Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 746

The momentum is terrible!

The overwhelming murderous spirit bloomed, making Jia Fei even unable to move.

It\'s a real strong man who has been tempered for thousands of times, wandering between life and death and baptized by countless blood. Looking at Lin Feng like this, Li Hao\'s eyes were straight and suffocated abnormally. Jia Fei was in a cold sweat. In an instant, he felt inexplicable panic and fear.

The footsteps trembled and wanted to run away.

But suddenly——

"Wow!" everything returned to calm.

Just now, it seemed as if it was just a dream. It never appeared.

"You\'re lucky." Lin Feng looked at Jia Fei, his voice calm and depressed.

If he were in Yanling mansion, Jia Fei would have died long ago, but he could not kill himself here, because the consequences would be very serious.

But he still has to pay the price.

"Do you want to duel? Go." without hesitation, Lin Feng turned and left.

He went straight to the middle of the valley, where the virtual and real space was. He didn\'t even glance at Jia Fei from the corners of his eyes, as if he were just a passer-by.

Since he wants to fight, fight!

Li Hao was surprised and his eyes flashed, "wait for me, Lin Feng!"

Looking at the figure of Lin Feng leaving, Jia Fei is slowing down.

His face twitched, and there were still a few drops of virtual sweat on his back. At that moment, he seemed to be in hell. But I don\'t know why. Obviously, his strength is better. He should have the upper hand!

"Hum, put on airs." Jia Fei glanced, his eyes cold.

After a little hesitation, Jia Feixuan even dialed the Star Crystal Watch and followed up.

"Brother, Lin Feng is on the hook." Jia Fei said in a deep voice.

"Very good," Jia thought in a flat voice. "Go as planned. I\'ll bring someone over and make a noise."

"Big brother." Jia Fei hesitated slightly and opened his mouth, but he wanted to stop talking.

"What\'s up?" Jia thought.

"No, it\'s all right." Jia Fei twitched at the corners of his mouth and shook his head.

"Well, I\'ll see you later." Jia thought his voice fell and closed the call.

Looking at the flashing star crystal table, Jia Fei\'s face changed from cloudy to sunny, but he shook his fist and made up his mind.

He can\'t lose!

Just now he almost said to his brother, "why don\'t you forget it?"

But, after all, he didn\'t speak.

"I will win!"

"He\'s just bluffing people. What strength can this second ancestor have?"

"What\'s more, I\'m a second-class star master. I\'m afraid he\'ll do anything!"

Nod hard, as if comforting yourself.

Jia Fei clenched his teeth and immediately sped away to the virtual and real space.

In a group of valleys.

"Come on, go and see!"

"There\'s a lot of excitement, everyone!"

"Big news, Lin Feng and Jia Fei are going to gamble! ~"


The lively sound transmission soon spread throughout the valley.

After all, there are only a hundred families. Naturally, there is no secret in this valley.

The news of Lin Feng and Jia Fei\'s gambling fight spread ten to ten, but it was not long before everyone knew it.


The virtual and real space is crowded with people.

At this time, there were more than 80 people in the valley, almost all of them came. They were waiting to visit the third miss of the Jing family. They were really idle and bored. Now there is a big dragon and Phoenix to see, which can\'t be missed, and one of the protagonists is the rather mysterious "Lin Feng".

It\'s interesting.

"Third lady, brother Yikai." Jia wanted to come up with a smile and say hello.

One man and one woman stand side by side. The handsome men and the enchanting and beautiful women are Liu Yikai and Jing youyou who ranked first and second in this assessment. If Lin Feng saw it, he would be surprised. Liu Yikai was the hedgehog head youth he saw that day. He opened his hands together and spent only six seconds refining the sword embryo.

"Brother Jia, you\'re here too." Liu Yi smiled and said hello, but they knew each other well.

Jing youyou made a light sound and said hello.

Meimu stared not far away, but at Lin Feng\'s figure. She was quite interested.

Lin Feng and Jia Fei have reached the virtual and real space.

Looking at each other, Jia Fei\'s figure was better than Lin Feng, but his momentum was completely compared.

Just a pair of light eyes, containing a sharp point, has surpassed Jia Fei\'s "posturing" posture. Not a level at all! There are some things that can\'t be pretended. After all, Jia Fei has never experienced as many killings as Lin Feng.

How can there be such a terrible murderous spirit like the scabbard of the sword blade!

But now he has no way out.

You can only spell it!

"According to the rules of virtual and real space, lay some chips before the duel." Jia Fei raised his head and said, "100 million duel coins, no, how about 50 million duel coins? Dare you bet!"

All the people whispered, 50 million Dou Ling coins, which was a considerable amount. But Jia Xiang frowned. He and Jia Fei had originally decided that it was 100 million doling coins, but he didn\'t know why Jia Fei changed his mind temporarily.

"Fifty million doling coins? Do you think children play the house?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

When the voice fell, not only Li Hao burst into laughter, but also several martial artists in the crowd laughed. Jing Youdu covered his mouth and smiled. Although the laughter was slightly inaudible, it made Jia Fei blush, especially in front of charming beauties such as Jing youyou.

