Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 742

The residence is not small.

At least living alone is enough.

It is divided into upper, lower and underground layers, and the area covered by the engraved pattern array is the upper and lower layers.

"Strange, what\'s the use of this underground floor?" Lin Feng was curious and looked around. The underground floor is very quiet and open, and the area is quite large, several times larger than the ground. It is made of strange metal around, which is very expensive.

There are many things you don\'t understand.

"This should be the source of the \'carving array\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

It is the most important and central position of the whole "engraving array". The star force flow takes this point as the starting point to form a stable circulation space. These, I have been involved in Yanling mansion.

However, the "carved pattern array" in Yanling mansion is very rare, and they are very simple.

Unlike the "carved pattern array" here, it is so complex and energetic. It is completely two different concepts.

A sketch!

Instill the astral energy into it, take the engraving as the channel, and have magical energy.

In the land of Jiuzhou, the engraver is one of the four "auxiliary occupations" mentioned by Wan Mochou. The seemingly simple existence is often not simple. Looking deeply at the array of lines for a moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkle slightly, but it is the first time he has seen such a "exquisite" composition painting.

"It\'s an application of stellar energy."

"It requires extremely subtle control to construct a complete \'array\' with different strength, depth and angle."

"So profound."

His eyes are bright and Lin Feng\'s eyes are not turning.

My heart is full of imagination, and my left eye twinkles slightly

"Wow!" there seemed to be a flash of light in his head, and Lin Fengxin was shocked fiercely.

The "carved pattern array" in front of us suddenly seems to become transparent. The flow of Star Force seems to travel in a huge three-dimensional space, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, forming a special rhythm. Based on this rhythm, combined with the mystery of the whole "carved pattern array", it emits a faint silver light.

An empty figure seemed to appear in front of us, emitting sparkling luster.

Hold the pen in your hand, the phantom of your steps, and the strong star power blooms.

As the wind and shadow follow, the composition of star power shows the mysteries of heaven and earth. With the source as the center, the footsteps rotate like a dream, and the hands change to form the most exquisite picture. The place filled with star power is like a silver dragon body.


Lin Feng was stunned.

Looking at this\' array of carved patterns\', my hand moved inexplicably.

In my mind, I seem to be combined with the nihilistic figure. With the bright red stars, I construct and draw this "array of engraved patterns". The angle, strength, time and mastery are exactly the same, just like a perfect copy!

"It\'s coming again!" Lin fengxinpeng moved.

However, the composition of the engraved pattern array has reached the end.

"Wow!" the last stroke!

Like the finishing touch, the star power blooms in an instant! Form a \'small river\' with light flow. The energy is extremely stable and harmonious. The figure of nothingness also stops moving and is finally successful.

Engraving array, complete!

be the pink of perfection!

"This......" Lin Feng has recovered at this time.

His hands opened gently, and then he held them together again. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"Driven by star power."

"Draw the context of the way of time."

"I seem to..."

Close your eyes and Lin Feng replays the scenes in his mind.

It\'s like imitating the bald man to refine the sword embryo in the third level assessment. The feeling is very clear and free. It\'s deeply engraved in your heart like a brand. Your body seems to have been practiced thousands of times, as perfect as a machine.

Pop! Eyes open, bright.

"Can draw!"

"As long as like as two peas, I can draw the same pattern of time.

Holding his right fist tightly, Lin Feng is full of confidence.

Feeling, extraordinary!

"The star dome pupil is really extraordinary."

"Dad once said that the Lin family has three pupils, of which the first has two rare to extreme pupils."

"The star dome pupil is one of them."

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth suddenly drew and smiled faintly.

"But why hasn\'t my father mentioned it?"

"Also, after all, I didn\'t have a star dome pupil at that time. I don\'t know what the other pupil in the first gear is..."

Thinking lightly in his heart, Lin Fengxuan came to the upper level.

It is very similar to the basement. It is open and boundless. Although the area is much smaller, it is only 500 square meters, but it is enough for single cultivation. The whole "mushroom" building looks small outside the valley, but it\'s big enough to really enter it.

Plus the basement, it\'s about 3000 square meters.

Although it is not as luxurious as the cultivation place in tianwu mainland, it is already good.

At least, there are two "engraving arrays", which greatly improves the cultivation efficiency.

"I\'m not in a hurry to practice for a while. First go around and have a look."

"There are ten days anyway."

Lin Feng suddenly smiled and walked away.

The valley is not big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs.

