Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 747


The light screens on both sides are bright in an instant.

Jia Fei and Lin Feng, the \'bets\' in the virtual and real ball are all more than 1 billion doling coins!

"Wow, how rich."

"One billion doling coins... If I can make so much money, I will die in peace."

"Lin Feng is really a rich son, but I didn\'t expect Jia Fei to have some material. I really can\'t see it."


Everyone whispered and talked one after another.

Most of them have never seen so much money. It\'s a billion doling coins! In zhuquezhou, there is a wide gap between the poor and the rich. To maintain a "citizen" status alone, you have to pay a lot of fees every year.

For many poor people, it is difficult to maintain the lowest "bluestone" status.

It\'s not easy to live a carefree life in Jiuzhou!

Why is there no witch in Jiuzhou?

Because humans have been paying tribute.

Paying tribute to the witch family in exchange for a habitat, especially the soul tools most needed by the witch family, need to be purchased from the weapon refiner in large quantities. Where did the money come from? If you want to settle down in Jiuzhou, you naturally have to pay some price, and this is only part of it. For example, where does the "Star Crystal" that maintains daily life come from?

Overhead, too much, too much.

Generally speaking, there are only three ways to live a stable and "rich" life in Jiuzhou.

First, the strength becomes stronger. Basically, after reaching the star master level, the martial arts will not be too short of money; Second, business, but the individual business ability is different, I don\'t know whether I can earn or lose. Moreover, the risk of doing business is very high. Once it is mismanaged and goes bankrupt, I am afraid it will no longer be able to maintain its citizenship and survive. At that time, it will be driven out of Jiuzhou.

Third, become the four deputies. The higher the rank, the more you earn!

Especially the tool refiner is the first of the four deputies.

Jia Fei suddenly didn\'t know that there was a lot of discussion outside.

His hands trembled when he put the necklace in. This ancestral treasure is worth more than one billion. But since the bet is one billion, put it into the virtual and real ball. Even if it is worth ten billion, it can only be labeled one billion at this time.

Virtual and real space is not a store.

Very nervous!

Jia Fei gnashed his teeth. This time, he can\'t afford to lose!

"No matter for this\' green cloud chain \'or Lin Feng\'s one billion Dou Ling coins, I will never lose!" Jia Fei\'s eyes were red.

Once and again, such as the difference between heaven and hell.

Can\'t afford to lose!

Compared with Jia Fei\'s no retreat, Lin Feng is undoubtedly much easier.

Nine star fairy fruit, Xingli spring water... When all kinds of treasures are put into the virtual and real ball, they will soon accumulate a "billion" amount, no more than one point and no less.

"Unexpectedly, it\'s worth some money." Lin Feng said lightly.

On that day, I "searched" the purple star for a whole month. Although most of them were donated to zongmen, I also left a little. After all, this kind of thing is not sure when it will be used. It is much more convenient to leave a line for everything.

The brilliance of virtual and real ball means the establishment of "gambling fight".

Their bet has been accepted.

The door of virtual and real space opens slowly, and the two glittering light columns are shining with continuous luster, which is very attractive.

Looking at each other, they met again.

Lin Feng\'s look hasn\'t changed, but Jia Fei is fierce and weak.

"Hum, when you come out later, I\'ll make you look like a dead dog."

"When I see Jia Fei, I\'ll take a detour!"

Grinding his teeth, Jia Fei almost roared, his veins exposed.

However, Lin Feng just smiled faintly. It seemed that there was a sneer in the laughter, and his head would not enter the light column.

The more he says, the more guilty he is.

"Who do you say will win?"

"It\'s needless to say. Look, Jia Fei is the second level of the star master level and has two stars and two repairs."

"Maybe Oh, you see, although Lin Feng is the second level of the star master, the star cultivation also has two levels."

The virtual and real space of Jiuzhou is indeed better than tianwu.

More refined and comprehensive.

Entering the virtual and real space, the body data will be scanned and some "basic contents" will be published, such as——

Jia Fei: Tianlu, star master level 2, star repair double.

Just some simple data.

At a deeper level, it will not be published. After all, martial artists also have the right to privacy.

"I think Lin Fengfeng wins. You think Lin Feng is so rich. He must have powerful star treasure and star tools, which is enough to turn the whole situation around."

"But the power of the constellation is ten times stronger than that of the first order of the master level. Is it so easy to reverse?"

"That is to say, and just promoted to the star master level, many Xingbao can\'t control it at all."


People are talking about you and me.

Although there are those who support Lin Feng, more support Jia Fei.

After all, people always have a "sense of belonging". Most of the apprentices here belong to the "poor". Naturally, they will have a little hatred of the rich.

What\'s more, Jia Fei\'s strength on the book is really better than Lin Feng.

At the master level, the first order is very different.

"Eh, brother Jia, what\'s the matter with you?" Liu Yi asked curiously.

"It\'s all right." Jia Xiang said with a smile. Rao was very steady in his daily life, but now his hands trembled nervously.

