Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 725

Everyone was stunned.

Looking back at the source of the voice, including Qian Jun, they were surprised.

The gate of the main hall is still closed, but there is a black figure who doesn\'t know when to enter it, as if it were a ghost. From the center of the crowd, Xinran stepped in, with a calm look and indifferent smile, with a high temperament, and his eyes flashing bright luster.

The warriors in Qiyue palace frowned, but they didn\'t know each other.

Including Qian Jun, they are very strange to the young man in black, but this momentum seems to overwhelm everything.

More than one warrior dared to move, even Qian Jun felt frightened.

Those sharp eyes seemed to see through him completely.

"Who are you? Why did you break into the Qiyue palace?" Qian Jun opened his mouth with a sharp voice.

At this time, Rumeng completely responded, opened her beautiful eyes and dared not set the channel, "Lin Feng? How did you come?"

Lin Feng!

Like a thunderclap on the ground.

Everyone took a breath and looked frightened.

This is the loudest name of Yanling mansion and the most widely talked about "living legend", but few people have really seen Lin Feng.

Emperor Qianjun\'s heart pounded fiercely and looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes for a moment.

"Is that Lin Feng?"

"I don\'t know. It doesn\'t look like it. How can it be so young!"

"Who said that? I heard that Lin Feng is a young martial artist, but if it is him, what will he do in Qiyue palace?"


All the warriors in Qiyue palace talked about it and were very curious.

However, no one stopped Lin Feng, allowing him to walk through the crowd and slowly step to the front of the hall.

Here are the high-level buildings of Qiyue palace.

"Long time no see, like a dream." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Then he looked behind Rumeng, and Lin Feng nodded gently, "Hello, elders."

The elders stared at Lin Feng, but did not return to their senses. They immediately looked at Rumeng. It was obvious that they were "old acquaintances", and the relationship seemed to be

Pretty good?

"Haven\'t seen you for a long time, the hero of Yanling mansion." Rumeng smiled and felt relieved to see Lin Feng.

It seems that as long as he is there, there is no need to worry about anything.

The original hesitant and impatient mood was like a clear spring flowing in an instant and calmed down.


The whole Qiyue palace suddenly blew up.

A sentence like a dream undoubtedly affirmed Lin Feng\'s identity.

There is only one hero in Yanling mansion!

That is to calm the transcendent existence of the Wu family army with one\'s own strength. Yanling house is the strongest——

Lin Feng!

It should be the young man in front of us!

"Wow, I finally saw a real person. I\'m so young."

"Awesome, I have such strength at a young age. How terrible will it be in the future!"

"So my idol is like this. Tut Tut, it\'s very bold to break into the Qiyue palace alone, but what\'s his relationship with the third miss?"


The noise came and went, and everyone\'s eyes focused on Lin Feng.

Indeed, the strongest of Yanling mansion defeated the transcendent existence of the witch family. Who is not curious? In the video, because you can\'t see your face on the back, you can\'t see Lin Feng\'s true face of Lushan, but now you really see yourself.

Many martial artists, like seeing idols, are very excited!

The only one, but his face was blue.


At this time, Lin Feng definitely won\'t come to visit Rumeng.

never go to the temple for nothing!

Qianjun was very nervous!

Fear, fear, hesitation, mixed feelings.

"I\'m ordered by my master to help my old allies." Lin Feng smiled and said.

I did come under orders.

According to Shifu, such things are just a small effort for me.

In fact, even if it\'s just for Rumeng, I\'m willing to come here myself.

"This is the affair of Qiyue palace itself, brother Lin Feng. It should have nothing to do with you, Li Yanmen?" Qian Jun looked deep and suppressed his uneasiness.

"That\'s wrong." Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked back at Qiyue palace like a dream. "Li Yanmen and Qiyue palace have always been allies during the old palace leader\'s time. Now Tianxiong Gang is ready to move and try to bully Qiyue palace. If the alliance is difficult, how can I stand idly by?"

Rumeng smiles and nods. Although she doesn\'t know what Lin Feng is going to do, she believes him.

Lin Feng will never hurt her.

"Oh?" Qian Jun\'s eyes lit up and said with a quick smile, "brother Lin Feng said just now, are you also fighting?"

One more fierce Yanmen helper has all the advantages without any disadvantages. Qian Jun is willing to do it.

Anyway, this will not affect his command of Qiyue palace.

But what\'s so good?

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and looked straight at Qian Jun. he turned his head to Rumeng and said with a smile, "but Qiyue palace must be led by three young ladies Rumeng."

