Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 727

Lin Feng, left.

In the revered eyes of Li Yanmen, he left quietly.

It takes less than a quarter of an hour to bring the 100 elites of liyanmen to the fifth day.

When the elite warriors of Yanling wanzu, Qiyue palace and other Yanling mansion were still in the third and fourth heavy days, the warriors of liyanmen had entered the fifth heavy day and stepped into this area rarely entered for thousands of years, which was a great breakthrough.

Increase the cultivation time by 10000 days.

Moreover, since the fifth heavy day has not really opened yet, liyanmen people can enjoy a "safety period" of 1111 days.

During this time, they can act recklessly on the fifth day and look for treasures.

Absolutely, there will be no danger.

A real breakthrough!

And all this, just because of a person\'s existence.

Lin Feng!

Yanling is outside the house.

In front of the championship, everyone stared and shocked Hubei.

After entering Yanling Zunfu, only a moment\'s time passed, and the standings were all over 1 million points. As like as two peas, the most important thing is that from the first to the 100th, the score is the same.


Moreover, all the 100 martial artists are Li Yanmen martial artists!

"Shit, no, such a pervert?"

"Alas, don\'t count on it this year. The top 100 of the championship are all occupied by Li Yanmen."

"Yes, you don\'t have to look. Li Yanmen is too much..."

They were both frightened and helpless.

This\' 1111000 \'point is how people can guess.

At this time, the three elders are laughing. At first, they were a little worried, but now they are completely relieved.

The first team of liyanmen and the team of 100 people have entered the fifth day!

Completely monopolize the scoreboard!

"Look, Lin Feng is only ranked 100th!"

"You\'re stupid. You can see that Lin Feng took people into the fifth day."

"It\'s true that one person gets the way and chickens and dogs rise to heaven. No wonder so many people have to squeeze into the liyanmen now."


There was a lot of heated discussion, but most of them were envious.

Unlike before, there are many people who refuse to accept, slander and even despise.

However, the strength of Lin Feng was based on defeating the witch family and saving Yanling mansion. If anyone slanders the wind of deforestation, let alone Li Yanmen, the saliva of the whole martial artist of Yanling house can drown him. Lin Feng is the undisputed hero of Yanling mansion!

The fifth day.

Today, heroes are closed.

The points of the other 99 disciples of Liyan sect kept improving, but Lin Feng stopped.

Because, at this time, Lin Feng is sprinting to the star master level!

Since I entered Yanling Zunfu, I no longer need to worry.

Only by breaking through the star master level can we accept the "inheritance of blood". This is an agreement with the ancient divine beast "Lei ferocious", the master of Yanling\'s house last year. What\'s more, Lin Feng is also "tired". He has been curbing himself and doesn\'t want to break through the star master level. Now——

Finally break this shackle!

That feeling is like escaping from the cage.

thoroughly to remould oneself!

Ten days and ten nights!

When the power of the constellation is absorbed to the extreme, when the star ring shines completely, the energy balance of the whole human soul space is completely broken. Gathering too much constellation energy is like putting sugar in a glass of water to completely change the essence of water.

"Finally wait until this moment." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

His chest fluctuated and his heart was full of excitement.

I finally ushered in a breakthrough opportunity!

Long waiting.

In the human soul, the original star power ball blooms its power and tries its best to maintain the balance of this space.

However, the strength of the power of constellations is far from comparable to that of the human soul. It is not a level at all.

Most importantly——

Now the human soul has reached its limit.

It\'s like a bottle full of water. No matter how much it is, it\'s still a bottle of water.

If you want to hold more water, you must break and then stand. You must break and break again. Replace the bottle with a basin or even a bucket!

This is the essence of cultivation.

Keep improving!

The appearance of the power of constellations is the signal of the emergence of the star master level and the key to open the door of cultivation.

Whether it\'s nine and a half levels or ten levels, it\'s actually a process to instill and wash the marrow and cut the body. It\'s a process to let the body accept the "power of constellations" and let itself slowly adapt to this energy. Now, it\'s time for change.

Human soul, about to break through,

The God of war is also at the time of transformation.

"Here we go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The breathtaking breath filled the air, and his human soul had reached the last moment.


"Wow!" the light bloomed.

The drastic changes of human soul are filled with all kinds of energy, which is constantly vented and permeated in the whole human soul space. The strong original power of gold, mixed with the power of the constellation of the great bear, is like tearing down a house, making the original neat house a mess.

All kinds of energy converge, and bright little stars, like a river of stars and a sea of stars, have been destroyed and swallowed up.

The constellation energy continuously enters the body and penetrates into the human soul. The star force ball and star ring flash strong light.

In particular, the star ring is like a primer and a fuse.

