Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 736

The huge city has a bright luster of various metals.

Huge buildings, towering into the clouds, are engraved with various "brand patterns", mysterious and powerful.

The aura in the air is very strong. Although there are dense crowds everywhere, just like ants, it is in order. Martial arts exist on the ground, in mid air and over the sky. Xinghe level, Xinghai level and Xingzhu level are too common here.

All kinds of suspended vehicles fly over, luxurious and beautiful.

All kinds of familiar figures toil and exist. They are full of human beings.

At this time, in the middle of the road, a young man in black cloth looked around. With all kinds of surprise in his eyes, he was sparkling. His body was neither tall nor strong, but it revealed a faint hot breath and a kind of pressing pressure.

Lin Feng!

"Shiluo County..." Lin Feng whispered softly.

Looking around, I was full of surprise and felt incomparably fresh and different.

It\'s totally different from Yanling mansion!

"This is my hometown, where I was born." Lin Feng\'s heart filled with infinite feelings. Although he had been here in the future, he inexplicably had an indescribable feeling, as if a wanderer had returned to his hometown and the peace of his heart.

I finally came back!

"Southern region, zhuquezhou, Shiluo county." Lin Feng nodded.

"Dad, I\'m coming."

Lin Feng sighed deeply with a little thought in his heart.

From tianwu continent to Baibao, and then to Yanling mansion, I finally came here.

This is the real human territory!

Only humans exist!

Clenched his fists and felt a distracted bird move, Lin Feng showed a shallow smile.


"Ha ha! ~" laughter suddenly sounded, "finally, brother Lin Feng."

There was no need to look back. Lin Feng also knew who it was. His eyes were light and bright, and he drew a smile. "Chief Wan, haven\'t seen you for a long time."

"Spit, what ten thousand clan leaders." Wan Mochou glanced and said with a bitter smile, "don\'t talk nonsense. This is the land of nine continents. If people don\'t laugh when they hear it, which clan leader is as weak as me?" after talking, he pointed to the sky and said, "look, there are many strong stars in the sky, and I can\'t compare with any of them."

Lin Feng smiled and noticed just now that there are many strong stars here.

Wan Mochou and I are invincible in Yanling mansion, but here

It\'s mediocre.

"I\'ve been waiting for you for three days." Wan Mochou shrugged. "I thought you stood me up and didn\'t come."

"Sorry, brother Wan." Lin Feng smiled apologetically.

On that day, he and WAN Mochou agreed that Yanling would come after honoring the house.

Although I didn\'t set a specific time, I\'m a little embarrassed to wait for myself for three days.

"It doesn\'t matter. After becoming a star master, you will live a long life. You just wait for boredom. Ha ha." Wan Mo Chou Sa Yi smiled, "but you don\'t have to carry a burden to be a man anymore. You are carefree, but you are also very freehand."

Lin Feng nodded and saw that he had completely abandoned the past.

As he said, start over!

After reaching the star master level, the life span of martial arts is greatly extended. Originally, the life span of Xinghai level martial arts is only 2000 to 3000 years old. After reaching the star master level and being "baptized" by the power of the constellations, the awakening of this life constellation has greatly increased the life span of the star master level warriors.

Even the first order of the star master level has a life span of 10000 years, and with the improvement of strength, the life span increases significantly.

Reach the peak of the master level, and the longest life can even reach 100000 years old!

In contrast, Xinghai is much worse.

"Here, take it." Wan Mochou handed over a fine instrument.

"Is this?" Lin Feng took it curiously, started with lightness, weighed it, and there was a strange energy fluctuation. His eyes were as like as two peas of his left hand, made of a finely made crystal and a thin strip.

deja vu!

"Star Crystal Watch." Wan Mochou said, "it uses Star Crystal as energy and can flash the star mark at the current position. With it, he won\'t lose his direction." after a pause, Wan Mochou smiled and moved several buttons. For a moment, Lin Feng moved in his heart, but a voice sounded.

It was the "Star Crystal Watch" in his hand that sent out.

"Communication function." Wan Mo Chou raised his head and smiled with a smile. "The energy civilization of Jiuzhou is very high, far better than the \'government\'. Most of the energy devices here use \'Xingjing\' as energy material."

"Xingjing?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Star crystal contains star power, which can absorb energy at the star sea level and increase star power rapidly.

"That\'s right." Wan Mochou nodded. "It\'s not very difficult for a star master level warrior to make \'star crystals\', but it takes a little time." with an indifferent smile, Wan Mochou stretched out his fingers and pointed around, "look, there are many transmission arrays, training equipment and training space, including those suspension vehicles, which are powered by\' star crystals\'."

