Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 728

God of war, finally break through.

The star master level means entering a new level.

New body, new feeling, close your eyes, the feeling around you is completely different.

"If the star sea level exists in this world."

"Then the star master level is to become the \'master\' of the world and have supreme power."

The corners of the mouth are slightly scratched, and the forest wind clearly senses the surroundings.

The body seemed to be immersed in this dense aura.

In particular, the original energy of gold is strong, like dancing elves, which makes me feel very friendly. Compared with the other four systems of source energy, it is much closer. More than that, with the composition of the whole world, time passes in front of you like light.

A wonderful feeling!

His own soul takes the "way of time".

But different from the power of constellations, today\'s self can only feel, but can\'t control.

"Hoo ~ ~" breathed a long sigh, and Lin Feng opened his eyes.

The sight is bright and clear, and the world seems to be full of vitality and vitality.

As soon as he clenched his fist, he clearly felt that his body had been greatly improved. Lin Feng\'s mouth was lightly scratched, which was quite satisfactory.

"After the baptism of the power of constellations, the body is really different."

"Physical qualification, greatly improved!"

"And this is just the beginning."

Lin Feng clenched his fists and felt a strong confidence.

The body seems to be filled with the constellation energy of the great bear, which makes your constitution completely degenerate.

Most importantly——

This is just the first baptism!

"Next, it\'s the turn of the soul to advance, and the body will undergo the second baptism!" Lin Feng smiled slightly, excited.

I really want to know how powerful the new body should be after being baptized by the Phoenix constellation!

WOW! Eyes change instantaneously.

From human soul to life soul control, Lin Feng sat on the ground and sank into it for a moment.

The mind is stable, and the star treasure staff flashes in the hand.

Absorb the star power again!

It is the power of the Phoenix constellation.

"Silk ~ ~" "silk! ~ ~" the bright red light blooms and flows into the body through the star ring and star treasure staff. Lin Feng exhaled gently, but his eyebrows wrinkled suddenly. He felt an inexplicable conflict. The power of the constellation penetrated into the soul, but circulated in the body.

Just circulation!

"What\'s going on?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Constellation energy is constantly gathering in the body, accumulating and sinking.

Not absorbed by cells, bones, blood, skin, etc.

As if

Generally excluded.


"It can be absorbed before!"

Lin Feng pursed his lips and frowned tightly.

Think about it, but you can\'t get the answer.


"Wow!" in the body, the Phoenix chart shines instantly.

Lin Feng was stunned, but this time he had never touched the Phoenix chart. However, almost immediately, the second "golden life chart" shone, and the strong smell of gold covered his body. In an instant, his body changed sharply, and Lin Feng was completely stunned.

"What\'s going on?"

"Why does thunder armor appear independently?"

Body, rapid change.

Lin Feng was stunned, but he fell into the clouds and couldn\'t figure out the direction.

The thunder armor appeared again, the light was still bright, the thick smell of gold was blooming, and the two-stage single angle on his forehead flashed a strong thunder light. "Zi ~" "Zi Zi!! ~" Lei Guang was ferocious, with a strong sense of pressure, and Lin Feng felt a strong earthquake in his heart.

It feels completely different from before.

"Sure enough, I\'m not disappointed, little guy." an indifferent voice sounded with a slight joy.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened.

Sound, very familiar!

This is

"Lei ferocious elder?!" Lin Feng remembered.

Isn\'t this voice the owner of this place - the ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\'!

"Come and find me. Don\'t waste time." Lei\'s ferocious voice sounded again, but Lin Feng\'s eyebrows showed and nodded immediately.

It seems that Lei ferocious can solve the problems he encounters?

His eyes immediately glanced up and vaguely saw the lightning clanging single angle. Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly flashed.

Elder Lei ferocious, it should be this to communicate with himself.

And this energy

On that day, I also appeared when I fought with Wan Mochou!

"No wonder the magnetic explosion was so powerful that I survived unharmed. I only survived."

"I\'m afraid it must have something to do with the one horn and Lei ferocious elder."

With a thought in his heart, Lin Fengxuan immediately got up.

The sensor looks for the position of the "Purple Star territory", and the body flashes and disappears in an instant.

If you want to find elder Lei ferocious, you can only enter the purple star realm again.

It\'s not easy to find the purple star.

Because the opportunity is quite small, even with sensors.

The entrance of the purple Starland only appears for a moment. Although the probability of the fifth heavy day is ten times higher than that of the fourth heavy day, it is still just an insignificant dust in the desert. Ordinary people can\'t see the purple Starland at all.


Wait patiently.

It\'s like waiting for dawn in the dark.

Day after day.

Ten days, another ten days!


