hearing the funniest joke in the world,

The girl in Chinese clothes\' Pooh Pooh \'smiled, looked at Lin Feng and said with a sneer, "my elder martial brother Anlu is a five-level engraver who has the true knowledge of the master. He won the third place in the last\' star of cutting-edge Engravers\' competition. Although my elder martial brother is young, many famous engravers can\'t compare with him."

Anlu looked at Lin Feng and said sarcastically, "barbarian, do you know how to draw the array of carved patterns?"

"Didn\'t you just say that we barbarians are the best at the most proud things, and you Jiuzhou martial arts can do the same. I tell you now..." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and sonorous, "you Jiuzhou martial arts are the best at the most proud things, and we so-called \'barbarians\' can do the same."

"And better than you!"

The momentum clanked and stopped all the sounds around.


"Good, very good." Yanqing smiled and clapped her hands, "little guy, I appreciate you."

"Today, it\'s up to me to make a judgment. Just as you want to compete, you will win or lose in one game." Yan Qing nodded, looked at Lin Feng and said slowly, "for the sake of fairness, the content of the competition... It\'s up to you, as long as it\'s about the \'carved pattern array\'."

"Master!" Anlu hurried when he heard the speech.

If you want him to compete with a barbarian to carve patterns in public, he will lose face even if he wins. However, seeing Yan Qing\'s eyes, Anlu immediately became depressed and dared not say more.

Lin Feng\'s eyes glittered, "it\'s more than \'the array of time engraved lines\'."

"Oh?" Yan Qing\'s eyes flashed, "how many times, double, triple? Or..."

"Ten times the rate." Lin Feng nodded.

Perhaps the time engraving array of double rate and quadruple rate is simpler, but I can\'t draw it myself.

I will, only ten times the rate.

"Ten times?" Anlu sneered. "You can draw the ten times\' array of time engraving patterns\', that\'s the five grade engraver."

The girl in Chinese clothes was also surprised and looked at Lin Feng. She was very surprised. She couldn\'t draw the array of patterns ten times the time. She can only draw three times the "array of time engraving patterns", so she is a seven grade engraver; She can only draw the five fold "time engraving array" when she is in excellent condition. Therefore, the examination of the "six grade engraver" has always failed.

Ten times the "array of time engraving lines", she didn\'t even dare to think about it!

But the man in black, who is not amazing in front of him, would bet on this?!

Can he really draw?

The girl in beautiful clothes frowned.

"OK." Yan Qing\'s eyes lit up. He thought Lin Feng would put forward some tricky requirements. Unexpectedly, he put forward such a "fair" competition.

Draw the time engraving array, which is the basic standard for the assessment of engravers.

As the content of the competition, it\'s very good.

The more basic things, the more you can see the strength of the engraver.

"Brother Lin, can you really draw \'the array of carved patterns\'?" Wan Mochou lowered his voice and whispered.

Up to now, he is still in the clouds and can\'t believe it, but Lin Feng is so committed, and it seems that there is such a thing.

"Maybe." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The ambiguous answer confused me even more, but the next words surprised everyone.

"By the way, who can lend me a engraving pen?" Lin Feng was embarrassed.

I almost forgot that I didn\'t have a engraving pen.

The scene was quiet.

(third shift ~ ~)