Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 738

The number of people soon broke ten million.

Many people were added every second. Lin Feng looked at the number card in his hand and smiled bitterly.

As Wan Mochou said——

And wait!

"What a sensation."

"Tool refiner, is it really so popular?"

"Nine out of ten of the martial arts in the southern region are the twelve constellations in the South; among the twelve constellations in the south, only three meet the conditions of weapon refiners, namely, southern corona, Phoenix and furnace. Only these three constellations can control the real flame."

Lin Feng\'s heart is dark and strange.

It\'s amazing that there are so many people qualified in a County alone?

Looking up at the light screen, Lin Feng thought softly in his heart.

Now there are thousands of them, half of them are star master level, half are star sea level, another is star domain level, and there is no star river level. At this time, more than one third of those who come here to participate in the recruitment are star class, in other words

"It\'s just for fun." Lin Feng said secretly.

"There are many martial artists who don\'t know the recruitment conditions."

"Calculated, less than half of the people really compete."

The name of the smelter is too loud!

Naturally, many people will take chances to participate.

Whether they have this ability or not, they have no loss even if they are unqualified.

"However, the difficulty is still not small." Lin Feng thought.

Even if the number is halved, there will still be 5 million people, but only 10000 people are taken, which is a very small proportion.

Feel a little pressure on yourself.

"We should only look at the basic conditions."

"It doesn\'t depend on the refining technology."

"Even if there are many people, my hope should be great."

Lin Feng looked at the front and felt relieved. The speed of elimination and entry was very fast.

If you really want to screen one by one, but you don\'t know when to wait, it must be a "general" choice. After all, I\'m a star master and control the fire of rebirth. The hard conditions must be met. As long as I don\'t test the refining technology, I\'m more than 80% likely to enter!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and confident.

The long dragon of the crowd kept moving forward, and the number on the light screen flashed quickly.

One after another, Lin Feng finally saw the "test" ahead. It was a huge door of fire. Hundreds of soldiers surged forward, or entered it, or were directly blocked outside. The raging fire burned and formed the first "defense line".

Countless warriors are blocked outside the fire door.

Fail, fail again!

Less than one tenth of the successful entrants.

At this first level, the range of screening is already great.


It\'s your turn.

At this time, more than three thousand people entered the martial arts.

"Wow!" the number plate in his hand flashed gently.

Lin Feng\'s eyes burned, and he already saw his number in the huge light screen.

The flames in front of me could not feel any temperature and heat. Looking at other fighters around me, they clenched their teeth, and the star power completely exploded, as if they were fighting the enemy. Lin Feng smiled calmly, just took a step gently, and the frightening flame in front of him \'automatically\' gave way.

"Shua!" Lin Feng stepped over easily.

There was an uproar behind him, and Lin Feng smiled calmly.

First level, pass!

Lin family.

"Ah Zhong." came the indifferent voice.

The middle-aged man called "a Zhong" even raised his head and was very surprised, "master, why are you here?"

The visitor is an old man with Hefa Tongyan. He is energetic and has bright eyes. Outside the body, it seems to condense a layer of flame light, which is quite powerful. It is the most outstanding tool refiner of the Lin family, who ranked 10th in the last zhuquezhou tool refiner competition——

Lin Yan!

"It\'s all right. You\'re busy." Lin Yan smiled kindly.

"Oh, OK, master, please sit down." Lin Zhonglian opened his chair with great respect. At this time, he was really busy, not only watching the process of recruiting apprentices, but also screening himself. As Lin Yanda\'s apprentice, Lin Zhong is fully responsible for recruiting apprentices this time.

"How\'s it going, but what\'s good?" Lin Yan sat down slowly and squinted.

"There are also a few." Lin Zhong replied with a smile, "this time there is a warrior of the star domain level Southern coronal constellation, and..." when asked by the master, Lin Zhong explained it in full and eloquent. Indeed, it is rare for Shiluo county to recruit apprentices. Naturally, there are many good seedlings.

Lin Yan could not help nodding and seemed quite satisfied.

"However, master, those apprentices who are really top-notch are not." Lin Zhong sighed lightly.

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said, "it\'s not so easy to find the top qualification. Just look at me. The Lin family won\'t exceed two palms." after a pause, Lin Yan\'s eyes sparkled and said slowly, "moreover, it\'s enough to teach ordinary refining technology. Such medium, medium and high quality is enough."

Lin Zhong nodded thoughtfully, "what master said is very true."

The Lin family\'s really precious refining technology comes down in one continuous line. How can it be spread out?

"The purpose of this exceptional recruitment is to catch up with and surpass the \'Meng family\' and establish the status of our Lin family in Shiluo county." Lin Yan nodded. "As long as half of these 10000 apprentices become talents, they will soon be able to refine a large number of weapons, and then we will be able to compete for the market!"

