Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 730

"In the boundless starry sky, there are various constellations."

"Every constellation is good at something. For example, the Phoenix constellation, under which the strong stars are very good at fire."


"The Southern Cross constellation is very good at wood."

"The dragonfly constellation has the best control of \'insects\'."


Thunder was ferocious and said slowly, and his voice was calm.

However, every word fell in Lin Feng\'s ear and was very shocked.

About the boundless sky, about the legendary star power, and various constellations!


Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly: "master, as you said just now, the dragonfly constellation is good at controlling \'insects\'. Is it not the illusion just now... No, it was the strong man of the dragonfly constellation who destroyed and slaughtered Yanling mansion three years later?"

"Smart." Lei ferocious nodded.

Lin Fengxin was more shocked when he was affirmed by the master.

Raised his head and stared at the master. Lin Feng closed his lips and waited for follow-up.

It seems that there is a big secret!

"On that day, there were countless deaths and injuries in the battle between the Southern Cross and the dragonfly." Lei ferocious\'s eyes brightened. "The battle that affected the galaxy group, the stars were blown up, and countless strong stars died and were seriously injured. One of the strong stars in the Southern Cross and one of the strong stars in the dragonfly fell to the fighting spirit world, which is here."

With a finger, Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened immediately.

There is a picture in front of you, which is constantly enlarged, showing a three-stage color intersection.

"Chaotic swamp!!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

What I see is black swamp, purple swamp and red swamp.

"That\'s right." Lei ferocious continued, "the strong of the Southern Cross is located in the purple swamp, while the strong of the dragonfly is located in the red swamp. Their spacecraft is seriously damaged and can\'t take off. Because they are seriously injured, they can\'t help each other, so they cultivate their own health and recuperate."

Boom!! Lin Feng\'s head shook.

At this time, all questions are solved.

No wonder the chaotic swamp presents a three-stage color distribution, which is different from each other!

No wonder there are so many "insects" all over the chaotic swamp, and many Warcraft and wood spirits are all mutated!

i see!

"The purple fog of the purple swamp is emitted from the \'land of wood spirits\', in other words..."

"Where is the wood spirit?"

Lin Feng stared and felt shortness of breath.

"Disciple, you are in the spaceship of the strong star in the Southern Cross constellation." Lei ferocious\'s voice was calm, but it made Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuate and shocked.

"Don\'t worry, the strong man of the Southern Cross is very friendly, not to mention..." Lei ferocious smiled calmly. "By chance, you have a friend who is accepted as an apprentice by the strong man. She won\'t do you any harm."


Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, "master, but Xuaner?"

Lei ferocious smiled calmly: "well, don\'t worry now."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

In my heart, a big stone finally fell down.

Xuaner has a bright future if she can be accepted as an apprentice by the strong star, just as she guessed that day——

Xuaner\'s chance is even better than herself!


Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.

From just now until now, the master told himself all this. Why?

Is it

"Disciple, the part you want is in the red swamp -"

"The star is strong and the sky is strong!"

Thunder\'s ferocious voice sounded leisurely, but Lin Feng was completely stunned.

After walking around in a big circle, the part that the master wants to find himself is actually a strong star!

Are you kidding?

For a long time, Lin Feng breathed out.

His face turned blue, but what master Lei ferocious said was really too shocked.

"Master, it\'s hard for me to understand." Lin Feng bowed his head and said with a bitter smile, "the body of the strong star is really unparalleled, but the strength of that \'Wu\' is probably more than ten million times stronger than that of my disciple. If you want to seize his body, it\'s inevitable..."

"You\'re wrong." Lei ferocious said faintly, "that \'Wu Lu\', now only has the star master level strength."

"And his body is also at the astral level."

Big earthquake!

Lin Feng immediately held his breath.

Suddenly, the words that Weihai had said to himself on that day came to mind.

"Red swamp, only the warrior of star master level can enter!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

At this moment, I fully understand!

If Wu Peng really recovers the strength of the strong star, not to mention the martial arts of the star master level, that is, the strong Saint King level will die. And the master also said that the Zerg will sweep the whole Yanling mansion in three years, in other words——

Now, the strength has not been restored!

"Please give me some advice." Lin Feng\'s confidence increased sharply and bowed his hand.

There must be a feasible opportunity for this. Otherwise, Shifu will never tell himself.

Just now, I was frightened by the name of "star power".

"Wu Peng has been recuperating since he was injured by his own weight. He just started to recover two years ago and made a wrong plan." Lei ferocious said slowly. "Now he has just recovered the star master level, and Wu Peng\'s strength is not yet stable. Disciple, you will have a chance now. You will have no opportunity in another month or two."

