Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 735

"Wow!" the thunder flashed.

The familiar breath suddenly came.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and looked around in surprise.

At this time, a piece of thunder light converges to form a huge surrounding circle, and the light is incomparably bright.

"Master?" Lin Feng called softly.

This unusually familiar energy is his master Lei ferocious.


"Zizizi ~ ~" the space vibrated.

With shining luster, Lei ferocious suddenly appeared in the air, and his eyes were sparkling.

Looking at his master\'s appearance, although Lin Feng was not surprised, he had many questions. He didn\'t know why the master came. Just now, the master said that he would bring himself to a place called the panmu continent. Is there any connection between this?

"I\'ve seen you," Yi said respectfully, showing his respect with Mu Ling\'s etiquette.

"Don\'t be polite." Lei ferocious\'s voice was flat. "Although you and I have no intersection, I have a relationship with your master. If I can help, I can help."

Wing was surprised, but he didn\'t dare to interrupt.

"My disciple is blessed, and you are also sheltered in it." Lei ferocious opened his mouth, and for a moment a bright white bead was suspended in the sky, glittering and translucent, with strong energy. "This is the soul of Wu Peng, the strong star in the constellation of dragonfly. Refine and absorb it, and you will become a strong star in the future."

The voice was very calm, but whether it was the wing or the forest wind, it was stunned.

What does it mean to be a strong star?!

What a shock!

"Sir, are you kidding?" Yi stammered.

"Yes, master, what\'s going on?" Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the master, feeling surprised.

Wu\'s "soul" should be the body he fused with, and finally obstructed his own.

It suddenly disappeared at that time, but now it seems that it was "accepted" by the master.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded.

After listening to the master\'s explanation, I suddenly realized.

The "soul" of Wu Lu recorded the path Wu Lu had taken to become a star power on that day. If the wing absorbs the "soul" of refining Wu, it will be able to steadily improve its strength by just practicing hard, and there will never be any cultivation bottleneck.

As long as you have enough strength, you can improve the level!

The only drawback is——

No matter how hard it is to develop its own soul.

Naturally, the soul itself will not have any problems, but just like itself, the two natural constellations of the great bear and the Phoenix can only accommodate one of them. Once the wing absorbs Wu\'s "soul", it means that it can only take the road Wu has traveled. It\'s like opening a book that has been read and reading it again!

No more, no less.

The upper limit of wings is this book.

"No wonder master doesn\'t let me absorb." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

As long as the "soul" of this Wu is not at the star master level, the body can absorb it without being "baptized" by the natural constellation.

Their own noumenon can also be absorbed, but after absorption, they will have no chance with the Phoenix constellation, and will be replaced by the "Dragonfly constellation". After that, I kept practicing and walked again along the road that Wu Peng walked until I reached the end of the road that Wu Peng walked.

In the future, it will be difficult to enter!

"You should consider whether to absorb it or not." Lei ferocious looked at his wings and his voice was flat.

Falling into deep thinking, it is obviously very difficult to choose. Lin Feng just looked quietly. Although Yi was his contract spirit, he never regarded him as a subordinate or servant, but as his friend and brother.

This kind of thing needs him to make his own decision.

For a long time

"Elder, can I ask you a question?" wing said.

Lei ferocious looked at his wings, "ask."

Wing said slowly, "I want to know what strength I can finally achieve under normal conditions after integrating \'panmuyuan seed\'?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and nodded gently.

Wing\'s question may be straightforward and realistic, but it\'s smart.

"One side of the earth and the other side of the earth raise the wood spirit. The wood spirit is different from human beings. In the fighting spirit world, the cultivation of the wood spirit is more difficult than human beings." Lei Fei\'s voice is calm. "According to normal cultivation, your upper limit is at the \'Holy Level\', and the probability of becoming a \'holy King\' level will not exceed one in ten thousand. As for becoming a strong star..."

Lei ferocious smiled calmly and shook his head.

No answer, but the answer is obvious.

"Thank you for your honesty." Yi said gratefully, without any unnaturalness or hesitation. Then he said, "I\'m willing to integrate Wu\'s\' soul \'. Please help me. I\'m very grateful."

Lei ferocious nodded gently: "the right choice."

After talking, Lei Guangzheng flashed, and Lei\'s ferocious eyes flashed.

For a moment, the Milky bead sent out a bright and bright light and flew straight to the wing.

Two energies blend in an instant!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The choice of wing is really as smart as master said.

The world of fighting spirit is so big that many gifted demons have no way to become strong in the starry sky. Perhaps after absorbing Wu\'s "soul", I\'m afraid the upper limit can no longer be raised, but who knows what will happen in the future?

At present, at least 100% can become a star!

Even if the master doesn\'t say it, he knows how precious this Wu\'s\' soul \'will be.

That\'s the soul of the strong star!

And intact.

Time passes slowly.

Lin Feng waited patiently.

With the gradual weakening of the thunder light, the energy dissipates, and the fusion is coming to an end.

It\'s like swallowing the soul of the little dog that day. The process is not complicated. Although it is extremely dangerous, after all, the strength of the wing is far inferior to the "soul" of Wu Peng, but there will be no problems with the master.


"Wow!" the light faded.