In the training room, cultivation space and library, Lin Feng even saw the "virtual and real space", which is very rare in the tianwu mainland for martial arts duels and exchanges. But it is very common here. There is a small valley, but the configuration seems to be several gears higher than that of tianwu continent.


Even the strength and virtual space of the star master level martial arts can be perfectly copied!

Still, Lin Feng stared at the big screen. At this time, a duel was showing in the light screen.

Just after entering, there are already challenges and exchanges that martial artists are unwilling to be lonely.

Although they are weapon refining apprentices, they are also martial artists.

"It feels like returning to tianwu continent." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

At that time, I also entered the virtual and real space duel, but at that time, I didn\'t even count the initial stars, and my strength was day by day compared with now. Similarly, the strength of the fighters in the duel today is not comparable to that of the fighters in the training base that day.

Master level battle!

All kinds of star skills, dazzling display.

The power of constellations completely burst and burst.

Either of them can almost compare with the Dijiang witch family at the star master level of that day.


"The combat strength is not high."

"They seem to live in dignity and lack practical training."

Lin Feng thought in his heart. Looking at the amazing fluctuation of star power, it was quite a waste.

"Well, I don\'t know what constellation they belong to?"

"The same can cast fire. It should be one of the twelve constellations in the south, Phoenix, southern corona and furnace, but..."

"I really can\'t tell."

Rustling and smiling, Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I already have a decision in my heart, even if I leave the virtual and real space.


The silver \'array of time engraved patterns\' can be seen everywhere.

In the time ratio of 10:1, a young man in black cloth stood and looked through all kinds of books, nodding from time to time. With bright eyes, Lin Feng absorbed knowledge and didn\'t care about wasting cultivation time.

The best way to understand a place is to go to the library!

Seemingly a waste of time, it has a long history and storage. Moreover, the ancient books left by these ancestors often contain a lot of information.

Very useful information!

"There were 88 natural signs."

"Twelve constellations in the East, twelve constellations in the south, twelve constellations in the west, twelve constellations in the north, and twenty-three constellations at the equator."

"The twelve constellations of the royal way, and the five constellations of the emperor!"


"Among the martial arts in the eastern region, the nine constellations are the \'twelve constellations of the East\', and the remaining 10% are the \'twenty-three constellations of the equator\'."

"Among the warriors of the southern region, the nine constellations are the \'twelve constellations of the South\', and the remaining 10% are the \'twenty-three constellations of the equator\'."

"Among the warriors in the northwest region, the nine constellations are the \'Western twelve constellations\' and the\' northern twelve constellations\', and the remaining 10% are the \'equatorial twenty-three constellations\'."


"The twelve constellations of kingcraft are very rare."

"The five royal constellations are a hundred times more rare than the Royal constellations!"

"But rare is rare. Is it different from other constellations?"

Lin Feng was puzzled and looked carefully, but there was no conclusion.

However, after reading these contents about "constellations", many of the confusion in my heart has suddenly opened up.

"The southern region is located in a hot place. Therefore, one of the twelve constellations in the South has three constellations - Phoenix, southern corona and Tianlu."

"The three have their own strengths. Among them, there are more fire gods in Nanmian, more fire spirit masters in Tianlu, and the two in Phoenix are the same."

"And brother Wan belongs to \'Eagle\', which is not the twelve constellations in the south."


"Most of the flames of the southern coronation warrior are amazing and powerful."

"The flame of the tianluzhou warrior has a long history and good patience and defense."

"It can be used in different refiners."


Lin Feng nodded, just like his devouring fire and rebirth fire.

The characteristics are different. They are the same flame, but the difference may be very far.

"As Duoduo said, my devouring fire is not good as a refining tool, but the reborn fire is different..."

"It\'s the best flame for refining utensils!"

Immersed in the library for a long time.

Lin Feng left willingly, blooming a slight smile, very satisfied.

"I have gained a lot. I not only know a lot about the human world, but also know a lot about the basic knowledge of refining utensils."

"Although the \'tool refiner apprentice\' is just a cover, he can\'t refine tools at all. It\'s a failure."

"Many skills don\'t pressure your body. You can at least make up for numbers by learning a little."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he was in a good mood.

For a long time, I thought that the "big bear" was very common. After all, I had seen the star maps of 88 constellations, but there was nothing special.

Now I know that it is so different!

"After completing the \'inheritance of blood\', it will be different after becoming a saint."

"Well, it\'s about to start."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

(the third change ~ ~ the content about "constellations" is purely fictional. Don\'t be serious.)