After all, this is a gamble worth \'one billion\'!

No, not even a billion!

Jia Xiang naturally knows how many things his brother has. Apart from the "green cloud chain", Jia Fei can\'t get a billion doling coins at all. This is Jia Fei\'s 100 million yuan fortune, of which 70 million doling coins are from him!

Only Jing Youyou, holding his chin in his hand, looked at the big screen with enchanting caresses.

For this Lin Feng, he is very curious.

"Wow!" the light screen was bright, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The shadow of the two Taoists appeared in an instant, standing in the two pillars of light, and has entered the virtual and real space.

Fight, trigger!

"What a familiar feeling."

"Immersive, the sensitivity is better than the virtual and real space of tianwu continent."

Slightly closed his eyes, Lin Feng looked calm.

It seems to recall his memories of tianwu mainland and his past at the training base. Those fellow students of that day, but now they don\'t know how they have been. Things in the world, always inadvertently across a similar track, the same day with the magic Yao gambling fight, now


The difference is that this time, I will never show mercy!

People like Jia Fei must be trampled on!

"Boom!" the mask burst.

Lin Feng\'s eyes\' Shua \'opened and twinkled.

For the first time, use the power of the "Fire Warrior God" and the power of the star master Phoenix life chart!

On that side, Jia Fei also broke out in an instant.

It\'s important to take the lead!

"Red power fireball!" Jia Fei\'s hands coagulated. The amazing fire awn condensed the bright red star awn. The power of fire and star power were perfectly integrated to form a solidified and amazing power, and flew straight to the forest wind in an instant!

And now——

烀! 烀!

Lin Feng did not give way to the emergence of two rebirth fireballs.

At the same time!

But the same fireball feels completely different.

The fireball of forest wind, with star awn covering the outside of the fireball; Jia Fei\'s fireball, the power of the constellation, is a perfect combination with the fireball!

Among them, the high and low immediately appeared.

"So it is." Lin Feng thought in his heart and his eyes were bright.

After fighting, you know the particularity and difference of fireball. Your fireball is still at the star sea level. The attack at the star master level is dominated by the power of the constellation, which is more powerful and easier to control. However, he is behind.

In an instant, "pa!" Lin Feng\'s fireball was directly scattered.

Even if the power of the reborn fire is far better than Jia Fei\'s red flame, the structure of the fireball is completely different.

Close and solid, containing the way of constellations, Lin Feng\'s fireball lost a whole chip in the level realm. The power of the red power fireball bloomed, making Jia Fei\'s eyes bright. In the flames, he broke Lin Feng\'s two fireballs continuously.

But instantaneous time——

"Pa!" in front of me, a dramatic fire was blooming.

It was the appearance of a fire wall, which was very strange. It not only covered the sight, but also made the original fire awn disappear in an instant.

Short time!

"What? Fire wall technique?" Jia Fei was stunned.

But I didn\'t expect Lin Feng to use such "useless" Star Technology.

The corners of his mouth sneered. Jia Fei didn\'t even want to break the fire wall. His body moved slightly and moved away from the fire wall in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the red power fireball appears again, and the bright red star is perfectly combined with the fireball.


"Where are the people?" Jia Fei was confused.

Just the moment when it was blocked by the fire wall, Lin Feng\'s shadow disappeared.


Jia Fei\'s heart trembled fiercely and looked at the fire wall.

The star power cohesion of this fire wall is completely different. I feel

"Boom!" the wall of fire was instantly penetrated.

What appears is a black figure with cold eyes! Lin Feng, the amazing power of constellations, takes the fire wall as a barrier, but not to stop the enemy, but to "barrier" himself! The momentum of the forest wind came to the extreme, and the eyes were sparkling.

I used the Star Technology of Phoenix constellation for the first time!

Control technology, wonderful use!

"Go, Amethyst gun." Lin Feng\'s mouth was cold.

The Amethyst gun in his hand radiates a strong purple light, although it has no power as powerful as the God of war.

But there is no difficulty in dealing with a close fire spirit Master. Jia Fei\'s face suddenly turned white and shocked. He didn\'t expect Lin Feng, who was still competing with him for the power of fireball, to come so fast and so suddenly.

Totally unexpected!

Combat experience, a huge difference!

"Star skill, fire giant!" Jia Feilian retreated quickly and flashed the star in his hand, hoping to use the Star Skill of the summoning system. Generally speaking, fire spirit masters will practice and understand the star skills of the summoning system to block and delay opponents.

But how can Lin Feng, who has experienced many battles, give him a chance.

"Death!" his eyes were cold.

The Amethyst gun caused a sensation, and the star mount shot.

Although it is not as powerful as star technology, the addition of flame alone, coupled with the power of shooting itself, is enough to shock the world. A bright light was shining. Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun roared through all the obstacles. Under one blow, Jia Fei was killed——

Direct second kill!

(first change ~ ~)