"What a powerful force."

"What a terrible threat."

Lin Feng was shocked and looked calm.

Their own body, gently trembling, tension and excitement coexist.

Constant absorption, constant change!


"Boom!" it\'s like a flame burst.

The emergence of amazing power is as irresistible as heaven\'s power.

The human soul is like a tear, and there seems to be a huge black hole in space. The powerful suction crushes everything. It\'s like when the world is at the beginning of chaos, all forces are condensed at one point, and the terrible force makes everything disappear.

Star River, star sea, star force ball and star ring burst and dissipated in an instant.

The energy of the whole human soul space is undergoing rapid changes and baptism, and is expanding and collapsing under the strong pressure of the black hole.


"Boom!!" the stars are shining.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt his heart startled.

In front of us, the light of the big bear constellation is incomparably bright. It looks domineering and overlooks all sentient beings.

It\'s like stepping on everything under your feet.

At this time, I was like at the foot of the giant bear, looking up at such terrible Tianwei power, and the bear\'s eyes flashed bright and equal to the sky. The strong body seemed to support the whole starry sky, and the roaring sound echoed in my ears.

"This is the real invincible power." Lin Feng was shocked in his heart.

Compared with the power of shaking the starry sky, what is your little power?

It\'s like tiny gravel in a desert.

"So strong!" Lin Feng felt his body tremble.

But it is not fear, but a kind of excitement, a desire to become stronger.

This force is very kind!

"The star master level is a \'qualitative\' improvement."

"It uses the power of the constellation. It is also the power of the constellation to improve. It is the power of the constellation to strengthen the body!"

"Everything is a new beginning!"


Lin Feng knows it in detail.

Master and I have mentioned these, and I also asked Wan Mochou that day.

The star master level is different from the star sea level.

Not advanced, but transformation.

At this time, in the outside world.

Lin Feng is being wrapped by a piece of starlight, and the whole person is full of strong red light.

It was a huge star power, gathering the power of pure constellations, which made Lin Feng\'s whole person bloom sacred color. On his forehead, it seemed as if there was a giant bear, full of sparkling domineering and arrogant.

Bones, cells, skin, everything is changing.

A \'baptism\' process.

The nine-and-a-half step "marrow washing and body cutting" is just the beginning, just like a warm-up before a battle.

Now is the real beginning!

Washing the marrow and cutting the body, from the ninth and a half to the tenth, the combination of the power of the constellation and the body is now fully adapted to withstand the "baptism". From the peak of Xinghai level to Xingzhu level, there is a success rate of more than 90%, which is quite stable for martial artists.

"The success rate depends on the \'physical strength\'." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

For myself, the success rate of 90% is 99.99999%, infinitely close to 100%.

It\'s impossible to fail.

Baptism, it\'s easy.

Their physique is no worse than that of the newly promoted star master martial arts. This is the advantage of double cultivation. Although it seems insignificant to improve again and again, it continues to accumulate and accumulate, and a little makes a lot. Now my physique has far exceeded the Xinghai peak!

The success rate is high. After baptism——

Stronger body!

"Duoduo once said that the physical foundation is the most important because it determines the growth rate in the future."

"Double repair takes longer, but it\'s worth it!"

One pay, one harvest, Lin Fengshen Ming double cultivation benefits.

This is my master, the master of Duoduo. The star is strong. Bai Lifeng said it himself!

Time goes by.

The baptism of the power of constellations depends on the bearing capacity of the warrior\'s body.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, undoubtedly maximizes the effectiveness of baptism.

At present, the big bear constellation lights up again. The seven main stars are extremely bright, and the brightest one is the light spot at the bear\'s head. The power of the main star is bright. Lin Feng only felt that his consciousness slowly penetrated into the starry sky, and the seven main stars were constantly enlarged in front of him.


WOW! In front of me, a large starry sky appeared.

Hundreds of millions of stars appeared in front of us.

Large, small, bright, dark, countless appear, dotted with the whole boundless starry sky.

But for a moment, it was dark.

He seemed to be squeezed by a terrible force and suffocated.

Boom! His head burst.

In an instant, Lin Feng seemed to open his eyes and his heart beat faster.

There is a dark starry sky around. I can no longer see the bright stars flashing. The energy of space is completely different from before. I feel like I have come to another void. The energy here is not as powerful as the stars just now, like the feeling of the beginning of heaven and earth.

In the dark, there is and only one star.

Small and bright, bright, just like the light floating on the palm, close at hand.

"So kind, so familiar."

"It\'s like a part of my body. I can control it."

"Control, master of the star."

"And the familiar constellation ability..."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and his heart was filled with a strong excitement.

I finally reached the star master level!

(second watch, third watch 0:00)