Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 744

"Shit, I\'m so angry!" an angry roar sounded.

The whole room seemed to be about to collapse. It was a young man with an inch of head, gnashing his teeth angrily.

Jia Fei.

Just ranked 101 and was cruelly squeezed out of the first group.

Unable to bear a grudge against the Lin family, Jia Fei undoubtedly hates Lin Feng to the bone at this time.

"It\'s a pity that our two brothers were almost able to enter the first group." a flat headed youth sighed, slightly older than Jia Fei. Their faces and facial features were seven points alike, even their body shape and size were very similar.

Jia Xiang, Jia Fei\'s big brother.

"Brother, I\'m not reconciled!" Jia Fei clenched his lips.

"What can I do?" Jia wanted to sigh. "It\'s settled. I told you to practice hard at ordinary times. You don\'t listen. Now, one point difference is a world difference!"

In fact, the scores of the 100 fighters who entered the first group were very close except the first three. The fourth place is 279 points, while the 99th \'boundless\' also has 272 points, only 7 points short.

"Forget it, I\'m not." Jia wanted to shake his head.

He was ranked fourth, with a total score of 279 points, just one point from the top three.

"Elder brother, help me." Jia Fei said hurriedly, "I really want to enter group one, but I don\'t want to stay in group two. Didn\'t our two brothers say we should advance and retreat together!"

Jia wanted to frown. "Don\'t worry, let me think."

"OK, OK! Thank you, brother!" Jia Fei was overjoyed.

His eldest brother has the most ideas and strong strength.

As long as the eldest brother is willing to help him, it can be done nine times out of ten!

If he really lost the assessment score, he would admit it, but he was so wronged.

Jia Fei was squeezed out of the top 100 by a rich boy with a humiliating score of \'239 points\', but it was hard to say in his heart!

Very upset!

A group of valleys.

Lin Feng, immersed in cultivation.

"Wow!" outside the body, the starlight is increasing.

"It\'s the improvement of the power of the constellation." Lin Feng secretly said that his life soul is combined with the Yang life chart, and the flashing of the Phoenix chart in his body drives the natural absorption of the power of the constellation, just like the divine beast Phoenix. Even if he doesn\'t need to practice, the body can spontaneously absorb energy and grow.

This is the gift and power of the beast!

It is completely consistent with the blood of the divine beast, and I am no exception.


"Too slow." Lin Feng said softly.

The promotion of the power of this constellation is too meager.

For example, at that time, when the star sea level, the star power can also absorb and improve itself, but for yourself, the most important thing is not this, but——

The power of constellations is inexhaustible!

This is my trump card!

"Like Xinghai class, it should be restored in proportion."

"To understand a heavy star and cultivate a heavy star skill, the consumption must not be much with my constellation sensitivity. The recovery speed should be better than the consumption speed."

"In other words, I don\'t need to understand and recover like other martial artists."

"This will be very efficient!"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and understood his body carefully.

Cultivation is not to rush forward with your head covered, but to choose the most suitable path for yourself.

What I have to do now is to choose a star technology first.

Star technology is very important.

The promotion of star cultivation must understand star technology.

Moreover, the exertion of the star master\'s strength depends more on the application of "Star Technology".

"Special system, eukaryotic system, attack system, defense system, control system, summoning system and strengthening system, well... How to choose." Lin Feng thought hard, but it was not easy to choose more. For example, the soul of one\'s own people on that day, except that the main star of the "special system" shines, the rest are dim, and there is no need to consider it at all.

At present, all seven main stars are bright!

Hard to choose!

"But the special system can be ruled out first. There are many flames in the special system, but..."

"Being single-minded and precise, I already have two kinds of extremely strong flames."

"There is no need to open another door for the time being."

Lin Feng nodded and thought in his heart.

I am satisfied with the fire of rebirth and the fire of swallowing.

happy is he who is content.

Limited energy should be put in the place that can best improve your strength at present, such as——

"Eukaryotic system, in which there are methods to speed up cultivation; attack system, which drives attack with the power of constellations, has infinite power; defense system..." nodded gently, Lin Feng pondered and thought carefully about what is most suitable for him at present.

"With the promotion of Phoenix\'s life chart, my martial god strength and tianlingshi strength will be improved at the same time."

"There is no vigorous Qi, but I have the fire power of Phoenix constellation."

"One on one, my martial god\'s strength is better than tianlingshi!"

Lin Feng thought to himself that he knew his strength very clearly.

With the power of the Phoenix constellation, the power of the reborn fire will be fully realized, which will never be weaker than the Ares who exerts the "power of the Great Bear". What is lacking is the abnormal body of the strong star, but his own body is more than enough compared with ordinary human warriors.

