Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 748

"Boom!" there was a startling explosion.

In an instant, Jia Fei was the place where he died without burial, without even a trace of resistance.

In the virtual and real space, Lin Feng\'s faint figure standing with a gun is calm and natural. The killing intention contained in his eyes has a special charm, which makes people scared.

That\'s the smell of countless killings!

"Ding! ~" the virtual and real space shines.

The light screen on Jia Fei\'s side was completely dark, while the light screen on Lin Feng\'s side was glittering.

Perfect victory!

In the virtual and real ball, Jia Fei\'s necklace has disappeared.

At this time, Lin Feng has all the bets in his "virtual and real ball".

Win easily.

There was silence around.

His eyes widened, and everyone was extremely shocked.

In particular, Jing youyou\'s enchanting body is full of charm and charm. Staring at Lin Feng\'s murderous eyes on the light screen, his chest fluctuates slightly, but he is more interested in Lin Feng., What exactly is the origin of this "Lin Feng" that can give face to the Lin family?


Like fireworks.

The crowd immediately began to talk about the war just now, and their mouth frothed.

A wonderful battle!

For these martial arts onlookers, there was no doubt that they had a very good lively scene. Only Jia thought that at this time, his face was pale, his eyebrows were tightly screwed together, and his heartache was unbearable. Although there is no 100% chance, Jia thought the original calculated ratio was 7:3.

Brother Jia Fei\'s chance of winning should exceed 70%!

But I didn\'t expect

How could you fail so miserably!

"Damn, it\'s not worth losing." Jia thought angrily.

"Indeed, I didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was a fire warrior, and the close attack was so fierce." Liu Yi nodded.

Jia wanted to clench his fist. He hated iron but not steel. "Open the distance, contain it with the fire giant, and then consume it with the red strength fire ball. The level of strength is enough to win the first level, and the difference between the power of constellations is huge. It is easy to win the war of consumption alone. If you lose, you lose in belittling the enemy and misjudging the enemy\'s strength."

"That\'s true." Liu Yikai agreed.

If we fight according to Jia Xiang\'s plan, the whole situation will be completely different.

Those who discuss the whole battle around them also express their opinions one after another. Each battle at the star master level is a great reference. In this way, combined with star technology, how to make rational use of the "power of constellations" to avoid weaknesses and promote strengths is a university question.

Not only in Shiluo County, but also throughout zhuquezhou and even in the south.

"It\'s really worthy of being the strong one who broke into the qualification competition last time." Liu Yi smiled and praised.

Everyone looked at Jia with admiration, but the latter\'s heart was dripping blood. Jia Fei\'s loss of the "Qingyun chain" was the same as his loss.

Heavy losses!

But what can I do?

Looking at Jia Fei walking out of his mind, as if he were a body without a soul, Jia wanted to cut his heart. I\'m afraid the blow to his younger brother Jia Fei was huge. In particular, the loss of treasures such as the "Qingyun chain" was like a deep pain.

"If you want to find a way to get the green cloud chain back," Jia thought, his eyes sparkling and his lips tight.

How can ancestral treasures fall into the hands of others!

"Oh, Xingbao?" Lin Feng picked up the Qingyun chain and looked through it.

It has a faint luster and contains light and flexible energy. It is determined that it is a star treasure.

"Star treasures worth more than one billion are at least seven products." Lin Feng nodded.

Jiupin Xingbao, starting from 10 million; Bapin Xingbao, starting from 100 million; The starting price of 1 billion is Qipin Xingbao.

"I don\'t know if it\'s superior, medium or inferior?" Lin Feng smiled and gently squeezed the material of the Seven Star treasure, with shining eyes. "The workmanship is quite good. I don\'t know what type of star treasure it is and how it can help the strength."

"However, the Seven Star treasure must be worth more than 1 billion doling coins."

"I don\'t know the real price?"

With a smile, Lin Fengxuan even put away the booty.

Have the opportunity to study slowly to see if this Xingbao is helpful to your strength. If it\'s really useless, it\'s not too late to sell it.

It\'s not like Yanling mansion in Shiluo county.

Here, it is the base of human beings. Fighting spirit coins are very useful.

Unlike in Yanling mansion, sometimes you can\'t buy good things with more money. But what you can\'t use here can be sold. Go to various stores, workshops and even auction houses to get the items you want or help improve your strength.

Money, very valuable.

"Awesome, brother Lin Feng." Li Hao thumbed up and greeted him with a laugh.

With a slight smile, Lin Feng looked at Jia Fei, who was not far away. His eyes were light, and his heart was very clear how thoroughly he lost this time. He not only lost confidence, but also lost a sum of money that he was afraid he could not bear, but he should be rewarded for his bad words and behavior.

Those who insult others will always insult them!

I\'m already polite. If I can move my hand——

He\'s already dead!

Feeling the eyes around him, Lin Feng was helpless, but he also knew that this kind of thing could not be avoided. One of the sharpest lights shines directly on himself. Lin Feng glances back and suddenly sees a beautiful face, dotted with light makeup, glittering earrings, and enchanting body with a charming atmosphere.

