Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 731

The fifth day.

Time scale 1:10000

Plus the previous four days, there are 11111 days to practice.

The 100 martial artists of the first team of liyanmen are all gritting their teeth and constantly improving themselves. They know very well that this opportunity is only once in their life and will not be missed in the future. Because of the existence of Lin Feng, they can be brought to the fifth heavy day that few people can enter!

Keep practicing, practice again!

This is a great opportunity for everyone in liyanmen.

it happens only once in a thousand years!

Time passes slowly.

For martial artists who aim to improve their strength, the time of cultivation is always very short.

Ten thousand days, nine thousand days in the twinkling of an eye.

Ten is less than one!

However, the effect is also obvious.

Li Yanmen are far ahead in the championship. Except Lin Feng, the other 99 people occupy the top 99 in the ranking.

be way ahead!

Among them, Ji Xiu and Zhu zero not only reached the peak of Xinghai level, but also entered the third stage and entered the star master level with one foot. Like Wan Mochou and Lin Feng on that day, they can break through at any time and become a real star master as long as they like!

The three new stars of Li Yanmen are now completely bright.

Even without Lin Feng, Li Yanmen\'s current strength is enough to dominate Yanling mansion.

The Yanling ten thousand families are nothing more.

And now

After the same 9000 days, Lin Feng finally ushered in the harvest.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng\'s breathing is very slow and uniform.

Outside the body, the strong thunder light blooms and twines around the body like an elf.

It\'s so powerful that people can\'t get close to it. It seems that a terrible bear is attached to him. He roars wildly and is powerful! It is the strong power of the constellation and the strong light that makes it so magnificent. At this time, Lin Feng, who sat quietly for 9000 days, finally opened his eyes.

"Shua! Brilliant.

Sparkling domineering, filled with a wisp of cold light.

The power of the constellation on the right arm is completely gathered, and the muscles seem to explode and solidify to the limit.

That feeling was like the cells of the whole body. The power of all constellations bloomed completely. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and suddenly drank fiercely.

"Boom!!" faintly, a big bear seemed to roar.

The breath is clang and fluffy, and the forest wind is dazzling and stands quietly.

A faint smile flashed at the corners of the mouth and clenched the right fist, which was a strong self-confidence.

"Finally succeeded."

"Star technology is indeed broad and profound."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and nodded.

"No wonder Duoduo said that day that it would take me ten thousand years to reach the \'star level\'."

"It has taken so much time to understand the Star Technology of this heavy star alone."

The heart is very surprised, but Lin Feng is helpless.

I feel like a dream. Maybe in the dream, only one incense stick has passed, but in the outside world, it has been a full 9000 days. It is really a second a year, and I don\'t know the time of cultivation.

But it\'s no wonder Lin Feng, after all, his God of war qualification is only "medium-grade".

Moreover, this "mid-range" is the mid-range of Yanling mansion.

The constellation sensitivity is low, and the first understanding is naturally slow. Moreover, even if they are the same heavy star, the difficulty of understanding is different. Some heavy stars are extremely abstruse, such as the power of the big bear. The difficulty of understanding every minute is even higher than that of some double stars.

However, the process is not important, the important thing is

Lin Feng has successfully understood it.

First star technology!

"Boom!" the amazing sound of stabbing and exploding.

Lin Feng stood with a gun, his eyes flashing a faint light.

Holding the Amethyst gun, I felt a distracted light movement, and a satisfied smile was drawn at the corners of my mouth.

In front of me, a ray of light dissipated slowly. The terrible and powerful breath bloomed like fireworks and disappeared instantly.

"This is the guardian of the ladder of the fifth heaven..."


A faint murmur, Lin Feng\'s eyes light.

Now my strength is so strong that I can\'t believe it.

With such an amazing increase, Zhan Wulu is very confident.

"Is the star strong?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Here I am."

Before the championship.

People are bored. This year\'s championship is completely meaningless.

It\'s not so much the "struggle" of the elite fighters in Yanling mansion as the internal struggle of liyanmen. The top 99 are all liyanmen fighters. Except for the rise and fall of their ranking, their affiliation has not changed at all. Only the 100th place is contested by other forces.

"It\'s strange that there is no Lin Feng among the 100 strong Yanmen."

"It\'s really strange. It\'s Lin Feng who took them into the fifth heaven, but where did Lin Feng go?"

"Worry about it blindly. Have you forgotten what happened last year? Lin Feng will certainly jump to the top of the list again, overlooking all the small ones, and the points are far ahead of everyone!"

Everyone was talking about it, but they were just curious.

No one will doubt Lin Feng\'s strength.

The name of the strongest person in Yanling mansion is made by fighting with strength!

Talking room——

"Pa!" the championship changes again.

All the fighters screamed and shouted again and again.

