Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 745

"Elder brother, have you thought of a way?" Jia Fei\'s eyes lit up.

"Well, there\'s a way. I think it should be feasible." Jia wanted to nod, look at Jia Fei and smile, "use your best tricks."

"My best move?" Jia Fei scratched his head. "What is it?"

As soon as he clapped his hands, Jia Fei immediately looked happy. "Brother, do you want me to teach the rich man a lesson secretly and let him retreat in the face of difficulties."

"Unless you don\'t want to die," Jia thought calmly. "If it happens, you don\'t even want to stay in the second group. It\'s the Lin family here. How can you mess around. Besides, you think that Lin Feng doesn\'t have a backstage? Move him. You\'re really out of your mind."

Jia Fei suddenly blushed, but he used to do so.

Jia Xiang\'s eyes twinkled, "I want you... To gamble with that rich man!"

Gambling fight?

Jia Fei was stunned. "Brother, what\'s the use of winning him in the virtual and real space? We learn to \'refine weapons\'." suddenly, his eyes brightened. Jia Fei said happily, "I know, brother, you want me to make Lin Feng lose all his face, humiliate him and make him have no face to stay here!"

Jia Xiang shook his head. "Do you think it\'s possible?"

"Er..." Jia Fei was speechless.

Think about it. What is the purpose of a famous boy coming to be an "Apprentice of a tool smelter"?

It must be true that he came here to learn to refine weapons. How can he have no face to stay here because of a little face problem.

"Brother, you\'d better say it clearly." Jia Fei was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. "You know I\'m stupid."

"Finally admit that you are stupid." Jia wanted to squint his eyebrows. "I ask you, do you want to avenge Lin Feng or join the first group?"

"This......" Jia Fei was stunned.

This question is really hard to answer.

Jia wanted to sigh helplessly, "I\'ll ask you again. If you were allowed to enter the first group, would you still seek revenge from Lin Feng?"

"It should be... No." Jia Fei finally knew the answer this time.

Lin Feng has no grievances and no revenge. If he wants to enter the first group, what else can he do to revenge Lin Feng? Is it boring.

"That\'s all right. Why do you have to focus on Lin Feng? Drill the horns." Jia thought lightly, "in my opinion, Lin Feng\'s backstage is very hard. It\'s very unlikely to kick him into the first group, but other weapon refining apprentices are not."

"Why do they learn to refine weapons?" Jia thought, his eyes flashing. "Because they are poor, because they want money."

"If you have enough money, you can bribe one of them to leave the Lin family, so that there will be a vacancy in the first group."

"Even if this plan doesn\'t work, you can also buy a star pill to enhance flame control in a short time at a high price. I\'ll arrange another test for you. If your score can reach 280 points and enter the top three, I think the Lin family will be open."

Jia Fei\'s eyes lit up and nodded again and again.

kill two birds with one stone!

The subtlety of the plan was beyond his imagination.

"Big brother is big brother, great!" Jia Fei smiled flatteringly, thumbed up and doubted, "by the way, big brother, what did you say I was best at?"

Jia wanted to cross his eyes and said faintly, "don\'t you have to do anything to let Lin Feng gamble with you?"

"Yes, I see, big brother." Jia Fei immediately smiled.

Ten days, very short.

In the eyes of the star master level warrior, ten days is like an hour for ordinary people.

The valley of group A has become particularly lively. Most of the martial artists have settled in the valley after handling the matter of Shiluo county. The three major weapon refiner families in Shiluo County rarely recruit weapon refiner apprentices. People are really looking forward to it.

As a tool refiner, the most important thing is technology.

It is not basic technology, but advanced technology, or even unique secret technology.

In Shiluo County, the basic skills of the smelter are not a secret at all. Even advanced skills can be bought with money.

However, the unique secret skill is deeply hidden in each weapon smelter family and is not spread outside.

Many of the 100 apprentices came for the "unique secret skills" of the Lin family. If you want to be honest, it\'s harder than going to heaven; But stealing learning is not without opportunity. Liu Yikai, the first one in the assessment, and Jing Youyou, the second, are all among them.

After all, it is conceivable that they can get such a high score in the examination.

Even among the Lin family, it is a superior level.

The only exception, I\'m afraid, is Lin Feng.

He did not come here to steal the "unique secret collection" nor to be an "Apprentice of a tool smelter".

At this time, he is assiduously understanding the "one star technology".

Wall of fire, first floor.

"Wow!" a faint light flashed.

In the "starry sky" like the beginning of heaven and earth and the beginning of chaos, the only main star changes.

The Red Star flashes around the main star and forms a beautiful halo, just like the star ring at starsea level. The difference is that this time the energy is completely different levels, just like the gift of stars. The beautiful luster reflects the lonely main star.

"The star ring appears and the star repair is improved."

"Reaching the double star repair not only means doubling the sensitivity of the constellation, but also means that the level of strength can be improved!"

Lin Feng breathed softly, and his eyes opened slowly.

Star cultivation determines the level of strength. Double star cultivation can be promoted to the second level of star master level.