"Well, how much do you want to bet!" Jia Fei shouted with his teeth.

But he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to increase his weight. He had only 100 million doling coins, and he was all rich.

Originally, I wanted to "pit" a little from Lin Feng, a rich young master, but I didn\'t want to lose myself now.

In my heart, I felt uneasy.

"Well, then play a little less." Lin Feng looked calm and nodded, "one billion."

"Hiss ~ ~" the martial artists gasped.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone stared at each other.

For the vast majority of people, one billion doling coins are already sky high, and they may not earn so much in their life.

Liu Yi\'s eyes sparkled, while Jing youyou looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes, showing a bit of curiosity,

Jia Fei was shocked. His heart beat and his body trembled slightly. His eyes glanced at Jia Xiang in surprise. However, Jia Xiang was also shocked at this time.

"Is Lin Feng really so sure?" Jia wanted to fall into deep thinking. He was a little shaken in his heart and immediately shook his right fist. "No, these rich children don\'t care about a billion bucket of spirit coins at all. For them, it\'s just the price of a star treasure."

"Or, he deliberately charges a high price to scare ah Fei away!"

Jia wanted to keep thinking in his mind, and his face was uncertain.

Jia Fei is at a loss at this time. He doesn\'t know what to do.

The situation has developed beyond his imagination.

Completely controlled by others!

Lin Feng stared at Jia Fei with sparkling eyes.

Originally I didn\'t want to embarrass him, but some things are unbearable!

Their parents, family, how can such scum insult!

He must pay the price.

At present, if he doesn\'t agree to nature, his face will be ruined. What he said is like a dog barking and despised. If he really put all his eggs in one basket, he would be obsessed with money and the loss would be even greater! One billion doling coins may be a great disaster for him!

"If you don\'t have money, don\'t learn from others." Lin Feng opened his mouth calmly.

Extremely despised!

Jia Fei blushed.

At this time, everyone\'s eyes were all looking at him. The teeth were clucking. Jia Fei was extremely embarrassed. Now it\'s difficult to ride a tiger. He glanced at Jia like asking for help. At this time, the latter had made the final decision and nodded with his eyes closed.

Jia Fei bit his lips and shouted hysterically, "who says I have no money!" but suddenly he went out. Jia Fei looked down at his necklace, his eyes were cold, and immediately took it off.

"Go and bet!" Jia Fei was cruel and took the lead in pacing away. His eldest brother\'s decision must not be wrong.

Nothing to give up, as long as he can win the duel!

Anyway, baby, it\'s just for a while.

The bigger you bet, the bigger you get!

Shit, spell it!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he was also a little surprised.

But looking at Jia Fei\'s eyes and finally glancing at Jia Xiang, he suddenly understood a lot in his heart.

It seems that

And someone behind it?

"Are you sure, brother Lin Feng?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows and touched Lin Feng with his elbow.

"What do you say?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Hey, hey, they don\'t know you\'re a wild warrior, I know." Li Hao said proudly. "The fighting strength of the wild warrior is very powerful. Although the strength level is one level behind, but..." Li Hao thought and said, "I think it\'s not without a chance."

"Hope." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Li Hao thought Lin Feng was hard to ride a tiger. He clapped his hands fiercely, "look at me, come and take it."

Lin Feng was stunned and looked at Li Hao handing over a gold card, "the gold card of Roche chamber of Commerce?"

It\'s not much different from the gold card of the Qin chamber of Commerce, but there seems to be a big difference in the degree of "precious". The gold card in Li Hao\'s hand is flying and glittering. It\'s not ordinary at first sight. Roche chamber of commerce is the largest Chamber of Commerce in Shiluo county. I\'ve heard Wan Mochou mention it.

"I\'ll lend you my pocket money." Li Hao smiled. "There are billions in it. That\'s enough."


Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

I\'m just a "fake" son of a rich family. I didn\'t expect that Li Hao was really a rich family in front of me.

There are billions of doling coins in pocket money. Such a degree of money should not be ordinary people in Shiluo county. This Li Hao

Lin Feng smiled, but it didn\'t mean much to himself. No matter how rich Li Hao was, he didn\'t have much to do with himself.

"Thanks." Lin Feng smiled lightly, "I can take out a billion Dou Ling coins, and..."

"I won\'t lose."

Light expression, with a lonely confidence.

That is the self-confidence honed through thousands of trials and tribulations, and the achievement obtained by fighting and blood again and again.

I will never lose!

Leaving Li Hao with a dull face, Lin Feng immediately stepped away.

"Virtual and real ball." Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a miss.

But I think of the picture when I was in the training base and the days in tianwu mainland.

At that time, I had a gambling fight with "Huanyao". What a similar picture!

"One billion doling coins..."

"It\'s a good thing to have more money to defend yourself when you first arrive at zhuquezhou."

SA ran chuckled, but Lin Feng never paid attention to Li Hao.

Star master second order?

So what!

(fourth change ~ ~)