Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 741

"239 points..." Lin Feng read softly.

Scan the light screen and quickly find the column with a score of 230-240.

The ranking has dropped to nearly 4000, only in the middle of the 10000 weapon refiners and apprentices, but Lin Feng is satisfied enough. It\'s valuable that I made a big axe in front of Lu Ban\'s door and secretly learned the refining technology by virtue of a temporary sharpening gun. It can pass the examination.


"Why don\'t you have my name?"

Surprised at the light screen, Lin Feng kept scanning the name of the position from 238 points to 240 points up and down.

After staring again and again, how can there be the word "Lin Feng"?

"Strange......" Lin Feng was confused.


"Shit, who\'s Lin Feng in the 100th row!" the angry scolding voice immediately came out. A young man with an inch of head pointed to the light screen, his face was ferocious and angry, and his whole body trembled. When they heard the sound, they looked at it and talked about it for a moment.

"Eh?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Suddenly, when I heard my name, my eyes immediately glanced at the front of the light screen.

In the 100th place, I found my own name!

"No?" Lin Feng was a little confused.

"99: boundless, 272 points."

"100: Lin Feng, 239 points."

"101: Jia Fei, 271 points."


Looking at the name and ranking displayed on the light screen, Lin Feng didn\'t know what expression to show.

doubt? delighted?

"Should be a mistake?" Lin Feng said in his heart.

In the center of a group of names with 270 points, his "239 points" are quite eye-catching. It\'s like mixing an adult with a group of children. It\'s completely out of place. No wonder people around talk about it, and his name is constantly mentioned.

Inexplicably, it has become very "high-profile".

"Mentor, is this ranking wrong?" the short headed young man asked impatiently.

Lin Feng smiled. He just had the idea. Jia Fei, who ranked 101st, was already burning his eyebrows and couldn\'t wait to ask. Although there is only one position difference between the 100th and 101st positions, it is the difference between the first group and the second group.

Difference, great.

Can we not be in a hurry?

"Do you think you will get the wrong rank as a high-ranking tool refiner?" the teacher\'s voice was neither humble nor loud, very calm.

In a word, let the young man\'s face shrink in an instant.

How complicated the smelter is!

Each step is refined to the extreme.

The most important thing for a craftsman is to be careful. How could he get such a simple ranking wrong.


A word from a teacher is worth a thousand words.

Undoubtedly, it affirms the position of "Lin Feng", which is impartial and just in the 100th place!

No objection!

"Hey, do you know who Lin Feng is?"

"I don\'t know, but I\'m sure Lin Feng must have a background. He may be the son of a big family."

"I guess so. It\'s powerful. Even the Lin family wants to sell face. This\' Lin Feng \'must have a big background. Remember not to offend."


Everyone\'s words spread all over the lobby in a moment.

Even \'Liu Yikai\' and \'Jing youyou\', who ranked first and second, are not as loud as Lin Feng.

However, the party concerned was bitter and sighed gently.

There are disadvantages but no advantages!

"Fame is so big that it\'s inconvenient to do things." Lin Feng sighed.

It\'s really troublesome for all eyes to stare at themselves.

If I really came to learn to refine tools, it would be a happy event now. But my purpose is to find out my life experience and find my uncle Lin Jing. I want to know what happened to my father that year! Now people pay attention to it. Obviously, standing at the tip of the wind and waves, how to check and find it?

The most important thing is

"Why did they promote me so much?"

"Do you recognize anything?"

With slowly doubt in his heart, Lin Feng is also afraid.

But now, I can\'t do anything.

"Just go and see."

"It\'s better to be quiet than to move."

Lin Feng nodded and had a plan in his heart.

For today\'s sake, we can only take a step by step to see how things will develop.

Soldiers come to block, water and earth cover.

The tutor of the first group, Lin Lengmo.

He is tall and as cool as an ice rose.

Third grade refiner!

He is an apprentice of Lin Zhong, a ground level tool refiner. He is also the highest level tool refiner among the 100 groups of mentors. At this time, he was taking a group of 100 weapon refiners and apprentices to his residence. Unlike other tutors who would introduce him from time to time, Lin Lengmo, as his name is, is extremely "indifferent", and he is stingy with half a word.

However, the bottom 100 weapon refiners and apprentices were chatting warmly.

After all, we will have to "live together" and receive training in the future.

Multiple friends, of course, is not a bad thing?

Besides, it\'s common for people to exchange their experiences among smelters. There\'s no point in cherishing yourself.

But there are also topics.

"Hey, Hello, meet?" a young man in Chinese clothes stepped back and whispered, "my name is Li Hao, just call me ah Hao."

After talking, he winked at Lin Feng. It was obvious that this "Li Hao" was familiar by himself and did not avoid being born at all.