"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

However, the purple star will appear occasionally every ten days, and there is no rule to follow.

Wait for the hare, and have some luck.

I have been waiting for a full month!

Now finally!

"Boom!" it was like a burst.

The wind whirls flash, and the starpower light condenses the whole body.

Lin Feng raises the speed to the extreme and goes all out!

"Never miss it!"

"In time!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, Lin Feng tightened his heart.

If Zhu zero and Ji Xiu see it, I\'m afraid their chin will fall off.

Only one light and shadow!

Whew! Attack through the air.

At present, a purple light flickered, but it closed slowly like eyes. However, a dark shadow with red light penetrated in an instant.

"Wow!" the purple light disappeared.

And Lin Feng is also missing.

Finally enter!

"Oh?" Lin Feng looked around curiously.

But I directly entered the "thunder ferocious star realm", which is quite familiar here.

At this time last year, in order to complete the test, I entered three times and dealt with the ancient divine beast \'Lei ferocious\'.

Now, return again!

"It seems that you don\'t need to go through another test." Lin Feng smiled slightly and was very satisfied.

What is satisfied is not that you do not need a test, but where you are now. Because leaving this "thunder ferocious star realm" is where I tested myself that day. There are countless huge witch families. At that time, you can pick the "Nine Star fairy fruit" and complete the "task" of saving the master.

It went well.

And now——

"Wow!" the space shook, and Lin Feng\'s face changed.

All the pressure around me, suddenly, I feel completely different.

It was a chaotic space, very familiar, and I had entered that day.

Look ahead, there is only one existence in front of you!

It is shaped like a \'red Leopard\', with black hooves and covered with golden scales. The strong gold elements gather together, and the white mane behind the neck and feet is rich. Overhead, there are two-stage spiral sharp corners, condensing the thunder of anger, which is extremely powerful.

Six tails, flashing strong energy, arrogant and domineering.

Ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\'!

"I\'ve seen you, sir." Lin Feng saluted respectfully.

The Lei ferocious elder in front of me seems to have been seriously injured, but his strength is still unfathomable.

With his current star master level strength, he still feels as far away as Xinghai level.

Out of reach!

"Since he has reached the star master level, it\'s time to change his name to \'master\'." Lei ferocious\'s eyes are cold and bright, and his whole body is surrounded by thunder.

"I\'ve seen the master." Lin Feng knelt on one knee and looked respectful.

I have already prepared myself. Since I accept the inheritance of blood, it means that I want to inherit the mantle of Lei ferocious.

It is not only his inheritance, but also everything he has, including the "thunder ferocious star realm".

Compared with ordinary masters and disciples, the relationship is closer!

Because I will be the only descendant of Lei ferocious!

"It\'s fate for you to break into the \'thunder ferocious Star State\' and get the perfect reward. From today on, you and I will be teachers and disciples." Lei ferocious looked calm and said clandestinely, "the etiquette of the world will be exempted, disciple. I don\'t need you to do the duty of an apprentice. Just inherit my mantle, and my wish is enough."

"Last year, I briefly mentioned \'blood inheritance\' with you." Lei ferocious said slowly, "whether it\'s an ancient beast or an ancient fierce beast, the \'blood inheritance\' has only one life, which is equivalent to the continuation of blood, and I really didn\'t think it would be passed on to a human."

Lin Feng nodded gently and didn\'t speak.

Although what the master said was frightening, many people didn\'t understand it.

However, this is not the time to ask questions. After all, Lei ferocious has just become a teacher, and the relationship between them is still "strange".

"Because human constitution is limited, this\' blood inheritance \'will take a long time."

"As for the time, I can\'t give you a definite answer now, but you should be prepared, because you are a human relationship, so..."

"This process may not be so easy."

Lei ferocious\'s voice was very calm, but what he said was extremely shocking.

Hearing this, Lin Feng immediately raised his head, "master, don\'t worry, I can stand it."

I have suffered a lot all the way. How can I bear some pain? Remembering that the body absorbed "Phoenix\'s blood" that day, it was also heartbreaking and painful. I think master\'s "blood inheritance" once in a lifetime will not be "bad".

I\'m not afraid of pain.

He who eats bitterness is a master.

Lei ferocious\'s rare smile, "is it?"

"Back to business." Lei ferocious\'s face was just and his eyes were bright. "Although the process is long and painful, as long as you can bear it, the benefits are unparalleled. When the \'blood inheritance\' is over, you will have \'holy\' strength like all divine beasts."

"What?!" Lin Feng suddenly changed his face.

Stunned, he opened his eyes and looked at Lei ferocious. Lin Feng was completely confused.

Directly become \'holy\'!!!

Are you kidding?

(third watch! ~)