The figure of the front wing slowly disappeared, and Lin Fengxin was slightly shocked.

The familiar feeling came, and the wing returned to his body, the flame star in the Yang life chart.

Just like before.

With a smile, Lin Feng looked at Lei ferocious and nodded, "thank you, master."

"If you have one more helper, you will be less dangerous. I think he is loyal and loyal, so I\'ll pull one." Lei Fei\'s eyes sparkled and said, "you can\'t become a talent if you don\'t grind it. Be careful when you go to Jiuzhou. Being a teacher can only help you here."

"Master, you......" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

"Let\'s go." Lei ferocious said faintly, and the thunder light flashed, and the gold light coagulated violently in an instant.

Space channel, flash in an instant!

Thunder ferocious figure disappears in the blink of an eye.

Although Lin Feng was full of questions, he followed closely.

A hundred days later.

"Go back." Lei ferocious voice was calm.

"Yes, master." Lin Feng knelt down on one knee and bowed his hands gratefully. "Thank you for your careful teaching."

A pair of eyes flickered with different luster, just like the pupils of two people. At this time, Lin Feng\'s body looked "thin" and much less powerful, but more elegant and rusty, especially the eyes.

Star dome pupil, finally wake up!

Although the body has less human soul, it has more life soul.

It\'s hard to tell which is better, but one thing is certain——

The strength of God is stronger!

"Three days, enough?" Lei ferocious said faintly.

"Enough, master." Lin Feng raised his head.

Once the blood inheritance is opened, the thunder ferocious star realm will be closed.

Yanling Zunfu is part of the "thunder ferocious star territory", which will naturally be closed at that time.

Including point exchange, will stop.

Leaving Yanling Zunfu, Lin Feng returns to Yanmen.

Three days is neither short nor long.

"Three nine star fairy fruits, 13 eight star fairy fruits, 77 Seven Star fairy fruits and 510 six star fairy fruits..." Lin Feng cleared the items in the Jizi ring and put them on the ground one by one, which stunned Ji Jin, Ji Rushan, Zhu zero and others.

"This is\' Xingli spring \'."

"Star stone and star crystal are all here."

Lin Feng took out a pile of strange starstones and starcrystals and piled them up like a mountain.

These are rare treasures in Yanling mansion, but there are many in the purple star territory.

Although only a hundred days, I have gained a lot.

"And..." Lin Feng whispered softly.

"Feng\'er, where did you get so many treasures?" Ji Jin\'s chest fluctuated, only shocked.

This time when he came back, Lin Feng not only brought nine star fairy fruits to heal his injury, but also countless natural materials and earth treasures.

Most of them can\'t be bought with money in Yanling mansion.

"Younger martial brother, I\'m not dreaming, am I?" Ji Rushan was still in the clouds.

As the leader, with so many treasures, Li Yanmen has unlimited prospects in the future.

"No, younger martial brother, I haven\'t seen you for a few days. You\'ve given us such a big surprise." I wish zero eye glare, unbelievable.

The three eyes met, and Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In my heart, there are countless reluctant, but it\'s time to say goodbye.

"Master, elder martial brother, second martial brother, I\'m leaving." Lin Feng said softly.

The atmosphere was melancholy.

But all the feasts in the world end.

"Ha ha, I guessed it. This is a happy event." Zhu lingsa smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "Master Ji Xiu and I are ready to go. Although we are in different continents, we are at least in the southern region. We still have a chance to see each other in the future."

"Yes, feng\'er." Ji Jin said with a smile, "there will always be a chance to come to dayanzhou when we get together."

"Well, master, elder martial brother." Lin Feng smiled.

When we are together, we feel like relatives and have deep feelings.

Separation is really reluctant, but this is the way of the warrior——

The lonely road of cultivation.

"Oh, you\'re fine. I\'ll be the only one left." Ji Rushan sighed with a bitter smile.

That appearance and look suddenly made everyone laugh, and the dull atmosphere was swept away.

When they opened the bottle, they raised their glasses and drank happily.

Lin Feng left Li Yanmen.

No banners and drums, no hype.

Just left silently.

Tell the people about the closing of Yanling\'s house three days later, and donate the treasure obtained in the purple star territory to the zongmen. Lin Feng has no concern anymore. Although the treasure is valuable, it is useless for today\'s self. What we really want to give up is the people\'s heart and the emotion.

Who is ruthless?

Flesh and blood are human beings.

After leaving liyanmen, Lin Feng returned to Lvyan city and revisited his hometown.

Go to caifeizong and say goodbye to Peihong, Peiqing, Xiaolu and other friends; Go to fengyanggu and get together with friends such as Weihai, Qiyang and Qiyue

Everything here has its own full memories.

He recorded every bit of his life in the fighting spirit world.

"Really don\'t give up." Lin Feng smiled.

In my eyes, there are a lot of melancholy and nostalgia.

Just as he left tianwu mainland that day, he was unforgettable because of his good memories and human feelings.

However, I still have a long way to go.

The burden on my shoulders is still heavy.

"Goodbye, Yanling mansion." Lin Feng whispered softly.

Soon, the figure slowly disappeared.

(the second chapter "Yanling mansion" ends ~ ~ the third chapter "land of nine continents" opens tomorrow! ~)