Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 743

Blood inheritance.

Only once in a lifetime.

It\'s like the "Pan Mu yuan seed" in the "Pan Mu continent" that day.

Warcraft, the higher the blood lineage, the worse the reproductive ability. Reaching the order of ancient divine beast \'Lei ferocious\', it has long lost its reproductive ability. In fact, it is impossible to reproduce after reaching the order of the divine beast. This is a kind of "balance", which is true for any race.

However, inheritance still exists.

This is true for both sacred animals and ancient sacred animals.

It\'s just a huge price to pay.

Especially the ancient sacred animals, once they start the "inheritance of blood", it means

"Boom!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes widened.

The blood was thick, and the beating of the heart seemed to stop in an instant.

It was a tearing feeling. The human soul seemed to turn into hundreds of millions of fragments, and a towering flame completely wrapped the body. In my mind, the terrible giant bear roared, thunder and lightning, the power of heaven appeared, and the strong red light was like blood, making everything seem to be destroyed.

The body is as painful as heart and lung.

But compared with the human soul, it is much lighter.

"The five emperor constellations, the inheritance of blood, will not be so easy."

"But we must hold on to this great opportunity!"

Lin Feng\'s face condensed to the extreme and clenched his teeth.

Having been tempered since childhood, Lin Feng has great confidence in his will and perseverance.

Even if you die, you will bear it!


Zhuquezhou, Shiluo county.


"What a terrible \'inheritance of blood\'"

"It turned out that the master said \'it\'s not easy\', but it\'s like this..."

Lin Feng breathed softly, his eyes sparkling.

It is mainly the pain of the soul, but the pain of the body is much better.

"I see. It\'s a matter of constitution."

"Master mentioned that because human congenital conditions are too poor, the whole process is not easy."

"If it is the constitution of a divine beast, it should be much simpler."

Lin Feng nodded and fully understood.

If we regard "blood inheritance" as a process of strength improvement, in fact, it is indeed a "way" to pull our strength to the "Holy Level". But this road is different and needs to bear great pain.

And this pain is actually equal to the difficulty of cultivation.

"My body comes from the body of the strong in the starry sky. My physique is strong and my pain is naturally weak."

"But my human soul is the \'soul\' of mankind."

"However, with the progress of \'blood inheritance\', the soul becomes stronger and stronger, and the pain should be weakened slowly. Otherwise, it is impossible to bear for so long. Even if my will can withstand it, the human soul can\'t withstand it."

The heart is dark, and Lin Feng puts down his heart.

According to master, the biggest test of blood inheritance is the body.

After all, there is only one soul, but the body has a whole pair. It is not easy to be reborn.

"Fortunately, this is an independent separation, equivalent to another me."

"If it\'s a secret separation, I\'m afraid I don\'t want to do anything now..."

If it is a secret separation, the pain will be \'shared\' with the noumenon.

No matter how good your dual-purpose ability is, it is absolutely impossible to be completely unaffected.

At least, the cultivation effect is greatly reduced.

Unlike now, I can practice wholeheartedly.

Sitting in the \'array of time engraved patterns\', the silver light shines brightly.

The heart is as quiet as dust, and the forest wind suddenly enters the state of cultivation. I haven\'t practiced well since the breakthrough of Phoenix\'s chart.

"In zhuquezhou, I will stay for a long time."

"Although I lost my human soul, the awakening of the star dome pupil made me have a vice life soul. Strictly speaking, my strength has not decreased much."

"What\'s more, although the way of the God of war is temporarily closed, our martial god\'s strength still exists and our body has not weakened at all. On the contrary, it has been greatly improved because we have experienced another better \'constellation baptism\'!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright. The baptism of constellations depends on the bearing capacity of the body and the sensitivity of constellations.

The effect of the second baptism is naturally much better than that of the first.

Now his soul has been transformed perfectly.

Be quite different from human as like as two peas in human spirit, the chaos of the initial starry sky is similar to that of the starry sky, but the intensity of energy varies widely. In that starry sky, there is a shining star, and the red star seems to dazzle the arrogance of the Phoenix.

It is formed by the power of the pure Phoenix constellation. Through it, you can directly sense and enter the Phoenix constellation, just like an invisible door.

Different from the human soul, the \'main star\' is very big!

But there is no star ring, which means it is only the first order of the star master.

"The area is a hundred times that of the main star of human soul." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

It is the first order of the star master level, and the gap is now!

What does a hundred times the area of the main star mean? I didn\'t know before, but now

But I fully understand.

"There are two keys to the star master level, \'constellation power\' and \'constellation sensitivity\'."

"The power of the constellation determines the level of the main star level and the amount of star power contained in the warrior. Similarly, it has greatly improved the \'constellation sensitivity\'."

