Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 733

The sound of tearing the heart and cracking the lungs came.

The scream seemed to pierce the eardrum.

However, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, but he is half merciless.

The power of Amethyst gun overlaps with the power of strong constellations, piercing a huge hole in the huge "cocoon". Thunder and thunder, the power of constellations rush in madly, destroying everything in the cocoon, Jiong! 烀! The fire of swallowing is boiling and ferocious.

"Master said, Wu Lu is just like the heavenly soul master."

"His strength is concentrated in \'control\'. If his serious injury is not healed, he can only use this body, and I just need to destroy this body -"

"At that time, Wu\'s power will degenerate to the last stage again."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart, and the outbreak of fire was merciless.

The power of your own constellation is limited, and you can\'t destroy this huge cocoon.

But the fire of swallowing is quite a lot! Although it is not as endless as the fire of rebirth, it is easy to destroy this huge cocoon. However, at this time, the endless sea of insects flew again, but it "hit" an amazing fire wall.

Dragon shield!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the flame sprayed out, like a roaring dragon.

"We must speed up!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

No matter how strong the Yanlong shield is, the dense attacks of the insect sea are also extremely terrible, and the number is increasing. Before long, the attack of the insect sea will break through its own defense. At that time, the injury will be small. If Wu Peng escapes from Shengtian. Next time, it\'s hard to have a chance!

"It\'s time to come!" Lin Feng felt extremely prosperous in his heart.

Wu\'s breath has withered, like a withered flower, and the Qi of life is becoming weaker and weaker.

With the huge cocoons being swallowed up a little, Wu\'s power also slowly disappeared.

"Shifu said it was impossible to kill him with my strength, but..."

"Force him to degenerate to the last state."

"The starry sky is really huge, and all kinds of races exist."

"Human beings are not the only masters."

Lin Feng nodded and his eyes were light.

The structure of this "Wu" is extremely strange. If human beings, even the strong stars with serious injuries, can they surpass it? Including the strong man of the Southern Cross who lives in seclusion in the purple swamp, he entered several times, but he didn\'t even see her.

"Each has his own strengths."

"Master said that every race has its specific advantages and disadvantages."

"It\'s not good or bad."


Time passes slowly.

Wu\'s breath has completely declined.

The huge cocoon was destroyed, and the countless flying insects around it disappeared like evaporation.

What a strange thing!

"Peng!" the sound of violent explosion.

The cocoon burst completely and a bad smell came out.

However, Lin Feng doesn\'t care. The flame on his body has disappeared and his eyes are burning ahead. At this time, in front of himself, the ugly and terrible "Wu" has disappeared and replaced by a crystal beautiful body.

Smooth and flexible, just like a mirror.

It looks like a work of art.

"This is the real body of Wu Peng."

"At first, the most primitive existence."

"Shifu really didn\'t lie to me. It\'s really good."

Lin Feng smiled and remembered what he had just seen. The body like a monster was a click in his heart.

If you have such an ugly separation, even if you are a strong star, you are really not willing.

At present, although this is not human, it is at least a lot pleasing to the eye.


When Lin Feng killed Wu Peng, he immediately turned back to Yan Ling\'s house.

Although there is only one day\'s task time, in fact, it only takes less than four hours to kill Wu, and there is still plenty of time left. Turn back to the "wild goose City" with the star symbol, and then rush to the Yanling Zunfu. Lin Feng doesn\'t need it for half an hour.

It\'s easy.

In fact, even if he ran directly from the chaotic swamp to Yanling Zunfu, it would be too late for Lin Feng.

The star master level warrior has a strong constitution!

"However, a strong star is a strong star. Even if it degenerates to the \'last state\', it is beyond my power to destroy it."

"According to the master, Wu Peng should have been sleeping for a long time, just like falling into the fighting spirit world that day."

"Dragonfly constellation, starry sky..."

"It\'s really mysterious."

The eyes are shining, and Lin Feng yearns for it.

Raise your head, look at the boundless sky and fly in your heart.

I really want to see the vast and boundless starry sky and go on adventures, just like my master \'hundred mile wind\'.

"I don\'t know where Phoenix and bear will be?"

"What will happen..."

Imagination, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The corners of the mouth were lightly scratched, just like a light arrow, which was penetrated in an instant.

Gallop straight to Yanling Zunfu.

Thunder ferocious star territory.

"Wow!" the light flickered.

After entering the thunder ferocious star realm, Lin Feng was not alone, but had a "crystal body".

return fully loaded!