Jing youyou!

It\'s easy to recognize. She is the only one in the whole group with such dress and beauty.

"Wow!" the figure flashed gently, bringing a gust of fragrance.

"Hello, my name is Jing youyou." the pleasant voice was like the spring breeze blowing a bell. Jing youyou stretched out her white jade like right hand and smiled.

"Lin Feng." stretch out his right hand and Lin Feng holds it.

The tentacle is soft, Yingying holds it, but there is no ripple in the heart.

But all kinds of envious and jealous eyes came from around, and the look seemed to swallow Lin Feng.

It was the first time they saw Jing youyou shaking hands with a man!

Jing youyou gently played with the earrings and smiled. "The first battle was wonderful just now. I\'m sorry for your abruptness. I don\'t know which childe brother Lin is? The Lin family in Ruyi district? The Lin family in jinmang district? Or the Lin family in Jialuo district?"

A county, big.

Shiluo county is divided into nine districts, ninety-nine central districts and 9999 districts.

For example, the Lin family is located in qianluo District, one of the 99 central districts, which is one of the largest families. The central district is quite wonderful. You know, even the community in Shiluo county has a field area ten times larger than Yanling mansion! The land of Jiuzhou is inhabited by countless human beings, with a huge area.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng knew clearly that Jing Youyou, like others, regarded himself as a famous child.

Therefore, in her capacity, she can speak so politely and make friends with herself.


"No, I\'m from Yanling mansion." Lin Feng spoke slowly and his voice fell softly.

Not only surprised Jing you, but also stunned other martial artists around him.

You\'re kidding!

Wild warrior?

Xiumei frowned slightly. Jing youyou suddenly came back to his mind, but he saw that Lin Feng had gone away. His beautiful eyes flashed with crystal luster and twisted his nose, "hum, strange? Do you pretend to be mysterious and treat me as a fool? Can the barbarian take out a billion bucket of spirit coins?"

Indeed, generally speaking, barbarians are poor.

"If you want to retreat, you won\'t be fooled!" Jing youyou stroked the earrings and tooted his mouth.

However, his eyes still couldn\'t help glancing at the direction Lin Feng left and humming gently.

Xiaoxiang building, have a good drink.

Lin Feng and WAN Mochou had no gap with each other for a long time, but they both came from Yanling mansion and were "wild warriors".

Turning enemies into friends is an endless topic.

"Ha ha, I\'m laughing to death. How could there be such a fool to gamble with Lin Feng?" Wan Mochou smiled forward and backward. Now he has no family burden and responsibility. He has already restored his true self. "Even the Dijiang witch family at the star master level is not an opponent, not to mention the second-class star master level!"

Don\'t worry about that day\'s war, but it was personal experience!

Witness the power of Lin Feng.

"It\'s a pity that killing is forbidden in the large and middle districts of Shiluo county." Lin Feng said faintly.

Decrees issued by powerful saints cannot be violated.

This is not Yanling mansion. You can do whatever you want.

"Yes, only the existence of Saint level has the right to kill, and the fighting spirit world is indeed the supremacy of power." Wan Mochou also delimited the corner of his mouth and smiled, "but in 9999 communities of Yanling house, he can\'t help killing. There is a hundred times more chaos than Yanling house, and many people die every day."

"Excessive peace is not a good thing, human nature is evil, and killing is a knife in the heart." Lin Feng nodded.

People have seven emotions and six desires. All kinds of desires will lead to the "evil" of human nature.

Even saints are bound to make mistakes, not to mention ordinary humans.

"Put it in Yanling mansion, and Jia Fei will kill it directly." Wan Mochou doesn\'t care at all, but he grew up in the same killing, with countless blood and lives in his hands. It\'s not a matter of human life at all. For him, killing is like eating.

How can there be no blood and no fighting on the road of martial artists?

"Oh, it\'s really worthy of being a \'wild Warrior\'." Lin fengsa said.

Don\'t worry, the corners of your mouth grinned bitterly and said, "why, brother Lin, have you learned it?"

"What do you want to learn?" Lin Feng looked at Wan Mochou\'s expression and remembered what Li Hao said. He immediately understood and drank, "what about the wild martial arts? I really come from Yanling mansion. What do you despise? They despise us, and I despise them."

Li Yanmen from Yanling mansion is very proud of himself!

"Well said!" don\'t worry. Your eyes brightened and you drank. "Lao Tzu despised them. Growing up in a comfortable environment, they never knew the word" survival ". One by one, they were just born well. What have they experienced!"

The voice is loud. With the strength of wine, don\'t worry. It seems that you can completely vent your unhappiness.

The tiger\'s eyes are burning. It seems to restore the high spirited appearance of Yanling mansion again!

But at this time——

"A barbarian is a barbarian. I don\'t know what to say." a faint voice came.

For a moment, let everything be quiet.

(second watch ~ ~ brothers, let\'s have some recommendation tickets! ~)