Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 726

Yan Ling\'s house is bustling.

It has gathered countless talents of Yanling mansion and almost all large and medium-sized forces of Yanling mansion.

Whispering, everyone looked forward to it.

Here is the Holy Land opened once a year.

"Wow, my idol Lin Feng is far ahead in the hundred and ten thousand year championship."

"Sure enough, he is the strongest in Yanling mansion. His points exceed 20 million. Look, the second place is only 4.75 million."

"Make a fuss, you don\'t know. Last year, Li Yanmen and Yanling distinguished residence fought. Lin Feng alone slaughtered the top 500 of Yanling 10000 families and was proud of the Holy Land!"

"True or false, are you kidding?"


In front of the championship, everyone is talking.

The topic of discussion is inseparable from the word "Lin Feng". After Zhu zero spread the battle video, Ji Jin publicized it greatly. Now Lin Feng is not only the living sign of Li Yanmen, but also the idol of all young martial artists in Yanling mansion. It is a living legend!

A new generation is better than the old. Now the era of never worrying is in the past, and the era of Yanling 10000 families is also in the past.

Yanling mansion will usher in the era of Lin Feng and Li Yanmen!

In an instant——

"Boom!" the whole Yanling mansion was full of people.

Qi Liang\'s cheers, mixed with excited screams, came one after another.

All the people are shining with their eyes, looking out into the distance and witnessing their idols with their own eyes.

Lin Feng, coming.

Caused a great commotion.

"Er." Lin Feng himself was startled.

I feel the warm and hot eyes of everyone, but I\'m a little uncomfortable.

How could I become so famous?

In his heart, Lin Feng immediately smiled bitterly. He heard the familiar cry in his ear. He looked and saw the second senior brother and Ji Xiu. Lin Feng smiled and walked away. Familiar faces suddenly appeared in front of us. Ji Qing, Ji Jing, Ji Xiu, leiba, Jinniu horn, Qian Xin... All were partners who lived and died together last year.

"Hello, everyone. I\'m late." Lin Feng smiled.

Looking at these brothers, I feel a warm distraction.

"Ha ha, our head is coming." Lei Ba smiled.

"You should call the captain. There are no rules." Ji Qing scolded lightly.

"Damn it, I also want to be in the first team!" Huang Dan curled his mouth and said depressed.

"Cut, there are only 19 places. You think it\'s so easy." Qin hugged and tooted his mouth.

But Lin Feng was stunned. He didn\'t know why.

The first team, does it have anything to do with yourself?

"That\'s right, Lin Feng." the Third Elder smiled and came up and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "I heard that this is your last time to enter Yanling house. Your master asked you to help lead a team, don\'t you mind?" after that, the Third Elder handed over an exclusive locator, with a "1" clearly written on the top, representing the first team.

i see.

Lin Feng suddenly felt in his heart.

"Those who can enter the first team should be the pillars of Yanling mansion in the future."

"Shifu is really well intentioned."

Lin Feng smiled, but he understood the master\'s intention.

Anyway, for myself, it\'s just a small effort.

A team of 20 people, the ladder battle will meet three ladder guardians. It seems a lot more difficult, but

Shifu still underestimates himself.

Looking around at the people, looking at the happy and excited eyes, and looking at more disappointed and depressed looks, Lin Feng took the locator, looked at the three elders, smiled and said, "well, the three elders, it\'s OK to lead the team anyway. It\'s OK to have more people. Please help me expand the first team."

"Seriously?" the three elders\' eyes suddenly flashed and said happily.

He and Ji Jin are afraid that Lin Feng is too tired. They think twice before maintaining the number of 20 people.

However, the selection is extremely tiring, and many elite martial artists fail to enter.

"Don\'t worry about it, three elders. Since younger martial brother opened his mouth, it\'s no problem." Zhu lingsaran smiled.

"How many people have I picked?" the three elders raised their eyebrows and said tentatively, "another 20? No, can ten?"

"I\'m kidding, three elders." Zhu zero said with a smile, "add 30 more and gather 50 people." then, looking back at Lin Feng, "no problem, junior brother?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "gather up a hundred people."


This time, it surprised everyone.

Zhu zero opened his eyes, "100 people, younger martial brother, can you bear it?"

The Third Elder also swallowed his saliva in a "Gulu" voice, "Lin Feng, your master\'s meaning is to let you take the first team to the fifth heavy day..."

"I know." Lin Feng nodded.

I don\'t understand what master means.

"One hundred people, silk ~ ~" the three elders took a breath of air-conditioning and opened their fingers. "If you fight the ladder, Lin Feng, you have to face eleven, eleven guardian of the ladder at the peak of Xinghai level. That\'s eleven equal to ten thousand worries!"

"Well." Lin Feng smiled, "pick it quickly, three elders. Time is running out."

"Oh, OK, OK." seeing Lin Feng\'s confident expression, the three elders didn\'t dare to neglect and hurried to pick someone.

At this time, the people of Li Yanmen heard the big news and the time was boiling.

The original look of loss and depression turned into strong hope!

A hundred places!

Compared with the original 20 people, I hope to increase more than several times!

For a moment, there was joy.

Looking at the excited appearance of the people, Lin Feng smiled slowly.

Since you want to lead the team, it\'s OK to bring more people. It\'s your last contribution to zongmen.