"I\'m back, master." Lin Feng smiled calmly and was in a good mood.

With this body of "Wu Lu", you can separate yourself. You can not only withstand the human soul power of the star master, but also withstand the "blood inheritance" of master Lei ferocious. I\'m kidding. It\'s the body of the strong star.


"Boom!" his head shook.

The terrible shock force seemed to break the body.

"What a powerful force!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly, and he felt as if he had lost contact with his body and soul.

Just that earthquake, he lost his strength.

Supreme authority.

Roar like thunder!

"Clang!" clang voice.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, as if a master appeared in front of him. His six tails stood high, and his eyes flashed with strong cold light. The terrible thunder gathered outside the body, and the master\'s voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "relax."

Heart, instantly settled down.

The appearance of the master is like a reassurance.

Feeling the blur of consciousness, that feeling is like the separation of bones.

One by one, one\'s soul seems to leave the body. Under the pressure of an extremely powerful energy, it seems to move slowly, as if it touches a completely different skin and enters a barrier film.

However, under the traction of that huge force, he was as powerful as a bamboo.


"What a strong pressure."

"What\'s the matter with such terrible pressure?"

Lin Feng felt that his heart was crushed and crushed by the pressure from all directions.

Bearing great pain, his consciousness seems to be breaking!

"It\'s resistance, resistance!" Lin Feng thought clearly.

I have entered the Wu body.

That is Wu\'s consciousness, rejecting himself and driving himself away!

That feeling is very familiar. It\'s like using the star dome pupil to devour the soul of Xiaotian dog that day.

It\'s a naked occupation!

Completely engulfed.

But this time, this force is far beyond his ability.

After all, Wu Peng is a strong star. Even the last state is beyond his ability.

However, Lin Feng was not flustered because he knew

Master, I will do it.

"Boom!" that extremely powerful force appeared again.

It\'s like a high king, frightening everything. In an instant, Lin Feng\'s heart settled down, and the pressure from all directions suddenly disappeared, just like Nanke\'s dream, without any trace of existence.

At this time, under the traction of strength, he seemed to enter a special area.

It felt like entering the main cabin of the spacecraft.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" sounds like a heartbeat.

At present, it seems that a body appears.

In an instant——

"Boom!" there was another violent tremor in his head.

The overwhelming powerful energy emerged, and there was no room for resistance. In an instant, Lin Feng was unconscious.

Time passes little by little.

Lin Feng\'s consciousness gradually recovered and his feeling was completely different.

I feel like I\'m in a completely strange \'body\'. It\'s a strange feeling.

"Wake up?" a faint voice came into his ears, and Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yes, master." Lin Feng replied. The voice was too familiar. When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw the master flashing a light of thunder in front of him. He was looking at himself with a faint smile.

"Look at your new body." Lei ferocious said slowly.

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and looked down.

His hands, feet and body are almost the same as his original touch, except that his skin is bright and flexible, and his hands and feet seem to be full of vitality. It\'s like an inexhaustible power. It feels wonderful.

"Master, this is..." Lin Feng was surprised.

"I helped you rebuild your body." Lei ferocious said with a smile, "disciple, you are used to fighting with human body. You don\'t need to change, let alone..."

"The essence of separation has not changed." Lei ferocious said slowly, "it\'s just another form."

Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Although Wu Peng\'s body is perfect, he is human after all. His favorite nature is human state.

"Thank you, master." Lin Feng arched his hand.

Although Shifu is dignified and meticulous, he is quite human.

He clenched his fist and felt ten times stronger than his original body. Lin Feng was shocked. Originally, I thought my body was strong enough after double cultivation, but it was of the same star master level. Compared with this body now, it was undoubtedly nothing.

The gap is far!

"Also, human innate conditions are much worse after all, that is, there is a lot of distance compared with the witch clan."

"There are too many races in the boundless starry sky, and there are many people who are stronger than the witch race."

Lin Feng thought and smiled.

Although I don\'t know whether the physical strength of this\' Wu \'body is strong or not.

But at least, it\'s much stronger than before!

"God of war\'s qualification will be greatly improved."

"Once the master\'s\' inheritance of blood \'is completed, he will be reborn!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and confident.

The road of the God of war will be like the Heavenly Master, integrated into the blood of the Phoenix and reborn!

When he was thinking in his heart, Lin Feng couldn\'t help but give a light sigh.

Just now, I forgot.

Where\'s the original body?

(first change ~ ~)