"Master is wise." Lin Zhong was convinced. He was about to speak, and suddenly——

"Didi! ~" the left-hand star crystal table flashes and lights up.

"Say," Lin Zhong pushed a button.

"Shifu, Shifu, a martial artist got full marks in the first test of \'fire affinity\' just now!" the voice sounded with a little excitement in panic, but Lin Zhong and Lin Yan looked at each other and were shocked.

"Number!" Lin ZhongMeng shouted.

"Master, it\'s between 7900033-7900533." the voice was a little urgent.

"Pa!" Lin Zhong closed the star crystal table in an instant.

When Lin Zhong sat back in his chair, he looked dignified and his fingers bounced like flying. He skillfully controlled the equipment and adjusted the picture just now. Beside him, Lin Yan was staring at the big screen, carrying his hands and shining in his eyes.

Flame affinity is very important to the smelter!

There are only three people in the entire Lin family with a full score of "flame affinity".

Including Lin Yan himself.

"Master, it\'s him!" Lin Zhong\'s eyes were fixed and pointed to the front.

Lin Yan nodded and looked directly at the light screen. At this time, what was played back on the screen was the picture of Lin Feng stepping over the flame just now. The blazing flame did not resist. It was strange to give way to Lin Feng for walking!

"Very young." Lin Yan\'s eyes were bright.

The younger the age, the greater the possibility of shaping.

"Master, I\'ll......" Lin Zhong stood up and was pleasantly surprised.

"What\'s the hurry?" Lin Yan said calmly, his expression was like a jar of clear lake water. "Switch the picture to the second level. I want to see how his\' flame control power \'is."

"Yes, master." Lin Zhong scratched his head and even sat down.

"The number of people is really much less."

"If you can pass the first level, ten is less than one."

"The elimination rate is very high."

Lin Feng nodded and looked ahead.

At this time, the human dragon has shrunk a lot, but it is no longer crowded.

The number of "names" on the huge light screen is increasing. In the twinkling of an eye, it is more than 4000. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are slightly clustered. At present, I\'m not worried that I can\'t pass the test. On the contrary, I\'m worried that I can\'t catch up with the quota of only 10000 because of lack of time.

Looking at the human dragon ahead, Lin Feng also felt helpless.

But I can\'t be in a hurry.

Time goes by.

Long long\'s team is shrinking, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The "assessment contents" in front are gradually visible. They are light columns, like energy instruments. The warriors put their hands on the bottom of the light column, and the flame suddenly converges. The red light of the light column rises in a straight line, and there is a black area above it as a sign.

With sparkling eyes, Lin Feng soon understood the assessment content.

It\'s simple and direct.

"Test the instant flame control." Lin Feng said secretly.

"The intensity of each flame is different, and the bearing capacity of the light cylinder is unknown."

"Moreover, not only should the flame reach the black area, but also in a very short time."

Lin Feng nodded. The time should be within one second.

The flame must not pass through the black area, otherwise it will be eliminated directly.

The light column is thin and long, but the black area is very short. The martial artists eliminated in this level are also one out of ten, which is more severe than just now. Looking at the martial artists with nervous mood and panic failure, Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart.

The more nervous, the worse.

"The test is not just the control of the flame."

"And psychology."

Lin Feng nodded because there was only one chance.

Like refining utensils, the psychological requirements are very strict, and there must be no half error.

Even if it\'s a refining tool that doesn\'t sleep for days and nights, every step must be treated strictly. If a mistake is made, the whole plate will be negative.

Refining utensils is not a simple thing.


With the number card shining in his hand, it\'s Lin Feng\'s turn.

"The land of nine continents is really extraordinary, and the degree of energy civilization is really high." Lin Feng said secretly.

Lin Feng admired the light column and the finely designed energy instrument in front of him. His right hand was gently placed under the light column, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning for a moment, and the fire of rebirth rose instantly. Almost in an instant, Lin Feng\'s heart was clear.

烀! The flames shot up.

The speed is amazing and reaches the black area in the blink of an eye.

avoid leaning to either side.

"Pa!" the light cylinder sounded a pleasant voice.

At this time, the front channel suddenly opened, and the voice of envy and discussion came. Lin Feng smiled slightly.

For myself, this level is too easy.

"When you change to starsea level, the control may be easier and more sophisticated."

"Now with the power of Phoenix constellation, it\'s a little uncomfortable."

Thinking slightly in his heart, Lin Feng shook his right fist.

Of course, the fire of rebirth can be controlled freely, but the power of the Phoenix constellation has not been fully mastered for a long time.

But it doesn\'t matter. At least the results are "qualified".

"I don\'t know what the third level is?" Lin Feng was curious.

But he didn\'t look back and stepped into the channel.

(third shift ~ ~)