Anyway, there is not much difference between taking 20 people and taking 100 people. If you like, even if you take Qi Li, all 450 people in Yanmen are OK. It\'s too easy to deal with the guardian of the sky ladder at the peak of Xinghai with your current strength!

However, the fifth day is different from the fourth day, and the risk increases a lot.

And I\'m only responsible for bringing them here. I can\'t look after them like a nanny all the time.

Therefore, it is enough to choose a hundred elite.

It may not be a good thing to pull up seedlings and encourage them.


With the careful selection of the three elders, a brigade composed of 100 martial artists was formed immediately.

Such a huge team has never been seen in Li Yanmen, even in the whole Yanling mansion. Everyone around pointed and whispered constantly. Although they were confused and surprised, Lin Feng was the leader of the team, which made everyone unable to question.

Lin Feng\'s strength is unfathomable!

It can defeat the master level witch clan alone.

The guardian of the heaven ladder at the peak of Xinghai level is stronger than the witch family at the star master level?

And in the midst of the discussion——

"Wow!" the light burst out.



The low voice sounded, shaking the hearts of the people.

All the people stopped talking for a moment and looked at the magnificent door. At this time, it was slowly opening.

A brilliant white light appeared from the crack of the door, more and more shining.

Everyone\'s eyes are bright.

Yanling Zunfu, open!

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Stride forward, the pace is steady, transmitting a touch of self-confidence.

This time is completely different from the last time.

In the battle of the ladder of heaven, the number of the team is 1 to 3. Encounter a guardian of the ladder of heaven.

The number of the team is between 4 and 10 and encounters two guardian of the ladder.

The number of people in the team is 11 to 20, and they encounter three Heaven ladder guardians.

After 20 people, the number of guardians of the ladder will increase by one for every 10 people.

Today, there are 100 people in the first team. In other words, the number of heaven ladder guardians encountered in each heavy day is——


Quite an amazing number.

If it is a group war, it makes sense to use 100 people to deal with 11 guardians of the ladder.

But Lin Feng was alone.

The first day, the second day, Lin Feng didn\'t do it.

The guardian of the ladder of heaven with such strength was directly beaten to death by the people of liyanmen and had no power to fight back.

On the third day, Lin Feng still didn\'t start.

Zhu zero and Ji Xiu, two martial artists close to the peak of Xinghai level, led the elite to fight. Although they encountered small obstacles, they passed the test calmly, defeated 11 heaven ladder guardians and entered the fourth heavy day.

And this time——

Lin Feng, finally want to do it.

The guardian of the ladder of heaven in the fourth heaven, the existence of 11 star sea level peaks.

Defeat them and you can enter the fifth heaven!

"What a terrible momentum."

"Is this the power of Xinghai level peak?"

"We\'ll be killed..."

Behind the ladder line, a thin film of light blocks the "battlefield.".

As long as you don\'t cross the minefield, there will be no danger, and the guardian of the ladder will not attack the warrior behind the ladder line.

However, the momentum of the eleven heaven ladder guardians and the eleven star sea level peak warriors was overwhelming, frightening and threatening! Among the people, even Zhu zero and Jixiu, who are close to the peak of Xinghai level, feel distracted and suffocated, and the pressure is great, not to mention others?

Trembling and shortness of breath.


There is a man, but he is at ease.

Lin Feng\'s face was calm, as if he were doing a trivial thing.

"Pa!" cross the ladder line.

Peng!! The star power suddenly blooms, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

The faint sense of war radiated, flashing a touch of light purple light.

The Amethyst gun appeared in his hand, like a dragon going out to sea, breaking through the sky. The roaring sound broke the silence, but the forest wind moved.

Zheng! The gun is full of ideas.

The ten fold Shun Huang Gang Qi drives the star power and flame, and the gun intention burst out.

Lin Feng alone, like a meteor, rushed into the encirclement of 11 heaven ladder guardians without changing his face. The amazing and surging breath completely covers up the breath of the eleven star sea level peaks, which is a kind of domineering spirit overlooking all sentient beings.

Li Yanmen\'s pressure was completely released.

It\'s like all the disasters fall on the dark shadow ahead. They don\'t have to bear it anymore.

People, and guns, are completely one.

Lin Feng shows his strength!

"What a powerful state of marksmanship." Ji Xiu only felt bitter in his mouth. He was quite proud of his sword state all the time.

But now, seeing Lin Feng\'s execution with his own eyes, he found that before he knew it, Lin Feng\'s shooting realm had exceeded his sword realm.

"Younger martial brother\'s strength is not bottomless." I wish zero nodded and my eyes were bright.

Although he is usually giggling and cynical, he has a deep attachment to strength.

Now, close up, I witnessed Lin Feng\'s great power, and my heart trembled.

At this time, all the disciples of Liyan gate stared and held their breath. They didn\'t dare to blink for fear of missing this unforgettable battle. What they see now is a legendary battle. Lin Feng, with his own strength, independently competes with the guardian of the ladder of heaven at the top of the 11 star sea levels!

Almost in the blink of an eye, one after another guardian of the ladder disappeared and turned into nothingness.

Lin Feng, one shot at a time, just like piercing the sky, unmatched.

This is the strongest person in Yanling mansion!

Truly invincible!!!

(first shift ~ ~ second shift 21:00)