Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 734

In an instant, Lin Feng found it.

Not far away, his original body is suspended in mid air.

The dense energy gathered and flashed dazzling thunder. There was a very special feeling, but I couldn\'t say it. As if something in the body was about to wake up. With their own human soul, they also tremble gently and feel a sense of deja vu.

"Master, my body..." Lin Feng said suspiciously.

Even if there is no human soul, the existence of the soul alone can still dominate the body.

This has been proved by the secret separation.

But now?

"Losing human soul is a good thing for you."

"If you focus on the gods, you can give full play to your greatest potential now."

The master\'s voice came into his ears, and Lin Feng nodded.

Indeed, because of the existence of the blood of the Phoenix, his tianlingshi qualification is far better than the God of war qualification. He is single-minded and refined. It\'s really not bad. What\'s more, even if we practice double cultivation now, I\'m afraid that in a short time, the strength of our heavenly spirit division will be far away from the strength of the God of war.

Lei ferocious\'s eyes were bright. "The only trouble is that your human soul is involved in the fire life chart and controls the fire of swallowing."

"Now that there is no human soul, the fire of swallowing can no longer be controlled."

"If you move with your life and soul, you may die of violence."

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly, but he was clear.

For a long time, the life soul controls the fire of rebirth, and the human soul controls the fire of swallowing, so they can live in harmony with each other.

But now there is no human soul. If it is controlled by the life soul

The consequences are unimaginable.

"Do you want to give up the fire of swallowing?" Lin Feng frowned and felt reluctant to give up.

In terms of attack power, the fire of swallowing is better than the fire of rebirth, especially now