Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 732

"Lin, Lin Feng." Han Wei twitched at the corners of his mouth and was shocked.

Feeling the pressure, Han Lu\'s face was very ugly, green and white.

Once upon a time, the forest wind in front of him was like an mole ant, but now it stands above his head like a high mountain!

Look up and out of reach.

"Good, strong!" Han Lu\'s heart trembled.

"Is this the strength of the strongest person in Yanling mansion..."

He stumbled and retreated back. Han Lu didn\'t have the heart to fight at this time.

Remembering the hatred between Lin Feng and Han Lu, Han Lu felt as if his heart had fallen into the abyss and his spine was cold.


"Boom!" Han Luxing burst.

The cold light all over the body was exposed, and the terrible Qi burst out of his hands.

But not to Lin Feng, but to his big apprentice \'Han Wei\'!!!

"Ah!" Han Weitong tore his heart and lungs. The powerful force made Han Wei rush straight to Lin Feng. At this time, Han Luxing\'s force completely broke out without looking back. He ran away desperately in order to save his life and exhausted all means.

How about sacrificing his apprentice for this? Han Lu never cares!

"Still the same." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

"Ruthless and selfish."

"Han Lu, the grudges between you and me a year ago should also be counted."

The voice was indifferent, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright for a moment.

The right hand shows a strong constellation power, the red light flashes, Lin Feng\'s right hand spits out fiercely, and Han Wei\'s hoarse scream disappears in time. Han Lu is a scum. Han Wei is also not a good thing. The crime of selling Li Yanmen alone is enough for him to die thousands of times!

Bury many dead Li Yanmen disciples!

"Can you escape, Han Lu?" Lin Feng sneered.

烀! 烀!

In his hands, two hot fireballs suddenly appeared.

Close your eyes, Han Lu\'s breath is under your control, instant time——

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The fireball darted out.

Like two fire meteors, the speed was extremely fast, and almost in the blink of an eye it was to catch up with Han Lu who fled in a hurry. The red starlight wrapped the fireball and flashed the extreme light of the monster, reflecting Han Lu\'s distorted and frightened face, but it was extremely scared.

"No!!!" Han Lu hissed and trembled.

But in an instant——

"Peng!" "boom!! ~" the fireball exploded violently.

The voice, like Han Wei, suddenly disappeared and was silent.

The fire gradually dissipated, and Han Lu\'s figure had turned into nothingness, not even a little dust.

Completely disappear!

"The cycle of natural justice should be unhappy."

"If you do more bad things, there will be retribution."

Lin Feng smiled indifferently and looked calm.

To kill two people, it\'s easy for me.

It was a pure coincidence to meet Han Lu.

It\'s more like a heavenly arrangement, like a disaster.

Of course, it was Han Lu\'s disaster.

"Finally, here again." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The picture in front of me is very familiar, but I feel very strange.

Desolate, dead!

The situation here is more serious than the purple swamp.

The strong red light appeared, like the blood of death, making people feel suffocated. Lin Feng looked forward with bright eyes. He couldn\'t help shaking his fists. In his mind, what he saw not long ago burst out.

"Three years later, the Yanling mansion will be destroyed in the hands of this\' Wu Lin \'."

"Li Yanmen no longer exists."

An angry heart makes your blood burn.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and the breath of human soul could feel a trace of danger.

Here, there is a strong smell!

"I\'m coming, Wu."

Light and gentle, Lin Feng\'s face is cold.

Step forward without hesitation, and the strong killing intention blooms.

Even if it is not for "separation", this war will never escape, let alone escape!

I can\'t watch Yanling mansion destroyed and Li Yanmen slaughtered.

It\'s your responsibility.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The speed of forest wind is extreme.

The red starlight condensed outside the body, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Buzzing ~ ~ buzzing! ~ ~" a voice kept coming from my ear.

An insect flapping its wings galloped to attack itself, countless.

"Whew!" Lin Feng looked like a sharp arrow.

He looked calm and penetrated the interception of these insects.

Yourself, can\'t stop!

Once it stops, the killing will begin.

If you don\'t kill this dense "sea of insects", it\'s hard for you to enter the deepest part of the red swamp.

Although I have no fear, but time is only one day. If you miss this day, you have to wait for a year before you can enter Yanling Zunfu again. This time, I not only want to kill Wu Peng and relieve the potential crisis of Yanling mansion, but also hurry up and catch up in one day.

The task is quite arduous.

"Be quick!"

"We must not let these sea of insects form a siege."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and his mind was completely focused.

In the air, the advantage of wind vortex is difficult to play, and its direction is not as good as that on land.

But at this time, the land was crawling with dense insects, which was very frightening. Once you fall into the land, almost in an instant, you will fall into a dense sea of insects. Even if you can solve it, I\'m afraid you\'ve wasted a lot of time.

"Can\'t stop!"

"Sensing, getting stronger and stronger!"

"The red swamp is not much wider than the purple swamp. It should be very close to the deepest place."