"Hello, Lin Feng." smiled, and Lin Feng replied politely.

The young man is about the same age as himself, and he is also a star master.

"Lin Feng?!" Li Hao suddenly changed his face and exclaimed.

The sound was so loud that the whole group of people heard it. Everyone looked forward to coming and gathered on Lin Feng. A hot look, with curiosity and doubt, but Lin Feng smiled bitterly, and suddenly felt a sharp light coming from the front of the team.

But even the teacher Lin Lengmo looked at himself with a cold face and was very interested.

Famous again!

"Yes, it\'s me." Lin Feng replied helplessly.

There are only a hundred people in a group. Anyway, it doesn\'t matter if they will be known sooner or later.

As if he also noticed something wrong, Li Haolian covered his mouth, "sorry, sorry, I was too surprised just now. I didn\'t expect that the legendary \'Lin Feng\' would be you."

it\'s said that?

Lin Feng nodded helplessly.

"Hey, as they said, he\'s a childe." Li Hao looked at Lin Feng and frowned, "but... Lin Feng, you don\'t look like a famous boy?" he clapped his hands. Li Hao suddenly realized and secretly said, "I know, brother Lin Feng, are you deliberately right?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "no, I\'m not from a famous family. I\'m from Yanling mansion."

"Ah, wild warrior?!" Li Haoji couldn\'t believe it.

"Wild warrior?" Lin Feng was curious.

"Hey, Lin Feng, you must be a newcomer." Li Hao blinked and made a \'Shh\' gesture, "don\'t tell others that you are from the wilderness. People in Jiuzhou don\'t look down on those \'barbarian warriors\', but I\'ve heard of\' qieni mansion \'and\' wanlun mansion \', Yanling mansion... Well, it\'s the first time I\'ve heard it."

"I see." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

The so-called barbarism should refer to the existence of "government" outside Jiuzhou.

There are tens of thousands of "houses" around each of the nine continents in the south, and zhuquezhou is no exception.

"Maybe Yanling mansion is a little far away." Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

"Well, I think so." Li haoruo nodded thoughtfully and said with a Tut, "but there are few \'wild warriors\' who are so young. The cultivation conditions there are far inferior to Jiuzhou. I think Lin Feng\'s qualification must be quite good."

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and said curiously, "but why do Jiuzhou people despise \'wild warriors\'?"

"Oh, they love to pretend." Li Hao disdained. "They think they are superior."

"What about you?" Lin Feng joked.

Patting his chest, Li haoang said first, "I\'m a man and a big husband. How can I see things like those mediocres."

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled lightly.


Chatting all the way, but it\'s not boring.

Li Hao has a straightforward personality and is not artificial.

Lin Feng also asked him from time to time to get familiar with Shiluo county. After all, compared with Wan Mo Chou, Li Hao is a native of Shiluo county and knows a lot of things in detail. And looking at his conversation and clothes, it is obvious that his family is not poor.


"Here we are." Lin Lengmo said.

The crowd immediately stopped. Lin Feng looked at it and saw a valley.

All kinds of mushroom like buildings stand around the valley, forming a circle of 100. Each "mushroom" is shining with a faint light. It seems that there is a strange energy flashing around it. It is divided into gold and silver. It is crisscrossed and bright. It looks very beautiful.

These outermost "mushrooms" are only the smallest existence in this valley.

There are many more buildings in the inner layer and the inner layer, either in a sharp cone, an ellipse, or a cuboid.

In the middle of the valley, there is a "small valley" covering an area of half. It is in a semicircle shape, like a creeping beast, with light luster.

How domineering!

"Choose a residence at will."

"Ten days later, we will gather at the mouth of the valley at dawn and officially start the training."

After talking, Lin Lengmo turned and left.

Lengyan\'s tall figure gives people a cold feeling and is very arrogant.

"Let\'s go, brother Lin Feng." Li Hao smiled.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded.

"The array of carved patterns?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Yes, gold is the array of star engraving patterns." Li Hao pointed to the \'mushroom\' with a faint light and said with a smile, "cultivating in the array of star engraving patterns can double the constellation\'s sensitivity; silver is the array of time engraving patterns, of which the time ratio is 1:10."

"You can open it with star power, but you can only open a \'pattern carving array\' at the same time."

Li Hao patted the gate of "mushroom" and said with a smile, "just live here to be a neighbor."

"OK." Lin Feng nodded and said, it doesn\'t matter

His eyes looked at the mushroom curiously, and Lin Feng immediately pushed the door in.

The land of Jiuzhou is indeed completely different from Yanling mansion. He is just an "Apprentice of a tool refiner", and the cultivation conditions are so amazing.

It\'s really one side of the soil and one side of the people.

Lin Feng smiled.

(second change ~ ~)