"The main star is the origin of the \'power of constellations\'."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, and the knowledge obtained in the library suddenly appeared in his mind.

The main star is like a container to hold the power of constellations. At each level, the area of the container will increase to ten times, and the overflow value of the constellation force will also increase to ten times.

If we compare the "reserves" of the power of the constellations in the first order of the star master level to 1, then the second order of the star master level is "10" and the third order of the star master level is "100". The improvement of the power of the master of the star will expand the area of the master star, just like transformation. For each level, the sensitivity of the constellation will double.

"Just at the first level of the star master level, my \'power of constellations\' is a hundred times higher than ordinary martial arts."

"In other words, compared with those with the same level of martial arts, my constellation has a hundred times more power and four times more sensitivity! And these are just immediate advantages. The most important thing is -"

"My upper limit is higher!"

Lin Feng was very satisfied.

At that time, as the star master level peak, I will be far better than other martial artists.

More than that, once the power of constellations is broken through, they will also have a huge lead at the star domain level.

Just like at Xinghai level, your star weight is ten times more than those of the same level!

This is the gap!

"Increasing step by step, as Duoduo said, because of the different foundation, the increasing gap of each layer will be larger and larger."

"At Xinghai level, I\'m only one step ahead, but at Xingzhu level, I\'m already two steps ahead!"

"When we reach the star domain level, the advantage will expand again!"

"The only disadvantage is..."

Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly chilly.

It\'s hard to cultivate.

I\'m afraid I\'m more "tired" than other martial artists.

Others\' promotion from the first level to the second level is equivalent to their own promotion from the third level to the fourth level.

Indeed, there is no free lunch.

One gain, one pay.

"Wow!" through the main star, Lin Feng\'s consciousness suddenly entered the constellation.

In front of me, the huge proud Phoenix was full of sparkling domineering, and it seemed that there was a loud cry in my ears. In his heart, Lin Feng looked at the familiar arrangement of seven light spots. It was the seven main stars, all shining and shining.

Not only are the seven main stars bright, but other stars around are also colorful, just like a beautiful picture.

But human souls can\'t be compared at all.

Phoenix constellation, as if alive!

"I can absorb the power of the seven main stars."

"It means that with the same cultivation time, my cultivation amount will be seven times that of other martial artists!"

Human soul, only the first main star is bright.

But the life soul is all lit up!

This is the difference of constellation sensitivity, and this is the absolute difference of qualification!

Special system, eukaryotic system, attack system, defense system, control system, summoning system and strengthening system. The seven main stars can cultivate and improve no matter which one they enter. With more choices, the star cultivation will be promoted faster, and the jump speed of the star master level will be better!

Just as "star power" is indispensable to Xinghai martial arts, it is also indispensable to Xingzhu martial arts——

Star cultivation is even more important than the power of constellations!

"To understand Star Technology and improve star cultivation, in the final analysis, it is\' constellation sensitivity \'."

"The stronger the sensitivity of the constellation, the faster the improvement of the power of not only the constellation, but also the less it consumes to understand!"

Lin Feng is light in his heart.

Understanding star technology is closely related to constellation sensitivity.

Because consciousness enters the constellation through the main star, it consumes the power of the constellation. The consumption is huge every moment, especially the stronger the star technology and the star technology with higher weight. Among them, the difference of constellation sensitivity is obvious.

Ten times the constellation sensitivity means that the consumption of constellation power only needs one tenth!

Moreover, many star technologies have the rigid requirement of "constellation sensitivity". The sensitivity is not enough, let alone understanding, it is simply unable to sense!

Just like the seven main stars, some are bright and some are dark, that\'s the truth.

Of course, constellation sensitivity is not invariable.

With the improvement of strength, constellation sensitivity will increase; In the eukaryotic system, there are also those who can improve the "constellation sensitivity"; There are many ways to improve the sensitivity of constellations in Jiuzhou.

But it\'s not easy.

For example, Xingbao, which can improve the sensitivity of constellations, is almost priceless regardless of the grade!

"No wonder \'tool refiner\' is so popular."

"It\'s what people need."

Lin Feng was also amused to think that he had become an apprentice to a tool smelter.

Even my master "Bai Lifeng" loves "refining tools". I was born in the family of refining tools. It\'s true

I really have many indissoluble bonds with the tool refiner.

"Ten days later, he will officially become an apprentice of a tool smelter and enter the Lin family."

"A whole year\'s training. At that time, I will have a lot of time to find out the whereabouts of my uncle \'Lin Jing\' and my father\'s year..."

"What the hell happened!"

This is the biggest purpose of entering here!

(first change ~ ~)