Emperor Qian\'s face suddenly changed, and he said in a cold voice, "this is the matter inside our Qiyue palace. Li Yanmen has no right to interfere."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold for a moment, and Peng Ran\'s breath burst, bringing a heavy threat, "who says no right?" for a moment, the whole hall of Qiyue palace became tense, and everyone\'s faces changed. A golden box appeared in Lin Feng\'s hand, which was opened with a "snap", and a seal was suddenly suspended in the air, flashing.

"Qian Jun, you collude with Yanling wanzu in an attempt to annex Qiyue palace."

"Do you think Li Yanmen has the right to interfere?"

The voice is sonorous, Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold and bright, and his momentum is approaching Qian Jun.

Half a minute does not let, step in an instant, with a lingran breath.

Lin Feng, the murderous spirit is exposed!

"I, I..." Qian Jun\'s face suddenly became very ugly.

Looking at this seal, his face was like earth, but Qian Jun understood everything in an instant. The forest wind in front of him was as terrible as a devil. The amazing momentum completely suppressed him, like a high mountain pressing on his head, making him unable to move.

"This is a frame!" Qian Jun said sharply. "How can I be easily convicted with a seal alone!"

"You\'re wrong. I\'m not here to convict you." Lin Feng smiled coldly.

The striding figure stopped immediately, but it was less than ten meters in front of Qian Jun.

"Zheng!" the cold light was shining, and the Amethyst gun flashed.

The strong vigorous Qi was strong, and Lin Feng\'s eyes roared like thunder.

"I came to kill you." Lin Feng said faintly.

The voice was not heavy, but it surprised everyone.

Alone, break into the territory of Qiyue palace and kill the vice palace master of Qiyue palace!

How arrogant!

But no one moved.

Everyone was awed by the momentum of Lin Feng.

Qianjun\'s face was extremely pale. At this moment, he suddenly found that even if he was in the main hall of Qiyue palace, there were thousands of strong people around him, but Lin Feng was the only one in front of him! Who can help him? No, no one, only myself.


The next moment, Qian Jun is the suffocation of the heart.

At present, the purple light flashed, and the terrible power seemed to swallow everything.

The breath is so strong that everything is destroyed.

Including his consciousness.

"Boom!!" roared violently.

Emperor Qianjun, the instant time turns into nothingness, and there is no place to die.

At the last moment, he suddenly realized that even the power was useless

Strength is everything!

Strong as Qian Jun, he almost reached the peak of Xinghai level, but he couldn\'t even catch Lin Feng\'s moves.

This is the gap.

Naked gap!

Everyone looked stunned and couldn\'t say a word.

What a shock!

"Wow!" the Amethyst gun flashed into the sheath.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, as if he had just done a trivial thing.


Do you need it?

If you want to kill him, kill him.

What reasons need to be given.

If it weren\'t for dream, I wouldn\'t have to ask Ma Kuang for the "seal". Perhaps there is no legal charge of "Qianjun" at all, but the sufficiently neutral warrior of Qiyue palace is biased to Rumeng\'s side, which can help Rumeng take over Qiyue palace more smoothly.

As for myself

What do these warriors in Qiyue palace think, and what does it have to do with themselves?

Even if they want to do it and kill themselves, do they have the ability?

This is strength!

Truly wanton in vain.

In the whole Yanling mansion, you can do whatever you want.

I have no scruples, let alone worry, because I am the strongest in Yanling mansion!

"My task is finished, like a dream." Lin Feng smiled, looked at Rumeng, who was still in a dull state, and patted her on the shoulder. "This mess will be handled by yourself. I have something else to do. Go first and see you later."

After talking, it will disappear like a gust of wind without waiting for a reply like a dream.

But it comes and goes without a trace.

The warrior of Qiyue palace, who left a whole hall, opened his mouth wide and failed to close for a long time.

Everyone is confused.

The forest wind rustled away.

There\'s not much time. Go straight to Yanling Zunfu.

"I have successfully completed the task you assigned, master." Lin Feng smiled.

Although the treatment method is different from that given by the master before, but

At least finish the task.

"Although it is not the best way, it should be the simplest and most direct and effective way."

"Once and for all!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Emperor Qianjun is dead. His men are just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. It is difficult to become a climate.

As long as Rumeng is not stupid, the rest is just integration and appeasement, which is simple for her with the support of the Presbyterian and the identity of the third miss.

As for myself

Just a passer-by.

What if all the warriors in Qiyue palace hate?

I, after this trip to Yanling\'s house, I will leave soon. I don\'t know when and when I will come back.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, his body was like electricity, and then he accelerated his speed.

"Goodbye, Rumeng, my friend."

"I hope you are all right."

The fate between yourself and Rumeng is over.

It should be said that the "fate" between himself and Yanling house has come to an end.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were light, but he didn\'t care too much. Since he chose this road, he had already expected it.

Only, keep moving forward all the way.

(plus watch! Fourth watch ~ ~)