Lin Fengwen was delighted when he heard that he had a chance. The master said that he must have a chance!

"Wu Lu\'s body has strong defense, and the attack mainly depends on controlling insects." Lei ferocious said, "other star master level warriors, even the star master level peak, can\'t pass his\' insect sea \'level. Only you, disciple, just restrain him!"

"Flame!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and understood what the master said.

Because I have endless fire of rebirth, I can restrain the endless sea of insects!

Lei ferocious nodded, "now, there is only one thing to solve -"

"Break through his body defense!"

In the thunder ferocious star realm.

Lin Feng sat on the ground with a ferocious look.

Thunder armor is attached to the body, which is like the incarnation of thunder. There is dense thunder light, and the smell of forest wind is extremely strong.

"Star Technology!"

"Driven by the power of constellations."

"It is the embodiment of the real power of the star master level warrior!"

The mind is as calm as dust, and the forest wind soon sinks into cultivation.

There is no need for a star ring or a star staff to reach the star master level. The human soul is now a small "starry sky".

"Master said, this is the prototype of the \'starry sky\'." Lin Feng said softly.

"And it is my \'master star\'."

Unusually cordial and familiar.

This small and bright star is the only star in the human soul.

It is formed by the pure power of the great bear constellation, just like a part of the constellation. Through it, you can directly sense and enter the great bear constellation. It\'s like an invisible door, an invisible door, between the human soul and the constellation Ursa Major.

"Wow!" the light flashed in front of me.

Seven light spots shine brightly, and countless small light spots also shine.

However, compared with the bright light of the host star, these small light spots are as insignificant as green leaves and red flowers.

Shiny, much darker.

"Master said that the seven main stars have their own \'Star Technology\' of different systems."

"They are special system, eukaryotic system, attack system, defense system, control system, summon system and enhancement system."

"The brighter the main star, the stronger the sensitivity, and the higher the probability of learning the Star Technology of the system."

"But not necessarily. There are too many factors involved in learning."

"For example, understanding, cultivation conditions and so on."

In his heart, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

But did not hesitate to enter the first main star——

Special host star.

Because this is the most familiar, the most sensitive and brightest star!

WOW! The light shines in front of us.

It\'s like jumping from one space to another. It feels completely different.

In front of us, there are numerous stars shining brightly, with strong constellation power, forming a "starry sky" and forming a strange scene.

"Feel with the power of constellations."

"Enter it and understand the star technology."

In his heart, Lin Feng looked at the dense stars around him, but he hesitated.

"So many heavy stars, which one do you understand?" Lin Feng felt a headache. It was like entering the treasure house. He didn\'t know which one to choose. These "single stars" are different from the main stars. As long as the power of the constellation reaches the first order, the single stars flash naturally, no difference between light and dark.

After all, how can we distinguish between the same main star and the same "heavy star"?

There are too many factors in the understanding of star technology.

"Well..." it was hesitation.


Lin Feng felt his heart move and his body flash.

Close your eyes, as if something is guiding you, and a familiar energy appears

"Yes, master."

"Shifu is helping me choose."

The corners of his mouth began to scratch slightly, and Lin Feng felt happy.

Having a master to help you choose can undoubtedly avoid many detours and waste of time.

"Pa!" the figure stopped and fell.

Lin Feng opened his eyes for a moment, and there was a faint light spot in front of him. The bright star made him feel the surging of his heart.

"It\'s you." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Wow!" the power of the constellation was instilled.

"Star Technology, the power of the big bear, the first layer."

"Shifu helped me choose it. It\'s really what I need most at present."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng clenched his fists and felt happy.

As long as you can understand this star technology and give full play to the power of the constellation, you will be able to show the strong power of the star master!

Defeating Wu is not a dream.

"Wow!" pictures kept showing in my mind. A big bear stood between heaven and earth with his head held high and roared. His huge body combined with terrorist forces made everything frightening and amazing.

The thick palm of the hand fell, and the earth burst.

Terrible power, flashing strong thunder, full of arrogant power.

Who can stop!!!

"That\'s great."

"It can definitely greatly enhance the attack power!"

In his heart, Lin Feng was completely immersed in the understanding of star technology.

The thunder flashes on the body, and the power of the constellation is consumed with understanding. However, the thunder armor is unusually dazzling. Lightning alone condenses powerful energy, constantly complements the power consumed by forest wind, and forms a stable cycle.

In the thunder ferocious star realm, on the fifth day.

Lin Feng, began to understand.

(second watch, third watch 22:00)