Have a strong degree of energy civilization!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and nodded thoughtfully.

I finally know why I feel familiar, but there are many similarities with tianwu mainland!


The level of civilization here is much higher.

"The same energy civilization, will there be any connection between the two?" Lin Feng murmured, but there was no answer at the moment. Temporarily put down his doubts and put on the "Xingjing watch". Lin Feng smiled and felt like returning to tianwu.

At that time, he was wearing a "fluorescent compass".

"Interesting." Wan Mo Chou\'s eyes flickered. "Because there is no witch in the land of Jiuzhou, human warriors can let go of many things. Take this\' star crystal table \', which has strong functions and can even locate and transmit. Of course, there must be a transmission point."

"So powerful?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Isn\'t it incredible to carry a "transmission array" with you.

"I can\'t afford it." Wan Mochou shrugged and said helplessly, "this star crystal watch alone needs 10 million fighting spirit coins."

"So expensive?" Lin Feng frowned. "Brother Wan, I\'ll give you the money."

"Well, be polite." Wan Mochou pressed Lin Feng\'s hand and said calmly, "do I care about 10 million fighting spirit coins? It\'s a friendship if you and I don\'t know each other in Yanling mansion. Now we have no relatives in zhuquezhou, so we should watch and help each other."

Lin Feng looked at Wan Mo Chou, his eyes flashed lightly, and immediately smiled and nodded, "OK, I\'m not polite."

10 million fighting spirit coins are not a large amount for himself or WAN Mochou.

Yanling Wan clan has a profound heritage. Wan Mochou, who is the head of the clan, obviously "saved" a lot of private money. If you don\'t kill everyone for yourself, you should plan for yourself. In this strange place, many friends are more effective than anything. If not, don\'t worry about spending 30 million points to come to zhuquezhou.

The points of Yanling Zunfu are 10 million points to dayanzhou and 20 million points to huanghezhou.

For WAN Mochou, Zhu quezhou is no different from Huang Hezhou. He spends 10 million points just because he is here.

"It\'s just like a man." Wan Mochou smiled happily and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Let\'s take you to wash the dust and see Shiluo county."

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

"The human region is divided into nine regions, and we are in the southern region."

"There are nine continents in the southern region, and each continent has a \'Saint\' strong man in charge and jurisdiction."

"The saint level strongman of zhuquezhou is the \'King of inflammation\'."


Along the way, don\'t worry about talking with bright eyes.

Lin Feng nodded and absorbed this knowledge, which was very useful to himself.

"The saint level strong man is the king of inflammation." Lin Feng remembered it and felt shocked. In other words, there are nine saints in the southern region, and the nine domains add up

Looking at Lin Feng, Wan Mo Chou suddenly smiled, "do you think there are many strong saints?"

"Yes, there are eighty-one of the nine fields." Lin Feng nodded with bright eyes.

Wan Mo Chou said with a smile, "as far as I know, there are far more than 81, but..." Wan Mo Chou paused and shook his head. "If you know the number of human warriors, you won\'t think so. The land of nine continents is not Yanling mansion. A single Shiluo County is as large as tens of thousands of Yanling mansion."

"Zhuquezhou has nine \'counties\', which can imagine how wide the area is and how many human warriors there are!"

"This is just one continent. There are nine continents in the southern region alone."


The voice fell into his ears, and Lin Feng nodded.

A county is equivalent to the area of tens of thousands of \'Yanling mansion\'!

How amazing!

"This county is not that county. The county of Jiuzhou is different from tianwu continent." Lin Feng thought.

The area of counties in tianwu mainland is probably less than one tenth of that of Yanling mansion, while the counties in Jiuzhou are extremely vast.

"Because of the large area, there are a large number of human warriors."

"Duoduo once mentioned that the number of human beings in the fighting spirit world exceeds one."

One hundred million is a capital;

And a trillion Beijing is a treasure!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and his heart was completely clear at this time.

Because of the large population base, there are so many Saint level strong people, but the qualification of human warrior monomer and the probability of becoming a saint are not satisfactory.

"At our speed, it may take more than a hundred days to cross the whole Shiluo county." Wan Mo Chou smiled, immediately stopped and pointed to the white light ahead. "In order to save time, the \'transmission array\' is very important on weekdays. Let\'s go."

Looking at the transmission array in front of him, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

That kind of feeling seemed to return to tianwu continent, and the missing in my heart was even more serious.

More and more feel that there is a great connection between the two!

"If you come, you will be at ease."

"First get familiar with the environment, and then enter the Lin family."

"It seems that we are going to settle down here."

With a smile, Lin Fengxuan followed ten thousand Mo Chou.

Enter the transmission array.

(first change ~ ~)