Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 740

Among the Lin family.

"This......" Lin Zhong was a little stunned.

Looking at the master, I saw that the master\'s eyebrows were tight, his eyes showed a touch of disappointment, and closed his eyes.

Lin Zhong immediately looked at the score displayed on the light screen——

61 points.

Just passed.

"A mess."

"I don\'t know."

Shen Sheng spit out eight words. Lin Yan got up, his eyes with gray luster, shook his head and left.

Look and look, obviously disappointed to the extreme.

"Alas," sighed Lin Zhong.

As a tool refiner, he knows why the master was "angry" just now.

The basic skills of a craftsman who has a "full score" in flame affinity are so "terrible", just like letting a beautiful woman dig a mine, so outrageous. Master is not abusive. In fact, it is a kind of sigh and regret.

If you really want to abuse, aren\'t those defeated warriors even more bloody?

"61 points... Huh?" Lin Zhong looked slightly changed.

As if he thought of something, Lin Zhong\'s eyes flashed fiercely and his hands operated quickly. The picture soon changed to the picture made by the bald man just now.

If he remembers correctly, the one who just passed the examination——

Also 61 points!

For a moment, Lin Zhong\'s face suddenly changed.

His eyes were tongue tied and he looked at the picture in front of him.

"No, no as like as two peas." Lin Zhong opened his eyes wide and stared at the man\'s finishing screen just now. His eyebrows were wrinkled. After closing his eyes, he replayed the picture just refined by Lin Feng in his mind and fell into deep thinking.

Suddenly, Lin Zhong opened his eyes and skillfully manipulated his hands.

The instant time of the light screen is divided into two equal parts, one is a bald man and the other is Lin Feng!

"Pa!" Lin Zhong\'s eyes lit up when he pressed the button.

Ten seconds later

"As like as two peas, perfectness!"

"The intensity, temperature and angle of the flame... How can this happen?!"

"Even the mistakes, superfluous actions and minor defects are exactly the same, which???"

It\'s incredible!

Lin Zhong frowned tightly, holding his chin in his hand.

He has been practicing with his master for so long that his "Lin Zhong" is also well-known in Shiluo County, but he has never seen such a strange thing. Even the top as like as two peas, it is hard to ensure that the same process is exactly the same.

Man is not a machine after all.

What\'s more, they are two completely different smelters!

"Wait!" Lin Zhong\'s eyes moved.

Operate skillfully with both hands and watch again and again.


"No, their flames are different."

"It\'s totally different. This little guy named Lin Feng deliberately suppresses the power of fire."


Lin Zhong nodded thoughtfully and immediately pondered, "don\'t disturb the master for the time being. Save this video first. Anyway, Lin Feng is qualified. After becoming an apprentice of a tool smelter, watch it slowly."

"The total score is 239 points, ranking in the middle among these apprentices."

"Well... Help him a little."

In the Lin family, Lin Zhong is quite famous and has a high position of power.

Lin Zhong is famous for his rank and strength. This can be seen from his overall responsibility for the important affairs such as the Apprenticeship of the weapon refiner.

But Lin Feng obviously didn\'t know that he had attracted attention.

At this time, it is with joy.

He sent a short message to Wan Mochou, and Lin Feng smiled.

Yourself, take the first step!


"Didi ~ ~" sound came.

As soon as Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, he opened the star crystal table. Only one person knew his number.

"Wow, brother Lin, have you really passed the examination?" Wan Mochou\'s voice was very surprised.

"Yes, good luck. Aren\'t you busy, brother Wan?" Lin Feng smiled. He was afraid to disturb Wan Mochou just now, so he just sent a short message to him.

"Fortunately, I\'m free to stroll." Wan Mo Chou smiled. "Look at brother Lin, you\'re working so hard, I can\'t waste any more time. HMM... should I go to the equatorial alliance, or the eagle roaring for nine days, or..."

At the other end of the star crystal table, there was a voice of never worrying about thinking. Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

In Shiluo County, there are many large and small forces. I heard Wan Mochou mention it just now.

However, I don\'t have to worry about choosing.

At present, there is a place.

A wide lobby.

"Wow!" Lin Feng stepped in and looked around curiously.

There are not many people. Compared with the terrible crowd outside, it is a drop in the bucket, but all who can stay here are "elites".

"It seems that they all passed the examination like me."

"A lot of martial arts masters at the star master level."

Lin Feng was surprised. There are too many martial artists here who have stronger breath than himself.

At least a thousand.

"What Wan Mochou said is indeed true. In Jiuzhou, the martial arts of just one county are quite amazing."

"These are just \'tool refiner apprentices\'..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and nodded.

Fortunately, he hid his identity and entered the Lin family. He was careful.