Two baptisms, countless body foundation superposition!

Let alone comparable to human martial arts, it is a competition with the witch family.

"Attack, I don\'t lack."

"Defense, the fire of rebirth is a defensive flame."

"It\'s better to summon and cooperate with the fire spirit Master."

The heart decisively ruled out one by one, and soon there were only the last two——

Reinforcement system, and control system.

"Strengthen, attack and defense can only be strengthened."

"But controlling the star system technology can give further play to my current strength!"

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s heart suddenly fell down.

Look at the fifth main star and enter it.

quite a lot!

No, it should be said that there are extremely many.

Dense, like starlight spots, but dazzled.

"There are so many \'one heavy stars\', which is more than a hundred times that of the big bear constellation on that day." Lin Feng secretly said that even if they are the same heavy stars, they are different from each other, and they have completely different needs for the sensing power of the constellation.

Some heavy stars have very low constellation sensitivity and can flash directly.

Some double stars require even higher constellation sensitivity than triple stars!

Generally speaking, the higher the constellation sensitivity required, the greater the power of the star technology. But again, the harder it is to understand.

"Everyone has different understanding and different understanding of different fields." Lin Feng said.

"It also depends on intuition and luck. For the first time, I\'d better pick an ordinary \'one star\' and practice my hand first."


"Well, good."

"This is also good."


"Good control."

"This move matches the gun move, but it\'s also good."


"The speed of casting is slightly slow. No matter how powerful it is, it\'s useless."

"This move can only be used in a static state, and its effect will undoubtedly be greatly reduced in battle."


One, another.

Lin Feng carefully selected it, but he was not in a hurry.

Outside the body, the power of constellations is constantly consumed, but it is constantly supplemented in an instant to form a cycle. I\'m afraid that other first-class warriors of the star master level will have exhausted the power of the constellation in just a little time and recover while practicing

But not yourself.

There is no need to worry about the consumption of the power of constellations.

"Let it be." Lin Feng made a decision quickly.

"Although it\'s not powerful, it\'s fast and changes a lot."

"The battle changes in an instant. Many things can happen in an instant. Besides, whether it is powerful or not..."

"It has a great relationship with the power of constellations."

Heart light way, since the decision, Lin Feng will no longer hesitate.

"Wow!" in my mind, pictures show instantaneously. A faint light and shadow was shrouded in a huge Phoenix wing. The red stars were dense and abundant. With the control of star power, the flames in both hands stung up.

烀! A wall of fire flared up.

Ordinary, only a thin wall of fire, standing out of thin air in front.

The flame condenses in one piece, and the control is not difficult. The faint starlight converges. Although the power of the fire wall is small, it is not so ordinary.

As a \'barrier\', it\'s very good.

"In a heavy star, it is a very common move."

"But for me, it\'s simple and easy to understand, and its power is not small."

"Wall of fire, first floor."

Slightly light Nan, Lin Feng has full confidence.

This\' wall of fire \'skill can be understood in a short time.

Around the body, the red stars converge into the shape of a Phoenix. Around him, the "array of time engraved patterns" with silver light slowly slowed down the time and immersed in the state of cultivation. Lin Feng didn\'t hear anything outside the window.

Eyes tightly watching, looking at the display of light and shadow, concentrate.


"Boom!" the familiar feeling sounded.

Lin Feng was stunned, and his body entered a wonderful state. The light and shadow in front of him seemed to be close in front of him. In his consciousness, he seemed to be integrated with the light and shadow. His eyes were bright. Although it was only the entry of consciousness, Lin Feng\'s double life soul was shining at the same time.

"It\'s the pupil of the star dome!" the surprise of Lin Feng\'s heart.

This feeling has appeared for the third time.

For the first time, I successfully \'copied\' the refined sword embryo.

The second time, I realized the drawing of the "array of time engraving patterns".

And the third time

"Well, it turned out to be so."

"The change of hands gesture, combined with the control of star force, maintains the explosion range of flame..."

Lin Feng\'s mind was completely immersed in the understanding of star technology.

Driven by the power of constellations, the whole process seems to be branded in your mind. The body seems to have experienced countless exercises, and your heart can move freely. However, star technology is different from refining tools. Refining tools can be perfectly imitated, but star technology is not.

Must understand!

Deep and clear understanding!!

It\'s as like as two peas of a picture, but it\'s a different story.

Like a gun.

Star Technology, the same is true.

Different star techniques have different artistic conception of stars.

As like as two peas in a sky, though it is only a tiny existence, if it does not feel the existence of the "artistic conception", even if it is perfectly executed, even if it is exactly the same, it is still not understood.

If you really want to describe it, it is——

The \'Tao\' of constellations.

(second change ~ ~)