It\'s easy to upgrade from one star cultivation to two star cultivation. As long as you understand any "one star" and learn star skills, you\'ll be successful.

Star technology is endowed and evolved by the way of constellations.

Star cultivation is the "Tao" of constellations.

"Star technology seems simple, but it\'s not."

"Just like marksmanship, tangible gun meaning and shape are easy to obtain, but the artistic conception of marksmanship -"

"Difficult to learn."

An invisible existence.

The most mysterious and difficult to figure out.

"My heavenly spirit Master\'s qualification and God of war\'s qualification are really too poor. On that day, the same heavy star, the first layer of the power of the great bear, I fully understood 9000 days. This time, it took only nine days. If you count the \'time engraving array\', it would be only 90 days."

The gap is a hundred times!

"It\'s not just because the constellation is sensitive."

"More because \'star dome pupil\' helps me save a lot of time."

Lin Feng thought secretly, but he didn\'t know whether he understood the "first level of the power of the big bear" at that time or with the help of his master.

If not, nine thousand days are far more than that!


"There\'s only one last day left. Feel free to walk around."

"Take a break."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng was in a good mood.

Now that I have reached the second level of star cultivation, as long as I absorb enough "power of constellations", I can directly break through and become the second level of star master.

It takes only nine days. I\'m afraid it\'s amazing how fast it takes.

This way, the forest wind is not urgent or slow.

On the other side, Jia Fei was very anxious.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, leaving only the last day. However, Lin Feng still had no news and still hid in the house to practice.

How not hurry!

"Damn it!"

"This bastard, there\'s no time!"

Jia Fei clenched his teeth, twisted his eyes together and kept pacing in the room.

one \'s heart is torn with anxiety!

After today, the door that he entered the first group will be completely closed.

And now——

"Didi ~" on his left hand, the star crystal table sounded.

Jia Fei\'s eyes suddenly brightened. He was overjoyed and clenched his right fist. He gave a big drink to vent his depression.

Lin Feng, finally appeared!

"Ha ha, Lin Feng, you can be regarded as an appearance." Li Hao said happily.

"Well, what\'s up?" Lin Feng said strangely.

"It\'s not a big deal," Li Hao nodded, "but Jing youyou opened his mouth and invited a group of people to eat, drink and have fun in her mansion in the evening. Let\'s get to know each other."

Jing youyou?

Lin Feng nodded, but the one who ranked second in the assessment score.

"You go, I\'m not interested." Lin Feng replied calmly. He didn\'t know Jing Youyou, and there was no need to know him. Today is the last day. It\'s better to take a walk in Shiluo county and make an appointment with Wan Mo Chou by the way. It\'s more comfortable to drink freely.

"Can\'t you? You won\'t go even if Miss Jing San opens a golden mouth?" Li Hao opens his eyes.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Li Hao.

Listen to the tone, it seems that the Jing youyou is not small, but

What does it have to do with yourself?

With a smile, Lin Feng immediately turned and left.

However, the front was a man galloping like a ferocious spirit. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were light. He seemed to have seen the man somewhere.

Closer and closer, it was a young man with an inch of head, with cold tiger eyes.

"Is he?" Lin Feng remembered.

"What is he doing here?"

With a little thought in his heart, Lin Fengxuan stopped and looked at Jia Fei, who was "not good at coming".

Over there, Li Hao also made a sound and looked at him.

"Stop, Lin Feng!" Jia Feihu stood up and stared at Lin Feng covetously.

"Something?" Lin Feng said slowly.

"Hum!" Jia Fei sneered, "of course you\'re all right. With only 239 points, you can be in the first group. It\'s shameless to think that my 271 points are behind you."

Li Hao\'s face changed and his eyebrows wrinkled.

Lin Feng looked at Jia Fei and sighed in his heart, but he would always come to the door. He couldn\'t avoid it.

Indeed, no wonder he was unconvinced.

But what can I do?

"If you don\'t agree, you should go to your mentor." Lin Feng looked at Jia Fei and said slowly, "I have something else to do. I\'m sorry I won\'t accompany you." after talking, he just stepped forward. The more he tangles with him, the more trouble he gets. It doesn\'t make any sense.

Jia Fei grinned his teeth and made an unpleasant sound.

"But do you want to escape? You\'re the second ancestor who can only go through the back door. It\'s a man who goes to \'virtual and real space\' with me." Jia Fei\'s eyes flashed and sneered, "what\'s the matter? Are you kind? I\'ll give you three moves!"

"Oh, the second-class fire spirit Master of the star master level challenges the first-class fire spirit Master?" Li Hao glanced and walked up, "I\'m not afraid of people laughing."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "I\'m not interested."

This meaningless challenge has no meaning to me at all.

What if you win?


Jia Fei obviously won\'t give up so easily.

"Haha, haha!" Jia Fei laughed wildly, "Lin Feng, your parents are better than you. You\'re a fucking coward. Your whole family is waste! Your parents..."

No more words.

Jia Fei\'s face was green and his spine was cold.

But I felt a terrible murderous spirit that I had never had before, and it was pengran that bloomed.

"You want to die." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

(third shift ~)