If not, if the father and the family really have any gratitude and resentment, their identity will be revealed at that time. I\'m afraid there\'s no place to escape if they want to escape.

This is not Yanling mansion.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed.

In the feeling, there was a very strange smell, and my spine was cold.

Suddenly turned his head, Lin Feng suddenly saw a man sitting in the distance with a faint light of fire and closed his eyes. The muscles of the whole body seemed to burst, very strong, and the smell of fire was far better than himself. His own heart trembled slightly.

"Is this the star domain level strong..."

"What a terrible smell!"

Lin Feng was shocked and his eyes twinkled.

If you guessed correctly, this man should be the only star domain level existence——

Nanmian constellation, Wu Yong.

The strong come in large numbers!

There are many star master level warriors in Jiuzhou.

"Different cultivation conditions lead to different cultivation environments."

"It\'s much easier to become a star master level warrior here because one side of the soil and water nourishes another."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

Just like in tianwu mainland, it is not easy to become a "first star".

In Yanling mansion, the star master level is a yoke and a thick barrier; But in Jiuzhou, not to mention the dense aura here, the cultivation conditions alone vary greatly. It\'s really not easy to raise your normal cultivation to the star master level, but in Jiuzhou, as long as you have money——

Buy Star stone, star crystal, engraved pattern array and so on!

Is it difficult to raise the star master level?

"When I was in tianwu mainland that day, my qualifications were mediocre, and Duoduo was still confident that I could be promoted to the \'Holy Level\'."

"In fact, it is the same truth."

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care.

Although I am "weak" now, I come up step by step.

The journey will never be in vain.

"Listen to Wan Mochou, it is already the limit to reach the \'star master level\' by relying on foreign objects. If you want to upgrade to the star domain level, you must understand \'star skills\' and improve star cultivation." Lin Feng nodded slowly, "good cultivation environment can improve the probability, and good cultivation conditions can get twice the result with half the effort, but..."

"After all, it depends on talent."

For example, even if you give the highest cultivation conditions, you can\'t compare with the heavenly spirit Master.

It is no wonder that the "deputy" is so popular that when it is difficult to improve its strength to the limit, it can only find another shortcut.

Soon, there were more and more people in the lobby.

In a short time, ten thousand people arrived.

"Quiet." a deep voice suddenly sounded.

The whole lobby was suddenly quiet, and a middle-aged man in brocade stepped in slowly.

The tiger\'s back and waist are full of breath, which makes all the martial arts under shine.

Lin Zhong, earth level weapon refiner!

In Shiro County, it is famous!

"Star domain level."

"And the breath is far better than that \'Wu Yong\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and he looked up at the middle-aged man. However, he suddenly felt a sharp look, as if he had penetrated himself, and his spine was sweating instantaneously.

But the middle-aged man\'s eyes also swept himself.

"This?!" Lin Fengxin was shocked.

Although it has been swept, I can be sure that my eyes don\'t have deep meaning!

He knows me?

The idea came to mind, and Lin Feng denied it instantaneously.

No way!

"Maybe it\'s just a coincidence." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

There\'s no reason to expose your identity.

"Welcome to join the Lin family and officially become an apprentice of a tool smelter." Lin Zhong said slowly with a loud voice and calm face. "I will give you ten days to deal with all the chores. In ten days, we will have a closed training for one year."

The eyes were bright and there was no objection.

For Xinghai level warriors, a year is very short, not to mention Xingzhu level warriors.

Lin Feng nodded at will.

But it\'s good to get familiar with it in ten days.

"The training is divided into 100 groups, which are led by 100 tutors." Lin Zhong opened his mouth faintly and pointed to the light screen at the back. "Those ranked 1-100 are the first group; those ranked 101-200 are the second group, in this order; your residence is arranged by the tutors of each group."

After talking, the rear light screen suddenly flashed.

The names and numbers are arranged neatly according to the scores.

"1: Liu Yikai, 284 points."

"2: Jing Youyou, 283 points."

"3: Wu Yong, 280 points."


"Wow!" the whole lobby burst open.

Everyone is looking at their number plate, looking at the score and looking for the ranking.

He is also an apprentice of a tool smelter, but his status is different. The higher the group, the better "mentors" will be assigned, the better training will be received, and even the personal guidance of the legendary "master Lin Yan" will be obtained. Among them, countless martial artists are attracted by this name.

"I\'m 239 points, well, so many points away from the first place?" Lin Feng looked at the number plate and clearly showed his score.

Lin Feng didn\'t care if he smiled calmly. Anyway, he didn\'t come in to learn "refining tools".

No matter which group you are in, as long as you can get into the Lin family.

have ulterior motives.

(first change ~ ~)