Lin Feng\'s name finally appeared again and steadily fell to the top of the list.

Points: 11111000.

More than ten million!

All at once, add 10 million points!

Under the expectation of the public, Lin Feng finally appeared!

Li Yanmen, once again dominating the top 100 in the championship, and Lin Feng, once again——

Stand out from the crowd!

Enter the sixth day.

Break to the wall and enter the existence of this legend.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t stay for half a minute and left directly.

Time is short, only one day. Even though there are 100, 000 days on the sixth day, Lin Feng has only one day to "use" outside. One day later, it means that the time of the sixth day is exhausted.

Not leaving Yanling\'s house, but just a "short" trip.

This is Lin Feng\'s privilege.

"Fortunately, there is the star symbol of green smoke city." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The star symbol was crushed in an instant, and the figure was hazy, and the forest wind disappeared in an instant.

Whoosh! Lin Feng sprints with all his strength.

From the peak of Xinghai level to Xingzhu level, the body is improved more than ten times.

Without exploding star power, the body has far exceeded the strengthening of the previous ten levels of star power. Like a mirage, the forest wind galloped into the chaotic swamp with extreme speed. It took a lot of time to enter the purple swamp. Now

Just a moment, it has arrived.

The purple fog has turned blue because of the closure of the red sky channel.

Entering here again, Lin Feng\'s state of mind is completely different.

"I didn\'t expect that there would be a strong star in the Southern Cross in the purple swamp."

"No wonder there are so many terrible giant trees in the land of wood spirit."

"It\'s incredible."

He thought in his heart, but Lin Feng\'s speed was not slow at all.

As I galloped along, I saw many "insects" along the way, but I didn\'t stop.

Their goal is the red swamp!


"The mountain of chaos is the starting point for me to enter the fighting spirit world."

"And Xuaner is the first martial artist I know here. If it weren\'t for me, Xuaner would never enter the \'land of wood spirit\'."

"Many things are doomed."

Lin Feng smiled coldly and felt that fate seemed to be pushed by a pair of invisible hands.

The past two years in Yanling mansion were like a dream, like a dream and a fog.

"Hoo ~" Lin Fengchang exhaled.

"I\'m about to leave, but I feel a lot."

With a smile in memory, Lin Feng\'s heart is very calm.

This chaotic ridge, no, should be a chaotic swamp, with many of its own memories.

"In front is the place of wood spirit." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and was preparing to gallop by. Suddenly, Lin Feng frowned. The feeling of human soul breath seemed to resonate with heaven and earth. Lin Feng felt several similar smells for a moment.

"Oh?" Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

The figure disappeared immediately after a meal.

"Master, it should be near here." the voice was low. It was a middle-aged man.

"Hum, it took a long time to find out that Lin Feng has many adventures here. I\'d like to see what secrets are hidden in this\' chaotic swamp \'." the eagle\'s eye flashed. It was a man in black robe, and his breath was very strong.

At first glance, we know that our strength is not poor.

It is by no means the ordinary warriors of green smoke city.

"There must be a big secret." the middle-aged man said positively, "if not, how can Lin Feng\'s boy improve by leaps and bounds in a short time!"

"Now the wild goose plume is full of twists and turns. We must seize every opportunity." the eagle eyed man kept moving and looked around. Suddenly, the eagle eyes were bright and repressed deep excitement. "It\'s here, it\'s here!!"

After talking, he ignored his companions and flew away like a gust of wind.

"Wait for me, master!" the middle-aged man chased up.

Their figures slowly dissipated.

At this time——

"Wow!" a dark shadow appeared with bright eyes.

Lin Feng!

"It\'s really a narrow road for friends. I didn\'t expect to meet them here." Lin Feng smiled calmly and showed a fleeting killing intention in his eyes.

Whoosh! The figure turned into a colorful light, and the forest wind soon disappeared.

"It\'s here, ha ha, finally let me find it!!" the eagle eyed man said excitedly.

"Congratulations, master. Get what you want." the middle-aged man said with a flattering smile.

In front of us is the passage for Lin Feng to enter the land of wood spirit that day——

A hole.

A faint aura came out. The eagle eyed man and the middle-aged man looked at each other with a light of joy in their eyes. The figure flickered and was about to enter the hole, but a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of the hole.

Silent, like a ghost!


The eagle eyed man and the middle-aged man changed their complexion in an instant.

But seeing the face of the man in black in front of him, he opened his eyes, his legs softened, and his frightened soul was gone.

"Long time no see, Han Lu, Han Wei." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The two people in front of us are the two bastards who tried to murder themselves that day and then betrayed Li Yanmen——

Han Lu, and his big disciple Han Wei!

one can\'t avoid one\'s enemy!

(the third watch ~ ~ the second watch just forgot to send it, and the fourth watch was at 0:00)