His eyes twinkled with bright light and felt the attack of insects one after another. Lin Feng\'s heart was firm.

This time, if you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

Close, close!

Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster and faster, and his sight was completely covered by the sea of insects.

Dense, I don\'t know how many!

I\'m afraid I\'ll kill you if I let you kill.

The deeper you go into the red swamp, the closer you get to the "wupeng", the more insects there will be, and the more dense the insect sea will be!


"Peng!" the human soul was shocked.

In my mind, a strange existence suddenly emerged, just like a huge cocoon with a big bare head. It\'s strange. You can see that it\'s not a creature in the fighting spirit world. It\'s not like a man, a beast, or a wood spirit!

The insect, constantly crawling out of its body, is quite creepy.

In an instant, there seemed to be a sound in my mind, but I couldn\'t understand the language, but I inferred it only by tone

"It should be warning or threatening me." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

At this time, the insect sea has reached an amazing and terrible density.

"It\'s time." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

You should escape enough.

They can\'t avoid the sea of insects all the time.

If you want to kill Wu, you must have no obstacles and completely remove this sea of insects!

"Jiong!!" the strong flame burst out suddenly.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the strong red light burst out in an instant.

The overwhelming fire, burning wildly, mixed with star power, devoured these small insects. In my ears, it seemed that the shrill voice of these insects came, and suddenly the sharp and ugly voice of "Wu Peng" sounded again, as if insulting myself.

However, the enemy\'s abuse is praise.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the fire filled the air.

The flame kept exploding, and the insect sea appeared one after another, just like a moth to the fire.

A protracted war.

Unusual hardships.

The sea of insects seems to be endless.

I\'m afraid other martial artists have already exhausted their star power.

However, Lin Feng stepped step by step into the area where Wu Peng was located. Although the driving speed was very slow, he was constantly approaching.

An hour.

two hours.

Three hours!


Time passes slowly.

The density of the insect sea is weakening.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was already very close to the "Wu Peng" and could even see the "ugly" existence.

In fact, in human aesthetics, this "Wu" is really ugly.

Very ugly!

But its strength is no joke.

The inexhaustible power of the insect sea is enough to make the star master level martial arts exhausted and die.

"A thin camel is bigger than a horse, and the inside information of a strong star is too strong."

"Although he was seriously injured and degenerated, only the star master level strength, but the application of this strength is absolutely comparable to the star domain level strength."

"But unfortunately, the injury is not healed and can\'t move, otherwise..."

"I can\'t take advantage of it."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear, with a little confidence.

The master said that today\'s "Wu Peng" can\'t move his body!

If not, it retreats while attacking itself with a sea of insects. It has no way to take it at all. Even if you can\'t use up all your star power, you can\'t attack its body through the boundless sea of insects.

But now

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

In an instant, the fire of swallowing and the fire of rebirth intersect and bloom with incomparable brilliance.

The greatest power affects the violent fluctuation of air flow, and the power of crazy magnetic explosion is displayed, affecting the whole surrounding area!


"Boom!!" burst madly.

The terrible power affected everything, and the countless insect seas around were cleared away, leaving a huge open space. At this time, it takes some time for other insects to get to Wu Peng.

And this time is enough to show your unique skills!

This time, the magnetic explosion is just to "clear the field".

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

Although the body is injured, the power of the magnetic explosion is properly controlled, just a minor injury.

It\'s not in the way!

"Boom!!" the stars are shining.

Inside the body, the familiar power fluctuates violently.

The momentum of Lin Feng changed in an instant, the Amethyst gun in his hand clanged, vibrated, roared and thundered.

The purple light is completely bright. Behind the forest wind, it seems that a giant bear is roaring, shaking the earth and shaking the world. Ao ran stood between heaven and earth, the strong red light condensed on his left arm, and the green veins on Lin Feng\'s forehead were exposed.


Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

It\'s like a hillside rising, and Lin Feng\'s left arm is very strong.

The terrible power completely liberates the left arm, condenses the muscles to the extreme, and the cells are full of powerful power!

In an instant——

"Hole burst!"

"Star Technology, the power of the big bear!!!"

"# ¥ @!" a hoarse and ugly voice came out.

He had a big naked head and a ferocious and twisted face, just like a fierce ghost.

The strong defense condenses around the body and forms an indestructible existence. The dense insect sea around the body rushes madly. Lin Feng falls into a complete Jedi to protect his master, but he has to fight back and can\'t retreat again!

However, this shot pierced out, but it surprised the world!

Yanling shot!!

The realm of entering the gun is accompanied by the blooming of special star system technology.

Lin Feng\'s shot was more than ten times stronger than the one against the witch family that day.

With your left arm, you can give full play to your power, gather the power of the constellation, and let the forest wind attack the extreme in an instant! The voice of Wu Peng tearing his heart and lungs came from his ears, but all his defenses were completely broken, and the amazing breath was in an instant——

"Peng!" exploded.

The power of a gun is unstoppable!

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