Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 737

Xiaoxiang building is a prosperous restaurant.

Lin Feng and WAN Mochou raised their glasses and drank. They were in a good mood.

In this strange land, there is no doubt that there is less sadness and more familiarity.

"I can\'t get into the best restaurant in Shiluo county. Brother Lin will make do with it here." Wan Mo smiles with a sad smile and drinks first, "you know the vastness of the world when you come here. When you think of your days in Yanling mansion, tut tut......"

"Brother Wan, I heard you need an ID card here?" Lin Feng asked lightly.

As early as when I entered liyanmen, I heard master Sima advance.

In Jiuzhou, identity cards are very important.

"Yes." Wan Mochou\'s light flashed in his hand, and a four corner diamond token engraved with his name suddenly appeared on the table. "The identity card is common throughout the southern region. It is divided into bluestone citizens, coarse iron citizens, bronze citizens, silver citizens, gold citizens, etc. I am a \'bronze citizen\'."

"Oh?" Lin Feng picked up the diamond token and looked. Although it was a "bronze citizen", the diamond token was not made of bronze.

It emits a faint smell of energy. It should not be an ordinary item.

"I\'ll take you to get one later, brother Lin." Wan Mochou said, "with your star master level strength, you can directly become a bronze citizen like me. This thing is very important in zhuquezhou. There are restrictions in many places, such as buying houses, entering cultivation space, and even adding various forces."

"I see." Lin Feng nodded.

No wonder Wan Mochou just said that he couldn\'t get into the best restaurant in Shiluo county. I think there are "identity" restrictions.

"How can I be promoted to \'silver citizen\'?" Lin Feng asked casually.

"There are many ways, such as donating money, increasing contribution, joining a force in an important position, winning a place in a competition, taking the lead in a field, etc." Wan Mochou immediately poured a glass of wine, raised his glass and said with a smile, "but the simplest way is to break through and become a \'star domain\' strong man."

"The star master level warrior is very common in zhuquezhou and even Shiluo County, but the star domain level began to have a position."

"But it\'s not that easy."

Wan Mo Chou shrugged and sighed.

Even if he is praised as a rare genius in Yanling mansion, he is not sure to be promoted to star level.

"You should have more hope than me, brother Lin." Wan Mochou said with a smile.

"I want to." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

But is it so easy to ascend from the star master level to the star domain level?

At present, what I want to do most is to enter the Lin family, investigate my life experience and what happened that day.

Why did my father bring himself and his brother to tianwu continent seriously injured, why did my father not want to return to the family, and why did my father let himself come to Shiluo county to take refuge in my uncle Lin Jing? Question marks have been intertwined in my heart for a long time.

I really want to know the answer!

"By the way, brother Wan, do you have any news about the \'Lin family\' I asked you to help inquire?" Lin Fenglian asked.

"Of course, I\'m not fooling around these days." Wan Mochou smiled, "not to mention the Lin family in Shiluo county. Although the family strength is not strong, it has a wide range of contacts. It is a famous tool refiner family, which comes down in one continuous line."

Smelter family!

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up immediately.

I heard my father mention that the children of the family are very good at refining weapons.

Now it seems that it is indeed a little famous.

"Brother Wan, do you know who Lin Jing is?" Lin Feng said with bright eyes.

"Lin Jing?" Wan Mochou shook his head. "I don\'t know. I only know that the head of the Lin family is called" Lin Zhen "; and the most famous Lin family is" Lin Yan ", which is the number one smelter in Shiluo county. He ranked in the last zhuquezhou smelter competition. Lin Feng has too many questions about his life experience and all his father\'s strange actions.

If my father had a good relationship with his family, why didn\'t he mention the "Lin family" in his letter!

Moreover, at the end of the letter, there is the most important sentence——

"Remember, he\'s the only one you can trust!"

In other words, the other members of the Lin family are hard to trust!

What\'s the meaning of this?

It is reminiscent of my father and his brother, who were seriously injured and came to tianwu continent alone, which is vaguely related.

I just don\'t know.

Heart, Peng ran beat.

Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slowly.

"My identity must be kept secret."

"After all, my strength is too weak here."

"If you are careless, you will fall into an irreparable place!"

This moment, that moment!

Now I am no longer the unimpeded forest wind in Yanling mansion.

Lin Feng looked up at Wan Mochou and said slowly, "brother Wan, what are the conditions for becoming an apprentice of a tool smelter?"

"Ah?" Wan Mochou was stunned.

huge crowds of people!

There are at least millions of warriors, most of them are Xinghe level and Xinghai level, but there are also many Xingzhu levels.

The most amazing thing is

"Even martial artists at the star level?!" Lin Feng couldn\'t believe it.

Not sensing the martial arts of the star domain level, but at the huge light screen, many names, thousands of them, have flashed at this time. All the people around me pointed out, and they heard it clearly in their ears.

"Ha ha, brother Lin, don\'t underestimate the \'tool refiner\'. It\'s also a way to become a \'Saint\'." don\'t worry, saran said.

"Not only gain fame and fortune, but also enhance strength. Star level warriors are naturally willing to."

"However, not many people are willing to \'condescend\' like this."

Don\'t worry if you smile calmly.

He was not interested in being a tool refiner, let alone qualified.

Lin Feng nodded with a faint smile.

Indeed, it\'s better to become an apprentice of a tool smelter. At present, it\'s just an "Apprentice", in other words, doing chores. It\'s really difficult for a star level strong man to do chores, but it can also "prove" the status of a tool refiner in zhuquezhou.

"Well, I\'ve finished my task. I\'m afraid there are some in this assessment. Wait a step ahead." Wan Mochou said with a smile.

"Please, brother Wan." Lin Feng smiled.

He not only took himself to Shiluo County, but also ran his identity card for himself.

In my heart, I really appreciate it.

"Although there is little hope." Wan Mochou frowned and blinked, "but I wish you success." he immediately pointed to the "Star Crystal Table" on his left hand, and WAN Mochou nodded, "give me a message after it is over."

"Good." Lin Feng replied.

"Come on!" Wan Mochou shook his fist and immediately left with a smile.

Looking at the back disappearing gradually, Lin Feng also breathed a long breath.

Although in Yanling mansion, they are opposed to each other because of their identity, they don\'t know each other. The past has passed. Fighting between forces will always happen. Even if there is no worry, war will break out between Li Yanmen and Yanling wanzu.

What\'s more, he also killed many people of Yanling million families.

"Thanks." Lin Feng smiled.

At this moment, the only hatred left in my heart was dissipated.

In zhuquezhou, I have no relatives. Don\'t worry about being open and aboveboard. I\'m really a friend worth making.

But now

"I hope to be enrolled as an apprentice and join the Lin family." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

For myself, this is the first step in zhuquezhou!

No failure!

(second change ~ ~)